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Скачать игру Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal v2.12 - торрент, полная версия | Рейтинг: 10.0 (19) | Баллы: 1042 |
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Knuckle Cracker (7)
• Жанр / Genre: Tower Defense (386)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Полная версия (установи и играй)
• Размер / Size: 111.93 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 10.0 из 10 (всего голосов: 19)
• Другие части игры:
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- Creeper World 2 v0801 [Anniversary Edition]
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- Creeper World IXE v52a
• Похожие игры:
- Galcon Legends
- Particle Fleet: Emergence v1.1.4
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- Factorio v2.0.34a + Space Age DLC
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После полутора лет разработки Вирджил Уол выпустил третью часть долгожданной космической инди-стратегии Creeper World. Игра довольно уникальна в своем роде, несмотря на визуальную простоту Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal, ее сюжетная история и геймплей просто восхитительны, и затянут любого стратега на многие часы!
Игра ОБНОВЛЕНА с v2.08 до v2.12. Список изменений внутри новости.
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Creeper World - серия стратегий в реальном времени с необычной графикой. Эта игра запросто может вызвать привыкание у любителей RTS. Сначала всё может показаться очень странным, но как только игрок втягивается в борьбу с ползучим тираном остановится будет нелегко, жажда к победе возьмёт своё.
Далёкое будущее, год 13271. Люди колонизировали тысячи миров по всей галактике. Сначала всё шло хорошо, тысячи лет человечество не знало бед и продолжало своё расширение в глубокий космос, но потом появился Ползун (англ. Creeper) и всё изменилось. Найденная форма жизни - Ползун была очень древней, деструктивной и ксенофобской. Она начала завоёвывать миры людей, переползая от планете к планете, убивая триллионы людей. В первые же дни 50 планет было захвачено "крипером" и 500 миллиардов человек были безжалостно уничтожены неизвестной ранее формой жизни.
И вот, пришло время, когда creeper завоевал практически все миры, на которых мирно существовала человеческая жизнь. Осталось лишь около 50 тысяч человек, собравшихся на планете Надежда (англ. Hope). Всё что у них осталось - письмена старца и желание выжить любой ценой. Они построили мобильную космическую станцию - Город Одина (англ. Odin City)...
• Rebuilt with Unity 5. May address some rare issues some folks see with game startup.
• Linked with latest Steam APIS. May also help with some startup issues.
• Bug fixes with snipers, and a few visual issues have been addressed. Carry on the fight against the Creeper!
• Make spore game event tags show spore count and payload.
• Don't show game event tag lines when taking a full map screenshot.
• Make AETower fields show when trying to build air units.
• Added ShowGameEventTag(color, icon, line1, line2, targetX, targetY) to CRPL.
• Show a game event notification tag when a spore tower is nearing launch.
• Updated game event notification tags to have different colored backgrounds.
• Added lost, destroyed, and depleted event messages to the game (transient, left of screen, point to event for 10 sec or until clicked).
• Switched Ore Mines to dispatch to the nearest CN rather than round robin through all connected CNs.
• Added SetUnitSelectableOverride(bool) to CRPL (allows a player unit to be made non-selectable).
• Added "UserCancelAction" callback to CRPL whenever a user initiates a cancel action.
• Added HideOpeningConversation CRPL call.
• Made CRPL ConversationShowing call report true for the missions initial opening conversation.
• Added StringReplace(string,old,new) CRPL command.
• Added PersisCore(true/false) CRPL command (can be used to prevent a core from being persisted in a save game).
• Added --? command to crpl (reference remove var by name).
• Added AntiEmitter to the CRPL unit list (can now use CreateUnit on it).
• Added internal support on movable units to disable their ability to be moved.
• Added GetMissionMode CRPL call (returns 0 for now).
• Fixed issue with the way Delay worked in cores across a save load (affected by GameLoaded and Awake functions).
• Added editor panel for Guppies (allows setting the guppy type).
• Added support for 4 custom 64x64 images.
• Added SetTextAlignment CRPL call.
• Added SetTextZ CRPL call.
• For linux version, make 64bit version run on 64bit linux systems.
• Remove terraform terrain tagging when CRPL SetVoid call is made.
• Truncate long Colonial Space titles (on overview page).
• Fixed issue where resetting the story campaign would not restore shields on worlds.
