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Описание игры, торрент, скриншоты, видео

Скачать игру Crawle v0.8.0 - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

Рейтинг: 9.7 (6) | Баллы: 16
Игру добавил anatariel [12|6], ред. Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2013-10-23 (обновлено) | Ролевые игры (RPG) (3341) | Просмотров: 63698

Crawle v0.8.0

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Sleepy Studios (3)
• Жанр / Genre: Сетевые / ХотСит (2292); Песочницы (Sandbox-игры) (1318); Ролевые игры (RPG) (3341)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 16.43 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 9.7 из 10 (всего голосов: 6)

• Похожие игры:
- NEO Scavenger v1.15 / +RUS / +GOG
- Baneforge v0.82
- Prospekt Reborn v0.0.20
- Wayward v2.13.4 [Steam Early Access] / + RUS v2.10.2
- The Last Hour v0.0.4
- The Drop v1.32
- 7YRL: The Seven Year Roguelike (Alpha v0.3)
- Lantern Forge v1.11
- Erth v5.4.1

Разрабатываемая 2d'шная бродилка-песочница, где как утверждают разработчики вам нужно просто выжить, у главного героя есть характеристики, которые нужно поддерживать, это голод, жажда, энергия и другие.

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с 0.7.0 до 0.8.0. Список изменений внутри.

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Язык интерфейса: Английский

Основные особенности и концепты игры:
- Нет опыта (experience) в игре, и поэтому нет никаких уровней - вы не ограничены в любом случае.
- Через некоторое время ваши запасы иссякнут. К счастью, вы можете посетить подземелье, чтобы захватить некоторые материалы и ресурсы.
- Хождение без пищи может привести к болезням вашего персонажа, они могут также развиваться от употребления в пищу сырых продуктов или быть рядом с мертвыми животными, что повысит шансы на смерть героя. Они также будут уменьшать определенные характеристики.
- Редкие артефакты скрыты в этом мире, получить их реальная проблема.
- Вторжения от других существ и рас может произойти случайно.
- Подземелья могут быть найдены через отверстия в земле, будьте осторожны, потому что иногда вы можете оказаться в других мирах.
- Есть полоски на голод, жажду, энергию и здравомыслие, если они спадут до нуля, вы умрете.
- В зависимости от типа мира у вас будет несколько жизней. Однако режим Unforgiving дает вам только один шанс.
- Иногда странствующий торговец подойдет, чтобы поздороваться.
- Землетрясение может произойти, вызывая новые дыры, открывая новые подземелья/пещеры.
- Существуют не традиционные системы здравоохранения, а ваше здоровье базируется на содержании крови и повреждения частей тела. Вы также можете истечь кровью.
- Животные не исчезают, с них можно снять шкуру, доставить в ваш дом или просто оставить гнить.

0.7.0 --> 0.8.0

- Combining two pieces of bear fur will create Unsewn Garments.
- Combining Unsewn Garments with string will create Bear Fur Garments.
- Sanity can now be lost during the night if not in a house or building.
- Added a new "on-death" track.
- Your cause of death is now displayed in the death menu.
- Berries on fruit bushes will now eventually grow back.
- Added temperatures. Having a high/low temperature leads to lethal side effects.
- Food can now be used to increase your temperature.
- Blackouts will now cause your temperature to drop.
- You can now destroy stumps by continuing to chop at them.
- Added roots. They have a chance of dropping after chopping at a stump.
- Weak medicine can now be made using leaves and a root. It has a chance of curing diseases.
- Grass tufts can now be taken from tall grass. Tufts+Weak Medicine creates (mild) Medicine.
- Added a new "night-time" track.
- Using a branch on any sharp tool will now give a Carved Stick.
- Combining a Carved Stick and a Branch will make a Walking Stick.
- Walking Sticks prevent the energy loss when walking with low-health legs.
- Pinecones can now drop from trees. They can be used to refuel fires.
- You can now light stumps on fire to destroy them using right-click.
- Added a sanity graphic (the darker the screen goes, the lower your sanity).
- Standing around a fire will now increase your sanity.
- Added rain. Rain will put out fires, grow seeds and effect your body temperature.
- A travelling merchant will now appear randomly in the world.
- Updated the main menu.
- Added a blackout menu (similar to the death menu).
- Added a graphic to signify getting hit.
- Added notification messages for when you're low on hunger, thirst, energy and sanity.
- Chat log lines will now fade out after ~30 seconds.
- Forges and Anvils now spawn in villages.
- You can now use Forges to smelt ores into ingots.
- The screen now flashes when cutting trees/catching fish.
- Damage numbers are now displayed for players.
- You can now use Anvils to turn your ingots into armour and weapons.
- Swamp water now generates in swamps.
- You can now mine ore veins that spawn randomly in the world.

- Only ranged attacks can now be charged up.
- Energy is now lost when walking with low-health legs.
- Reduced the lifetime of fires.
- Renamed "ash" to "ashes".
- Increased the chance of finding worms in dirt.
- Fixed the amount of swings it takes for different axes to cut down trees.
- Reduced the amount of rocks, branches, fruitbushes, animals and chests in Unforgiving mode.
- Removed NPC health bars.
- Removed tree health bars.
- Cracks can now also be opened using your off-hand weapon.
- Animals can now also be skinned using off-hand weapons & axes.
- Greatly reduced the miss rate in combat.
- Updated the Fishing Rod graphic.
- Main hand weapons now render above off hand weapons.
- Redesigned the main menu to include more links.
- Several menu clean ups and changes.
- Optimised collision detection significantly.
- Tall grass no longer generates in swamps.
- Diseases can now only be caught in the overworld.

- Fixed various performance issues caused by the interaction cursor.
- Fixed the birds chirping at night
- Fixed arrows shooting in the wrong direction.
- Fixed not being able to see item descriptions in trades for non-blindmode worlds.
- Fixed not being able to remove player and npc items in trades.
- Fixed durability not being taken from axes when cutting down trees.
- Fixed axes not doing the proper amount of damage.
- Fixed blackouts not being initiated when losing energy from diseases.
- Fixed the resolutions not being the correct size.
- Fixed a subscript out of range error caused by planting seeds.
- Fixed the blank right-click menu when right-clicking a fully harvested corpse.
- Fixed examine messages not being cleared when relogging.
- Fixed landmarks transferring between worlds.
- Fixed walking animations still playing while Crawle is not the focused window.
- Fixed the black background and positioning on the keybindings menu.
- Fixed not being able to move after logging out during a blackout.
- Fixed the walking animation playing during blackouts.
- Fixed the GUI not respositioning when switching to fullscreen.
- Fixed getting an error whilst eating next to a building.
- Fixed emotes not working in buildings.
- Fixed the server console not responding properly.

