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Скачать игру Smintheus - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

Рейтинга пока нет | Баллы: 19
Игру добавил Kusko [2483|32] | 2018-05-07 (обновлено) | Ролевые игры (RPG) (3341) | Просмотров: 5674


• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от neutonmouse (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Я ищу, квесты, приключения (6121); Головоломки, пазлы (2984); Песочницы (Sandbox-игры) (1318); Ролевые игры (RPG) (3341)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 155.52 Мб.

Smintheus - гибрид головоломки смешанной с различными элементами RPG-выживания, песочницы и приключенческих жанров от украинского разработчика. В большинстве случаев игрок должен добраться до конца уровня решая многочисленные загадки, избегая ловушек, а также сражаясь с армией монстров, которая будет пытаться помешать вам всякий раз, когда это возможно. Игрок должен собирать предметы и ресурсы, создавать гаджеты и инструменты, использовать различные инженерные сооружения и оружие на протяжении всего приключения.

Игра обновлена до версии от 1 мая. Список изменений внутри новости.

Вы можете скрыть всю рекламу на сайте. Как?

• WASD - движение
• 1 - Выбрать ключ
• 2 - Выбрать пилу
• 3 - Выбрать пистолет
• 4 - Выбрать меч
• F - Использовать инструмент/предмет
• Q - Меню быстрой постройки
• ESC - Выход или перейти в Главное меню
• Tab - Возврат/Отмена или меню инвентаря
• Удерживайте клавишу Shift, а затем выберите желаемое направление (WASD), чтобы взаимодействовать с интерактивными объектами, такие как бомбы или незавершенными конструкциями.

1 May, 2018
[!] - optimized bitmap rendering a bit
[!] - saving performs faster
[+] - ported game to linux amd64/x86

26 April, 2018
[!] - Vsync fix. Those who had VSYNC turned off in controls could experience random lagging.
[!] - rewrote input logic. Game would cause FPS drops on some computers because it gets overwhelmed by input commands (mouse move, key press etc). Game stays independent from it now.
[!] - rewrote one of render algorithms. The game won't have random jumps of FPS from 60 to 300 etc. It will stay fixed now.
[+] - included msvcr100.dll - those who don't have Microsoft's Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package can now play the game without installing it.

20 April, 2018 (Major Update)
[!] - Updated multimedia library to newest version.
[!] - Optimized game, ~10% performance increase.
[!] - Inventory "Items" section can be navigated even if player has no items.
[!] - Inventory input navigation changed from key hold to key press.
[!] - Question marks in inventory has more distinguishable colors.
[+] - Arrows, spacebar and enter are added to the game as alternative bindings to movement and usage.
[!] - Gerald damaged state's duration is now doubled, makes gameplay a bit easier
[+] - Moving to another realm (or teleporting) will erupt circle wave around character thus notifying player about new position. These notifications are also implement for rising/lowering blocks.
[+] - Added "Danger Zone" for campfires. Burn color on Gerald is instant and more vivid.
[+] - Magical door is red now and will turn blue once all cat keys are gathered. Has extra animation and sound effect.
[!] - All levels are "casualized" and more approachable. Most tutorials are hidden now (no more texts, except where really needed)
[!] - Level 1 and 2 received extra additional room specially designed for hidden tutorials.
[!] - Level 2 now introduces inventory feature to player, before it was introduced on level 4.
[+] - Nearly all critical puzzles have reset switch nearby
[+] - Most puzzles now will show some kind of feedback (like glowing gems on walls)
[+] - All signs are isolated leaving only one way to get into it. Prevents that annoyance when you enter sign several times by accident.
[+] - Signs are animated. Easy to spot!
[!] - fixed bug with secret walls that happens when player clicks on spots while running.
[!] - Bug in level 4 is completely wiped. Before it had chance to put game into hopeless situation after "Noooo!" dialog.
[!] - Fixed couple of minor bugs that used to happen on high speed

10 April, 2018
[!] - Fixed bug with ambient soundscapes present in level and map screen
[!] - Fixed app crash when player wins and looses at the same time (e.g: reaches exit and gets whacked by a cat)
[!] - fixed bugged animation which used to occur when player beat the cat and was about to perform victory dance.
[+] - First level will prevent player from receiving any kind of damage.
[+] - Level two has infinite boot spawn near the ice cream Walrus.
[+] - Modified sound of key door opening - no more irritating high-pitched squeak!

Smintheus is a game where player must fight or build his way out from hostile realms. The gameplay could be described as a hybrid puzzle mixed with various elements from survival, sandbox and adventure genres. In most cases player has to reach to the end of level safe and sound – numerous riddles, traps and army of monsters will try to intervene whenever possible. Player will gather items and resources, build gadgets and use tools both as utilities and weapons throughout the quest.

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Дополнительные файлы для игры

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