• Fixed issue where mute button would not mute music at the start of a new mission.
• Fixed issue where doing an author: filter in CS on a name that has a space would not work.
• When leaving DMD make sure that upon return the main DMD view is shown.
• Rearranged and grouped info on Colonial Maps page.
• Added ability to see median time of colonial space maps and to sort by median time.
• Updated Colonial Space maps to calculate median completion time.
• Separate DMD refresh from DMD rating submit background thread.
• Persist filter criteria in DMD online maps screen.
• Made submit rating button in DMD return to the online maps view and refresh the view.
• Made, play, restart, and return buttons on DMD details screen match layout and color of same buttons in Colonial Space.
• Added sort by rating option to DMD screen.
• Added rating column to DMD screen.
• Added rating widget to DMD map launch screen.
• Make sure ACH_8 and ACH_9 steam achievements can be awarded at the same time.
• Fix issue with scores and corrupt missionstats.dat files.
• Added optional key binding to keys settings for mute functionality.
• Allow holding "N" to run the game at the normal rate (rather than having to press "N" repeatedly).
• Fixed issued awarding sector entry steam achievements when entering alpha,tormented,prospector from Arc Eternal sector map.
• Added sound on/sound off button to game's command bar for quick muting of all sound and music.
• Fixed issue awarding the steam 'Focused' achievement.
• Fixed issues with Area Denial steam achievement.
• Even more steam achievements.
• Added another steam achievement.
• Delete the 'uploaded' file marker when finalizing a map that has already been uploaded.
• Make steam achievement for R.I.P. only apply for a unit that is already built.
• Fixed bug that prevented steam achievements for Arca.
• Hooked up more steam achievements.
• Fixed bug where game would create an auto save, even if auto saves were turned off, if you exited the entire game (closed the window).
• Added ability to rearrange conversation messages in the map editor without having to delete and re-add them.
• Fixed issue where cloning and AoO in the editor would set the AoO to full ammo (which would make it take off immediately).
• Added Inhibitor killed stats to steam.
• Fixed issue with steam killed count stats.
• Removed F12 as a default key binding in steam versions of game (only applies in new installs of the steam version of the game).
• Got OSX Steam version working.
• Make Colonial Space look at the presence of any save game (not just auto save) to determine that a map is 'In Progress'.
• Migrate documents/CreeperWorld3 dir to documents/creeperworld3 dir. Same for ColonialSpace to colonialspace. Needed for steam cloud drive support.
• Added support for disabling auto saves at mission exit. (In Misc settings)
• Added support for disabling the splash screen. (In Misc settings)
• Persist normalMouse and normalKeyInput states in save game files.
• Added EnableNormalZoomControl(bool) CRPL command.
• Added SetCameraZoom and GetCameraZoom CRPL calls.
• Fixed issue with not clearing a dmdcode from a saved map when loaded in a different sector.
• Show the count of completed DMD mission at the top of the DMD screen.
• Hooked up more steam achievements.
• Added "COUNT" on TechArtifacts when using SetScriptVar.
• Made it so SetBuildLimit in CRPL would work on CommandNodes.
• Fixed bug that could cause Colonial Space thumbnails to stop loading if you left the screen while they were loading.
• Added a series of mission based steam achievements.
• Implemented Steam stats and achievements APIs.
• Added a question mark to the end of "Save to Slot 1".
• Fixed typo in opening text of Tiplex story mission.
• Updated copyright.
• Made text filter in Colonial Space also do a substring search across the author. "Author:AAA" still works for an exact match of the author field.
• Added a checkbox for "My Ratings" next to Min Rating map filter in Colonial Space.
• Fixed bug with modified effect play times bot being reset when pooled.
• Added a Reset Missions button to Arc Eternal. Nukes inhbited stats, mission stats, and all save game files for Arc Eternal missions.
• Moved unlocks for main menu items to GameSettings.xml. Completion of missions still initially unlocks items.
• Added GetCellOccupiedCount and SetCellOccupiedCount CRPL apis.
• Added support for showing news line on main menu.
• When a guppy auto-rebuilds after destruction set its packet type to what it previously was.
• Fixed issue with InvocationCount going up while game was paused. Caused problem with Ruine story mission.
• Fixed offset issue with main screen lock icons.
• Added CreateEffectClipped to crpl commands.