0.6.1 --> 0.7.0

- Added a countdown timer to the demo.
- Dragging and dropping a rock onto a branch (on the ground) will now start a fire.
- Added new emotes: "B)", "<3", ";)", ":P" and ":D".
- "The corpse" will now be lootable for a random item.
- You can now drag food onto fire to cook it.
- Added a welcome message to muliplayer.
- You can now drag and drop items onto a basket to put it inside the basket.
- You can now drag items onto the floor to drop them.
- Added fruit bushes. They can be searched for berries using right-click.
- Reaching 0 energy will now cause you to blackout. Multiple blackouts can cause death.
- Fires are now handled by the server in multiplayer.
- Added description states (e.g. used/unused fruit bushes have different descriptions).
- You can now enter your buildings.
- Added a description to unfinished buildings.
- Added a hut variation in villages.
- You can now sleep inside your buildings to recover energy.
- You can now only run with above 50% blood content (along with existing requirements).
- Added a graphic for when you're under 50% blood content.
- You can now add materials to buildings by double clicking them while near the building.

- Blood will no longer spawn while swimming.
- Fires no longer require a second branch in your inventory.
- Changed the default menu key to "M".
- The day/week is no longer displayed.
- Burnt food is now consumable but can cause diseases.
- Energy will now regenerate faster.
- Renamed "sinew" to "string" for clarity.
- Worlds now save every 10 mins if at least one player is online in multiplayer.
- Updated a few outdated tips.
- Buildings are now separate files.
- Dungeon NPC's are now separate files.
- NPC's are now separate files.
- The interaction cursor will now not change/give tips in blind mode.
- Building progress and tree health are no longer displayed in blind mode.
- Trying to run with low-health legs will now still take away energy.
- Energy is no longer taken for walking.
- Removed the "try again" button from the perma-dead menu.

- Fixed rainbow Crawle.
- Fixed various performance issues.
- Fixed unusable cracks in multiplayer.
- Fixed being able to chop down trees with no energy.
- Fixed text overlaps with descriptions.
- Fixed bleeding causing errors in multiplayer.
- Fixed villagers having the wrong skins in multiplayer.
- Fixed villagers' items giving an error.
- Fixed energy being taken away whilst holding shift but not moving.
- Fixed not being able to see your own fires in multiplayer.
- Fixed a the blank menus on trees.
- Fixed being able to equip/use items while holding an animal.
- Fixed not having to be in range to add to buildings.
- Fixed a duplication bug with chests.
- Fixed worlds saving immediately after entering a world.
- Fixed some issues with the keybindings menu.
- Fixed fires in multiplayer.
- Fixed the inventory in blind mode.
- Fixed being able to login using the same account multiple times.
- Fixed skinning in multiplayer.
- Fixed part of the bottom of the world being blocked off.
- Fixed being able to spam multiplayer logins.
- Fixed the "enable tips?" message covering the death menu.
- Fixed worlds not deleting after closing the game and reopening.
- Fixed being able to run whilst swimming.

0.6.0 --> 0.6.1
- You can now use your offhand weapon for woodcutting.
- You can now re-fuel fires with branches.
- Added descriptions to things that can be interacted with.

- Trees now need to be cut down by left-clicking multiple times.
- Increased the lifetime of fires.
- Trees will now require energy to cut down.

- Fixed rainbow Crawle.
- Fixed "Q".

0.5.6a --> 0.6.0

- Opening chests/breaking pots now has a random chance of damaging you.
- Added a set of rusted armour and a rusted weapon (found in iron chests).
- Added a graphic for permanent death to the death menu.
- Dirt can now be searched for fishing bait (using right-click).
- Harvested crops will now give a message as to whether or not they were ripe.
- Rabid animals now have a chance of spawning in hard & unforgiving worlds.
- Permadead players logging into servers will now be disconnected.
- Added the rusted headguard & coif - they do not need fixing to equip.
- Added emotes in multiplayer - ":|", ":o", ":)", "o_o".
- The last multiplayer IP, port & username is now saved.
- Raiders now have a chance of either dropping a Brassard, Handaxe or Quickaxe.
- Added lockpicks! Lockpicks can unlock chests (depending on your skill level).
- Added a bliss statue. Bliss statues will increase sanity whilst you are near them.
- The server will now display the total online players.
- PVP can now be enabled/disabled on servers in the settings.ini.
- Added global messages for kicks/bans.

- Modified the outer border of dungeon rooms.
- Modified the size of dungeon rooms.
- Various misc. dungeon generation tweaks.
- Holes now need to be opened up (using right-click) to be enterable.
- Increased the chance of Earthquakes.
- Increased the number of holes in the world.
- The "Exit Game" button in the death menu will now take you to the main menu.
- Doubled the time it takes before fires are extinguished.
- Legs will now burn a lot slower if standing in fire.
- Rebalanced several items' values.
- Slightly increased the size of worlds (by 60 pixels).
- Blood now has a smaller chance of spawning whilst fighting.
- Increased the chance of Raiders.
- Raiders will now be aggressive.
- Dungeon NPCs will now be aggressive.
- The day/night cycle in the menu will now progress a lot faster.

- Fixed a bug where you could still search broken pots.
- Fixed broken pots/used chests showing the interaction cursor.
- Fixed collision on dungeon walls.
- Fixed various issues with the trading system.
- Fixed permadeath sometimes randomly occurring.
- Fixed not needing a key to open iron chests.
- Fixed the time it took to go back to the main menu.
- Fixed the right-click menu still being visible on death.
- Fixed permadeath happening in easy mode.
- Fixed still drinking/fishing/woodcutting/trading after dying.
- Fixed the "add to building" menu on Logs still appearing.
- Fixed Landmarks not having an interaction cursor.
- Fixed various interaction cursor positional problems.
- Fixed placing ladders on holes being fairly random.
- Fixed some items not having values in trading.
- Several net code optimisations.
- Fixed the player not being synced with the server a lot of the time.
- Fixed players not reappearing after respawning in multiplayer.
- Fixed the bird sounds playing in dungeons.
- Fixed the state of chests not being updated.
- Fixed a small performance issue with chest textures.
- Fixed resolutions always showing as "Custom".
- Fixed resolutions messing up when setting it back to the previous resolution.
- Fixed logging in dead in multiplayer.
- Fixed banned/permadead player data still being sent.
- Fixed not spawning in dungeons after logging out in one in multiplayer.
- Fixed the trippy grass.
- Fixed the width and height of buildings being reversed in multiplayer.
- Fixed various in range functions.
- Fixed losing thirst whilst swimming.
- Fixed the "ding" sound in the server console.
- Fixed the GUI sometimes being constantly hidden (not in blind mode).
- Fixed trees not having a "Take Bark" option in multiplayer.
- Fixed energy still being taken when legs are below 30% health.

