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Описание игры, скриншоты, видео

Скачать игру Bit Blaster XL v2.10 - полная версия

Рейтинга пока нет | Баллы: 6
Игру добавил Elektra [7719|138] | 2016-07-27 (обновлено) | Леталки, скроллеры (1026) | Просмотров: 5583

Bit Blaster XL v2.10

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Nickervision Studios (2)
• Жанр / Genre: Леталки, скроллеры (1026); Аркады (3014)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Полная версия (установи и играй)
• Размер / Size: 23.52 Мб.

Bit Blaster XL - небольшая аркада, которая представляет из себя смесь змейки и шутера. Игроку необходимо собрать монетки, уворачиваясь от атак противников.

Игра ОБНОВЛЕНА с v2.06 до v2.10. Список изменений внутри новости.

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Язык: Английский.

• New TrailShot power up that leaves a deadly trail of bullets for your enemies to run into and explode. Includes a small ticking sound to indicate dropping bullets
• New FlameShot power up that blasts a ton of small bullets that last only a brief time but can be very handy close range. Includes a flamethrower-ish sound?! I tried to make it not too overbearing, so hopefully it sounds good. :)
• New power up that allows ship to regain protective shields. This will appear at certain score intervals to help on the journey to your highest score ever
• New occasional power up that refills your boost meter to full instantly
• Improved the BulletShield power up thanks to feedback. Now there are five bullets surrounding your ship at a slightly further distance and they move faster by default. Using this in conjunction with boost and brake makes the BulletShield spin incredibly fast or slow, cutting through enemies. Also added transitions for when you pick up or lose the power up
• Reworked entire shield system under the hood (again) to be more accurate and allow further functionality
• Tidied up the options and video menus. Vsync now in video options. And changed the button layouts slightly.
• Background filler should now properly scale to literally any screen size imaginable (hopefully)
• New bursting blue indicator showing that boost / brake meter is full
• Made more minor improvements to tighten up keyboard / gamepad controls
• Bounce shot now accurately bounces based on angle of incidence and will correctly last three bounces (I learned some new things YAY)
• Updated pause menu graphics to show four new power ups
• Modified rate at which large golden meteors appear, to be more balanced based on score
• Fixed Laser / Bulletshield / Magnet sound and replaced with the proper loopable sound
• Bulletshield sound now properly adjusts based on Boosting or Breaking
• Applied balances to ammo usage for Manual fire, to allow autofire and manual fire to be more closely balanced for competition
• Modified various particles for when shields get destroyed, added new shield pickup particle and boost pickup particle. And modified old and created new particles for each unique power up pickup
• Added sound for when GiantShot splits into multiple parts
• Added several double checks in hopes of clearing some of the cheaters from the scoreboard automatically (more to come)
• New Video options menu. Allowing in game changing of resolution and Windowed mode. Located in the options menu.(experimental, should recognize your monitors compatible resolution, fingers crossed)
• Coins now reward triple the score once all ships have been Unlocked
• Adjusted the bullet spawn slightly on all ships, so that it is slightly forward from where it was before, should make no difference to gameplay but does make a slight visual difference and showcase the little muzzle effect that was mostly unseen before.
• The borders of the game now correctly adjust based on resolution changes and this should now correctly adjust to bigger or weird size monitors
• Added new indicator at the end of a round showing how many coins you currently have (if you haven’t unlocked all ships)
• Tuned the Joystick control on the Xbox 360 and Xbox One gamepad to allow even more sensitive turning with an analog stick (make sure to let me know if this cause over sensitivity on anyone's less generic gamepads (constant turning etc.) and I will address ASAP)
• Corrected trigger Axis bindings for Xbox One, and OSX and Linux (I think) to end the always on boost problem
• Laser, Shield, and Magnet no longer make noise during pause menu
• The “W” and “S” buttons on the keyboard should now correctly boost/brake and correctly recover as expected
• Menu bug causing players to auto explode after clicking end game button has been fixed
• Added a small button to link to my twitter on the thank you screen
• Left trigger should now brake and right trigger should now boost on gamepad
• Brand new BRAKE system now added. This piggy backs on the BOOST system and by pressing the ‘B’ button on the gamepad or ‘down’ on the keyboard it will slow you ships speed allowing more responsiveness overall and allowing some pretty sweet dodges. This is a big change and despite seeming small and while not taking away from how the game currently plays, it will ADD a whole new level of gameplay so it's important that people give me feedback on this one :) (also, "s" on keyboard)
• When paused, the games music will slow but not shut off completely, and then speed up back to normal when unpaused. Sounds a lot cooler :)
• When paused, pressing “A” on the gamepad or clicking the button with the mouse, or “a” on the keyboard will now also resume gameplay
• When paused, pressing “B” on the gamepad or clicking the button with the mouse, or pressing “b” on the keyboard. Will now self destruct to start a new round or exit
• Added a brief power up guide to the pause screen
• Revamped instructions to include new options
• New unique explosion GFX for each enemy, makes everything look a little more flashy
• When paused, enemy bullets no longer appear above menu
• Escape button during gameplay also now activates pause
• Game will now detect mouse cursor use, after 3 seconds of inactivity turns off cursor.
• Fixed Rare Coin Meteor Bug allowing multiple grabs of coins
• New pause system (press "p" on keyboard or "start" on gamepad to pause game.
• Fixes to turning ratios resulting in tighter and more responsive turning.
• Various other small additions and bug fixes.
• Resolved crash on startup due to leaderboard queries
