Описание игры, скриншоты, видео
Скачать игру Q.U.B.E. v2.8 Directors Cut + DLC / + GOG v2.0.0.1 - полная версия | Рейтинг: 9.8 (16) | Баллы: 106 |
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Toxic Games (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Тир, FPS, 3D-бродилки (3892); Игры с физикой (1288); Головоломки, пазлы (3004)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Полная версия (установи и играй)
• Размер / Size: 411.50 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 9.8 из 10 (всего голосов: 16)
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Свет увидела отличная игра Q.U.B.E.. Это пазл от первого лица, при первом знакомстве с которым сразу вспоминается Portal. Те же белые стены, головоломки и немножко физики.
Игра обновлена с версии 2.7 + DLC до 2.8 + DLC. Список изменений внутри новости.
Добавлена GOG-версия игры.
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У вас будут перчатки, с помощью которых вы можете вытаскивать, затаскивать кубы, которые обладают различными свойствами. Собственно, на этим и построен геймплей, вытаскиваем кубы, вылазим по них, идем дальше, лишь под конец игры придется подумать над прохождением очередного уровня.
Графически игра выглядит неплохо, так как движок Q.U.B.E., это старый добрый Unreal Engine 3.
На данный момент, эта игра активно разрабатывается тремя людьми, у них амбициозные планы.
Q.U.B.E, an acronym for 'Quick Understanding of Block Extrusion' is a single-player game where the player must complete challenging puzzles to advance through each level. To finish puzzles the player needs to manipulate coloured cubes in the environment by controlling them with their special gloves. The player is able to extrude (drag out) red cubes, launch themselves using blue cubes, pull out multiple sets of yellow cubes and strategically use timed cubes. Q.U.B.E is currently in development by us here at Toxic Games - it began as a student project but we are keen to take it further and pursue it as a fully-fledged single player game. Influences are drawn from 'The Room', a short animation by Vancouver Film School, Portal, Prey and a variety of other media. We are using the power of Unreal Engine 3 to bring our idea to life. Toxic Games currently comprises of 3 key members: Daniel Da Rocha, Jonathan Savery and Dave Hall.
- Added new resolution: 2560x1080
- Fixed bug in final time trial level, being able to fall out of level.
- Fixed pickups in time trial levels counting as Moves. Achievements are now possible to obtain!
FOV change: If you want to change your FOV for any reason, locate your game's install directory and open the following file EngineConfigBaseEngine.ini
Search for FOVAngle and change 90.000000 to whatever you want.
v2.7: (Directors Cut)
“The Director’s Cut is a single-location thriller” says Yescombe, “It’s about figuring out what the Qube is, and why you’re inside it. You’re told you are an astronaut inside some kind of alien structure hurtling towards Earth, but it’s also about something deeper than that.”
Under the surface, there is a subtext about games themselves – “We are conditioned to expect death and doom. We’re resigned to it. At its heart, this story is about that state of mind and how it effects the way we view our experiences, in games and in life. The Director’s Cut will feel either heroic or unnerving, depending on your own personal trust issues.”
Against the Qlock DLC:
This all-new time trial package pits the player against the clock in a bid to get the highest score and beat their friends. Combining precision, logic and quick reactions the player must speed through each of the ten levels using a variety of pick-ups to their advantage. All new achievements and leader-boards extend the gameplay experience of Q.U.B.E. The DLC also offers an abundance of replay-ability as each level has a medal rating and a certain amount of medals are required to unlock new levels.
Key Features
10 brand new levels
New space environment
New achievements
New Music Score
Online Leaderboards and Statistics
Fast paced gameplay coupled with quick fire puzzles. Test your reaction times!
- Continue Game Crash Fixed. Players that were previously experiencing crashing to desktop when hitting Continue Game will now be able to continue game as normal.
- Mouse Sensitivity Fixed. Will now save adjusted sensitivity.
- Added More Resolutions. 1280x720, 2560x1440, 2560x1600, 3840x2160.
- Added Mouse Smoothing Option.
- Added AZERTY Keybindings to config files.
- Added Keybindings to the main and pause menus. You can now customize your keyboard layout.
- Fixed an instance in Sector 7 where if the player attempted to solve a puzzle, they could no longer walk.
- Fixed a numerous amount of bugs in Sector 7.
- Enabled XBOX360 controller & Mouse and Keyboard together. (Now there is no need to manually configure the controls)
- Fixed some minor texture issues (There were some ugly buttons in the game)
- Added Facebook & Twitter buttons in Extras Menu
- Added some minor Stats in Extras Menu
- Fixed some minor puzzle bugs in sector 5, 6 & 7
- Fixed a bug in Sector 5 where a green cube would pop out of placement thus leaving the puzzle unsolvable and the game uncompletable.
- Enhanced the mouse cursor smoothness in the menus
- Updated the Unreal Engine
Ссылки для скачивания игры
Скачать Q.U.B.E. v2.8 Directors Cut + DLC (411.50 Мб.):
Q.U.B.E. Directors Cut GOG v2.0.0.1 (736.89 Мб.):
Скачать .torrent файл (прямая ссылка): qube_directors_cut_gog_v2_1.torrent
Скачать Original Sound Track к игре Q.U.B.E. (215.79 Мб.):
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