0.5.6 --> 0.5.6a

- Added an option to turn the GUI fading on/off.

- Movement should now feel a lot faster.
- Added an action message for when you take bark from trees.
- Energy is now drained slightly faster.
- Energy now regenerates slightly slower.
- Increased the range on the bow.

- Fixed spears being able to be used as axes.
- Made significant optimisations to the rendering system.
- Fixed getting black screens/automation errors.
- Fixed eating giving a subscript error in multiplayer.
- Fixed sometimes not being able to open baskets.
- Fixed energy still being drained despite not being able to run.
- Fixed being able to cut down trees with bows.
- Fixed being able to duplicate animal meat/fur.
- Fixed being able to duplicate sharp bones.
- Fixed not being able to turn blind mode off during world creation.

0.5.5 --> 0.5.6

- Buildings now require materials (e.g. logs and leaves for huts).
- Redesigned the GUI:
- All bars are now transparent until hovered over.
- Whilst running the energy bar will become opaque.
- Added the spear. It is crafted using a sharp bone & branch.

- Things can now only be added to buildings by dragging and dropping onto them.
- Blind mode is now unlocked for all difficulties.
- Removed tips from blind mode worlds and Unforgiving difficulty.
- Reduced the width of the blood content bar.
- Removed the background UI surrounding the bars.

- Fixed the "detected old worlds" message.
- Fixed buildings not sending in multiplayer.
- Fixed some music issues.
- Made significant optimisations to the GUI system.
- Fixed the debug key in multiplayer.
- Fixed the position of the drop animal icon.

0.5.4 --> 0.5.5

- Rivers!
- Re-added PVP back into multiplayer.
- Servers can now have MOTDs. It can be changed with /motd newmotd.
- Servers can now kill players with /kill playername.
- Servers can now display item IDs & names with /showitems.
- Servers can now give players items with /give playername itemid.
- Added swimming!
- Added a new tips system.

- Removed generated stumps.
- Removed the loss of hunger at midnight.
- Improved the equipment window slightly.
- Banned IPs will now be saved in an .ini in /data/.
- Removed the serverside /restart command.
- Energy loss is now a bit slower.
- Changed 'rock' to 'sharp rock'.
- Energy regen is now a bit faster.
- Removed the old tutorials system.
- Removed tutorial worlds.

- Significantly improved the rendering engine.
- Fixed the serverside warp command.
- Fixed not being able to type after running in multiplayer.
- Fixed village generation in multiplayer.
- Fixed the world saving when the server started up.
- Fixed the server's day night cycle being too fast.
- Fixed the overflow error when drinking at full thirst.
- Fixed holes spawning in water.
- Fixed holes spawning in trees.
- Fixed being able to pickup baskets with items in them.
- Fixed baskets not giving back items.
- Fixed bark taking not being sent in multiplayer.
- Fixed not seeing other players' basket items.
- Fixed durability not sending properly in multiplayer.
- Fixed banning & unbanning in multiplayer.
- The client will now try reload with no hardware acceleration. (Possible automation error fix).
- Fixed various overflow errors.
- Fixed right-clicking on world mode options.

0.5.3 --> 0.5.4

- Added proper villages! Villagers will now live together in huts.
- Updated the villager textures.
- Added a fourth Device option: pure. Try it if the others don't work.
- Tree bark can now be taken from trees.
- Baskets can now be crafted using tree bark.
- Baskets can now be placed by dropping them.
- Baskets can now be picked up by emptying them and walking over them.
- You can now make huts (temporarily the only thing you can make in place of houses).

- Branches are now dropped around trees when they are cut down.
- Modified the trade window graphic slightly.
- Modified the "You Died" graphic slightly.
- The ambience music will now play more frequently.
- Drinking water will now completely fill your thirst (whilst standing still).
- Increased the number of rocks in the world.

- Fixed the interaction cursor not working in dungeons.
- Fixed energy not being taken away in some cases.
- Fixed losing legs at random places.
- Fixed the invisible baskets.
- Fixed hovering over items giving an error.
- Fixed deaths in dungeons.
- Fixed spawning in walls.
- Fixed the screen border appearing on some graphics cards.
- Fixed some issues with the Device options.
- Fixed the time it took to load a world in multiplayer.

0.5.2 --> 0.5.3


- Added a "drop animal" button next to the equipment window.
- Eating food now adds to your blood content and energy.
- You can now change your rendering device in settings.ini (1=hardware, 2=software, 3=mixed).
- Added a launcher for XP users that allows them to use an alternate rendering device.

- Items, worlds and players (in singleplayer) are now stored separately.
- Worlds are now stored as worldx, instead of world_x.
- Animals are now dropped only through clicking the "drop animal" button.
- Animals no longer get dropped after logging out.
- Reduced the amount of blood lost every tick when bleeding.
- Buildings now have collision in the first stage to prevent getting stuck in them.
- Updated the disease graphic.
- Increased the disease times by 30 seconds each and the stat take interval by 4 seconds.
- Renamed 'flint' to 'rock'.

- Fixed a duplication bug with branches and flint.
- Fixed branches disappearing when clicked.
- Fixed not being able to pick up animals on tall grass.
- Fixed not being able to catch diseases from held animals.
- Fixed the server disconnection timer taking too long.
- Fixed disconnected players not being cleared after being disconnected.

0.5.1 --> 0.5.2


- The server now has a timeout timer of 45 seconds to check for disconnections.

- Renamed the sharp bone tooltip.
- Changed the furnace texture.
- Increased the number of uses of Crude Tools to 6.
- You now get burned for standing in fire, not by walking in it.

- Fixed being able to see picked up animals on the ground.
- Fixed Crude Tools breaking after one use.
- Fixed some rendering optimisation issues.
- Fixed thirst draining too quickly.
- Fixed the server not recognising players as being disconnected.
- Fixed not being able to respawn after dieing and exiting the game.
- Fixed the ambience music constantly fading out.
- Fixed chickens creating water (lol).
- Fixed water rendering.

0.5.0 --> 0.5.1

- Added the interaction cursor to villagers.
- Removed the ability to charge melee attacks.
- Repositioned the charge bar.