• Default resolution issues; modified to open by default in borderless window, as well as support more resolutions.
• Resolved Achievement for ship08 not always activating correctly.
• Added a version number to main menu for better bug reporting/detection in the future
• Magnet and Bulletshield sounds should now correctly respond to audio settings.
• Changed splash screen transitions to not be so sudden
• Moved ‘more games by nickervision’ to thank you/exit screen and changed note.
• sharpened all GFX assets to a slightly higher resolution
• Fixed issue where going back to main menu from end game screen you could occasionally see enemies glitch.
• spacebar can now play another round from gameover screen.
• Either CTRL, ALT, or X keyboard keys can be used to shoot in manual mode. (as well as controller X)
• added correct menu sound effects for vsync, autofire, and vibrate toggles.
• I pushed out a hotfix patch to both the beta and live branches. This should resolve the crashing on open Bug for a lot of people. If the patch doesn't auto download immediately, you can force it to do so by verifying local files. Thank you everyone for the patience while I sorted this issue out, and again, apologies for the frustration to those that had to deal with the bug.
• New songs added by Spiff Tune; now there are unique songs for each ship.
• New mode; Autofire mode can be enabled/disabled at the ship select screen. Will allow the player to hold “CTRL” or “X” on gamepad to shoot. The shooting is still tied to the ship’s and active power up’s rate of fire, but allows the player more control over their ammo usage if they so choose. Manual shooting mode will track separate local high scores for each ship as well.
• New Passive Power up #1 - Magnet; shoots normal bullets but attracts all ammo and coins at more than three times the speed.
• New Passive Power up #2 - BulletShield; has four round bullets floating around your ship protecting you from close calls and spins faster while boosting.
• New Player Ship 08; Max stats of four shields, four speed, and four rate of fire. Also has hidden passive ability to gain double ammo with each pickup.
• New Steam Achievement for unlocking Ship 08.
• New Steam Leaderboard for players using Manual Fire.
• New enemy 06; A big enemy that breaks apart in the same fashion as enemy 01, but has four bullet shields floating around it that absorb most shots, once the core enemy gets destroyed, the enemy breaks apart and the bullet shields fly at the player.
• Modified explode shot slightly to have a bigger blast radius and slightly longer fuse.
• Re-Balanced some enemy spawning and appearances below 20,000 points.
• Modified the power up pickups GFX to look a little more obviously power up-ish
• Re-Balanced the cost for ships slightly and added new ship to menu. Now (5,10,20,30,40,50,100).
• Upon purchasing all ships, the coin collection indicator will disappear from ship selection screen but will still track coin collection in the background in case more coin purchases are added in the future.
• Correctly updating the highscores list directly after earning a new highscore.
• Added a new weapon "Giant" shot that is a large bullet that will split into four small bullets upon impact.
• The last heatseeker bug was found and fixed (even though this one was very rare)
• Explode shot is now correctly untied from frame rate so effect should be more visible and useful
• Exploding enemy ship now has a warning blink that makes more sense on more resolutions.
• Menu system has been correctly slowed down and balanced on all builds, no more "a" button restarts and having the menu in your face while playing.
• Bounce bullet has had minor modifications in its color and size and ability.
• More implementation of fixes for various frame rates and hardware. Should now run more balanced and smoother on more machines (hopefully all at the same speed) So a slower machine will no longer get weirdly varying speeds of ships.
• And a variety of other small GFX changes and tweaks.
• Rewrote the shield system, should now work as intended, flashed the GFX up a notch, and added an indicator showing how many shields remain, may play into more features in the future. ;)
• Mouse cursor will now disappear during the active round of gameplay and reappear for menus.
• I am pretty sure I resolved the heat seeking problem. So now it shouldn’t crap out, and just never come back.... please let me know if it craps out and never comes back.
• Fix in place so that slower systems don’t have an advantage by the enemies moving slower. Modified a bunch of things to try to balance out this problem. (initially the problems was just caused by an amateur coding move by myself) So may still be kinks to work out.
• Fix so systems with 120 hz+ monitors run correctly.
• Added a little sparkle effect to the boosterbar at the bottom.
• Enemy bullets are now top priority in layers and will always be at the top.
• Slightly adjusted red of bounce bullet.
• Add image to configuration launcher. Hold (on win)“ALT” or (on osx)“OPTION” then click play to see configuration options.
• And i'm sure some little tiny fixes I forgot to document. Whoops.
• Bit Blaster V7 Achievement should now correctly activate. (including retroactively to anyone that had already earned it.
• The skybox and other various details should now appropriately scale to the outrageously sized 21:9 monitors :)
• Dead zone on gamepad issues should now be resolved. (dpad is not in use currently due to my own programming limitations, will hopefully be back in the future)
• The Orange "H" powerup will now correctly find targets, if the target is destroyed, it will find a new target, if no targets available it will disappear. Should also no longer get jammed and need a game restart to work again.
• I have discovered how to manage the questionable leaderboard scores and will do my best to remove all the ones that are completely outrageous.
• I added a slight acceleration to keyboard left and right controls allowing the player a little tighter control.
• When dying while boosting, the booster would auto be on next life, this has now been fixed.
• I have correctly added both the Windows 32 bit builds and Linux 32 bit builds so that people having trouble booting the game should now be able to play.
• Please make sure to check the discussions board for a stickied post where I will do my best to track all issues.

