Описание игры, скриншоты, видео
Скачать игру Guncraft v1.07 - полная версия | Рейтинг: 9.7 (18) | Баллы: 41 |
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535)
• Жанр / Genre: Тир, FPS, 3D-бродилки (3891)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Полная версия (установи и играй)
• Размер / Size: 84.80 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 9.7 из 10 (всего голосов: 18)
• Похожие игры:
- Ace of Spades v0.75
- Guncrafter Pro v1.8.8
Guncraft - новый воксельный шутер с полной разрушаемостью, который пародирует многие современные "шутаны"!
Вас ждут тонны оружия, взрывчатки, техники и море веселого геймплея.
Игра обновлена с версии 1.0 до 1.07. Список изменений внутри новости.
Вы можете скрыть всю рекламу на сайте. Как?
Это своеобразный микс из игр-песочниц, шутеров и экшна, действие которого развивается в до боли знакомом городе, а в качестве главных героев выступают парни с конечностями в виде параллелепипедов и головами в виде раскрашенных картонных коробок.
В игре реализован полноценный онлайн-мультиплеер, все предметы окружения в игре могут быть разрушены, а это открывает поистине колоссальные возможности для тактических действий!
Очень подкупает возможность самостоятельно, практически «на лету» строить уровни для организации массового смертоубийства.
Установка и запуск игры:
Способ 1:
1. Установить игру.
2. Зарегистрироваться тут (ввести e-mail, на который будет выслан ключ).
3. Запустить игру и создать профиль с помощью присланного ключа.
4. Играть!
Способ 2:
1. Нажать Play Offline.
2. Играть.
WASD - Двигаться
Left Mouse - Стрелять
Right Mouse - Прицел
CTRL - Присесть
F - Рукопашная
G или MiddleMouse - Бросить гранату
Shift - Бег
R - Перезарядка
Q - Переключение между оружием 1 и 2
Spacebar - Прыжок (нажать еще раз для парашюта)
B - Переключиться в режим строительства
BackSpace - Таблица очков
Режим строительства:
Left Mouse - Строить
Right Mouse - Копать
G или MiddleMouse - Менять строиматериалы
Spacebar - Прыжок (нажать еще раз для парашюта) – Парашют активируется после нескольких секунд падения
B - Переключиться в боевой режим
Отладочные команды:
F12 – Включить полный экран
K – Вкл/Выкл режим ботов
9 – Загрузить уровень
0 – Сохранить уровень
Guncraft is a first person shooter game utilizing the voxel style made popular by the highly acclaimed game, Minecraft. This game will take traditional FPS elements and combine them with construction to create a fast paced, diverse, and extremely unique level of gameplay. Combine that with a multiplayer editor and tons of modding capabilities, and you have yourself a very versatile game.
1.07 - Steam RC2
* Fixed bugs involving hover drone races
* Racing checkpoints always stay on screen
* Homing missiles with targets now face the correct direction
* Can no longer get credit for killing someone multiple times while racing
1.06 - Steam RC1
* Added foundry achievements
* Races now end 1 minute after someone finishes
* Analog movement with gamepads
* Race hover drones now have infinite fuel and move twice as fast
* Non-preorder accounts now have access to Steampunk and Spaceship blocks
* Lots of new maps
1.05 - steam beta 4
* Show notifications on the main menu
* Fix for partial alpha on ironsights
* Fixed vehicles appearing in gunsmithing after firing range
* Fixed stat based achievements
* fixed gunk timer and sticky players based on entering chat
* Added ability for us to ban people from gunsmithing/skin editing
* Preparing to remove beta players and show them an upsell
1.04 - Steam beta 3
* Limit gun and skin uploads to one of each type per user
* Fixed crash on steam authentication for brand new users with empty LAN names
* Dont unlock achievements if you are in a single player game
* Wisp gun buffed for meteor survival
* Added check for movement and 5s timer between flag captures
* Fixed spawn point directions
* Added Protips to skinsmithing
* Fixed duplicating vehicles in firing range
1.03 - Steam Beta 2
* Added 10s timer between hookshots
* Velocity now affects your accuracy
* Kill streaks can only be earned once per 'life'
* Vehicles on firing range
* Use steam cloud for settings - they will roam with you to a new machine
* standalone server supports race mode
* review screens now asks for a reason for rejecting guns and skins
* New killstreak icons
* Added race spawn blocks - map makers you can now complete your race maps
* Race and spleef maps can be made in multiplayer build mode
* No hang if game ends in settings or twitch screen
* Build/destroy stats don't change if you play in infinite resources
* As usual other bug fixes/crashes
* Steam authentication
* Achievements
* Race Mode
* Foundry now has community voting for guns and skins
1.01 - Patch 1
* TwitchTV integration - we wanted it for release but it didn't make it
* Map corruption crash
* Fixed hang on update at startup for a few people
* Crash with custom weapons
* Quieter explosions when tanks are destroyed
* Replace all works correctly in Gunsmithing
* Can no longer shoot through the bottom of the world
* Entering a vehicle while reloading no longer causes you to be unable to fire
* Fixed bug where sometimes Onslaught enemies wouldn't pursue you
* Can now rotate prefabs and guns in single player using ctrl+J and ctrl+K
1.0 - RELEASE!!!!
