Описание игры, торрент, скриншоты, видео
Скачать игру Hero Generations v1.21 - торрент, полная версия | Рейтинг: 9.0 (6) | Баллы: 41 |
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Heart Shaped Games (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Текстовые, Roguelike (1561); Стратегии (3584); Ролевые игры (RPG) (3357); Игры для Linux (246); Игры для Mac OS X (276)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Полная версия (установи и играй)
• Размер / Size: 58.89 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 9.0 из 10 (всего голосов: 6)
• Другие части игры:
- Hero Generations: ReGen v1.05
• Похожие игры:
- Rogue Legacy v1.4.1 / + GOG v1.4.0
- Civilization / Цивилизация
- Sid Meier's Civilization 3
- Blades of the Righteous v1.0
Hero Generations - великолепная стратегия-рогалик о жизненных ценностях, сложности выбора и тщетности человеческой жизни.
Главной аксиомой Hero Generations является фраза "Жизнь коротка". Каждый ход, который игрок совершает в игре отнимает один год жизни его персонажа, а все его существования длится не более нескольких минут. Вы не один раз будете принимать решения, как "потратить" жизнь своего героя, добиться славы и увековечить его имя, заняться исследования мира и открыть новые земли, или же построить город и сделать жизнь наследников легче и лучше.
Еще одной интересной особенностью Hero Generations является система пророчеств. Один или несколько раз в столетие создается случайное предсказание какого-то важного события, это может быть что угодно, как возникновение вулкана, так и появление легендарного монстра. На протяжении одной единственной жизни сделать все игрок, конечно, не успеет, но балансируя между различными вариантами, есть надежда, что в будущих поколениях появится герой, который сможет добиться многого.
"I love finding innovative games trying out new things. Hero Generations goes far beyond just that - it's also an amazing game."
– Jon Shafer, Lead Designer - Conifer Games (Civilization V, At the Gates)
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Особенности игры:
• Ограниченная жизнь и пермасмерть: каждый ход забирает у вашего героя 1 год жизни.
• Поколение, брак и дети: найдите возлюбленную/возлюбленного, создайте семью и ожидайте наследников. Продолжайте играть уже за своего сына/дочь в том же самом мире, но спустя некоторое количество лет.
• 6 путей развития: Сила, Разведка, Любовь, Долголетие, Слава и Мудрость.
• Система развития города: постройте великолепный город и скрестите внем различные культуры.
• Изучайте и завоевывайте мир: исследуйте мир игры состоящий из 3х3 связанных земель, каждый из которых обладает своими уникальным ландшафтом и структурой (Вулканы, Пустыни, Острова и т.д.).
• Размышление: в ходе исследований игрок столкнется с вопросами жизни, смерти, семьи, любви, наследства и их значениями.
• Великолепный художественный стиль: художник Доминика Содано проделал впечатляющую работу.
Major Change List
• Swamp towns can become haunted! Haunted towns become "Ghost Towns" and have ghost/skeleton mates. You'll have to figure out which buildings and items can help you unhaunt them.
• Swamp boss can haunt towns.
• Introducing world events! Volcanoes now appear in your current world on certain strikes of the obelisk clock. Can only have 1 volcano in a given world. Volcanoes will replace forest or sand nodes.
• Bone item. Attracts boss monsters when held, and also adds +1 to damage.
• Scimitar item. Weapon with bonus attack in Desert areas.
• All side view scenes have polished stone backing art in place of the existing white background.
• City view has a new roll-over UI that shows it's tribute type and cultural traits that Mate's will have. (hover over city title bar to view)
• Volcano world is made visible from the start of the game on mini-map to give players a clear long term incentive to explore the overworld.
• For a limited time, all of our store banner images changed to be Halloween themed.
• 3 Halloween wallpapers added to the Artwork section on our Community Hub!
Bug Fixes & Other Changes
• New sideview stone backing art can be toggled off when "special effects" setting is set to off.
• Added support for 1680x1050 resolution.
• 1600x900 and 1680x1050 resolutions have better sidebar art!
• Fixed crash when starting new game in 800x640 mode.
• Fixed bug where tickets associated with already linked stations could linger.
• Station tickets associated with a connected station now get destroyed properly. (This should also help fix or reduce any instances of your held items getting replaced by tickets)
• Fixed bug where pop-up "Enter" button at bottom of screen would stay up when moving from a town next to a border passage into the next world.