- Fixed the overflow error when burning off your legs.
- Fixed the subscript error when removing a trade item.
- Fixed not being able to see other players' picked up animals in multiplayer.
- Fixed animals appearing in houses.
- Fixed the server not creating a settings file when ran for the first time.

0.4.1 --> 0.5.0

- Updated main theme.
- All sounds converted to OGG.
- Equipable weapons & armour.
- Equipment interface.
- New items.
- Animals can now be skinned and butchered.
- Animals can now be picked up.
- Added Villager trading.
- Added a disease and health tutorial.
- Worlds are now automatically saved every 10 mins.
- You can now 'Quick Save' with F.
- Skills! (Woodcutting, Fishing)
- Health & Disease tutorials.
- The ability to bleed.
- Right click menus.
- Loaaads more items.
- New health system based on body parts.
- Drag and drop in inventory.
- You can now re-view the tutorial using the T key.
- Swamp plants!
- Multiplayer!
- Chatbox.
- Added back buttons to the mode select, world select and world creation menus.
- Proper item dropping (can now be seen on the ground).
- Trees can now die (rate is high now for people to see it happening).
- Saving message on exit.
- Combat music.
- Sharp rocks that can be used to skin animals. They can be picked up using right-click.
- Sharp bones can now be taken from animals.
- Added 1080p resolutions to the list of resolutions in the options menu.
- The ability to craft Crude Tools.
- You can now configure you controls in the settings menu.
- Added cracks, twigs and pebbles.
- Portals for room-hopping in dungeons.
- Increased the stat take chance and decrease the stat regen chance for all stats.
- Added a suicide key, K.
- You can now carve logs! (Right-click on the log with a knife-like tool in your inventory).
- You can now make fishing rods (Attach sinew to a stick).
- Added new items to the villagers' tradeable items.
- Completely revamped the menu!
- You can now specify a seed for world generation.
- You can now stop bleeding: attach fur (or leaves) and then tie sinew around the wound.
- You can now optionally enter a seed (between 1 and 1,000,001).
- New rabbit fur and branch textures.
- Added leaves, they drop from trees.
- Added durability to weapons and armour.
- Added farming; seeds must be planted in dirt (right-click from inventory).
- You can now search tall grass for seeds (right-click).
- Death menu everytime you die.
- Tree leaves will now become transparent if you are under them.
- Combat cursor.
- Music will now transition smoothly.
- New and updated tutorial.
- Added more items to the list of items baskets can give.
- Added more items that NPCs can trade.
- Blind mode! No vitals, no health bars, no item tooltips.
- You can now pickup flint and branches by walking over them.
- House roofs now become transparent when the player is under them.
- You can now pause the game and bring up a pause menu (default 'esc').
- Body parts will now slowly heal over time.
- The data folder will now be recreated on startup if it is deleted.
- Added a new overworld ambient track.
- Added bird noises.
- Brand new BASS sound engine.
- Added difficulty scrolling arrows.
- Lots of new misc. sound effects!
- All crafting is now done with dragging and dropping.
- Added a new world deletion message box.
- New world selection screen.
- NPC health bars now disappear after 15 seconds.
- Added a new messagebox to exiting the game using esc (in fullscreen).
- You can now exit the tutorial using esc.
- All crafting can now be done both ways (for example flint over branches and vice-versa).
- You can now examine items.
- You can now create fires by right-clicking a branch on the ground whilst having a branch and flint in your inventory.
- Added a new item: ash.
- An actual keybindings interface with new keys.
- You can now cook food by right-clicking on raw food and selecting "Cook" whilst near a fire.
- Volume sliders!
- You can now fertilise dirt by right-clicking ash when on dirt.
- Tree health bar!
- New water.
- New willow trees.
- New stump graphics.
- Added support for Windows 8.
- Ranged combat. Right-click to fire with a bow equipped.
- Bows: combine to branches to make an unstrung bow and sinew with the u. bow to make a bow.
- Switched around to a new looping system.
- You can now drag and drop items onto your equipment menu.
- Lots of new tutorials.
- Added a "clear inventory" button.
- You can now make arrows by combining a feather with a branch.
- You can now charge up your ranged attacks by holding down right-click.
- You can now drink water by right-clicking it when near - you can catch diseases from it.
- Added an X button to the tutorial.
- Players are now saved every 20 seconds.
- Added landmarks! Right-click a log in your inventory to create one.
- Added building! Right-click on a landmark to make foundations.
- You can drag and drop logs (or right-click in your inventory) onto buildings to build it up.
- You can now make arrows by combining a feather with a branch.
- You can now charge up your ranged attacks by holding down right-click.
- You can now drink water by right-clicking it when near - you can catch diseases from it.
- Added an X button to the tutorial.
- Players are now saved every 20 seconds.
- Added landmarks! Right-click a log in your inventory to create one.
- Added building! Right-click on a landmark to make foundations.
- You can drag and drop logs (or right-click in your inventory) onto buildings to build it up.
- You can now charge up your melee attacks by holding down left-click.
- Added an interaction cursor for when you can right-click moused-over objects.
- You can now paste into textboxes.

- Removed unused graphics.
- Dead tree graphics.
- Replaced world passwords with a confirmation box.
- Night is less dark.
- The GUI is now hidden by the H key.
- Moved the door inside houses to the left a bit.
- Made walking and running a bit faster.
- Animals no longer drop random loot.
- Animals no longer despawn on death.
- Damage is now increased depending on the animal.
- You can no longer spam attack.
- Diseases can now happen from eating raw food
- Diseases can now happen from being near dead animals.
- Removed airborne (random) diseases.
- The health bar is now a blood content bar.
- Baskets now can be searched using right-click.
- Added proper items to baskets.
- Added proper items to chests and pots.
- You now have to unlock steel chests.
- Removed the sand biome.
- Animal damage is now based off the world difficulty.
- Stone no longer spawns in the overworld.
- Hit chance is now based off the player's arms' health.
- Energy reduction is now based off the player's legs' health.
- Disease chance is now based off the world mode.
- Animals can no longer simply hit you for 0 damage.
- Items are now actually saved in the world file.
- Hunger depending on your world's mode is now taken after a day passes.
- Removed diagonal movement.
- Removed the need for misc.cwl and items.cwl files.
- Increased the day night cycle to last exactly 20 minutes.
- The world is now surrounded by a body of water.
- The height of housefloors (the stone ones) are now randomised.
- Increased the world size five fold. (Might take a while sending the world serverside).
- Changed the birch tree texture.
- Removed dead trees from the swamp.
- Put player movement speed back up.
- Items no longer spawn under you and are now directionally positioned.
- Reduced the number of villagers down to only 2.
- New oak tree textures.
- Removed languages.
- Dungeons are now room based.
- Removed keys from chests and pots - added different things instead.
- Dungeon monsters now drop gold keys (30% chance).
- Food can no longer give less than 1 hunger.
- Reduced the chance to miss.
- Increased the energy regen rate.
- Worlds now only save every 5 minutes.
- Updated all the farming graphics.
- Replaced potatoes with corn.
- Replaced wheat with onions.
- Slightly improved tall grass generation.
- 3 random items will be dropped on death after your first death in easy mode.
- You will regen 1% blood every minute (every 100 seconds if in a dungeon).
- New font.
- Removed sticks.
- You can no longer carve logs.
- Increased all the disease times significantly.
- Energy is now lost a bit slower when running.
- Completely rewrote the NPC system.
- You no longer lose any energy at the start of a new day.
- Reduced the amount of hunger you lose at the start of a new day.
- Removed untied crude tools, flint + branch now goes straight to crude tool.