* Same as RC4 but just with the release flags flipped and the version updated
0.47 Beta 20
* Onslaught enemies no longer shoot at dead bodies
* Tweaks to rank calculation
* Can now join a Ranked game in progress as a spectator
* Changed Spleef timer to per round rather than per match
* Added default settings file
* Switching away from the javelin no longer causes you to lose the killstreak
* Switching away from a custom gun to the Assault Rifle will draw the correct gun
* Flag should correctly return to base
* Hoverbikes treat water as if it were solid
* Tanks take damage on lava
* Can choose to create prefabs in multiplayer freebuild when you choose Empty Map
* In single player Free Build you can choose to generate random terrain from the pause menu+
* Spherical/circle cursor on free build (press RIGHT-ALT)+
* New textures for UI and blocks. You can choose old or new blocks on the level editor (press 4 or see menu)
+consider these features an early preview of editor features - let us know what you think.
0.46 Beta 19.1
* Fixed crash when in lobby under certain conditions
* Nerf'd mini gun
* Added 7 new community maps Giza, HighwayStandoff, MtKilaBlocka, Necropolis, SubPen, Thorsins Arena, Volcano Arena
0.45 Beta 19
* Fixed melee so that it only works in the direction you are facing
* Fixed melee so you dont stick to people
* Fixed melee so it doesn't work while sprinting
* Lava survival - if you die in vehicle you dont turn invisible
* AI Turrets & SAM are now team colors
* Tracer round effects dont go through walls
* Added a LitNone block so you can light levels without actual torches etc
* Fixed infinite jetpack bug
* Added bar to show block remove timer in Lava Survival
* Now show Ranks ins lobby and leaderboards
* Improved startup time
* Splash screen (woo hoo)
* Lots of crashes and bug fixes
Known Issues: There's some bugs with ranks for inidividual games. Ranks should also not be affected by onslaught and they are in this build. Please report rank issues to us though. Everyones rank will be reset on release so please dont get mad about any anomolies.
0.44 Beta 18 - Pax Release
* Bug/crash fixes - including one that causes a crash if you use the destructoid guns
* Fixed rotation issue when loading old maps - all should be back to normal
* Onslaught mode UI shows what AIs are left to kill
If you get a crash when you select the Cat or Minigun then restart the game as Admin - you only need to do this once.