• Fixed save game issue when using certain names for customs images.
• Limit effects #12,15,16 to 30 frame duration.
• Fixed issue that would cause effect #1 to not play when using CRPL.
• In CS, added author:, tag:. desc:, title:, support to text filter box.
• Fixed issue with some CS overview boxes being too tall too short by 15 pixels.
• Fixed a couple small benign typos in the Credits mission source.
• Added ability to click author name in Colonial Space to apply a filter on that author.
• Added CopyList and DeepCopyList CRPL functions.
• Added GetUnitTargetOffsetX,GetUnitTargetOffsetY, SetUnitTargetOffsetX, SetUnitTargetOffsetY crpl commands (allow set/get on other units than Self).
• Make Beams pay attention to CrplTower target offsets.
• Make paused core operation not occur while in edit map mode.
• Fixed exception issue caused by damage to crpl towers introduced in 1.72.
• Make AC spores pass through shields doing no damage.
• Limit number of images on a core to 1024.
• Fixed bug in nullifier target count indicator when Free-Build nullifiers was set in custom map.
• Fixed bug when selected multiple units with different boolean settings in their control panels. Sometimes the settings would get flipped for other units.
• Added unit red fade indicator when taking damage.
• Added OperateWhilePaused and IsPaused CRPL commands.
• Fixed bugs in SetImageScaleX, SetImageScaleY, and SetScreenPixelCoords CRPL commands.
• Added GetMouseScreenPosition and GetMouseScreenPixelPosition CRPL commands.
• Added Sort order options to Colonial Space (Newest, rating, scores, size, random, and a reverse order).
• Changed random seed for DMD crazy button from timestamp to much more random seed (unique guid based).
• Fixed issue with custom character names not showing on last two characters in list.
• Added "TYPE" script var support for AOO units. Must be one of "FREEZE", "MASS", "CONVERT".
• Added "AOO" to the list of things CreateUnit can create.
• Added FireAoo(TYPE X Y) command to CRPL. TYPE must be "FREEZE", "MASS", or "CONVERT".
• Added a light to thor to show when it is connected to a network.
• Change thor texture to trilineal (helps fuzziness during rotation).
• Show load mission widget on DMD launch page if any save games exist for the DMD mission.
• Added support for custom character images and names.
• Increased the volume of the CN creeper alarm from 70% to 100%. Changed it to a double chirp.
• Re-enabled showing drives/volumes in the file browser (was accidentally removed some builds ago).
• Don't play 1 min warning spore sound if spore warning sounds are turned off in settings.
• Remove a row of description from the CS overview if the title is two lines tall.
• Added options on sound settings menu to turn off Spore alarms and CN Damage alarms.
• Make CN pulse red and play a small alarm sound when it is taking damage.
• Make Thor fire beams at CRPL Towers that are set as beam targets.
• Make Thor not fire beams at AC spores.
• Added CRPL script var MODE {"PACKET", "ORE", "AC"} support to guppy pads.
• Made CS filters tokenize by word and do an 'and' match against the words.
• Fixed problem where AC guppy on a PZ would never take off.
• Fixed problem where AC guppies weren't showing proper ammo totals in their info display.
• Fix small visual problem with the keyboard and bump scroll sliders in the settings.
• Make info label for unit limits and nullifier target count have a fixed size and not obey map zoom.
• Enable Guppies to carry AC.
• Allow CONST_ISBUILDING attribute to be applied to all units.
• Fixed infinite call loop when one CRPL Towers call destroy on each other from their :Destroyed handlers.
• Fixed scale of white edit boxes behind crpl towers. It was slightly off and error would multiply based on scale of tower.
• Fixed small issue where rank widget would not show previously submitted rank after returning to the details page from playing the map.
• Added CRPL script vars for setting resource pack type and amts.
• Added option to Crpl Towers so that if they are sniper targets they can make the snipers ignore LOS calculations. CONST_SNIPERIGNORELOS added to crpl.
• Fixed bug where crpltower set to network connectable would not dynamically connect and disconnect as it was moved.
• Added option to make crpl towers be targeted by Beams. CONST_BEAMTARGET added to crpl.
• Make Spore Towers that fire AC spores not count for victory conditions (they don't have to be destroyed to win the map).
• Make AntiCreeper spores white.
• Make Beams ignore spores that carry AntiCreeper.
