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Скачать игру Demons with Shotguns v1.0.0 - полная версия

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Игру добавил Elektra [7719|138] | 2016-04-26 (обновлено) | Аркадные шутеры (2191) | Просмотров: 6911

Demons with Shotguns v1.0.0

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от MindShaft Games, LLC (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Аркадные шутеры (2191); Сетевые / ХотСит (2286)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Полная версия (установи и играй)
• Размер / Size: 188.26 Мб.

Demons with Shotguns - кровавый шутер для 1-4 человек с поддержкой игры по локальной сети. Множество подземелий и различных этапов, эпические сражения и интересные режимы придутся по вкусу даже самому привередливому игроку.


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Demons with Shotguns отправит свои игроков побеждать силы Зла. В Demons with Shotguns борьба будет идти не за равновесие и спокойствие мира, а за души игроков. В игре вас ждет множество подземелий и эпических битв, которые поразят даже самого заядлого игромана. Качайте Demons with Shotguns и отправляйтесь защищать свою душу.

• A potential issue with two player spawn points was discovered in one of the Church arenas, which deserved a quick hot fix patch to address.
• This build also includes changes made to the number of ammo pickups, and their placement, throughout all arenas. Larger arenas will now only have two shotgun ammo pickups, with large majority of the smaller arenas only having one; all arenas will continue to only have one holy water pickup available.
• Finally, all Hell arenas now feature rock formations in the surrounding background and foreground tiles, visually breaking up the former solid red.
• I heard you guys like achievements and leaderboards? Well now you have them! With this build, you can now start unlocking the 16 available achievements. Top score leaderboards for each of the End of Times arenas have also been added.
• There are achievements for completing each End of Times arena. If you’ve previously completed one, simply start a new game in them and you should be rewarded the achievement without having to complete it again. At The Gates is the one caveat which you’ll need to complete again to earn the achievement due to technical reasons surrounding the fact that the final boss battle has yet to be released. I apologize for that!
• The build also includes miscellaneous bug fixes, as always. Besides any potential critical bug fixes, this will most likely be the last build before we release the boss battle. So hang tight and keep us posted with your feedback and bugs on the forums!
End of Times
• With the exception of the Hellhound and Bloody Mary, the player will no longer be instantly killed upon touching an enemy. Instead, they’ll be pushed back slightly
• Rocket Nomed now walks, albeit slowly
• Rocket Nomed health has been slightly reduced
• Nomed jumping animation has been improved
• The time from when an enemy portal appears and when a enemy actually spawns has been increased
• Better difficulty select menu
• Various improvements and bug fixes to multiple arena layouts
• Souls will stay within arena space better
• Removed Golden Cross object from Church arenas
• Added last, missing announcer voice overs
• Versus game modes now use a new end of match summary window that’s similar to End of Times.
• Improved soul capturing effect in Capture the Soul game mode.
End of Times
• Nomed roaming behavior has been improved.
• Added small time delay between sub-wave spawnings.
• Bloody Mary is pushed back upon being hit with a projectile.
• Film grain degrade effect has been fixed; will now degrade at an appropriate time.
Tarot Cards
• Improved Angelic behavior. Provided jump boost has been decreased, allowing for much greater control and accuracy.
• Added bullet ricochet sound effect for when bullets ricochet off of shields.
• Player spawns have been improved. Players will now face other upon spawning. Selection of spawn points is also improved for better placement.
• Improved rain effects in Cemetery arenas.

Local Multiplayer Shooter Action for 2-4 Players
• Fast paced, twitch style arena shooting action!
• Multiple playable characters. Play as the faithless Preacher, the desperate Demon, the Heavenless Angel, the Antichrist Deceiver, the peace keeping Nun or even Death himself.
• Choose from multiple game modes, including free-for-all and team based modes.
• Battle it out in 4 different interactive environments, with 10 arenas each, featuring unique environmental hazards and mechanics.
• Pick up randomly dropped tarot cards that can either bring you good luck to you or your team in the form of a temporary power-up, or can curse your opponents, giving you a competitive edge.
• Deflect bullets back at your opponent with your shield.
• Dash across the arena to make a quick escape or a trail blazing kill.
• Master shotgun jumping to reach high platforms and create shortcuts.

Multiple Game Modes
• Classic Deathmatch.
• Classic Team Deathmatch.
• Soul Reaping, where each player fights to increase their pool of souls by draining other players of theirs.
• Team Soul Reaping, where each team shares the same pool of souls.
• Capture the Soul, a variant on classic capture the flag where players fight for control of the single soul in order to capture it.
• Team Capture the Soul.
• Last Soul Standing, where players have only one life and fight in round based combat.
• King of the Soul, where you fight to maintain control of the single soul, earning a point for every 5 straight seconds you have control.
• Team King of the Soul.

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Комментарии игроков (3 шт.)

От: Alnikur [13|63] | Дата 2017-07-30 10:28:16


XenoGUARD сказал:

Боль, это когда нету ссылки на скачку с юнибайта :с

Дался вам этот сраный юнибайт.
От: XenoGUARD [4|10] | Дата 2016-04-27 11:41:40

Боль, это когда нету ссылки на скачку с юнибайта :с
От: MAHAX [20|13] | Дата 2016-04-26 16:25:46

Немного не в тему а будет ADR1FT?


++++++<СКОРО НА САЙТЕ!>++++++ Millennia

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