0.44 Beta 17 - Pax Release
* Bug/crash fixes
* Fixed rotation issue when loading old maps - all should be back to normal
* Onslaught mode UI shows what AIs are left to kill
0.43 Beta 17 - Pax RC2
* New backend - if you choose not to update you wont be able to play online/login
* Melee should be greatly improved now. Let us know your feedback in the forums
* Grenade and Melee attack are now keyed to the animation rather than happening immediatly
* Fixed all the strange block rotation issues in level editor and prefab editor based on the way you are facing. (See known issue below though)
* We now allow Respawnable, Invincible and special blocks in prefabs. If you place the prefab in leel editor they are preserved If you plac the prefab in game they are not (invincible/respawnable become normal and special blocks just disappear)
* Now use the crouch button not the jump button to go down in elevators
* Added icon to let you know when people are in your vehicle
* Secret features to be announced at PAX East
* And lots of bug/crash fixes
Known issues:
1. There's a lot of work under the covers for localisation for our release. If you see any text that starts XYZ_ please tell us where. Thats a localisation string we have missed (we know about the GameMode on the server list, in the A killed B notifications and in some of the tool tips)
2. If you are playing in Turkey (the country) the game will crash becuase of the Upper case I with a dot! If you sent us your email address in the crash report we have sent you some files to patch the game until the next build. If you did not send us your email address then we cant help you - email us at [email protected] and we will send you the fix. If you are a developer this is interesting reading http://www.i18nguy.com/unicode/turkish-i18n.html
3. We fixed a bug with rotations of blocks which some of you level editors have probably noticed. However the result is that rotations on some maps are now broken. The 0.44 fix will return this to its previous state and fix the bug in a different way so PLEASE dont go and fix all your maps. Just wait till Beta 18 comes out.
0.42 Beta 16 - Pax RC1
* New Map: Enchanted Forest by Erk
* Custom Prefabs
- Build/save in the level editor
- They work the same as the built-in prefabs
* Added skyboxes and sunlight color to levels
* Completed leaderboard UI
* Improved hit detection
* Spectators in LavaSurvival show up as wisps
* Completely redone game lobby
* Localization has been started, be on the lookout for any odd strings that we may have missed
* Numerous bug and crash fixes
* Secret features
0.41 - Private press build
0.40 Beta 15.1 - No really, we mean it this time
* Fixed join in progress crashes (there were actually 2)
* Tweaked new jump and hookshot parameters - let us know what you think
* Fixed clan screen crash
* Fixed leaderboard 'hang'/Perf issue.
0.39 Beta 15 Kills bugs dead
* Tons of crash fixes
* Added sound effects for bike and tank movement, vehicle weapons
* Momentum preserved while in air
* New privacy setting for clans, players can apply to clans, clan leaders accept or reject applications
* Added models for some weapon projectiles (Blockbuster, AC-1337)
* Added Kickstarter reward weapons. If you backed the Kickstarter then you should now have access to any weapons that came with your pledge
* Randomizing teams should work correctly now
* Prep phase for CTF and Siege Mode:
- The host can select a time between 0-5 minutes
- At the beginning of the game you will have that much time to prepare any defenses for your base
* For Multiplayer Free Build the host can now choose an empty map
* Fixed bug in some maps where parts of the world weren't being drawn
* Host can now force start the game
* Any players not ready 10 seconds after the host forces start are kicked
* New loading screens
* New map: Blocktotron by Erk
0.37 Beta 14
* Basic clan functionality
- Create, Join, Search for clans
- Join clan members in game
- Clan leaders can promote, demote, kick members; disband, change clan tag, change clan privacy
- Clan tag shows up next to player's name (if the player is in Chat using an IRC client, their tag shows up as "|IRC|")
* New killstreak - Passenger Bike
Requires 4 kills
* New UI for friends screen
* Players can spectate immediately on joining a game, no need to commit suicide anymore
* All server admins can use the kick buttons in the lobby
* Menu music
* Removed timer between siege mode phases, each section becomes invincible immediately upon completion
* Logs have been moved from the Desktop to Temp
* Usernames are now limited to only A-Z, 0-9, _, [, and ]. Any usernames that are now invalid will be need to be changed on login
* New / commands:
- /invite <username>: Invite the user to your clan
- /flag <username>: Flag the username as inappropriate
* New map: SpleeferGames by ChocoJosu14
0.36 Beta 13.1
* Hotfix for crash in Perk Select Screen for non-Preorder accounts
0.35 Beta 13 Tanksgiving
* New killstreaks - Tank and Attack Bike
The tank requires 9 kills, attack bike 6
* Fixed popping sound that sometimes occurred in large games
* The kill requirement for some killstreaks has been changed, you will be notified at startup about any conflicts
* Spleef players can no longer sprint, only jump 1 block high
* Players now have the ability to vote to skip a map in standalone servers
* Server list is now sortable, click on one of the categories at the top of the list to sort by that
* Improved ping time detection
* New maps: Canyon by Erk and XmasTree2012
* Performance and networking optimizations
* Various bug fixes
0.34 Beta 12.1 Only loosers shoot at the bottom of the world
* Fixed crash when you shoot from underneaththe world (i.e. after you fall off)
* Fixed Online mode doesn't allow password when using in game server
* Fixed crash if you change class for join-in-progress on spleef
* Fixed crash if you die during freebuid
* Fixed crash during join inprogress on onslaught
* 2 *ALL NEW* Spleef maps
0.33 Beta 12 - You asked for Zombies - we give you spiders (and more)
* Onslaught mode - our survival mode.
