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Описание игры, торрент, скриншоты, видео

Скачать игру Virtual SlotCars v0.9.9 - торрент, демо версия игры

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Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2017-06-05 | Песочницы (Sandbox-игры) (1318) | Просмотров: 4188

Virtual SlotCars v0.9.9

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от VSC Dev 1 (1) и PraGames (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Техника на колесах, гонки (1205); Сетевые / ХотСит (2292); Песочницы (Sandbox-игры) (1318)
• Язык: Русская версия (7941)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Демо версия
• Размер / Size: 195.11 Мб.

Virtual SlotCars - симулятор слот гонок (Slot car racing), который позволит Вам построить свои треки, собрать свою машинку из разных деталей, и прокатится в одиночном режиме, либо с другими игроками онлайн.

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Язык интерфейса: Русский, Английский (Multi4)

Welcome to Virtual SlotCars (VSC), a game which will enable you to accurately simulate the real world of Consumer and Pro Slot Car racing.

VSC conforms to the rule of some of the best games, easy to learn, difficult to master. There is, of course, only one button/trigger to control your car, but with potential speeds in excess of 70km/h, a fast eye and quick trigger finger are essential in order to be able to match the world champion lap times and speeds that VSC can reach. That is why we recommend using our analogue throttle control feature with your gamepad. With this combination, VSC offers the closest you can get to the real thing.

But before any more details, some nostalgia. Do you remember from your childhood, or perhaps even later on, always wanting to play Slot Cars but for some reason it never happened? Perhaps there never was enough room in your house, or not enough money to buy all the tracks or even get the car you always wanted. Maybe your friends were not so into the investment themselves?

Whatever the reason, it is time to rethink Slot Cars.

VSC offers the ability for you to design your racing experience from the ground up. Axle gears, motors, chassis, bodies, tyres, tracks, all of which have their very own real world properties painstakingly simulated within VSC, all with wear and tear accounted for.

With VSC you can customise your own cars or build them offline and import them into the game. Create your own tracks in-game using the VSC Track Editor, or devise your own track-sets based on your favourite real world racing track and import them into the game as well as share them, to create that specific track you always wanted.

As you play VSC you gain experience, which will make available high grade car parts in the VSC Store. As you win races, you gain money, which will pay for new car parts or track parts. Then you can head over to the VSC Garage and upgrade your car or build a new one from scratch.

VSC Online will allow you and your mates to play on your hosted track, against each persons custom car. You set the rules, everything is fully configurable based on the actual racing championship experience.

VSC Single Player mode offers an automatic AI matching system. This system works by using the specifications of your chosen car parts, or you may take on the AI Aces with a slower car if you dare!

VSC is currently in a pre-alpha stage of development. Our goal is to have VSC succeed in Steam's Greenlight program as soon as possible, for it to be sold on Steam. Your support, input, and most of all Greenlight votes will be an integral part of the success of VSC. We look forward to hearing from all of you out there that love Slot Cars as much as we do, and who want to see this game come to fruition.

Enter the race, vote for VSC!

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