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Скачать бесплатную игру Warrior Cursed By Loneliness | Рейтинг: 10.0 (1) | Баллы: 16 |
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Spotlightor (3)
• Жанр / Genre: Тир, FPS, 3D-бродилки (3883)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Бесплатная игра
• Размер / Size: 11.56 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 10.0 из 10 (всего голосов: 1)
Warrior Cursed By Loneliness - аркадный симулятор боя между средневековыми рыцарями.
Игра создана за 48 часов специально для конкурса LD22.
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Давным-давно, жил один великий воин. Никто из врагов не мог пережить ударов его клинка. Его тело было бессмертным, потому что у него был плащ невидимости, который он украл у Смерти. В отместку, Смерть наложила на него проклятье - никто, и даже Смерть, теперь не могли найти этого великого воина. Год за годом, одиночество сводило воина с ума, и вот теперь он нашел себе достойного противника - клона самого себя, созданного при помощи заклинания.
Long ago, there was a great warrior. None of his opponent could survive under his blade. His body was immortal because he had stolen the cloak of invisibility of the Death. As a revenge, the Death cast a curse on him - not only the Death, nobody in the world could find this great warrior. Year after year, the loneliness made the warrior going crazy - now, there was only one thing left for this immortal one, fight against his spell-cloned body.
This is a First-Person fighting/action game.
IMPORTANT: You need a mouse with 2 buttons(Left & Right) to play this game. Touchpad of NB is not suitable for this game.
The success of attack depends on if you could land it on your opponent's vulnerable bits. The enemy's vulnerabilities will be exposed when he has lost his defense stance(attacking, blocked by your shield). And there are 2 type of vulnerabilities: Far & Near(with red circle in it). Slashing attack can only reach the near vulnerabilities while piercing attack could reach both.
##Piercing: Click with LMB(Damage: 1-3)
##Slashing: Drag with LMB(Damage:1)
The enemy will attack your head, chest, or legs, so you need to position you shield at the right height while defending. When enemy begins attack, one part of the screen(upper/mid/lower) will flash red to inform you where he is targeting. Use your RMB to defend yourself as follows:
##Shield: Hold down RMB at the red screen area.
##Block: Hold down RMB just before the enemy's weapon reach your body! If you push RMB too early, blocking will not be triggered but you can still defend successfully.
If you've defeated the warrior, the attributes of him will be randomized in the next game. The "Attack" attribute may be a little puzzled. In this game, it means the percentage to land a power attack which could make the camera shake a lot even if you defense successfully.
This game seems quite challenging at start, until you've learned how to attack efficiently and master the art of blocking.
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