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Скачать игру Mycorrhiza v2 - торрент, демо версия игры

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Игру добавил Kusko [2505|32] | 2022-01-14 (обновлено) | Хорроры (1806) | Просмотров: 3553

Mycorrhiza v2

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от FulminisIctus (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Хорроры (1806); Визуальные новеллы (208)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Демо версия
• Размер / Size: 295.50 Мб.

Mycorrhiza - любовное письмо к манге ужасов в форме визуальной новеллы, авторы которой вдохновлялись работами Дзюндзи Ито и Масааки Накаямы. Пока главный герой пытается найти дорогу домой, реальность искажается, и нравы людей начинают жестко и неожиданно меняться. Странное растение, трансформирующее животных, странный комедийный тренд и странное здание, затягивающее людей. Каждая из трех арок исследует разные ужасы.

Игра обновлена до v2. Список изменений внутри новости.

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В игре присутствует эстетика манги (с компьютерной графикой, нарисованной художником манги), а также акцент на динамическом

New look for the title screen if you haven't played the intro yet
Originally you'd be sent to the intro sequence (the one where Scott wakes up in an alleyway) no matter what door you would click on if you hadn't played the intro yet. To make things a bit more logical and interesting we've made it so the title screen only shows one door, the intro door, through which you have to play first before you see the familiar screen with the three doors. I'm sure this will subdue your familiarity with the demos a bit and make it so the game's beginning feels fresher when you play the full version.

There's now a brightness option
Gab Smolders recently streamed our game on Twitch and uploaded the vod to YouTube. She and a few viewers mentioned that since there's a lot of white in the game, due to the manga-inspired nature of it, it might be a bit difficult to play for people who are light sensitive. Since, as you could probably already tell from the look of our options menu, we're all about accessibility, we've implemented a new brightness option (aka sunglasses mode)! That way you can curb down the brightness if you feel like it's hurting your eyes. Scott is canonically wearing shades whenever you turn down the brightness.

And some other general stuff
The usual. Some bug fixes, some graphical adjustments, some writing improvements. You'll see in the full game!

Mycorrhiza is a love letter to horror manga in the form of a visual novel. Some of our biggest inspirations include the works of Junji Ito and Masaaki Nakayama.

While the protagonist is trying to find a way back home, reality distorts and people’s morals start shifting in cruel and unexpected ways. A strange plant transforming animals, a strange comedy trend and a strange building trapping people. Each of the three arcs explores different terrors.

The game features a manga aesthetic (with CGs drawn by a manga artist), as well as a focus on dynamic audio.

Join us on our adventure into despair.

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