- Massive world generation fixes and tweaks!
- Optimised the stat system (not based off FPS anymore).
- Fixed the invisible blocked objects.
- Faster world generation.
- Proper world clearing.
- Fixed energy being taken when missing.
- Fixed energy regenerating whilst in combat.
- Fixed the file not found error with Unforgiving worlds.
- Fixed the permadeath input check bug.
- Proper player clearing.
- Fixed the inventory not taking 3 random items in normal mode.
- Fixed not being able to have multiple items of the same name on the map.
- Fixed the daynight cycle not advancing whilst in a dungeon/house.
- Smoother walking.
- Fixed tree stacking.
- Fixed flower, dirt, tall grass and swamp grass stacking.
- Fixed the number of trees displayed on the map.
- Optimised the world generation a bit more.
- Fixed the GUI not properly adjusting after resizing the window.
- The options now properly save after resizing the window.
- Fixed the ridiculous amount of monsters in dungeons.
- Fixed broken textures.
- Fixed the dungeon portal not being aligned.
- The game now properly starts maximised if it should.
- Fixed all the stats.
- Fixed some range issues.
- Fixed trees spawning in houses.
- Fixed saving the options messing up GUI elements.
- Fixed NPCs disappearing after coming out of a dungeon.
- Fixed spawning in trees and dungeon walls.
- Fixed collision!
- Fixed constantly being in combat.
- Fixed permadeath.
- Fixed house interior generation.
- Fixed unforgiving mode deaths now allowing you to exit the death menu.
- Fixed sprites not animating.
- Fixed the frame drops in the swamp biome.
- Fixed trade items not being cleared.
- Fixed up and cleaned up textboxes. They should be functioning a bit better.
- Fixed disease chances not saving.
- Fixed overflow errors in combat.
- Fixed spawning in trees.
- Fixed spawning in walls in dungeons.
- Fixed stats going over 100.
- Fixed stats being drained whilst in the tutorial.
- Fixed a couple of minor world generation issues.


0.4.0 --> 0.4.1
- Fixed the GUI not showing up after perma-dieing.
- Fixed debug stuff being able to be used when not in debug mode.
- Fixed the typing sound.
- Minor world generation fixes and tweaks.
- Fixed caves spawning under holes.

0.3.1a --> 0.4.0
- NPC names are not functioning well, they've been turned off.

- Updated the disease graphic.
- Fixed up the item description box.
- Completely new and revamped house interior graphics.
- New sandstone edges.
- New tree types: willows and dead trees.
- Revamped the options menu buttons.
- Revamped the mode buttons.
- Revamped the options menu.
- Language options are now in their specific language.

- Hitting no in the esc menu in fullscreen mode should no longer quit the game.
- You can no longer create new worlds if you already have 3 worlds.
- World data folders should now properly be cleared.
- Various optmisations.
- Fixed random teleportation to dungeons (non-existant holes).
- Fixed the random tree leaves without stumps.
- The enter key should no longer break textboxes.
- Fixed some NPCs not having names.
- Fixed the wrong amount of chairs and tables spawning in houses.
- Fixed and improved house generation.
- Fixed combat sounds being cut off.
- Fixed chests giving EXP instead of items.
- Hitting 'N' to go back to the menu should now properly save the world.
- Fixed sprite walking.
- You can no longer gain sanity whilst having a sanity-based disease.

- You can no longer press the delete button if you have no worlds to delete.
- You can now only press the play button if you're in "delete mode".
- Holes now need Ladders in order for you to not die.
- You have a 1 in 50 chance of dieing whilst going down a Hole with a Ladder.
- Removed the binary language.
- You no longer drop all your items in easy mode on death.
- You only lose a third of your exp in easy mode and half on normal mode when you die.
- You now only drop 3 random items in normal mode.
- Shortened disease rates in normal and easy mode.
- Lengthened disease rates in hard and unforgiving mode.
- Tree's no longer have a randomised height (variations coming soon).
- NPCs are now saved into the world file.
- NPC locations in dungeons are now saved.
- Rewrote the item system, works a lot better now.

- The ability to name your world!
- Worlds can now be password-locked.
- House exits.
- New dungeon theme.
- Varied tree heights.
- Cleaner and generally better looking world generation.
- 20 new NPC names!
- NPC interaction (click to talk).
- Ladders can now be added to Holes.
- Carpets.
- Fireplaces.
- Beds.
- New tutorials! (+ Revamped the old one).
- Consumable items (fully functional this time).
- Crit system (20% chance).
- Right-click support to screen resolution options and language options.
- 10 new items.
- 2 new item types: material and misc.

0.3.1 --> 0.3.1a
- Fixed being able to attack at long distance.
- Fixed combat sounds.

0.3.0 --> 0.3.1
- Esc should now close the game when in fullscreen mode.
- Minor world generation fixes and tweaks.
- You will no longer gain energy if you have an energy-based disease.
- Dungeons should now properly render all their walls.
- Fixed changing to fullscreen whilst the game is maximised.
- Worlds should now properly be cleared when deleted.
- Worlds should no longer duplicate when being generated.

- Your health now drains at under 25% (on any bar, e.g. hunger).

0.2.5 --> 0.3.0
- New bars.
- Improved the day-night cycle so it's more realistic.
- NPC names turn red when they become hostile (i.e. at night).
- Added a item description box.
- Added a death menu.
- Added information boxes for world modes.

