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Описание игры, торрент, скриншоты, видео

Скачать игру Worlds v0.014 / Worlds: Pokemon 3D - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

Рейтинга пока нет | Баллы: 10
Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2017-04-15 (обновлено) | Ролевые игры (RPG) (3297) | Просмотров: 7776

Worlds v0.014 / Worlds: Pokemon 3D

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от holykiller (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Аркады (3013); Ролевые игры (RPG) (3297)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 175.14 Мб.
• Похожие игры:
- Pokemon: Uncensored Edition v1.0.2c

Worlds: Pokemon - разрабатываемая фанатская 3D РПГ по мотивам мегапопулярной франшизы о покемонах.

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с 0.013 до 0.014. Список изменений внутри.

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Язык интерфейса: Английский
Движок: Unity 5

New Pokemon:

New Skills:
Poison Powder
Take Down
Double Edge
Acid Spray
Poison Jab
Energy Ball

New Main Features:
Character Customization
How To Use Customization
Skill Bank
How To Use The Skill Bank

Better Throwing
Movement is now done with physics
Calling for help set target as enemy
Spawnings are now random by zone
1 vs 1 was disable for now.
Added simple animation for when calling back Pokemon
Lights will turn on at night and Off during day (only of the first town for now)

Added simple animation for when calling back Pokemon
New Skill System
New System for Text Localization
Poison Status Effect
New Control Options
Skill Aiming

The Skill Aiming gives you the option to display a circle on the ground that will show you where you are aiming or just show the cursor.
Camera Rotation (Auto / Right Click)

The Rotation Control gives you the option to have it on Automatic or Left Click ,the left click is the previews control where you have click and hold the right mouse button to rotate the camera and your avatar ,but with the automatic the rotation of the camera will be like on the first person shooters where you don't have a visible cursor and you don't need to press the mouse button, when on automatic the cursor will only be visible when you open

Camera Follow (Center / With Offset)

The Camera Follow gives you to have the old one where the player is at the center of the screen and the new one that has the player on the lower left side of the screen.

Testing Tools (Ctrl+f10)
Add Money Button
Teleport any Zone
Icons for when Running and Free Camera Mode

New Pokemon:

New Skills :
Quick Attack
Bug Bite
Pin Missile
Shadow Ball
Hyper Beam
Earth Power
Electro Ball

Fixed :
AI Enemy Detection Logic
3D effects bug (bite)
Prices on different difficulties
Esq key on the first tutorial
Running(shift) on the first tutorial
Collision error on some Pokemon
Some Trees on wild zones that were floating
Some Spanish spelling errors

New Minimap Show
-Wild Zones
-Player Position
-Pokemon Spawns
-Custom spawning players
-Dynamic Prefabs Registration
-Pokemon Prefabs
-Items Prefabs
-Data Synchronization
--Particle systems
--3d Effects
-Damage Bubble Message
-Self Cast Skills Sync
-Main Lobby
-Winning Conditions
-Winning UI
-Enable Online Option Only if Have Alive Pokes and at least one
-Exit Button to go back to character Selection from Network Lobby
-Status Conditions
New Spawns for the new added Pokemon
Added new Gift on finish second tutorial(did tutorial Ultra ball or Normal Pokeball if not)
Show Message when exp is lost from fainting or fleeing if they are enable
Translation for
-Items Names
-Pokemon Names
-Items Descriptions
-Pokemon Descriptions
--Elemental Types
-Skills Names

Saving Path now is on MyDocuments/My Games/Worlds/SaveData
Wild Pokemon Spawners only spawn one type of pokemon
Tutorial Starting house position


* New Pokemon:
- Weedle
- Zubat
- Tentacool
- Bellsprout
- Horsea
- Kabuto
- Dratini
- Porygon

* New Skills
- Water Pulse
- Twister
- Poison String
- Mud Shot
- Bite
- Ice Beam
- String Shot
- Dragon Pulse
- Lick

* Shortcuts Ui Change Color to red when you can assign an item if you click on any of them
* Text reminder to Brother on the tutorial if case you don´t remember how to do something
* Text for when get healed on the poke center
* Simple Mesage That show a ok button to close window (don´t stop player Movement)
* Added Music to the login ,character creation and character selection scenes
* Change time of day to player selected time
* UI for change time of day
* Particle effects for bed where you can change time of day
* Create Wild Pokemon Skills and Drops Manager
* Drop asset for trash Items
* New Mail System (for npc mails quests,ett,)
* Add Combat Tutorial
* Combat and Skills to the Help Menu

* New German Language.