Системные требования
Windows Mac OS X SteamOS + Linux
ОС: Windows XP
Процессор: Dual Core +
Оперативная память: 1 GB ОЗУ
Видеокарта: 512mb +
Место на диске: 200 MB
Дополнительно: Is your computer older than ten years? You should probably get a new computer before you consider more games.

Your ship can not stop moving; so turn it left and right and use your boost to keep from running into an ever increasing amount of enemies. Your ship is always shooting, so make sure to pick up more ammo and the variety of awesome power ups to help you survive longer. Get the highest score you can while collecting coins to buy more ships that are faster, shoot faster, or have more shields.

• Easy to learn, simple arcade style Controls to turn your ship and boost (can also use a gamepad) (not a twin stick shooter)
• A handful of wicked Power ups like Split Shot, Heat seekers, and Blast Shot to assist your survival.
• Several unlockable ships to pilot with unique attributes to give you an edge in the Leaderboards
• Endless survival (infinite) score chasing game play with a classic arcade style
• Steam achievements, leaderboards & Trading cards! (with emoticons & profile wallpapers)
• Cool retro pixel Graphics.
• Gameplay inspired by Luftrausers, Asteroids, Space Invaders and Geometry Wars (some of my favorites)

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Комментарии игроков (1 шт.)

От: Dark_sprite [5|12] | Дата 2017-12-12 17:48:01

На данный момент есть 3.12 версия в стиме (29 рублей)