Описание игры, торрент, скриншоты, видео
Скачать игру Game about Vehicles Alpha v0.4 / Alpha v0.5.2 / +RUS - торрент, игра на стадии разработки | Рейтинг: 7.8 (6) | Баллы: 166 |
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от humman01 (2)
• Жанр / Genre: Техника на колесах, гонки (1213); Песочницы (Sandbox-игры) (1341)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 21.01 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 7.8 из 10 (всего голосов: 6)
• Похожие игры:
- Scrapmatch (Alpha v0.04)
- TerraTech v1.6.4a + All DLCs
- Scrap Mechanic v0.7.2.775a [Steam Early Access]
Game about vehicles - песочница-конструктор с акцентом на транспортные средства (наземные, водные и воздушные). Вы строите свою машину с нуля, добавляя модули, которые можно настраивать и изменять физические свойства.
Добавлена НОВАЯ версия игры 0.5.2 Список изменений внутри.
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Язык интерфейса: Английский
Движок версии Alpha 0.4: Unity
Движок версии Alpha 0.5.2: Unity 5
Каждая конструкция основана на модулях, модуль может быть колесом, крылом, двигателем, воздушным шаром, винтом, баком и т.п.
Модули можно соединять ребрами, перемещать, поворачивать, добавлять и удалять.
Автомобиль может быть разделен на много сегментов по осям, ось может иметь предел вращения и может быть рулевой.
Игра поддерживает воздушное и водное сопротивления, крылья могут направить аэродинамическую силу в выбранном направлении. Модули в воде имеют собственные свойства, поэтому можно построить даже подводную лодку.
Параметры каждого элемента можно изменить в инспекторе, также можно изменить клавиши управления.
Режим конструктора:
ЛКМ - выбрать модуль
ПКМ - повернуть камеру (зажимая ПКМ камеру можно перемещать с помощью клавиш W, A, S, D, R, F)
E - добавить обычный модуль
Q - удалить модуль
R - выбрать режим перемещения или вращения
J - добавить ось (соединение)
W - добавить колесо
T - добавить ракетный двигатель
Y - добавить крыло
U - добавить бак
F - добавить двигатель сгорания
K - добавить поршень
M - добавить элемент освещения (вкл./выкл. - L)
I - добавить пропеллер или винт
O - добавить воздушный шар
P - добавить модуль камеры, нажмите '/' для изменения
G - добавить пушку
L - добавить камеру модуля
Shift - соединить модули, один из них должен быть выбран а на другой подведена мышка
Ctrl - как и Shift, но удаляет
Del - удалить все части
Режим теста:
WSAD - управление колесами
Shift - тормоз колес
L - активировать парашют
Left Ctrl - выстрелить из пушки
1 - активировать камеру модуля
F - выйти из транспортного средства
- beginning of destruction system, under fire hull elements and modules lose it's HP, alter lose it all they fall of from vehicle
- damaged and destroyed element can be quickly rebuild in edit mode by Repair button
- realistic ballistic, bullet can ricochet after hit angled plates, lose speed and height alter time
- game work now on new Unity 5, lighting is better and wheels have more drift behavior
- 4 new huge (16 square km) map
- new module Canon
- avatar can shoot canon bullet by E key
Version 0.5.0:
I recreated game from almost begging, this versions doesn't contains yet all module from 0.4 but have completely new editor and better physics, graphic, GUI, performance.
Version 0.4:
New things:
- all element will be have a new, better model. Big thanks for "sc17" who create new models.
- wheels have own suppression, can be set like right or left by "is Left" option
- new GUI of editor is easier to use
- new element Hinge, to free connect 2 parts of model
- two physical part of vehicles can be connected by more than one joint type connector (Joints, Pistons and new element Hinges)
Version 0.3:
Hi, new version add to game 6 new element and allow to choose one from 4 maps.
New elements:
- Machine guns - fires a bursts of small bullets
- Launchers - fires none guided missiles
- Lasers - fires fast moving beams of energy, need energy to fires
- Ammo box - increase amount of ammo on vehicle (grey bar on screen corner), each weapons excluding laser use some ammo on each fire, bigger guns - more ammo
- Generator - change fuel to energy, it work only if are a tank and batteries on board, useful to powered thrusters and groups of lasers
- Thruster - new manoeuvres engine, use energy, can be marked as free or directed in one of six sides, if thruster is directed and any of manoeuvres keys isn't pressed it self try stop vehicle by giving opposite force to vehicle velocity, steering keys is defined as UJHK to move forward/backward/left/right and YI to move up/down, also each thruster can have own key to turn it on, so in space with gyroscopes steering keys will be WSAD+QE for rotating and UJHK+YI for moving
Now are 4 maps in game: island from previous version, space with few asteroids, race track with asphalt and mud track and island from version 0.1.9 and older.
Version 0.2.7:
- In editor whole edited vehicle can be moved, it work like camera moving, by keys WASD+ZX but with Left Shift key pressed
- All elements in game generate sound when they running, collisions also have own sounds
- Gyroscope work much better, wing also work but with problems
- During vehicle driving, in FPS camera, if in vehicle is more than one seat, position of camera can be changing by [2] key
- Now wheels and propeller have limit maximum force with they can use to change vehicle movement, wider wheel or bigger propeller can effective use more power.
- In editor is new toggle, "Building", when is active construction in simulation mode can't by moved in any way, but it can have moving elements by using joints or pistons.