• Added 'Terraform closest first' option to terps.
• Changed unit update order so that later units update after earlier units (based on creation order).
• Log quality setting and shader graphics levels at game start.
• Update project quality settings so only one option is available (a modified 'good' setting).
• Always set the gui font to arial across all platforms (formerly just on linux).
• Make nullifiers show a count of targets in range before they are built. Stacked targets only count as 1.
• Produced a universal linux build (both 32 and 64bit binaries).
• Fixed bug introduced in 1.62 where assigning any control group would delete all other control groups.
• In map editor, moved custom image popup box down so clicks don't go through to button underneath.
• Reduced bright whiteness of digitalis growth area.
• Make control group assignment replace the contents of the group not add to it.
• Added glow to aerial units when their base is on a PZ.
• Fixed issue when exiting a CS map the player would return to the list rather than the launch page if some filters was set.
• Fixed issue with gui combo box's coming up with an invisible background texture.
• Updated to Unity 4.3.3
• Show a message if posting score fails.
• Show a message if attempting to load a map made with a later version of the game.
• Include version of game in a map when it is finalized.
• Removed a few debug statements.
• Fixed exception issue in LOS code when sniper targeted crpl core moves out of the map.
• Make previous rating show up in CS rating control after clicking Detail button (if there is a previous rating by the user stored locally).
• Make sure visual editing overlay object is not enabled by default (small white pixel in lower left of map).
• Fixed an issue with messageartifacts that are collected in the same frame. Their message dialogs would overlap.
• Fixed an issue with crplcores that are sniper targets and that move outside the map.
• Force en_US locale within the game at startup (make it the default and set it for the current thread). Addresses issues in comma using locales with OSX and Linux builds.
• Fixed divide by zero error in CS when windows was made really small.
• Re-tweaked default UniFileBrowser skin.
• Updated UniFileBrowser implementation. Adds proper Linux support.
• Published first working Linux version.
• Added new CRPL call: PathFindTerrain(startX startY targetX targetY minTerrainHeight maxTerrainHeight avoidOccupied fullCellsOnly). Return a list of uni-coordinate cells.
• Added new CRPL call: FloodFillTerrain(startX startY minTerrainHeight maxTerrainHeight avoidOccupied fullCellsOnly fillLimit). Return a list of uni-coordinate cells.
• Make sure clicks on 'Return to Origin' don't fall thru to Exit Game when fullscreen on OSX (from DMD and Colonial Space).
• Fixed tricky issue that could cause the game GUID to get lost. If a mission is loaded from a save slot, then restarted from the in-game menu, the GUID would get lost.
• Move Detail button under thumbnail in CS. Expanded height of Desc by two rows. Tweaked spacing to make everything fit properly.
• Added a keypress combo that will mark a planet as completed (if it is not already completed).
• Make sure to show edit squares on newly created CRPLCores.
• Make sure CRPLCore edit squares don't show up in screenshots during finalization.
• Added some color to the apply filters and cancel buttons in CS.
• Moved map count on CS page into the text of the apply filter button.
• Added a 'downloaded' CS filter.
• Tightened up CS list page so that 4 rows of maps will fit at 1080 vertical resolution.
• Changed DMD 'I Feel Crazy' button to a 'Next Crazy' and 'Prev Crazy' buttons.
• Fixed UI overlap issue when editor a CRPLCore that has scripts attached and selecting a custom image.
• Reworked the CS button row. Moved most buttons to the launch screen and put a main "Details" button on the list screen.
• Added support for unit group shortcuts (ctrl-1 thru 9 to set, and shift-1 thru 9 to recall by default).
• Make the CS launch screen thumbnail smaller for displays 720 high and less.
• Added a "Details" button under thumbnail in CS screen.
• Removed some debug statements.
• Make it so that only pressing Return on the DMD filter does a query (rather then any keypress).
• Make game download thumbnail from server if the locally cached value varies in size from server's version.
• Make the CS current page persist for the executable instance (not across executable instances, though).
• Show full size (512x512) image on the CS map launch screen.
• Moved "Restart Mission" and "Return" below the save slot list on CS launch screen.
• Changed "Cancel" to "Return" on CS launch screen.
• Added -single-instance command line argument to shortcut for CW3 on Windows.