Onslaught mode can be played in single player or networked with up to 4 players
* Friends are now available - click Clans/Stats to add friends... more features coming soon
* Private messaging using /msg {name} in game and in lobby
*** KNOWN ISSUE: this doesn't work for usernames containing punctuation ***
* New Map - Blockskreig
* forceHiDef command line parameter to allow older machines to attempt to run the game - it wont work for everyone.
Just add forceHiDef (case sensitive to the end of the shortcut you use to run the game.
*** Unsupported, use at your own risk, dont complain if it crashes your game, it will probably run slowly, no whining allowed ***
* Lots of optimisations
* Lots of bug fixes.
0.31 - PRIVATE release
0.32 - PRIVATE release
0.30 Beta 11 - Anyone for Spleefing?
* Spleef mode and 2 new spleef levels - let us see your designs!
* Siege mode reinvented. Let us know what you think
* Lava mode - 'dead' players now have limited griefing abilities on live players.
* Some new maps inspired by.... well you work it out :-)
* Grenades do more damage - they should kill more often. AoE for glue/gunk increased
* Miner bonus - drill is now automatic.
* Hopefully a fix for the sound 'popping' - again let us know
* Field of view slider
* You can disable swear word filter if you choose. (Note that we will still kick and ban people who abuse others/cross the line)
* Lots of memory optimisations - hopefully less Out Of Memory crashes
* Many other crash bugs fixed too...
- Including a couple in standalone server
- infinite jetpack fuel fixed
- sprint parachute sprint exploit also gone
0.29 Beta 10 - ACME LAG reducer cream (C) (TM) applied
* Siege Mode returns!!
* LAN mode is fixed.
* Lava Survival now can have different times - try flat world with 1 minute lava for fun!
* 2 new maps - Craftival and Paracrafties
* Tron skin gun now works for Preorder people
* Items (helicopters etc) are now color coded in team game.
* Improved hit detection during lag situations
* Improved block add/remove networking to reduce lag when building is happening
* MapEdit 'U' now changes height without losing map
* Infinite resources still requires prefab cooldowns though they are still free to buy
* FullScreen now in settings menu
* Various crashes and bugs
0.28 Beta 9.01 - Sometimes the bugs are just embarassing :-)
* Fixed crash when you press V
* Fixed crash that corrupts settings file
* Improved performance of server - especially on single core machines
* Several other low priority crash bugs.
0.27 Beta 9 - You too can be a community cop!
* Some improvements to networking - hopefully more people can now join servers.
* Join in progress in standalone server now works
* Commands that work in game chat
/kick (admin only) and /votekick
/promote (admin only) /demote (admin only) change admin list
/ban (admin only) /unban (admin only) change ban list
/admins - shows admin list
/bans (Admin only) shows ban list
Ingame host is always admin, standalone server can add people in the UI
Ban and admin lists are persistant - saved to {Documents}/Guncraft
* Added admin and ban list to standalone server - you can also edit the text files (reloaded at game startup)
* Added missing server parameters to standalone server including Lava survival mode and max players
* Increased Blockbuster speed
* Improved hookshot - jump at end, shoot from hook shot, shoot new hookshot while hooked to wall
* Decreased health of MegaBlox suit
* Standalone server now on Start menu along with change log and controls document
* Lots more bug fixes and crash fixes...
