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Скачать игру Call Of Doom Tarkov v1.2 - торрент, полная версия

Рейтинг: 10.0 (1)
Игру добавил Kusko [2514|32] | 2025-01-12 (обновлено) | Тир, FPS, 3D-бродилки (3892) | Просмотров: 3302

Call Of Doom Tarkov v1.2

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Arrowood (2)
• Жанр / Genre: Тир, FPS, 3D-бродилки (3892); Ретро-игры (DOS, Win 9x) (649)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Полная версия (установи и играй)
• Размер / Size: 945.90 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 10.0 из 10 (всего голосов: 1)

• Похожие игры:
- Live Through DOOM (LiTDOOM) v0.595c
- Hideous Destructor v4.13.0a
- Call of DOOM Black Warfare v2

Call Of Doom Tarkov - перенос оружия и механик игры Escape from Tarkov на движок Doom. В отличие от ванильного Doom, где вам нужно было просто стрелять из ракетниц и BFG, этот мод заставляет игроков серьезно задуматься о тактике перестрелки. В игре около 100 пушек, отличающихся не только внешним видом, но и характеристиками. Однако игроки могут носить с собой не более 4 длинноствольных ружей и 2 пистолетов (если у игрока есть рюкзак). Чтобы взять новое оружие, вы должны бросить свое текущее оружие, рискуя никогда не получить его снова. Хотя этот мод не такой сложный и трудный, как настоящий Escape from Tarkov, он все же требует, чтобы вы по возможности разбирались в возможностях оружия, прежде чем его использовать.

Игра обновлена до v1.2. Список изменений внутри новости.

Вы можете скрыть всю рекламу на сайте. Как?

Различные предметы, которые вы сможете добыть, используются только для вашего выживания.
В мире Doom деньги и сокровища ничего не стоят. Потому что на земле не осталось никого, кто стал бы иметь с вами дело.

Ver 1.2 UPDATE
Added new weapons "AS Val" and "Vintorez"

Have you played S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl?
We can't play STALKER 2 in DOOM yet, but here we have AS Val and VSS Vintorez.

+ VSS Vintorez (Epic)
+ AS Val (Legendary)

This is the final weapon addition update for CALL OF DOOM:TARKOV "Ver1".
This will be the last time I can add new weapons while still maintaining compatibility with our DOOM save data.

The Special Rifle has been added, which is a very popular weapon among Escape from TARKOV players.
Originally, these rifles use a unique subsonic ammunition called the 9x39mm cartridge, but the ones added in this update currently use the same 7.62x39mm as the AKM.
There are already 100 firearms in this mod, and if we were to carelessly add a gun that uses a new cartridge, not only would it have a major impact on the game balance, but no one, including me, would be able to properly use the new rifle.
So, at the moment, it is registered as a rifle that uses 7.62x39mm, which is easier to obtain.
The addition of the 9x39mm cartridge and the families that use it is planned for release in the "Ver2.0" major update.
The VSS Vintorez has been added as a starting weapon for the player class "BEAR PMC (P2W)", so you can use it right away if you wish.

Additionally, some weapons have been modified.
The M1A Semi-Auto Rifle and General Shepherd's .44 Magnum have had their animations changed.
In a previous update, the SIG MPX was improved, putting the Beretta MX4 at a disadvantage, but with this update the MX4 has been changed to a 9mm SMG that combines the fastest RoF and accuracy.

This time I have also released a "LIGHT version" which reduces the size of the graphic files by 50%.
The guns will look blurry and in lower resolution, but you'll have access to the exact same features and weapons as in the full version.
Of course, you'll also have access to new weapons from Ver1.2, such as ASVAL.

However, this mod was made for my 1920x1080 monitor, so the issue of weapon pickup icons and weapon spec sheets being extremely hard to read when playing at any other resolution remains.
I don't know how to create a system that displays icons that adapt to the player's current resolution.

Also, although this is a lite version, it doesn't mean that I also start supporting users to play the game on their mobile phones.
I developed this mod for PC gameplay and know nothing about DOOM on mobile phones. I cannot reduce the file size of this mod any further while still maintaining the essential parts of this mod, and I will not provide support for any other issues.

(This has nothing to do with you, but this process was much more painful than someone unfamiliar with mod development could imagine. I compressed the 100+ sprites per gun in the correct way to about 2MB total, carefully checked them for errors, re-registered them, and then did that 100 times for the 100 guns. If anyone comments, "Please make the mod lighter than this!" I'll probably go to their house.)

It seems to contradict my explanation earlier, but this MOD is very simple.
DOOM players who install this mod will be able to fight using realistic firearms and equipment instead of losing fictional weapons like plasma guns. Nothing more, nothing less.
This mod fits many custom maps without making your gameplay too easy, difficult or ruined.

Unlike vanilla DOOM, where you just had to shoot full auto rocket launchers and BFGs, this mod forces players to think seriously about the ideal gunfight.
There will be 100 guns that differ not only in appearance but also in performance.
However, players can only carry a maximum of 4 long guns and 2 pistols. (If the player has a backpack)
In order to pick up a new weapon, you must drop your current weapon at the risk of never being able to retrieve it again.
You can't always pick up good ammo, so carrying only high-end weapons may not be the best option.

Although not as complex and difficult as the real Escape from TARKOV, this mod still requires you to understand the capabilities of the weapons before using them, if possible.

The various items you can acquire are all used only for your survival.
In the world of DOOM, money and treasure are all worthless. Because there is no one left on earth who will do business with you.
(*Originally I was planning to introduce a trader who would sell items to me, but being able to buy weapons using the internet in Hell was so disjointed that it was ultimately removed.)

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Комментарии игроков (2 шт.)

От: MaBna [9|91] | Дата 2025-01-28 03:26:48

Для меня этот мод стал открытием)) Очень... необычное сочетание, при чем играть очень даже приятно.
От: SKAY-NET [2|2] | Дата 2025-01-15 10:13:23

вот бы сделали такой мод на зов припяти...