- Fixed sound and music.
- Fixed sound and music options.
- Fixed the camera system!
- Fixed the merchant not changing to his zombie sprite at night.
- Fixed NPC names not centering.
- Fixed the save button in the options menu not working.
- Fixed inputs not being recognized.
- Fixed action messages (e.g. "Level Up!").
- Fixed pressing esc in menus opening the options window.
- Fixed chests being able to give you multiple portions of EXP.
- Fixed diseases not properly generating.
- Fixed diseases not properly clearing.
- Fixed chests blocking.
- Fixed world border collision.
- Fixed spawning outside dungeons after logging out.
- Fixed tree collision.
- World loading should now be much faster.
- Fixed resizing in fullscreen mode.
- Fixed music in the options menu.
- Fixed action message positioning and fading.
- Fixed item drops jumping about.

- New random generation.
- Reduced Merchant spawn rate.
- Increased disease rate.
- Going below 50% hunger or thirst will drain your health.
- Dungeons are no longer saved in the world file.
- All worlds except Unforgiving worlds are now based on 'death chances':
- Die once: sent back to respawn point.
- Die twice: lose items, exp, etc.
- Die three times: like Unforgiving mode, your world is deleted.
- Hard mode only has two chances: lose items, exp, etc and permadeath.
- Reverted dungeons back to old maze format, temporarily.
- Even more code cleaning!
- NPCs now respawn every 30 seconds.
- Improved NPC AI to comply with the new collision system.
- Folder cleaning.
- Added more NPCs to dungeons.
- Time is now saved in the world data folder.
- Removed F to unlock FPS.
- Randomised the spawn point.
- Added a border around the world.
- Increased the energy regen rate.
- Sound engine no longer loads if music or sound isn't enabled.
- Chests now open (visually) after being used.
- Attacking is now based off energy and health.
- Balanced disease rate a bit more.
- Randomised the Merchant spawn point.
- The Merchant will now leave if you enter a dungeon.
- You can now delete multiple worlds.
- NPCs now drop loot. Stays on the ground for 30 seconds.
- NPCs' attack hits are now based off their health.
- All inventory items are now dropped on your 2nd death.
- Attached the inventory to the player files.
- Items now drop to the ground (and are pickup-able).
- Earthquakes!
- Changed the position of returning from a dungeon to stop holes bugging out.
- Rewrote the village system.
- Made the amount of villagers dependent on the amount of houses.
- Changed baskets to follow chest logic.
- Dungeons are now saved in the world file.
- Dungeons now have a randomised spawn area.
- Animals no longer become 'evil' animals at night. Realism, etc.
- Bunnies now have a 70% chance to run away from you.
- Faster intro sequence.
- Balanced out the animal's damage.
- Animals' damage are now based on the type of animal they are.
- NPC AI tweaks.
- The intro can now be skipped using Space.
- Folder structure and name changes.
- Chests, baskets and pots now give you items instead of EXP.
- You now need at least 14 energy to run now.
- You lose 10 energy for not sleeping at night.
- Villagers now spawn outside their specific houses.
- Villagers now spawn with a random direction.
- Villagers' names are now saved.
- Combat is now click-to-attack instead of walk-into-to-attack.
- Easy mode no longer has permadeath.

- Health bar.
- Holes now teleport you to dungeons.
- Collisions.
- EXP bar.
- You now gain 15 EXP per day and 30 EXP per week.
- Very minimal and temporary combat system.
- NPC health bars.
- Dungeon portals to teleport you back home.
- Escape to exit to the main menu whilst not in-game.
- F to hide/show the GUI.
- M to hide/show world info.
- Added action messages.
- Proper inventory system.
- More NPC names.
- Biomes.
- New seed type: long grass.
- New seed type: cactus.
- New seed type: dead weed.
- New seed type: sandstone.
- Improved the world generator to be more realistic.
- Cut down on world generation time significantly.
- Dungeon themes.
- Chickens!
- Dungeon pots.
- Added back running.
- You can now enter houses!
- GUI scaling for the world info.
- Language support for the new strings.
- Hit and impact sounds.
- 'Miss', 'Dodge' and 'Parry' luck rates.
- N to return to the menu (while in-game).
- Right-clicking the 'world mode' button will now cycle it backwards.

0.2.4a --> 0.2.5
- None necessary.

- Removed all useless features and code.

0.2.4 --> 0.2.4a
- Fixed menu scaling in fullscreen.
- Fixed flower saving.
- Fixed day/night cycle.
- Fixed world scaling.

- Removed Dev Mode.
- Made worlds big again.

0.2.3 --> 0.2.4
- Gave the player sprite some clothes.
- Changed font of the world names in the world selection menu.

- Days are now around 10 mins long.
- Bears now become plagued bears.
- Rabbits become blood rabbits.

- Villagers appearing in dungeons.
- Chests spawning outside dungeon rooms.
- Fixed villages (to an extent).

- Tentative day/week system.
- Tentative torch system.
- New font (to be used in certain areas).
- Escape to view options.
- Travelling merchant.
- Tentative inventory system.
- Mode scaling.
- Permadeath on all modes.
- Added corners to stone floors on houses.

0.2.2 --> 0.2.3
- Made the world selection look a bit better.

- Changed dungeons to room based.
- Added back the 'Play' button (world selection).

- Holding shift without moving no longer drains energy.
- Player saving/death messages on startup.
- Fixed textures going outside the world.
- World times are now saved.

- Dev Mode (temporary), activated with 'B':
- Ability to speed up day night cycle ('O' key).
- Run faster.
- Disease curing ('R' key).
- Ghosts in dungeons.
- Zombies at night.
- World deletion.

0.2.1 --> 0.2.2
- Cleaned up the main game GUI.
- Fixed POT issues and file size issues.
- Added a hover image to textboxes.
- World creation & selection screens.
- When diseased the screen will tint green.
- New energy bar.

- Changed EXP bar to Sanity bar.
- You can only sprint when you have energy now.
- Worlds now have their own names.
- Worlds now have their own properties.
- Sanity and Energy no longer regen when diseased.
- Separated flower seeds from tree seeds.
- Upped the amount of flowers and details on the map.
- Removed water edges (temporary).
- Birch trees now only have a 1/4 chance of spawning.
- Code optimisations.
- Slower intro screen.
- Reduced the number of NPCs in the dungeon.
- Moved the dungeon teleportation tip.

- Bars can no longer go over 100.
- Memory leak fix.
- Fixed dungeon walls.
- NPCs no longer spawn outside the floor space.
- Fixed NPC spawning causing world saving.
- Fixed F to unlock FPS (don't do it!)

