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Скачать игру Torchlight v1.15 - полная русская версия | Рейтинг: 9.7 (99) | Баллы: 1091 |
• Разработчик / Developer: Runic Games (2)
• Жанр / Genre: Большие игры (Rip, Repack) (269); Ролевые игры (RPG) (3396); Игры для Linux (245); Игры для Mac OS X (275)
• Язык: Русская версия (8086)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Полная версия (установи и играй)
• Размер / Size: 341.90 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 9.7 из 10 (всего голосов: 99)
• Другие части игры:
- Torchlight 2 v1.25.9.5b / Torchlight II v1.25.9.5
• Похожие игры:
- Magicka v1.10.4.2 + All DLC
- Full Mojo Rampage v1.0.129E
- Fight The Dragon v1.1.7 Build 10.3
Torchlight — ещё одна вариация на тему Diablo. Вы выбираете одного из трёх персонажей и отправляетесь в подземелье на встречу с многочисленными монстрами и боссами. Интерфейс — простой и понятный. Уровни генерируются случайным образом. На них произвольно размещаются враги и сокровища. Герои могут «уходить в отставку», передавая своим последователям определённые навыки. В перерывах игрокам предлагается удить виртуальную рыбу или самостоятельно строить подземелья.
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Особенности игры:
• Обширный игровой мир со случайно генерируемые подземельями
• Огромное количество разнообразных вещей
• Продолжение идей Fate (рыбалка, пет...)
• Отличный сюжет.
Torchlight is an action role-playing-game for the PC made by the creators of Diablo, Fate, and the never-released Mythos among other games. Set in the mining town of Torchlight, players will adventure to uncover the mysteries of the Ember mines. It offers a fully featured character leveling system, randomized dungeons, hordes of monsters, and gobs of great loot.
<bGame features:</b>
• Randomization – Our level layouts are randomly created, so each adventure is unique. Monsters, treasures, puzzles, and items are also different each time you embark on an adventure.
• Easy, approachable interface – Torchlight is designed to be easy to play right from the beginning. The intuitive interface gives players easy access to a rich and varied world.
• Retirement System – Once characters are sufficiently leveled up, they can “retire” and bestow specific benefits and perks to new characters.
• Pets – Players will choose a pet to accompany them. Pets can level up along with the player, and will help in battle, carry items, and perform a variety of helpful services.
• Character Classes – Players will create and customize a character and choose an animal companion. Through cosmetic choices, skill path decisions, and the treasures they acquire, each character will be custom-tailored and different.
• Fishing – Players can take a break from the high-energy pace of adventuring to visit one of the fishing holes and relax and see what they can catch. Fish have interesting benefits for the player and pet, and other rewards can also be discovered
• Editor – Runic Games is embracing our modding community by providing an editor so our players can create and design their own content.
• NEW: 1.15 includes 5 new challenge room maps to test your bravery and wit! New players can now obtain these maps as rewards for completing various quests from Vasman in Torchlight. New challenges await in the Tomb of the Awakened, Estherian Ruins, Dwarven Fortress, Molten Prison, and Black Palace.
• Code: Option in Settings file to turn off Steam Cloud added
• Code: Settings broke into 2 files. LocalSettings and settings
• Code: Fixed rare teleport crash
• Code: Fix for input latency on low FPS for skills; hotbar skills and items
• Code: Alric Achievement now works on steam
• Code: Fixed XP not being removed correctly after death if choosing to respond at the level start
• Code: Passive skills now adhere to equipment requirement
• Code: Fixed rare case when triggers wouldn’t fire correctly
• Code: Texture overrides fixed in paper doll view
• Code: Fixed issue with some looping skills
• Code: Masteries now properly apply to elemental effects
• Content: Root Golem Fire Breath now deals damage
• Content: Ember Bolt had a bad value in higher levels
• Content: Zealot lightning bolt now does damage
• Content: Gem effects accumulating when recovering from socketed items
• Content: Sushi Helm Recipe fix
• Content: Added Blind Effect for modders
• Content: New Unittype of Bossmap for modders
• Content: Multiple spelling fixes
• Content: Fixed a few spots where floor tiles where missing or had the wrong collision set
• Content: Fixed various locations where monsters were getting stuck in some levels
• Content: Limited Multi-language support added for modders ( tool coming )
• Content: You can now attach layouts to items – for modders
• Content: You can now have up to 50 waypoints – for modders
• Content: Scale effect can now be permanent – for modders Soul Rend magic damage scales with strength and magic 50%, 50%
• Content: Doom Quake, Titan Stomp dmg scales with strength 50%
• Content: Needle Arc dot damage scales with strength and dex 100%, 100%
• Content: Ember Lightning additionally deals 20% of weapon damage on the first chain
• Content: Magic Weapon expertise passive does not interact strangely with other passives around level 9
• Content: Shock Trap now scales with ranks.
• Content: Flame Trap and Shock Trap now scale with pet mastery.
• Content: Ember Lance no longer stops passive buffs
Ссылки для скачивания игры
Скачать Torchlight v1.15 (341.90 Мб.):
Ссылок на самом деле больше (всего 3), видно их будет только после регистрации на сайте.
Torchlight (Новый диск/Лицензия/2010) (403.72 Мб.):
Torchlight [GOG] v2.0.0.12 (1290.24 Мб.):
Ultimate Torchlight Mod Pack v1.3 (139.10 Мб.):
Torchlight 2013-05-21 Build (Linux) (446.76 Мб.):
Torchlight (Macintosh) (442.82 Мб.):
Torchlight Русификация (Версия 1.45) Версия игры: 1.15 [English] (Русификатор для Torchlight 1.15) (2.70 Мб.):
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Respec_Mod (0.18 Мб.):
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Diablo 3 menu (0.04 Мб.):
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Potions STACKSIZE (0.11 Мб.):
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WEAPON Tesla Troopers Rifle (0.06 Мб.):
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Heron Sword Pack (0.42 Мб.):
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Brighter Map (0.11 Мб.):
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WepPack (0.93 Мб.):
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ПАК МОД I (4.50 Мб.):
Леопард вместо кота (0.04 Мб.):
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Мод графики (28.00 Мб.):
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Изумрудный дракон (0.23 Мб.):
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Torchlite addons (28.00 Мб.):
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Принцесса зелот (0.04 Мб.):
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Torchlight Editor (384.00 Мб.):
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Torchleech (4.24 Мб.):
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