0.26 Beta 8.02 - Its Less Bovver with your Hovver (drone)
* Fixed crash when using hover drone
* Fixed infinite feedback forms on auto update
* Fixed crash if you click Join when host list is empty
* Fixed Desura missing main menu screen
* Fixed occasional helicopter gun crash
* Fixed invisible helicopter bug that nobody reported - I guess you all enjoyed the OP :-)
* Added logging for folk who cannot connect - please email us [email protected]
0.25 Beta 8.01 - Dear Europe - we are sorry...
* Fixed crash if your date format is DD/MM and your registration date is illegal if you switch DD and MM
0.24 Beta 8 - Making it stable before we break it again!
* Installer is now properly signed with a certificate - SUCK ON THAT anti virus software!
* Join in progress during lava survival now works - spectator mode AND an exmplanation to wait
* You can now change teams or switch to spectate during game play on pause menu. (Occurs after next death)
* Logging to file now only occurs when you crash. So the log files dont grow forever. This also seems tos peed up some slower machines.
* Two new community maps - Frigid (Erk) and Paradise (LTAcosta)
* Fixed crashes when people add prefabs to guncraft folder...
* Fixed scores not working in multiple games
* Fixed Master server crashes and enabled longer lists of games. Also now auto restarts after a crash
* Fixed hosts reappearing in Master Server list after a crash/restart
* More people are able to succesfully host games
* Added code to detect the 10 or so GPUs that we know need driver upgrades and tell people how to fix it
* Lots and lots of minor fixes and crashes
0.23 Beta 7.02 PAX Build - Just some new maps
* Added the PAX maps
0.22 Beta 7.01 PAX Build - OMG it ran for hours without crashing
* Fixed menu bug with mouse
* Fixed death notifications
* Fixed crash if network disconnects after game startup
* Fixed hang if people on the same spot shoot each other
0.21 Beta 7 PAX Build - The one where we forgot to update the changelog
* Full screen now works throughout the game and the game will resize to fit all monitor sizes by scaling/adding black bars. (Note the option to start in full screen will be added in a future version but you can press f12 at any time now)
* Screen shot moved to 'P' and also works anywhere in the game. You will always get a 1280x720 image no matter your screen size
* More options added including the ability to remap all the keys
* To allow for Desura updates taking longer to be approved the game will now allow you log in for version N, N-1 and N-2. You will only see games that match your version though so its still better to update.
* TWO new maps from ERK - Castle Royal and Lava Pit (Great for Lava survival mode)
* Many many many crash bugs fixed
Known Issues:
Menu keyboard controls up/down dont work if the mouse if hovering over a menu item
Shooting/Melee death notification only appears if there is an assist (which means most of them are missing - already fixed in .22)
0.20 Beta 6.01 Oooops we did it again
* Fixed CTF issue
* Fixed Chunks not building when you play >1 game
* Removed hitting enter to login
* Disabled Onslaught mode
* Changed master server to prevent mixed version games - just in case there are other ways to avoid the version check
0.19 BETA 6 Make it FAST!
* All terrain regeneration now done on a background thread - no more lag due to terrain rebuilds
* Lots of optimisations on terrain
* Terrain generation is now fast enough that we don't wait till its all lit. The game starts as soon as its loaded.
* All lighting bugs fixed (if you find any send us screen shots)
* More memory optimisations
* Network traffic cut by more than half during gameplay - hopefully should be a lot less laggy now
* Rendering optimisations for projectiles game objects and block particles - hopefully better perf on low end machines.
* Added code to track how many DX9 and 10+ cards are out there - our results are not matching the steam survey at all
* Settings page added - volume and controls not working yet
* Several new UIs for game lobby and map selection
* New Skins - female, cyborg, terrorist.
* Bunch more crash bugs...
* New map from ERK - first community contribution in game!
0.18 BETA 5.01 Its all about the decimals
* Fixed the 'network' error that was really a decimal separator error
0.17 BETA 5 Crash no more....
* A lot of crash fixes - thanks to everyone who sent the crash logs onto us. This release should be much more stable
* New weapon - HookShot
* New gamemode Lave Survival
* Removed Siege mode temporarily - we need to fix the lag issues
* You can no longer melee with infinte range - sorry to the folks who use that exploit :-)
* Bug fixes, Bug Fixes, Bug Fixes
0.16 BETA 4.02 'The case of the missing crashlogs'
* Replaced the crash log upload service with one that is more reliable
0.15 BETA 4.01 'Recursive crashes :-)'
* Fixed the crash logging service
0.14 BETA 4 'Same as it ever was'
*** NOTE You can earn the 'tron style' tileset if you preorder the game
*** http://exatogames.com/Guncraft/
* The game now requires you to have a DX10 card - we made it work with older cards for the early alphas but do not want to set that precedent for the beta.