- Added Sanity.
- Added Energy.
- World creation/deletion & selection.
- Walking tutorial.
- Diseases.
- Smooth moving on NPCs.
- NPC walking animations.
- Multiple worlds.

0.2.0 --> 0.2.1
- No longer teleported randomly into dungeons. Added text explaining how to get into (N) and return from (R) dungeons using keyboard keys.

- Removed click to move.
- Removed animal names.
- Removed player names in single player.
- Added language support to 'NPCs on Map'
- You don't die of hunger as fast anymore.

- Random villager names.
- Different coloured names.
- New shadows.
- New GUI.
- F to uncap FPS.
- Updater.
- Seed edges.
- Moved worlds to /worlds folder.
- Changed worlds filename to world_playername.cwl (temporary).

0.1.1 --> 0.2.0
- House roofs now save properly.
- Not really a fix but NPCs are no longer stored in the world.

- If you haven't changed the display settings saving options will not

change the display settings.
- Changed the 'Back' button on the options screen to 'Save'.
- Options no longer autosave, you need to click 'Save'.
- More accurate bars.
- Replaced some of the old ugly buttons.

- House floors.
- Holes (properly).
- Resolution options (including custom resolutions).
- Sound/Music options.
- Multiplayer option.
- New water.
- New sand.
- Replaced houses with villages.
- Removed ladders from holes (need to be added manually).
- Added baskets.
- New types of flowers.
- Modding support.
- Dungeons.
- Chests (in dungeons).
- Sound & Music no longer player when the window isn't active.
- Languages.
- Villagers.
- New music.

0.1.0 --> 0.1.1
- Improved the NPC AI (still a long way to go)

- Fixed the logo on the opening title.
- Days are now about 20 minutes long.
- Night isn't as dark.

- New exp bar.
- Holding down 'M' now shows the seed info.
- Typing sounds, cause hey, why not.
- Player, NPC, Tree & Stump shadows.
- Options and Options screen.
- Houses.

0.0.6 --> 0.1.0
- Flowers.
- Sand.
- Stone.

- Organised the bloody changelog.
- Fixed getting more EXP than the max.
- Fixed POT issues with buttons & EXP bar.

- Fixed FPS.
- NPC movement + caching.

- Camera system.
- Julia fractal styled biome system.
- Files now save as a .cwl.
- Caching.
- Levels.
- R returns you to the spawn.
- Fullscreen.
- New font.
- Water corners.
- App. name changes when making a seed.
- Seed info displayed under position.
- Windowed game can now be resized as you like.
- New icon!
- Day night system.
- NPCs.
- Tentative account creation window.
- Password field blocked out with asterisks'.

- No ommisions.

- None.

0.0.5 --> 0.0.6
- Fixed the bug where if you pressed a movement key your character animation changed while not having the actual window active.
- Fixed a lot of code issues, made the game a lot faster.
- Converted to binary saving.
- Water now spawns under trees.
- White trees (20% chance).
- EXP added (gained/lost by moving, for now).
- New water variant (50% chance).
- Tree stumps (Around 5 per map).

0.0.4 --> 0.0.5
- End key changes the character's direction.
- Added trees.
- Trees are randomly generated.
- Trees are saved and loaded from a seed file.

Remember the good ole days when games used to be challenging? So do we. Crawle is essentially a survival dungeon crawler sandbox game. Crawle focuses on realistic survival using mechanics such as sanity, hunger, thirst, energy, diseases and permanent death. Your task is simple: survive.

Main Features and Concepts:
- There is no EXP in the game and therefore there are no levels - you are not restricted in any way.
- After a while your supplies will run out. Fortunately, you can visit a dungeon to grab some supplies and resources.
- Going without food will cause your character to become sick, diseases may also develop on your character from eating raw food or being around dead animals, increasing your death rate. They will also decrease certain stats.
- Rare artifacts are hidden beneath the world, getting there is the real challenge.
- Invasions from other creatures and races can occur randomly.
- Dungeons can be found through holes in the ground, be careful though because sometimes you can end up in other worlds.
- There are bars for hunger, thirst, energy and sanity, if any (aside from energy) reach zero, you will die.
- Depending on the type of world you have you only have two or three chances in the world. Unforgiving mode however only gives you one chance.
- Sometimes a travelling Merchant will drop by to say hello.
- Earthquakes can occur, causing new holes to appear, revealing new dungeons/caverns.
- There is no traditional health system, instead your health is based off your blood content and the damage to your body parts. You can also bleed out.
- Animals do not despawn, instead they can be skinned, picked up and taken to your house or just left to rot.

Если вы являетесь правообладателем данного материала и вы против размещения информации о данном материале, либо ссылок на него - ознакомьтесь с нашей информацией для правообладателей и присылайте нам письмо. Если Вы против размещения данного материала - администрация с радостью пойдет Вам на встречу!

Ссылок на самом деле больше (всего 1), видно их будет только после регистрации на сайте.

Если ты нашёл "мёртвую" ссылку - дави значок [X] рядом с ней и ссылка в ближайшее время будет перезалита.

Дополнительные файлы для игры

Если ты нашел новую версию игры Crawle v0.8.0, либо русификатор к ней, патч, левелпак или мод - сообщи об этом редактору новости, он добавит сюда доп. файл.
Отправка личных сообщений доступна только после регистрации.

Комментарии игроков (55 шт.)

От: lux_lumen [0|0] | Дата 2015-02-16 22:02:43

Когда зальете полную версию?
От: danchizz [0|0] | Дата 2015-01-27 16:28:23

1.0.0 то будет?
От: dikiided [1|0] | Дата 2014-12-19 01:20:27

Run-time error '429':

ActiveX component can't create object помогите что делать?
От: Project-Fire [7|19] | Дата 2014-09-07 14:58:30

Run-time error '429':

ActiveX component can't create object

Project-Fire полчасика подумал и добавил:

Все проблема решена
От: Argent145 [14|26] | Дата 2014-03-18 02:56:16

Люди, это ведь нечто наподобие Waywardа?
От: Defuser222 [3625|10] | Дата 2013-12-01 01:41:56

Группа: Редактор

chuvachok сказал:

Запуск Программы невозможен, так как на компьютере отсутствует dx8vb.dll. Попробуйте переустановить программу. P.S у меня Windows 7 Ultimate x64

установите это: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35
если не поможет - скачайте отсутствующий файл в интернете и скопируйте его в c/windows/system32
От: chuvachok [7|46] | Дата 2013-11-30 21:31:49

Запуск Программы невозможен, так как на компьютере отсутствует dx8vb.dll. Попробуйте переустановить программу. P.S у меня Windows 7 Ultimate x64
От: zh259 [13|38] | Дата 2013-11-23 10:38:21


HioP сказал:

Скачать downloads.sleepystudios.com/dllinstaller.exe

Спасибо! Помогло!
От: HioP [1|1] | Дата 2013-10-28 10:08:34

Чтобы запустить на WIN 32/64:

1. Скачать downloads.sleepystudios.com/dllinstaller.exe
2. Установить в system32 или syswow64 в зависимости от вашей системы.
3. Перезагрузиться
4. ???