* Tackle effect to play based on distance
* Fix Damage Ui Bubbles
* Ray on skills that can aim check only the terrain and not other wild pokemon
* Enemy Ui Update when receive damage
* skills UI update with the new skills system
* Missing Interaction on Brother in case you don´t remember how to do something
* Some spelling errors on the Spanish text
* Fix Unregister from targets when the poke faints(wild Pokemon won´t attack you after your pokemon faints)
* Missing text to let the player know about the teleport option
* Some spelling errors on the English text (Phillip Stoldt)
* Character Selection Difficulty Text show the current language

** YouTube Channels that mentioned or show the errors :
- "Welna" (Missing Interaction on first tutorial,Missing text for poke center)
- "La primera Guardia" (Spanish spelling errors)
- "TheNaxoZ3" (Spanish spelling errors,Missing text for teleport)

* Skills from static components to data and classes that use that data
* Skill class for skills of type:
- Ray(Water Gun,Thunder Shock)
- Frontal (hit enemy that are in front of the user)
- Projectiles (smog,ember) and Aimed (stone edge,sleep powder)
- Self Cast(recover,harden)
- Custom(self destruct)

* Cool downs are decided by the skill and not the slot(for when a skill fail to be used)
* All wild Pokemon now use the new skills system and have 6 moves
* Charging to the new skills system
* Transfer Skills to the new skill system
- Tackle
- Leer
- Harden
- Growl
- Scratch
- Protect
- Self Destruct
- Recover
- Thunder Shock
- Thunder
- Ember
- Water Gun
- Smog
- Sleep Powder
- Stone Edge

* New Inventory System
* New Inventory UI
* New Way to assign Shortcuts
* Selling And Buying From the new Inventory
* All Old playable pokemon now use the new skill system
* Change Inventory Tutorial / Text and image
* Change Pokeballs Range

* Event System For UI elementents
* Added to Object Pooling for better performance:
* Trainer Pokemon
* Release Effect

Special Thanks To:
* Denise Bruns and Phillip Stoldt For doing the Translation for the German Language! Awesome Work!

Worlds is something i allways wanted and im trying to do a 3d,real time combat,rpg of one of my favorites franchise pokemon! now that i feel i know enough to make something that is some what "ok" i have started to do so! im still learning but im planing to do this project fun and share it with everyone!

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Если ты нашел новую версию игры Worlds v0.014 / Worlds: Pokemon 3D, либо русификатор к ней, патч, левелпак или мод - сообщи об этом редактору новости, он добавит сюда доп. файл.
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Комментарии игроков (6 шт.)

От: Bruni2016 [1|0] | Дата 2017-02-10 16:11:43

Весьма хорошая игра. У неё есть хорошее будущее
От: kuchka [3|21] | Дата 2017-02-06 19:22:09

С детства обожал этот сериал, а теперь еще и игра, это класс, жду дальнейших обновлений!!!!!!
От: erndevil666 [2|3] | Дата 2017-02-06 17:37:07

Сугубо мое личное мнение. Игра имеет хорошую идею, но на самом раннем этапе. Если разработчик будет продолжать работу и развитие, то интересно что выйдет. Но на данный момент тяжело смотреть на все это))) Надеюсь игра не только на волне популярности Pokemon Go и разраб не опустит руки. А пока 3 Пикачу из 10.
От: fenos [7|4] | Дата 2016-11-09 13:29:27

Покемон го не выходя из дома!
От: k0shak [7|3] | Дата 2016-10-26 16:04:58

Ура! Покемончики!!!
От: Guido152 [53|4] | Дата 2016-10-26 11:22:02

Its' a live!