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Скачать игру OpenXcom 40k v0.3.8 + 40k ROSIGMA v2.8 - торрент, игра на стадии разработки | Рейтинг: 9.7 (3) | Баллы: 16 |
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от ohartenstein23 (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Стратегии (3612); Ретро-игры (DOS, Win 9x) (647); Ролевые игры (RPG) (3391)
• Язык: Русская версия (8076)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 483.60 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 9.7 из 10 (всего голосов: 3)
• Похожие игры:
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OpenXcom 40k - мод для OpenXcom, который переносит вселенную X-Com в мир Warhammer 40k. Как командующий силами Империума Человечества на планете, осаждаемой силами Хаоса, вы должны найти способ защитить свой дом в то время, пока Варп-шторм препятствует прибытию подкреплению из внешних секторов.
На русском языке.
OpenXcom ROSIGMA обновлен до v2.8. Список изменений внутри новости.
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• Новое оружие
• Новое оборудование
• Силы Хаоса
• Немного более сложные исследования и производство
• Изменен текст, фоны и катсцены
• Изменена музыка
• Eldar Forces
• Sisters of Battle
• Guard
Вместе с модом идет другой аддон:
OpenXcom 40k ROSIGMA - объединяет подмоды ROSE и IGMA, которые расширяют возможности мода 40k как для игрока, так и для врагов. А именно добавлены новые сценарии, 60 новых типов врагов, новое оружие, броню, новые боеприпасы, проведен ребаланс, и многое другое.
Включить их можно зайдя в меню "Моды".
- Added back the 2 Missing slots with the new green Guard Chimeras from main 40k mod.
- Guard Dig-In ability now Prevents Dodging.
- HeatVision values dropped to 40-50% max for performance reasons. Little/no gameplay effect due to how HeatVision works.
- Space Hulk special dungeon will now not disappear on retreating.
- Sprite sheet updates to some terminator sheets with short leg syndrome.
- Ork bike battlesprite floating pixel fix when driving in certain directions.
- Scare grenades updated to not damage tiles and terrain.
- Frag grenades power updated to 80 from 70.
- Terminator armor resist to lascannons lowered by 10%.
- Handheld Heavy Weapons Apply Reaction Penalties While Not Kneeling
- Added 25-50% Reaction Penalty to More Heavy Weapons. Adeptas Throne Missile Launcher and heavy bolters, sniper weapons and one-use disposable rocket launchers. Helpful for not blasting your own men with a reaction shot.
- Eldar armor and resistances (vs AP) buffed slightly.
- Chaos Heavy Stubber buffed, longer effective range accuracy.
- Ogryn devotion values buffed.
- Chaos Blight Grenades (STR_ALIEN_GRENADES) rejigged to be more of a HE grenade, power 90.
- Light Bolter Enforcer updated with double tap burst fire; specialized in overwatch and mid-range fighting. Ranges and TU costs updated.
- Light Bolter Locke now has 4 shot autofire instead of 3 shots.
- Lascarbine Accatran now has autofire.
- Ripper Shotgun drop off in accuracy increased 5->6 per tile
- Voss Mini Lascarbine drop off in accuracy increased 5->6 per tile.
- New automatic Soldier Prefixes by Contributoris Mackeroni. Note: For soldiers that can promote with armor you may need to do some manual updating of the prefix.
- Lasgun should now fire ze red lasers instead of blue pew pew.
- New Hormagaunt inventory sprite by Brenshar.
- Improved Player Base Defense maps (Surrealistik), expanded basement and spawn spots. There's a submod to grab if you want a stronger basement (or 6).
- Therons new Catachan Autumn and forest map tilesets for special missions, new terror missions added.
- Gothic and outpost mcd and urban24 map fixes for some LOS and hitbox issues.
- Updated bugged stair that couldn´t be used, in the large Arbites/GSC ship map (Suppression Palace).
- Space Hulk level 5 spawns updated.
- Added some holes to the HIVE map to allow reinforcement spawned GSC to get out, and the player to win those missions without applying melta to every structure.
- New Medicae Kit and Stim injector items. Stim costs 1 HP, 25 MORALE and +25 STUN to use, for +50 energy.
- Added Therons Catachan Jungle Fighter Guardsmen and special missions. Survivors can be recruited and small numbers can arrive through events once certain conditions are met.
- Catachans have stronger statlines than guardsmen and a special stealth trait when deploying, but limited armor upgrades. Catachan Fighters that obtained a Veteran commendation can be promoted to Catachan Veterans. Catachan Veterans that have obtained a Crux Terminator commendation can be promoted to Catachan Officers. Catachans have 1x20% chance to dodge a incoming attack per turn.
- Added Traitor Catachans/Jungle Fighters. Several unit types with different loadouts.
- Added Special Marbo mission chain. Are you Sly enough to obtain the secret Marbo?
- Lucius Heavy Lasgun for Krieg veterans (Grenadiers) buffed. Increased damage to 70 up from 65 and doubled the cooling rate. POWER SHOT! now does 60% more damage for 4 heat instead of 30% more damage for 2 heat. Renamed Maximal shot.
