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Описание игры, торрент, скриншоты, видео

Скачать игру Dead Containment v0.4.0 - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

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Игру добавил Kusko [2483|32] | 2022-10-19 (обновлено) | Аркадные шутеры (2209) | Просмотров: 14011

Dead Containment v0.4.0

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от PorgsOfWar (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Аркадные шутеры (2209); Сетевые / ХотСит (2292); Зомби игры (438)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 592.40 Мб.

Dead Containment - рельсовый шутер, где игроки сами или вместе с другом отбиваются от нежити, когда мчатся через осажденный город, используя разнообразное оружие и открывая скрытые секреты на своем пути. Интересной особенностью этой игры является AI-дирижёр, который обладает собственным разумом. Вы умерли несколько раз? Дирижёр может создать для вас аптечку или дать вам оружие помощнее. У вас всё идет слишком хорошо? Дирижёр добавит вам проблем.

Игра обновлена до v0.4.0. Список изменений внутри новости.

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Игра сделана как образовательная часть, а не для коммерческого использования. Музыка и звуковые эффекты из серии House the Dead от SEGA.

• Added level 4.
• Added enemy type - Alligator.
• Added enemy type - Bat.
• Added enemy type - Falling.
• Added enemy type - Raccoon.
• Added enemy type - Welder.
• Added anti-aliasing options; None, TAA, FXAA.
• Added bullet decals depending on the material that was shot.
• Added camera shake to level 3's boss footsteps.
• Added civilian event to level 2.
• Added civilian status text above civilians' heads.
• Added enemy attack type - Single ranged attack before changing into melee.
• Added enemy material generator, giving more variety in enemy skins
• Added 'How to Play' screen in the menu.
• Added level intro title cards and animation.
• Added local high score saving which are displayed in the single player menu.
• Added new high score notification at the end of levels.
• Added online leader boards.
• Added overall stats screen when completing a full playthrough or dying.
• Added particles to boss ranged projectiles.
• Added physics objects to levels which move or are destroyed when shot.
• Added option to skip cutscenes that aren't used to load the level.
• Added Steam Cloud save support for scores and settings.
• Added stun animations for enemies.
• Added time limited attack events where players have a limited time to kill enemies before moving.
• Added player invincibility after taking damage, lasting 1 second.

• Changed AI attack patterns so closer enemies will attack first instead of waiting.
• Changed AI pathfinding to stop enemies walking in a straight line behind another.
• Changed axe wielding enemy animations.
• Changed civilians to be invulnerable to player damage after being saved.
• Changed crawlers to have random parts of legs missing.
• Changed the loading screen images to better match the current look of the game.
• Changed player name colours in co-op lobbies to the colour of their character.
• Changed projectiles materials to glow from yellow to red the more they are damaged.
• Changed the amount of spare ammo power weapons carry to 1 less magazine.
• Changed the weapon damage values of all guns.
• Changed the weapon spread values of all power weapons.

• Improved audio for all levels, including more ambience and sound attenuation.
• Improved bullet decals to glow on impact before fading away.
• Improved enemy attack timings to better sync the damage with the animation.
• Improved enemy hit boxes.
• Improved level 1's graphics and lighting.
• Improved level 2's graphics and lighting.
• Improved level 3's graphics and lighting.
• Improved level 3's boss footstep audio.
• Improved level decals with newer materials and more variety,
• Improved level file size optimization for smaller level sizes.
• Improved level light baking method to ray-traced light baking, improving the baked lighting.
• Improved player footstep audio.
• Improved weapon FX.

• Removed server browser and drop-in-out co-op play due to it being unstable.

• Reworked enemy health to include multiplier on co-op play.
• Reworked enemy health multipliers for headshots, limb shots and torso shots.
• Reworked player weapon damage values.

• Fixed biker enemy type showing wrong damage indicator.
• Fixed bullet decals being too big.
• Fixed bullet decals facing the wrong way.
• Fixed bullet impact sound not always playing when hitting a metallic material.
• Fixed buttons in UI not lining up correctly.
• Fixed camera speed being slower on event start.
• Fixed characters having flickering shadows.
• Fixed cinematic black bars in cutscenes not hiding gameplay UI.
• Fixed civilian hit boxes being desynced from civilian model.
• Fixed clients being able to see 'Change gamemode' lobbies.
• Fixed emissive materials causing frame drops when close to the camera.
• Fixed empty gun audio playing at the wrong times.
• Fixed end of level scoreboards playing twice for clients.
• Fixed enemies not correctly facing the player when getting into attack position.
• Fixed enemies taking the same path to the player, causing a straight line of enemies.
• Fixed enemy projectiles not firing in the correct direction.
• Fixed incorrect collisions on some meshes.
• Fixed incorrect roughness levels on some materials.
• Fixed infinite loading screen.
• Fixed level 2's boss showing red blood when shot on green blood mode.
• Fixed level 3's boss animation not syncing correctly when playing with low fps.
• Fixed menu camera not transitioning correctly from title to menu view.
• Fixed missing LOD's on some meshes.
• Fixed multiplayer lobby camera not setting correctly.
• Fixed online leaderboards causing crash when Steam is offline.
• Fixed pause menu breaking in co-op play.
• Fixed player ammo counters being on the wrong side of the screen.
• Fixed player footstep audio missing attenuation.
• Fixed projectiles using the same texture.
• Fixed screen resolution not saving/loading correctly.
• Fixed Steam name not saving on first time load up.
• Fixed video settings not saving/loading correctly.
• Fixed water materials flickering.

Dead Containment is an on-rails shooter in the style of classic arcade game, made as a piece for my university portfolio. Players fend off the undead as they race through a city under siege using a variety of weapons and unlocking hidden secrets on the way.

The game includes a Director AI system with a mind of it own. Lost a few lives? The director may spawn a health kit for you or give you a bigger gun. Doing too good? The Director will change that.

Dead Containment is made to work with mouse & keyboard with VR support built in for a true zombie shooting experience.

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Комментарии игроков (2 шт.)

От: stimix [7|4] | Дата 2021-09-10 12:14:38

рельсовый шутан на ПК? вы серьезно? ))))
От: karry299 [32|5] | Дата 2020-11-09 05:31:23

Фигня какая-то, пули через раз пролетают сквозь врагов. Лучше играйте через эмуль в Dead Space Extraction или Ghost Squad.