• Fixed a few instances of bugs that would cause buildings to disappear when leaving then returning to a world.
• Now save minor "in-turn" changes like dropping and picking up items to help with syncing saved data in many edge case situations.
• The latest update to Hero Generations adds Full Screen Mode support! Here are all the details. If the previous lack of full screen support caused you to give us a negative review, we'd be ecstatic if you could update it to reflect this change.
New Content!
• Oracle (world building): offers rare knowledge items every 75 years.
• Guide (trait): Reveals the location of all towns in the current world.
• Seer (trait): Reveals the type of 4 cards on the flip board when mating
• World Map (item): clears the clouds instantly for the current world.
• Conch Shell (item): calls an airship to your location instantly.
• Emerald Hammer (item): repairs buildings by 800 years.
• Dagger (item): small attack item that adds 0-3 attack in combat.
• Blueprint (item): ??? (it's a secret!)
Features & Bug Fixes
• Can now toggle Music and Sound Effects separately from the settings menu!
• Bug Fix: Inventory UI for dropped items will now show even after continuing from the tutorial.
• Bug Fix: fixed black screen on load due to a player not having a hometown loaded.
• In combat, enemy information on sidebar stays visible while the battle plays out.
• Other minor bug fixes and tweaks.
• Major display bug where the screen would go white and show broken graphics is now fixed (was due to graphic textures running out of space). Was mostly a problem in 1080p.
• Station Building revamp: Stations now offer a "back" button that lets you return to destroy/upgrade it. you can also destroy/upgrade non "linked" stations as well.
• Station bug 1: crash when transitioning to other worlds due to broken station links now fixed. Existing saves with this issue should work.
• Station bug 2: Stations now properly unlink themselves when destroyed, and destroy associated tickets when linked or destroyed (note: rare situations allow tickets to stick around but should not be game breaking)
• Station bug 3: fixed save/load/travel situations that improperly showed building buttons.
• Traits Full pop-up now properly displays the description of a newly learned trait.
• Fixed bug where the hover arrow used for keyboard controls would appear visible in the wrong situations.
• A variety of other minor fixes.
• When in a space with items on the ground, and your hands are full, a new UI will appear on the sidebar below your character that will show all items in the space. You can click on any of the "Items on Ground" buttons to swap the specific item with the last item in your hand. There is a maximum of 4 items allowed on the ground in a single space.
• Traits Full UI improved: The message that appears when you get a new trait when you trait slots are full is more user friendly. The message displays the function of the new trait you learned, the existing trait buttons now have roll-over tool-tips, and the "continue" button has had its text changed to "Pass" to clarify its function.
• The Volcano Boss (Demon) will now appear appropriately, as well as its associated quest.
• The Monolith offering bowls now function properly. Also fixed a memory leak associated with this bug.
• The Monolith clock timer text now updates immediately upon entering the area, not after 1 move.
• Other nodes also fixed to update their visuals immediately on loading an area.
• Minor bug with ESC menu fixed.
• Minor bug where some buttons could be hit during transition to menu fixed.
• Fixed soft crash when moving onto a cleared Spirit Statue node.
• Fixed crash during loading when returning to a world where you had already killed the boss. Existing broken games stuck here should now work again.
• Player life icon now only turns red and throbs when the player lifespan is 10 or less.
• Trait Books now properly pick a random trait (fixed bug where it was always the "haggler" trait)
• Changed hover description text of Monster Lairs once cleared so fast-travel behavior is more discover-able.
• Hitting the ESC key on the main game board will bring up a exit to menu dialogue, which takes you to the main menu. Allows for settings adjustment.
• You can now exit the game from within the game UI using the new main menu exit button (upper left corner)
• Temples now cost 1000g and spawn life potions every 16 years (up from 15).
• The hover info UI for world objects now dynamically changes position to avoid overlaps with objects on the bottom of the game board.
• Shortened description text of some legendary items.
• Increased text size on main message box for OUYA version.
• Other minor fixes, tweaks, and under-the-hood code cleanup.
• Fixed: Issue where Starting New Game, Load, or Tutorial result in crash on loading screen. (Mac issue mainly)
• Fixed: Issue where loading saved games resulted in loading to earlier, incorrect state. (unconfirmed on all platforms, but should be)
• Fixed: Bug where trying to load saved data with no history entries resulted in crash.