Если всё же выдаёт ошибку, полный гайд можно посмотреть тут: sleepystudios.com/misc.php?page=crawlehelp

Для запуска сервера используйте Crawle Server.exe

В мультике всё удовольствие портит то, что нельзя убивать животных, и много, что ещё. Так что лучше играйте сингл
От: zh259 [13|38] | Дата 2013-09-26 19:24:32


sanyekJACKPOT сказал:

ребят игра с вирусом сломала мне директ икс я раньшу думал это от террарии а это оказываеться от этой игры не качайте и не повторяйте моей учести у вас будет вылетать любая игра

вируса тут нету... скорее всего он у тебя на компе уже был

zh259 думал несколько дней и добавил:

ошибка 429
ActiveX component can't create object
Что делать?
От: sanyekJACKPOT [-4|8] | Дата 2013-09-22 06:50:58

ребят игра с вирусом сломала мне директ икс я раньшу думал это от террарии а это оказываеться от этой игры не качайте и не повторяйте моей учести у вас будет вылетать любая игра
От: zh259 [13|38] | Дата 2013-09-20 15:33:14

не работает
От: Defuser222 [3625|10] | Дата 2013-09-18 00:02:40

Группа: Редактор

gendalfff сказал:

win7x64 вылетает при запуске

у меня все нормально, винда таже. попробуйте поставить дополнительный софт, например: XNA 1.0, XNA 2.0, XNA 3.0 и т.д.
От: gendalfff [5|0] | Дата 2013-09-17 23:57:14

win7x64 вылетает при запуске
От: DarthNihilus [17|21] | Дата 2013-03-29 22:41:31

У меня в игре надписи не видны, только кусочки пикселей из букв. Что делать?
От: Corwin [3|11] | Дата 2013-02-06 12:49:22

Добавьте 0.5.5
От: nikivarvar [501|111] | Дата 2012-12-18 22:01:14

Uh, что-то не так обновилось с:

nikivarvar полчасика подумал и добавил:

Игра пока скучна, мало чего добавили, ждем полной версии.
и более играбельной.
От: Farid566 [0|6] | Дата 2012-12-18 21:17:26

Очень запутанная игра...
От: nikivarvar [501|111] | Дата 2012-12-18 20:18:49

При наведении курсора на предмет, игра вылетает...

в 0.5.3 версии.
От: anatariel [12|6] | Дата 2012-12-18 02:15:05

Со следующего билда можно будет строить дома :3
От: nikivarvar [501|111] | Дата 2012-12-17 22:50:16

Its a good game, but no mute button, 2/10

От: Shecurok [5|6] | Дата 2012-12-17 22:39:42

была бы на русском-скачал бы
От: Mozar305 [-7|7] | Дата 2012-12-17 22:39:13

Нет строительства?Неа это не песочница.Ну а вообще 6/10
От: anatariel [12|6] | Дата 2012-12-14 04:13:03

Nightly 10 будет? :) Есть у кого бета-аккаунт?

anatariel очень долго думал и добавил:

Ололоэ? Есть кто живой?

anatariel очень долго думал и добавил:

Вышла полная версия уже -_-
От: DionikArdo [3|41] | Дата 2012-09-27 10:49:01

Конечно :)
От: Defuser222 [3625|10] | Дата 2012-09-26 15:04:01

Группа: Редактор
запускал файл "run me first"?
От: DionikArdo [3|41] | Дата 2012-09-25 11:18:14

Эх, бета-версии, чтоб их :) В общем, при нажатии кнопочки "create" выскакивает ошибка: Run-time error '76' Path not found. Запускал на Windows XP
От: Snaider [23|1] | Дата 2012-09-23 21:11:46

Что как делать в игре непонятно. Хожу по леса заглядываю в ящики и все. Как деревья рубить ? Как еду добывать ?
От: Defuser222 [3625|10] | Дата 2012-09-23 13:43:06

Группа: Редактор
всем, у кого не работает игра: запускаем файлик "RUN ME FIRST.exe" который установить нужные библиотеки.

всем, кому нужен FAQ - в игре есть туториал, там и учимся =)
От: Sayrocs [0|8] | Дата 2012-09-20 11:02:00

Я не понял, как что получать? Тут крафт или что???
От: DenisAssasin [7|7] | Дата 2012-09-14 21:24:16

Не работает...
Windows 7
От: Defuser222 [3625|10] | Дата 2012-09-13 00:48:28

Группа: Редактор
dllinstaller.exe тоже не помагает?
От: DenisAssasin [7|7] | Дата 2012-09-12 20:37:10

Гералт уже добавили, причина этого лохотрона в том что у меня мегафон модем а не нормальный интернет, а не телефонах всегда так..
От: DarkGeralt [4|102] | Дата 2012-09-12 13:40:14

DenisAssasin, это лохотрон, рядом в верхнем правом углу есть крестик, нажми на него.
От: DenisAssasin [7|7] | Дата 2012-09-11 22:16:04

Блин добавьте на летитбит и шары-фары, а то с юнибитов только за 8 рублей можно скачать
От: Nemesia [2|2] | Дата 2012-09-11 20:44:16

незнаю что за фикс запуска но с ним у меня игра неработает... а так прикольно)))

Nemesia подумал несколько минут и добавил:

кстате да а как в нее играть? дайте ссылку на faq или чтото в етом роде...
От: Alvetor [9|6] | Дата 2012-09-11 08:46:13

Тоже интересует вопрос мультиплеера, ибо по описанию вкусно, но без мульта не пойдет.
От: primeape [7|32] | Дата 2012-09-10 20:08:55

Добавьте фикс отдельно.
От: anatariel [12|6] | Дата 2012-09-10 19:23:50

Где нож, блин, взять ? =\\
На видео он так ловко обрезал момент появления ножа
От: Artemonic [76|24] | Дата 2012-09-10 16:47:00

Ребят, стоит глянуть или потеря времени?''

Если ты фанат терарии и майнкрафта то она для тебя!