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Скачать игру Soul Dier v4.0 - торрент, демо версия игры

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Игру добавил Kusko [2471|32] | 2022-07-02 (обновлено) | Ролевые игры (RPG) (3299) | Просмотров: 2376

Soul Dier v4.0

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от project-souldier-dev (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Я ищу, квесты, приключения (6043); Ролевые игры (RPG) (3299)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Демо версия
• Размер / Size: 1400.00 Мб.

Soul Dier - классическая пошаговая тактическая 3D игра в стиле JRPG, вдохновленная серией Trails (Kiseki) и многими другими играми.

Игра обновлена до v4.0. Список изменений внутри новости.

Вы можете скрыть всю рекламу на сайте. Как?

• Классические пошаговые тактические бои в стиле JRPG
• Около 60 уникальных уровней и более 20 часов игрового времени
• 5 глав с различными темами и уникальными сценами без повторений, а также большое разнообразие врагов и навыков персонажей
• Множество специальных механик уровней, таких как решение головоломок, автомобильный бой и стелс
• Приключенческий сюжет, исследующий загадочный мир
• Каждый уровень сопровождается как минимум одной 3D-сценкой в реальном времени
• Легкая система прокачки, не требующая добывать опыт, но позволяющая настраивать персонажа с помощью амулетов, предметов и улучшений.
• Создана на игровом движке Godot

• Remade or changed significantly level 1.2 to 1.7 and corresponding pawns
• Adjusted the pawn parameters to accelerate the pacing and improve the balance
• Improved the enemy AIs to be smarter and more cooperative

Quality of Life Features
• Added more indicators for showing skill ranges (including fuel barrels' explosion, General Anchor's missiles and robot repairers' laser)
• Added a death preview icon for the damage preview feature.
• Accelerated some pawn animations such as moving in battles
• Added a movement animation skip function (by simply clicking other action buttons)
• Added player characters order rearrangement with deployment buttons

Hints and Tutorials
• Added a panel showing detailed information and skill information for enemy pawns (skill information is locked initially)
• Added tooltips for the pawn attributes in the pawn info panel and in the preparation screen
• Added hints or character dialogues when losing battles
• Added more tutorials
• Added a loading screen waiting message when the loading time is too long

• Changed (almost) all scenes to perspective projection instead of orthogonal projection
• Updated numerous skill effects (e.g. Block's sword trails, city guards' flash grenade, robot paralysers' attack)
• Changed more objects that blocks the views to be translucent in battles
• Added camera shaking effects to the battles (can be turned off in the settings menu)

• Replaced the "funny" BGM in cutscenes with a self-made one
• Many bug fixing and minor updates

Significant Skill Changes
City Guard
• Added a fragmentation grenade skill
Biochemical Soldier
• Added a new acid splash basic attack (the toxic gas attack is now a skill)
• Removed the "Mutation Catalyser" skill
• Added a roll-over ability for the movement
• Changed the tank to be able to move in cross directions only
• Changed the cannon skill to require having no movement in the turn
Robot Guard
• Changed how the "Robot Rally" skill works: one sleeping robot on the field will be marked, and this robot will be awoken later by the skill from any robot guards
Robot Paralyzer
• Added a knock-back effect for the basic attack
Robot Repairer
• Changed the laser basic attack to be unable to shoot through pawns
• Added an impact mechanics for the "Upward Strike" skill: when the target is getting knocked back and hit another pawn, the target and the pawn get extra damages

Soul Dier is a 3D classic JRPG style turn-based tactics game inspired by the Trails (Kiseki) series and many other games.

• Classic JRPG style turn-based tactical battles with core actions including move, attack, skill, item, and wait
• Around 60 unique levels and more than 20 hours of playtime
• 5 chapters with various themes and unique scenes without repetitiveness, as well as a large variety of enemies and character skills
• Lots of special level mechanics such as puzzle solving, car fight and stealth
• An adventure story exploring a mysterious world
• Every level is accompanied by at least one real-time 3D cutscene
• Lightweight progression system without EXP farming, but still allows customization using charms, items and character upgrades
• Made with Godot game engine

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++++++<СКОРО НА САЙТЕ!>++++++ Millennia

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