• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Sound Harvest Studio (1) • Жанр / Genre: Игры с физикой (1283) • Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке) • Размер / Size: 391.56 Мб. • Оценка игроков / Game Score:10.0 из 10 (всего голосов: 1)
Вы - Торнадо! Исследуйте и разрушайте мир! Начните с небольшого торнадо и дорастите до огромного. В этой ранней версии игры есть несколько режимов игры, включая обучение.
Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с Alpha 3.3 до Alpha 4.0. Список изменений внутри.
Alpha 4.0: Be a Tornado. There is a few levels here, The storm chaser levels are more of a rough draft than anything. I recommend the level titled "Smorgas Road" they are levels close to what I aim the final product to be. Play it by destructing your heart out when or if you leave the cloud base you will enter human mode allowing you to walk around and check out the destruction from a first person perspective. I added another level or two just to round out the demo a bit. I had intended to have many more levels in this release but alas I am only one man who it turns out needs a bit more time. I have plenty more in the works so if you enjoyed this check back for bigger better updates version 4.1 should be along in a couple weeks. Enjoy and feel free to tell your friends to give this a try.
Alpha 3.3: This is an upgraded version from the last. Not much really just a bug fix. not much new content, much is still under construction.
Alpha 3.1: Second public version, nothing too exciting I just added a couple new levels and did a couple bug fixes. Hope you enjoy, there is plenty more to come in future versions.
You be the Tornado! Save or destroy the entire world of ... this game! Explore, discover, and have fun. Start small earn bigger tornadoes in one of two game modes.
1; Explore and Destroy This game type is free open levels just explore and have fun no goals just options, you start out on a map you choose on the location you choose. You may destroy up a storm but dont run dry your power! If you wish to keep going you must find new wind source. Assuming you found one on time, each wind source will open a new area on the map.
2; A story, begin as a dust devil then work your way up the Fujita scale by finding and destroying your way through a network of levels.
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