* Lighting is wrong when you load subsequent maps after the first one. Doesn't affect gameplay.
* Blocks with transparancy and respawning/indesructible blocks have odd purple edges.
* Siege mode can get very laggy for the host. Play with smal # players and a standalone server if possible
* Othrwise Nothing major though we have a good list of internal bugs. Please post in our forums to report bugs and email crashes to us.
* Fixed a lot of crashes from 0.13 - this should be a much more stable build
* Nothing else - this build is a stability build and to test auto update only
0.13 BETA 3 'Ohhhhh new maps'
*** NOTE You can earn the 'tron style' tileset if you preorder the game
*** http://exatogames.com/Guncraft/
* Due to a bug in the auto updater from last time you need to reinstall from the link. Fingers crossed this is the last manual release.
* The internet port changed to 28960 in 0.8 so you may need to open those ports on your router if you did not play 0.8
* The game now requires you to have a DX10 card - we made it work with older cards for the early alphas but do not want to set that precedent for the beta.
* If you have a custom map created before 0.9 you will need to load and resave it and give it a name - we no longer use the filename for the map name
* Lighting is wrong when you load subsequent maps after the first one. Doesn't affect gameplay.
* Blocks with transparancy and respawning/indesructible blocks have odd purple edges.
* Othrwise Nothing major though we have a good list of internal bugs. Please post in our forums to report bugs and email crashes to us.
* 4 NEW MAPS: BlockGluch, CubeTron City, CubeTron Central, SiegeOffFlatWorld (special map for SiegeMode)
* NEW GAME MODE: Siege Mode - 5 minutes to build and then a race to destroy
* NEW CLASSES: Scout Combat class, Architect construction class
* NEW ground weapons - catapult and cannon (Only available in Siege Mode)
* NEW perks:
Javelin Missile Launcher - shoots a homing missile that tracks flying objects
Radar Jammer - Prevents the opposing team from using their radar
Pandora's Box - Gives you a random killstreak
AI SAM Site - Shoots homing missiles that track flying objects
Bunker Buster - Drops from the sky, breaks through multiple layers of blocks before exploding
AI Stationary Turret - Tracks and kills enemy players and objects
Hover Drone - Player controlled flying drone with a rapid fire machine gun
AC 1337 - Flies in a circle around the level raining destruction on everything
* Improved rendering in the distance - no more shimmering.
* User accounts can only be used by one person at a time.
* Matching server now allows multiple hosts from the same IP
* Standalone Server (more of an alpha) - look in the {program files}/Exato Game Studios/Guncraft folder for the EXE. Auto play option that randomly cycles games and maps
* Skin swapping and item display in the class editor
* Crashes: OutOfProjectiles, Switching focus during Loading...., several startup crashes and many many more - THANKS for all those crash logs
* FIXED: Missiles go through players once they have died once
* FIXED: SuperJump by building under your feet
* FIXED: Double typing in crash log entry
* More SFX
* Added a document with the game controls look in {program files}/Exato Game Studios/Guncraft
* And lots and lots of bugs....
0.12 BETA 2 'Reboot'
* Same as beta 2 with registration bug fixed and a couple of other minor things.
0.11 BETA 2 (6/13/12 - 3 days early!!!)
* The internet port changed to 28960 in 0.8 so you may need to open those ports on your router if you did not play 0.8
* The game now requires you to have a DX10 card - we made it work with older cards for the early alphas but do not want to set that precedent for the beta.
* If you have a custom map created before 0.9 you will need to load and resave it and give it a name - we no longer use the filename for the map name
* Nothing major though we have a good list of internal bugs. Please post in our forums to report bugs and email crashes to us.
* NEW MAP!! Vector City
* new Game Mode - Capture the flag
* Auto Update - going forward the game will detect, download and install new versions. This should be the last version you manually install
* Auto crash reporting - if the game crashes you will be prompted to automatically send us logs and crash dumps. No more sending us files.