• Upload 512 sized screenshot (if it exists) when uploading a map to CS. If it does not exist, fallback to thumbnail creation.
• Create a screenshot of map when it is finalized. Size to a max width or height of 512.
• Removed Online Scores button from DMD. Added the score list under the thumbnail so it is always visible.
• Show the map size above a DMD map thumbnail image.
• Show line of text on results screen indicating if score/time are improved from last submit.
• Make game track if scores are submitted or not.
• Added ability to hide and unhide CS maps.
• Updated main menu graphics for stars. Added a Nebula graphic for CS (thanks to MadMag).
• Color text of CS rating submit button to match the rating selected.
• Only show CS Rating submit button when something other than NR is selected.
• Make CS filters persist in GameSettings.
• Add bounds checking to game coordinates on crpl cores that are set as sniper targets (prevents exception when they move off the map).
• Added a View Topic to the map sections in CS (opens a browser to the forums).
• Updated server API to return forum topic ID's to the game's CS screen.
• Changed layout of the map count / apply filters / cancel controls in the filter box of CS.
• Make the map list auto refresh after applying a rating.
• Fixed issue with not returning to the CS launch page after map victory.
• Added a couple pixels to the Description height so a scrollbar doesn't appear because of the last line of text.
• Consolidate desc, title, and author CS filters into a single "text" filter that substring searches across all of those fields.
• Only show upload buttons in projects list when the local map has a score posted.
• In Colonial Space, only show the rate widget if the map has been launched at least once before.
• Moved rate widget to the bottom of the launch screen map window. Make submit return to the map list after a successful submit.
• Added a Clear Filters button on Colonial Space.
• Move the Map Count display up into the filter box in Colonial Space. Supports two rows of map windows at 700 pixel vertical resolution now.
• When exiting a Colonial Space map, return to the launch screen for the map.
• Moved map rating to CS map launch page.
• Redid map view layout in Colonial Space.
• Make the game persist the AdditionalScore properly.
• Added an "Always On" button to sprayers. Will continuously dump AC if there is nothing to fire at.
• Added limits on fields for uploaded maps.
• Added map# and 'not downloaded' filters to Colonial Space.
• Added an Exit button right underneath the Submit Score button in score submission dialog.
• Added ability to load a saved file slot before launching a Colonial Space map.
• Added status (in progress, completed) to each Colonial Space map.
• Hooked up score viewer for Colonial Space maps.
• Hooked up map reporting mechanism for Colonial Space maps.
• Make it so if negative damage happens to a unit, that health will not exceed MAX_HEALTH
• Added CONST_NULLIFIERDAMAGEAMT CRPL constant (takes a float)
• Replaced stock music Alien Atmosphere space background music with Finn's Space-Music composition.
• Make AC Sprayers dump out their AC payload when destroyed rather than destroying the AC.
• Added length limits (28) to user, group, and DMD names.
• Add support that restricts Colonial Space map uploads to legit game key holders (might help keep down map spam).
• Made it so that aerial units and runners return non-empty unit types.
• Added local persistence of map rating (added to MissionStats).
• Added metadata compression support in Colonial Space.
• Fix small distance calculation issue for Thor bullets when thor is immediately over what it is firing at.
• Bounds check index passed into RemoveListElement in CRPL.
• Implemented map ratings (NR, and 1-10) on submit score screen. Hooked up database support.
• Implemented core Colonial Space interface.
• Added background image and updated visuals on DMD screens to match Colonial Space visuals.
• Implemented core upload functionality for projects (uploading maps to colonial space).
• Fixed scrollbar issue on custom image editor (last row couldn't be accessed).
• Fixed problem with CRPL compiler where it wouldn't generate syntax errors on mismatched parenthesis (problem introduced in 1.12).
• Upgraded to Unity 4.3.1
• Fixed scripts in TrickyDragon:Terror alpha mission so the mission completes.
• Moved warp syntax resolution before first pass at CRPL syntax error checking. Allows warping things like endif.
• Added SetScriptVar fields to setting attributes of AETowers, RunnerNests, and Inhibitors.
• Added AETOWER, RUNNERNEST, and INHIBITOR to the CRPL units list (so they can be created by scripts now).
• Removed "Needs Forge" message from totems.
• Removed "Needs Packets" message from Forge.