• Refactored save system to no longer rely on the Adobe Flash local save system. This should remove edge cases where people who have disabled features of web saving on their machines can't save/load data.
• Fixed: Fighting enemies in squares surrounded by water/borders results in game hang (possible when traveling with rafts)
• Altered trait description text to read properly during info pop-up messages.
• Other minor fixes and tweaks.
• 9 legendary items and weapons added. These super powerful items are hidden around the world, so be sure to explore each and every biome for them.
• Same sex couples now supported.
• New "Top Score" now shown next to your fame so that you can compete against your best 1-life fame score.
• Added Thunderstorms to the volcano world.
• Removed volcanos from spawning in other worlds as special events (caused too many bugs. Will be replaced by other world events in the final game)
• Tutorial clean-up and bug fixing.
• World difficulty now causes world enemies to have greater strength. Lairs spawn increasingly more powerful monsters over time.
• Leaderboard values now save in all death/mating situations.
• All quests (including global quests) now work properly.
• adjusted loot drop tables.
• Fixed a variety of bugs in loading a previously saved game.
• Many other minor fixes and tweaks.
• Meadow World a seemingly calm world with opportunities to collect new gifts to woo potential mates. The Meadow World includes new graphics, quests, music, and gameplay. Look out for flower patches, the sword in the stone, and more.
• Not sure how to get to the Meadow World? Check the new Overworld mini-map (visible on the quest map screen in upper right corner).
• Balance Changes: enemy strength, enemy respawn times, building and item costs.
• Kickstarter Supporters - We've added a bunch of reward content for you. This includes family crests, caricature portraits, and custom traits. Items and Hero/Boss names coming in future versions.
• Art polish (backgrounds, icons, character parts, etc).
• Feedback added when dropping items (says "item dropped!" above player character)
• Sped up combat resolution
• Characters drop a gravestone on death
• Performance improvements
• Settings menu with sound controls and special effects toggle (for less powerful computers).
• Bug fix for bad crashes when transitioning out of towns, forests, and combat (issue with dying characters resolved).
• Character on main menu now represents the hero in your current saved game.
• fixed seems in tiling scene backgrounds.
• New main menu theme, as well as "stinger" audio that plays when you choose your mates in towns.
• IMPORTANT: This new build will make old save games unusable, so finish up old games before upgrading!
• Island World Added - prepare to navigate typically impassable and sparse terrain. The Island world includes its own new music track.
• Seek out the Docks to pick up a raft to sail the seas!
• Visit the new Trader Shop to sell your extra items for gold.
• Head over to the Flower Patch and pick a flower to better woo your love.
• New Quests: Build a Wonder to impress the world and increase your fame.
• Added new city buildings including the Circus, Wonder, and Blacksmith.
• New city culture types - discover new building combinations that use our new buildings and can change the city's culture.
• Many buildings (including the Station) have fresh new coat of paint.
• Added about two dozen new Traits such as Flying, Firewalker, Charmer, and Greedy!
• Scott has revamped the Save game system. This revamp includes save/load bug fixes for Mac. Save games are now saved as XML files in the game directory. (If you run into bugs, you can now share these files with us and we’ll be able to more easily debug)
• Added Kickstarter Backer family crests - over 34 different variations! Family names are coming in a future update.
• The interface shows a child's gender when you enter the child's name.
• Balance pass on combat damage. Bosses are not quite as mean.
• Huge of new character parts - Heroes have more variations of hair, beards, etc.
• Because we care....you can now adjust the volume using the + and - keys, and 0 to toggle mute. Audio adjustments will be part of the game options menu in a future update.
• Major bugs squashing.
Hero Generations is a quick-playing turn-based strategy game that takes inspiration from rogue-likes, 4X strategy, and independent art games. It has been described as the offspring of Sid Meier’s Civilization, Jason Rohrer’s Passage, and The Legend of Zelda.
You play a rapidly aging hero that explores a procedurally generated world in search of fame and a mate to settle down with before you die. After your life ends, you continue on adventuring as your child. Depending upon your choices, your child will be either more fit to take on the world, or hobbled by your poor decisions.
Ссылки для скачивания игры
Скачать Hero Generations v1.21 (58.89 Мб.):
Hero Generations [Beta] v1.04 (Linux) (53.98 Мб.):
Hero Generations v1.18 (Macintosh) (63.40 Мб.):
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