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Скачать игру A Tale of Survival (ATOS) PC v1.3.1 - полная версия | Рейтинг: 8.0 (2) | Баллы: 6 |
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Dynamic Zero (4)
• Жанр / Genre: Песочницы (Sandbox-игры) (1340); Ролевые игры (RPG) (3393)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Полная версия (установи и играй)
• Размер / Size: 18.36 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 8.0 из 10 (всего голосов: 2)
• Похожие игры:
- Forsaken Isle v0.10.6 [Steam Early Access]
- Tile Miner [Steam Early Access] v0.1.5.5
A Tale of Survival - приключенческая survival RPG с открытым для изучения миром. Добывайте ресурсы, собирайте материалы, занимайтесь строительством укреплений и различных строений, одним словом - выживайте!
Игра ОБНОВЛЕНА с v1.1.92 до v1.3.1. Список изменений внутри новости.
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Особенности игры:
• случайно генерируемые уровни и бесконечный игровой мир;
• игроки могут самостоятельно создавать для себя оружие и доспехи;
• осваивайте новые способности, изучая мир вокруг себя, ведь с помощью подручных предметов можно построить для себя жилье, наловить рыбы или вырастить овощи;
• пиксельная графика с детализацией даже самых незначительных элементов и забавная анимация;
• оригинальный саундтрек.
• Two completely new tracks! A full length day and night theme by our composer Mike Frank
• Fixed error with key rebinding not configuring correctly sometimes
• Reduced world generation time by 15%
• Fixed bug when entering dungeons that could cause a delay
• Resources now no longer block cave exits
• Increased base day and night lengths slightly
• Joystick now only activates in the lower left quadrant of the screen
• Added onscreen indicator for beacon to find your way home!
• Added cool down to opening and closing interact options with objects
• Increased damage of lava by 3
• Fixed ‘sticky joystick’ bug
• Fixed issue with raft controls
• Improved depth sorting on some objects
• Fixed bug when placing plants that would sometimes change their position
• increased spawn rate of coal by 15%
• Objects can now be placed on top of grass cliffs!
• Removed delta timing from core
• Chests now spawn in dungeons with more cool loot!
• Improved spawn collision detection for npcs and player
• Improved depth sorting for long grass and reeds to not overlap objects
• Fixed bug with item saving that would sometimes cause an error
• Fixed bug with rain icon sometimes displaying multiple times
• Improved placement of resources to not overlap
• Reduced chance of rain by around 30%
• Fixed bug when using ladder on certain terrain objects causing an error
• Attacking dead npcs no longer shows damage text
• Fixed bug with weather controller throwing an error
• Added text-log entry when equipping items
• Increased burn time of campfire by 55%
• Fixed bug with interact button when using ladder to climb into dungeons
• Resources can now be harvested by clicking on them
• Fixed bug with cliff steps not being walk able
• Reduced texture swaps by up to 30% for better performance
• Torch now requires stick and two coal to craft instead of wool cloth
• Fixed bug with targeting system not calculating priorities correctly
• Added new splash screen
• Worlds now generate with a pool of water surrounding them
• Fixed a long standing issue with the auto-tiling system ignoring some tile corners
• Fishing catch text now accurately displays catch details
• Fixed bug with some interaction objects not working correctly
• Reduced number of golems that spawn on each map
• Increased size of ground items by 0.2
• Redesigned GUI to be far more minimalistic
• Redesigned crafting GUI for faster crafting
• Reduced number of apples that spawn by 25%
• Fixed bug with ghosts sometimes staying alive after night
• The minimap has now been removed
• Fixed bug with crafting menu sometimes activating joystick
• Seeds now randomly spawn on the map
• Wooden planks will now randomly spawn in water
• Seeds now randomly spawn across the map
• Added new weather effects toggle to options menu
• Added new food item, potato stew!
• NPCS will now avoid campfires at night!
• Added new rain and snow effects
• Movement is now slowed when it is raining
• Fixed bug with combat music not playing in some instances
• Combat music will now not always play when entering combat
• Fixed bug with day and night themes cutting out early and not looping correctly
• Fixed bug with item durability bars appearing blurry on certain resolutions
• Fixed bug with credits alpha effecting the menu interface
• Increased the size of the crafting scrolling buttons by 160%
• Fixed bug with crafting scrolling buttons sometimes not aligning correctly on window devices
• Being cold now causes damage over time to the player
• Some NPC’s now inflict negative player effects when attacking such as poison or slow effects
• Added new poison DOT effect
• Fixed bug with player scores not displaying correctly in character selection screen after last update
• Fixed character score text alignment bug when creating long character names
• Fixed bug with alpha blend in menu screen when exiting the game
• Modifiers are now stored variables that will immediately take effect when loading into a game
• Fixed a bug with the modifiers that could potentially make them last forever
• Water lilies are now intractable objects and will move out of your way when passing through them
• Added new breaking effect when harvesting resources
• Fixed bug with targeting resources that was priorities ground items instead of the resource
• Fixed bug with player death animation not playing correctly when hitting the action button
• Added collision detection
• Player will no longer regenerate health when cold
• Fixed positioning of float when fishing to no longer pass through objects or terrain
• Water rocks are now solid objects/obstacles
• NPC AI is now based on a new modular system which will make new ai type implementation a lot easier!
• Worlds now spawn with a pool of water surrounding them
• Fixed health bar positioning of the combat dummy
• Fixed bug with cliff step positioning
A Tale of Survival (ATOS) is open world survival based RPG. The game features a completely randomly generated open world to explore, crafting, survival based game play and resource gathering. Stranded and alone you must harvest the materials from the land around you to survive!
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