- Added new Scion armors (pixel art by Kris). Heavy versions of the stormtrooper armor for troopers and officers for the late game (ceramite tier+master crafting), as well as a Scion Jump armor (mid-tier + jump armor related research). All the new armors are manufactured.
For stats they have slightly improved armor values (+10/+25), in particular sides and rear armor, as well as 10% better resistance values for standard (AP), INCendiary, HE, ACID and melee. The jump armor has somewhat lower armor values than the ground versions, but the same improved resistances.
The armors do not have integrated stormtrooper weapon (hellgun) alternatives, as they are meant for late game special equipment (master-crafted/plasma/grav etc weapons). The ground armors can DIG IN.
- Scion troopers can now get the personal shield upgrade.
- New Ultramarine Cataphractii armor added by Theron. More on assembling it in the future. There's also some friendly AI units that can appear with this armor on certain missions.
- Lowered primaris lvl 5 armor promotion cost by a thousand tokens.
- Primaris Arsenal Expanded. Bolter and Plasma weapons. Art by Filip + Ashtroboy.
- Volkite Serpentis, Caliver and Charger. Uses updated OXCE particle effects. Art by Ashtroboy.
- Primaris expanded arsenal expansion.
Primaris Weapons tiers and research gating
Tier 0 (starting):
- 1 unscoped carbine [Basically a standard Astartes Boltgun, specced for 2x snapshot/shorter range rapid fire combat. Cheap TU Snap/Autofire. Some ammo upgrade potential after adamantium/mid-tier/MC ammo research to keep the gun relevant]
Tier 1 (unlocked pre mid-tier):
- Scoped Occulus carbine [Scoped Carbine can be locked behind the motion sensor for the better optics] [Standard mid-range boltgun]
- Cawl standard Bolter [Kraken Ammo behind Adamantium] [DMR type Boltgun]
- Heavy Bolt Pistol [Unlocked after researching Adamantium Better AP Kraken Ammo gating]
Tier 2 (mid-tier+ gated):
- Heavy Bolt Rifle [DMR role, packs a paunch like a heavy bolter or sniper rifle]
- Assault Bolter
- Fancier Absolvor Heavy Bolt Pistol [comparable to the 40mm stub cannon sidearm guard gets]
- Melta Rifle [A beefier version of the Conversion/Harmonic Beamer melta - a melta lascannon]
- Exterminator Plasma gun
Tier 3 (Ceramite tier gated):
- Executor Heavy Bolt Rifle with special sauce ammo [Competing with Heavy Gravis inbuilt Autocannons]
- any Mastercrafted versions of previous Bolters / MC Ammo types for compatible weapons
- Heavy/Assault Incinerator Plasma
[Plasma weapons gating behind Chaos Dekker/Heavy Plasmas]
[Special Ammo types behind high tier master-crafting]
[Cawl/Primaris Plasma do not suffer overheating, supposedly more rapid fire and better than normal plasma, so somewhere inbetween those and the MC Plasmas if we want to avoid having to make Golden Primaris Plasma weapons]
- Higher Aggressiveness values for mainly Evil Sunz (red) Orks to get them into proper krumpin' range. Slightly higher values for some other Orks as well.
Coding:- Heavy Lascannon Orks 2x2 (Kris)
Coding: - Implement New Kommando Nobz unit (Xom)
- Genestealer Primarch and Broodlords added (by Theron). These big boys are dangerous, killing them causes morale issues for GSC units.
- Carnifex stats updated and buffed. Used to be very close to vanilla values, which made them quite squishy. Armor buffed 20 points, resistance to AP buffed 10% and health set to 600 from 340.
- Slaanesh Sonic weapons buffed.
- STR_SLAANESH_CORRUPTING_TOUCH now has a reaction bonus.
- Nurgle Toads tongue now more powerful at licking.
- Nurgle Poxburster new battlesprite and corpse sprite by Theron, will now stand out from the other zombie types.
- New Nurgle Cataphractii Blightlord Terminator by Theron. Added to very late game Nurgle lists.
- New Nurgle Saturnine Deathshroud Terminator by Theron. Added to very late game Nurgle lists.
- New Black Legion Cataphractii Terminator by Theron.
- New Nightlords Cataphractii Terminator by Theron.
- New Alpha Legion Indomitus Terminator by Theron.
- New Alpha Legion CSM Squad Leader by Theron added.
- More new Elite Chaos lists added and terminators concentrated (mostly) there to make fewer terminators early/mid game happen.
This is a Warhammer 40k total conversion for OpenXcom, based on an earlier space marine mod by Ryskeliini. As Force Commander for the Imperium of Man on a planet beseiged by Chaos, you must find a way to end the Warp Storm and purge your world!
- All Armory the chapter can provide
- All New equipment
- Chaos Forces
- A bit more complex research and manufacturing
- Changed text, backgrounds, cutscenes
- Changed Music
- Eldar Forces
- Sisters of Battle
- Guard
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