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Скачать игру Death Legacy v0.7 - игра на стадии разработки

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Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2014-10-07 (обновлено) | Ролевые игры (RPG) (3341) | Просмотров: 6194

Death Legacy v0.7

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Loot Hut (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Ролевые игры (RPG) (3341)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 210.11 Мб.

Death Legacy - инди РПГ от первого лица в стиле рогалика. Исследуйте подземелья, сражайтесь с монстрами, пытайтесь выжить. Следите за голодом, жаждой и усталостью, они могут повлиять на характеристики игрока... или убить его.

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с 0.6 до 0.7. Список изменений внутри.

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Язык интерфейса: Английский

Version 0.7:
GameLab Feedback
A movement key can be left pressed in order to keep on moving in the same direction.
You can close the book by pressing the “ESC” key as well as clicking outside of it.
A new button “Take All” in every loot window.

Some known bugs fixes
Fixed a bug that occurred when two races with different number of equipment slots are selected in the same game session.
Several crashes related to battling near doors.
Big amount of bugs which freeze the turns queue.
Fixed some problems regarding lack of connection between rooms (especially the portal one).
Fixed compass orientation.
Fixed a bug regarding player dying during his/her turn. This fix made possible to activate poison damage again in the game.
Wider combat log. Log messages should be showing correctly now.
Fixed several issues of the AI due to lack of connection between rooms.
Fixed errors related to the deferred death of the player, that were forcing us to take the player to the Game Over screen immediately.

New features
Brand-new map using a system of region check to distinguish between regions where player is, visited regions (with fog of war) and regions to be discovered (hidden)
Obituaries: we implemented a new system to save and load data. Right now it is used to record stats of fallen heroes that can be checked though the “Obituary” option in the main menu. This aims to implement (in the future) a system of “achievement” track and bonifications that will enhance the replayability of Death Legacy.
Sight perception (for the player): depending on the level of sight of the player he/she will be able to detect traps and hidden levers.
Traps: player can get and place traps. On the other hand, unfriendly traps will be distributed across the map and will only be discovered if he/she has enough level of sight perception.
Secret rooms: just like traps, only players with a certain level of sight perception will be able to spot the lever that opens the hidden door. This rooms may contain chests and fountains/campfires, so they will be useful in terms of survival.

Other changes
New sounds: trap, hidden doors, levers, more player screams, and a level up notification.
Coloured log entries, classified by their types.
Changed the interaction with the portal for stepping into it to get to the next level (a bit more logical)
A fixed time after death has been added, to give the player the opportunity of knowing what/who killed him/her.
Player death animation: sure looks fancy.

Death Legacy is a roguelike, dungeon crawler, turn-based combat, roleplaying game, which try to approach to old-school dungeon crawlers, but offering a 3D graphic esthetics. One of its main features is the procedurally generated content (the entire dungeon, the items stats, the loot,...). The use of the senses will be decisive as you can find hidden secrets and your enemies using sight, and hearing. However, enemies will also use their senses to find you. Survival is another game mechanic. The player will suffer from hunger, thirst and tiredness, which will affect the players stats... or kill him.

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Комментарии игроков (3 шт.)

От: SOME [8|4] | Дата 2014-10-07 22:03:17

Если они сделают игру такой как мне кажется то она станет на многогогого раз больше и у неё будет великое будущее
От: Madnas [32|30] | Дата 2014-07-27 14:13:09

:D слежу за всеми твоими реинкарнациями!
Как игруля? ждем твоего мнения)))
От: SosiXL [-10|0] | Дата 2014-07-27 14:08:19

как интерено и снова здравствуйте АКТУНГ ПОЛУНДРА !!!!!!!!!!!