• Upgraded to Unity 4.3
• Fixed issue in GetEnemyUnitsInRange CRPL function (was counting Strafers, Bombers, and neutral units).
• Preload unit costs to resolve issue with custom unit prices resetting on a game load for units being built.
• Repacked some sprites (corrects some minor graphical issues).
• Updated Alpha:virgilw:Brain map to save and load properly without messing up the time.
• Removed some debug statements.
• Made it so that when viewing scores on a planet in space view, the scroll wheel does not zoom the planetary view (but still scrolls the scores).
• Make GetUnitAttribute for ISLANDED return correct state for flying units.
• Fix problem with CRPL' return' command when nested inside a 'do' or 'while' loop.
• Added "StringLength" CRPL call.
• Ensure that when a power zone levels terrain, it updates nearby collectors to redeploy their soylent area.
• Updated score database to take larger game GUIDS (should fix problem with troublesome trains scores not showing up).
• Updated Egos:Lemal mission so that pin fields redeploy in :Awake (otherwise a small leak could occur from blobs on mission load).
• Fixed bug that would clear map title (locally only) on score submit page after pressing submit score on an already named DMD map.
• Made Core input var editing easier (can accept illegal values temporarily now).
• Removed exclamation marks from some text in DMD pages.
• Changed "Delete" to "Remove" on CRPLCore properties window.
• Add a column to DMD online maps. Shows player if they have started the map or if they have finished with a score.
• Bold column headers on DMD pages.
• Added SetDigitalisRaw and GetDigitalisRaw CRPL commands (returns the integer values of Digitalis).
• Make SetDigitalis CRPL command set a value of -1000000 whenever a value of <=0 is presented.
• Added Stop Resupply button to Bomber and Sprayer.
• Fixed bug in AscendToOrbit (would throw exception if no collider was attached to core).
• Make mass driver update soylent area when it hits.
• Removed pop from end of sound that spores make when they hit (wav file wasn't cut properly).
• Update Tonyp's Countdown map. Added default images to 6 cores at top of map. Not sure if they were supposed to do anything....
• Updated thepenguin's Troublesome Train 01 tutorial mission.
• Make "Stop Resupply" button disable ore collection in GuppyPad that is in ore mode.
• Added a "Destroy Resource Pack" button to control panel of a Siphon. (Yes you must build the siphon first).
• Added red glow to sniper barrel to indicate how long it takes to recover for next shot (which is a pretty long time).
• Added space before 'challenging' in popup text of Tormented Space in main menu.
• Fixed typo in Farbor mission. "It's" instead of "its".
• Fixed typo in Farbor mission. "Improbably" instead of "Improbable".
• Fixed typo in system text of system 5 Andere. "it's" rather than "its".
• Added "Start At" query to DMD page.
• Fixed issue where planet load menu would always force the planet's GUID on the mission being loaded.
• Make sure to not save a map's GUID when saving using the regular save slot menu from the map editor.
• Properly load the REQUEST_PACKETS bool on crpltowers.
• Persist BUILD_COST on crpltowers.
• Made planet in-progress indicator a triangle.
• Added "Most Recently Posted" query to DMD page and made it the default. Renamed "Most Recent" to "Last Played".
• Fixed bug in PauseGame CRPL command. Make sure it only incremenets pauseCount if pauseCount is 0.
• Fixed issue with mouse click going through launch button on DMD My Played List
• Fixed issue with escaped apostrophes on the score query function (server side).
• Make ore resource packs wait 60 frames after being empty before destruction (to prevent killing last few ore packets that were dispatched).
• Updated to Unity 4.2.2
• Make bombers not come up one shy when spacing out bombs for dual target mode.
• Make PZ bombers properly space out their bombs when in dual (line) target mode.
• Make PZ bombers not create free AC.
• Make PZ bombers carry 4x the AC rather than 2x the normal amount.
• Fixed bug with saving games that have thor main cannon bullets on the map.
• Updated 4 maps provided by J for his alpha sector.
• Fixed small issue that could cause benign null reference exception when clicking apply on misc settings from main menu.
• Added Misc setting to turn off update check at game start.
• Make shield keys apply automatically upon collection.
For billions of years empires rose to greatness. Each fell to the Creeper till none remained. Now all hope appears lost. Who will stand against the Creeper?
Experience this extreme and massive expansion of the Creeper World franchise. Nothing will ever be the same...
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