* Levels can now contain respawnable blocks, invincible blocks and respawnable game items
* New vehicle - Jetpack
* New melee weapons - drill, sword and hammer
* New items Medkit, c4, bouncing betty, sticky grenade, gunk grenade, smoke grenade, glue grenade
* New classes - (Combat) Soldier, Ninja, Demolitionist, Scout (Construction) Carpenter, Architect, Miner
* Screen shots - press PrtScrn and it writes to {Documents}/Guncraft/ScreenShots (Note that other screen capture software like Snaggit will disable this keypress)
* Vehicles now get a 5s warning if they go outside the world and dont crash into the sky any more
* Improved helicopter physics
* Reduced memory usage during game play should be able to reload large maps without issues
* Fixed clock for games other than the 1st one you play
* Lots more sound effects
* Even more bugs than last time... Seriously.. We got an extra developer instead of spending Kickstarter money on beer like everyone else does!
0.10 BETA 1 (HURRAH) (5/21/12)
* The internet port changed to 28960 in 0.8 so you may need to open those ports on your router if you did not play 0.8
* The game now requires you to have a DX10 card - we made it work with older cards for the early alphas but do not want to set that precedent for the beta.
* If you have a custom map created before 0.9 you will need to load and resave it and give it a name - we no longer use the filename for the map name
* Nothing major though we have a good list of internal bugs. Please post in our forums to report bugs and email crashes to us.
* NEW MAP!! Winter Fall
* Many installer bugs
* Helicopter deathcam, radar and more fixes
* 'Send map' for join in progress games fixed
* Added the rest of the blocks to Free Edit
* Added more editing functions to Free Edit
* Lots and Lots of bugs and additional logging to track bugs from the alpha test
0.9 Alpha (5/15/12)
* The internet port changed to 28960 in 0.8 so you may need to open those ports on your router if you did not play 0.8
* The game now requires you to have a DX10 card - we made it work with older cards for the early alphas but do not want to set that precedent for the beta.
* If you have a custom map you will need to load and resave it and give it a name - we no longer use the filename for the map name
* Join in progress will fail if the game is using a map you do not have. To play a custom map you must join in the lobby.
* Kills may not register if you destroy a vehicle with someone in it
* Map is backwards when you are in helicopter
* KillCam not right for vehicles - though its obvious what killed you the camera is just wrong
* We now have an installer!
* custom map sharing - the host can select custom maps which will be shared with all players at start. Maps should be stored in documents/guncraft/maps
* All new UIs
* Loading screens animate correctly in all places - should be no 'hangs' any more.
* Fixed out of memory and SEH Memory crashes (we hope)
* Fixed several other crashing errors from 0.8
* Fixed perf issue with the block destruction particles
* Fixed vehicle stuttering
* Fixed kills - should be credited to the right person 100% of the time now
* Fixed occupying vehicles is remembered between games
* Fixed random teams mixing up team colors
* Weapons are now not blocked by water
* and many many (many) more
0.8 Alpha (4/27/12)
* Please delete your player save file before starting
* The internet port has changed to 28960 so you may need to open those ports on your router
* The game now requires you to have a DX10 card - we made it work with older cards for the early alphas but do not want to set that precedent for the beta.
Some big underlying changes to support of vehicle/items so there may be new things broken.
* Kills may not register if you destroy a vehicle with someone in it
* HUD messages sometimes get the killer/killed backwards
* Camera stutters when in vehicles
* Map is backwards when you are in helicopter
* KillCam not right for vehicles - though its obvious what killed you the camera is just wrong
* 3 Kill streaks - add them to your classes and activate with 1/2/3 once they are earned. Note kill streaks are lower than normal for testing
* Predator - you do not show on map and you can see player nametags through walls
* Manned turrent - place the turret and press E to get in
* Helicopter - place nearby and press E to get in.
* Backend implemented - you need to authorise and create a login to play on the internet. Games and stats are partially saved to the server.
* NewHaven map is not so close to 'the sky'
* Version check when internet game is started
* Online games now require registration and an account
* New online screen with news and IRC chat built in
* Mouse and gamepad support on all menus
* LAN games not auto find - no need to type in a port
* Network games can now ban/kick
* network games now support locked teams and random teams
* Players now have parachute animation so you can see why people slow down when they fall
* Shot gun is now shooting multiple rays each doing damage.