- Snapping element's position in editor have smaller step.
- In edition mode is active one more light, it give more light from down.
- Now, if wheel or propeller wants to be powered they must be connected to combustion or electric engine by shafts. In right, upper screen, in editor is 4 button to change connector type: hull, torque, power, pressure. To connect wheel to engine you must select torque type and select engine or wheel, next press [E] to create transmission node, it will be automaticly connect to selected element, next select new created element and element with to be powered and press [1] key (like in adding new normal connector).
- Multiplayer have more options but it still not finished, also I add to it direct connection by IP because master server don't always work fine.
Version 0.2.5:
What new: materials, outside vehicle player have own body, game allow to create more than one vehicle and create plates between four elements, basic multiplayer, support for multi-language, main menu, new method of texturing.
Version 0.2.2:
- Multi selecting elements is work with different way, now is visible with elements is select and can be select one, two or three elements. When two or three elements are selected and key [1] is pressed new connection is create, with two element creating a bar and with three creating a plate. Is same situation but with [2] key pressed, editor removing bar or plate connection, when are selected 2 or 3 elements.
- Now torque connectors is lost, if in vehicle is combustion or electric engine it got a torque, total sum of torque from all engines is split between wheels with selected 'is motor' option and propellers.
- Engines and rockets now need fuel to run, combustion and rocket use fuel from tank nodes and electric engine use power from batteries. In simulation mode is two strips, blue shows electric charge level and green fuel level. Its simple rule, more tanks more fuel supplies. Fuel tanks have different mass when they are full or empty. To refuel / recharge use cheaty key [3].
- Map is now random generated, on top of screen is number and button 'Generate terrain' when is pressed map change shape. Number is seed to map generator, one number create unique map shape, seed can be change by selected number and write own. To create random seed and map press [5] key.
- Calculation centre of mass and inertia tensor was changed, vehicle can dynamically change own mass.
- Bug with saving model with joints and connectors is fixed.
- Other bug fixes, graphics and functional improvements.
Version 0.1.9:
- Now elements can transmit torque, from one to other. In this version this is possible only to combustion engine, wheels and standard, hull node. Wheel must be connected to engine be new type of edge, torque connection can be choose from menu on bottom of screen. Between engine and wheels can be connected hull node for divide torque between wheels or many of engines can power single wheel.
- Combustion engine can be add by F key or from menu
- Piston is other version of Joint, it working on straight line, always have limit, cab be steering or working like spring. Adding by K key
- Reflector element, simple light, turning on/off by L key, adding by M key.
- Gyroscope elements, can add rotation force on whole vehicle or stabilize it be adding counter rotation force. Sterring by keys WSAD and QE, adding by H key.
- Daytime can be change by Global setting menu
- When simulation is running by F key is possible to get out from vehicles and walk on foot in FPS mode. To return to vehicle press F key, avatar must be close to hair, or return to editor.
- Some fixes and new modes, thank Fylthy for cylinder and propeller model.
Version 0.1.7:
- Camera in edit mode can be moving when RMB is pressed, keys WSAD for horizontal moving and R F for change level
- Reset camera button for set camera to model centre
- Camera in simulation mode never move below terrain level
- Reset position button in simulation mode
- Wheels can work now like caterpillar when tank mode is selected, whole vehicle can rotate in place, wheel for one of sides must be marked as left
- Joint node can work like they have spring inside when option have spring is marked, spring force can be changed
- Menu on left side to add chosen element or remove selected
- Change between moving and rotating mode can be done now by controls on screen top
- Water is visible from below
- Gun bullet affect on model physics, is possible to create rocket jumping car
Version 0.1.6:
- Load / save menu, saves are XML scripts places in "saves" folder
- Button for quick save current loaded project
- [Delete] key remove all parts
- Global settings menu, allow to change gravity, water level, air and water density
- Node can have now different colours
- Key binding don't create new node when special keys is pressed
- Each element and terrain have new texture
- Wheels have separate sliders for radius and width
- Balloon and propeller can have different size
Version 0.1.2:
Hi, new version add 2 new nodes:
-parachute - when is activates it try slowing vehicle to setting speed making opposite force, adding key [P], default activate key [L]
-canon - shoot blowing canon ball with setting speed, adding key [G], default shoot key [L Ctrl]
Now camera node is added by [L] and activate by [1]
Game show vehicle position above water level, horizontal and vertical speed.
Trees have now collision boxes and all nodes can be customise in inspector.
Game about vehicles is sandbox physics construction game, focus on building and testing land, sea and air vehicles. Vehicles can be any shape, each modules can be fully customisable and it changing physics behaviour.
Each construction is based on nodes, node can be wheel, wing, engine, balloon, propeller, tank etc.
Nodes can be connected by edges, moved, rotated, added and removed.
Vehicle can be divided to many segments by axes, axe can have rotation limit and can be individual steering.
Game support air and water drag, wings can direct aerodynamic force to chosen direction. Nodes in water have own displacement, it can be changed in tank node so build submarine is possible.
Parameters of each elements can be changing in inspector, also it allows to rebind steering keys.
Ссылки для скачивания игры
Скачать Game about Vehicles Alpha v0.4 (21.01 Мб.):

Русификатор v2.0 (0.53 Мб.):
Game about Vehicles v0.5.2 (20.13 Мб.):
Скачать .torrent файл (прямая ссылка): game_about_vehicles_v052_1.torrent
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