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Скачать игру NeonXSZ [Steam Early Access] v0.98 - игра на стадии разработки | Рейтинга пока нет | Баллы: 10 |
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Intravenous Software (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Тир, FPS, 3D-бродилки (3884); Аркады (3045); Песочницы (Sandbox-игры) (1335); Ролевые игры (RPG) (3391)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 113.59 Мб.
NeonXSZ - космический шутер от первого лица с элементами RPG, песочницы и исследования, который предлагает игроку огромный открытый мир, где Ваши возможности ограничены лишь Вашим воображением.
События игры разворачиваются в киберпространстве, где сотни машин сражаются с неведомым вирусом. Во время Ваших путешествий и приключений Вы сможете полетать на десятках машин, каждую из которых можно модифицировать по своему усмотрению. В итоге Вы можете создать собственный уникальный корабль, который возможно изменит ход кибернетической войны.
Игра ОБНОВЛЕНА с v0.942 до v0.98. Список изменений внутри новости.
George Weidman - SuperBunnyHop said:
"Fast-paced, freeform modular combat and exploration rewards players with an incredible amount of customization. You make your own adventure-- It's Sid Meier's Pirates! in cyberspace."
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Язык: Английский.
• 68 new Objectives/Achievements added. Can be found in Options/Objectives.
• New Advanced Gadget FX toggle option added to Options/Video
• GyroShield visuals dramatically improved with new shaders, and other improvements
• Ship spawn effect tweaked
• Ship spawn effect added when launching drones
• New sound effect added to the Barrier gadget when activated
• Barrier brightness increased for better visibility
• Barrier outline added
• New animation effect added as Barrier reaches max size.
• Black Hole gadget particle effects now only appear when Advanced Gadget FX is enabled.
• New effects added to Blink Gadget. Psychedelic rings appear along the length of the Blink path. Blur reworked during Blink when used by the player. Dynamic environmental recoloring effect added while Blink is used by the player.
• New blinding flash effect added around the target when hit by CorruptAI : Blind gadget
• Impunity now has a new, additional, shield visual effect
• New, simple, but high performance, Leech visual effect added. Advanced Gadget FX must now be enabled to see the previous fancy bezier curve based leech effect.
• Neutonic Shield shader tweaked with subtle kaleidoscopic effect.
• Slight rework of the Shockwave visual effect.
• Electrocute gadget's visual effect transparency increased for better visibility while installed.
• New positional marker effect added around all floating turrets to make them more visible.
• WarpPipe shaders tweaked
• Docking ports with upgrade shops are now guaranteed to also have garage services
• Docking ports with dealerships are now guaranteed to also have Quantum Teleporter services
• New Introduction page added to the beginning of the in-game help system
• New Objectives page added to the Beginners section of the in-game help system
• Non-player ships can no longer be pushed around during docking procedures. This prevents a number of potential issues with docking bays.
• New toggle option added to Options/Video to enable/disable the Vignetting effect. This setting is automated when using the game's video presets. Disabling this should improve GPU performance for very low end systems.
• Tooltip popup delay reduced to 0.3 from 0.5 seconds.
• Fixed missing loot pedestals and teleporter frames from Station 7 Arena 4.
NeonXSZ is a remarkably agile first-person spaceship combat and exploration game with RPG-like loot and leveling. Offering both openworld freeform gameplay and tightly structured combat arenas, it's a single-player sandbox where the only limit is your imagination.
You are the anomaly, injected into cyberspace to stake your place in a war of virus versus machine. During your journey you will fly dozens of ships and loot hundreds of upgrades allowing you to create totally unique spacecraft with which to wage war. Will you protect the operating system or join the infection to bring it down?
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