* Games now have a pregame and gametime.
* More bug fixes and updates than I can list here
0.7 Alpha (3/15/12)
* New levels - New Haven, Revenge of the Craft
* Head shot death animation and FX
* Body shot death animation and FX
* Brick destruction FX
* All weapons can now damage blocks not just explosive ones - it depends on block strength and bulelt strength
* Grenades (Press G/middle button)
* Sniper rifle - select it in the class setup
* Turned off fog - now you can see the whole level in large levels
* Classes now save correctly
* New lobby screen
* Map preview pics in lobby
* Scores now fixed for join in progress
* Return to lobby aftrer game over now works
* Block updates over net optimized
* Prefabs now build one layer at a time and have a cool down
* block building has a cost and a cool down
* #280 Jump takes you out of crouch
* #279 crash in chat
* #275 - infinite rnge on melee fixed
* #263 no more auto climb when wlaking (still in run)
* Menus no longer stop gravity
* and many many more bugs
0.6 Alpha (2/21/12)
* New level 'home alone'
* Ingame chat and chat enhancements: Properly wraps, T for chat, Y for team chat, scrolls (mouse wheel/arrows), team colors and more...
* Clients will timeout properly if server crashes
* Fixed suicides giving death scores
* Fixed muzzle flash locations
* Game will now run single player and sinlge player LAN if you are not connected to the internet
* Lobby no longer shows or is active during long connection times.
* Changed logs to appear in a folder with version folder and per day logs
* Fixed bullet spread in iron sights
* All weapons not just the active one now refill when you die
* Prevented multiple instances of game running
* Fixed blank line in server list crash
* Basic support for non English languages - limited by font right now and not in all text entry
* Mouse is now only hidden during gameplay
* Speed up when selecting host game
* Initial load times improved
* Fixed crash if you host game with no name
* Fixed crash on credits screeen
* Fixed crash on empty IP
* Fixed password editing
0.5 Alpha (2/10/12)
* Enabled DX9 only GPUs to run the game (untested - please let us know)
* Weapon management is now done using player classes. Not fully implemented *See NOTES
* Added Flatworld as level in multiplayer
* Fixed Uzi, Pick and Pistol damage
* Shotgun does not crash game (though I notice a lack of muzzle flash...new bug)
* Water now gets destroyed and blocks shots
* No speed advantage going in diagonals
* Logging now catches and logs errors for server background thread
* Logging now logs machine information to help us debug (nothing personal - please read the log files if you are concerned)
* Enabled full screen (F12)
* Enabled load (9) and save (0) of levels *See NOTES
- Single player is not implemented other than for you to play with the editor
- Status messages during game load/rejoin appear all at the end. Please be patient during load - it *is* working.
- The first class in the list is what will be used in game
- Classes are not saved between runs
- You can try to load a minecraft file but its hardcoded to load specific regions so you may get nothing when you load
- Current Load/Save is part of our dev code - we don't guarentee ANYTHING including future versions being able to load your creations at this point
- Network games do not check client version. If you connect an 0.4 to an 0.5 in anyway it will probably crash.
0.4 Alpha (2/3/12)
* Bug fixes: Crash during assists, Crash during deathcam, sights always visible, and many more
* (Naive) bots added to help test network - load up a spare machine and press K (only tested on tower level)
* Minimap added
* Bandwidth logging
* Stack traces in log now use reversible obfuscation
* Server disconnect messages
* Server runs on background thread - less impact to person hosting
- Single player is not implemented
- Status messages during game load/rejoin appear all at the end. Please be patient during load - it *is* working.
0.3 PreAlpha #2 (1/31/12)
* Many bug fixes including network and lobby issues from preAlpha #1
* Player disconnection on quit implemented
* Death Cam implemented
* Join in progress fully implemented
* Assists fixed
* Additional animations
* Bullets now use raycasting
* Lots of logging - files saved to desktop
- Single player is not implemented
- Status messages during game load/rejoin appear all at the end. Please be patient during load - it *is* working.
0.1 PreAlpha #1 (1/17/12)
- Single player is not implemented
- Join in progress not implemented
- Squid arms - what fun
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