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Описание игры, торрент, скриншоты, видео

Скачать игру OpenRCT2 v0.4.11 - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

Рейтинг: 10.0 (1)
Игру добавил Kusko [2483|32] | 2024-06-26 (обновлено) | Стратегии (3568) | Просмотров: 4964

OpenRCT2 v0.4.11

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Ted 'IntelOrca' John (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Стратегии (3568); Тайм менеджмент, тайкуны (1010); Ретро-игры (DOS, Win 9x) (635); Сетевые / ХотСит (2292)
• Язык: Русская версия (7941)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 549.50 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 10.0 из 10 (всего голосов: 1)

• Похожие игры:
- OpenTTD v14.1 / Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe
- RollerCoaster Tycoon 3: Soaked! / Магнат Индустрии Развлечений 3
- Stone Kingdoms v0.6.1

OpenRCT2 - реконструкция RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 (RCT2) 2002 года с открытым исходным кодом, расширяющая игру новыми возможностями, исправляющая ошибки и повышающая игровые ограничения. Игровой процесс вращается вокруг строительства и поддержания парка развлечений, содержащего аттракционы, магазины и сооружения. Игрок должен стараться получать прибыль, поддерживать хорошую репутацию парка и при этом радовать гостей. OpenRCT2 позволяет играть как по сценарию, так и в песочнице. Сценарии требуют от игрока выполнения определенной задачи за определенное время, в то время как песочница позволяет игроку построить более гибкий парк без ограничений и финансов.

На русском языке.

Игра обновлена до v0.4.11. Список изменений внутри новости.

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OpenRCT2 содержит множество изменений по сравнению с оригинальной игрой RollerCoaster Tycoon 2. Здесь перечислены некоторые из этих изменений:
• Обновленный интерфейс пользователя.
• Увеличенные лимиты.
• Перемотка игрового процесса вперед.
• Поддержка мультиплеера.
• Многоязычность. Улучшенные переводы.
• Аппаратный рендеринг OpenGL.
• Различные исправления и улучшения ошибок оригинальной игры.
• Добавлены хаки и читы.
• Автосохранение и гигантские скриншоты.
• Улучшения производительности.

• Feature: [#622] Add option to align the top toolbar buttons horizontally centred (off by default).
• Feature: [#20263] Ability to increase the size of the map in the (0, 0) direction.
• Feature: [#21714] [Plugin] Costume assignment is now tailored to each staff type.
• Feature: [#21853] Enlarged UI mode.
• Feature: [#21893, #22065] On launch, the game now indicates what system is being initialised.
• Feature: [#21913] [Plugin] Allow precise and safe control of peep animations.
• Feature: [#22046] [Plugin] Add interface for crashed vehicle particle.
• Feature: [#22085] [Plugin] The result of actions that create banners now includes the bannerIndex.
• Feature: [#22087] [Plugin] Expose guests’ favourite rides to the plugin API.
• Feature: [#22090] [Plugin] Allow writing of paused state in non-networked settings.
• Feature: [#22140] Add option to automatically close dropdown menus if Enlarged UI is enabled.
• Feature: [#22150] [Plugin] Expose monthly expenditure history to the plugin API.
• Improved: [#19870] Allow using new colours in UI themes.
• Improved: [#21774] The Alpine Coaster now supports using the alternative colour schemes.
• Improved: [#21853] Dropdowns now automatically use multiple columns if they are too tall for the screen.
• Improved: [#21981] Rendering performance of the map window has been improved considerably.
• Improved: [#21981] The map window now defaults to showing as much of the map as fits the screen.
• Improved: [#21983] Taking a screenshot now shows a message again, closing when taking another.
• Improved: [#22026] The options window now stays centred when window scaling is changed.
• Improved: [#22060] [Plugin] The scroll wheel can now be used to modify spinner widget values in custom/script windows.
• Improved: [#22065] Joining a network game now indicates progress using coaster trains.
• Improved: [#22075] [Plugin] Plugins can now use G1 Icons.
• Improved: [#22084] The game now temporarily pauses while the load/save window is open.
• Improved: [objects#238] Add preview image for invisible queue.
• Improved: [objects#329] Add RCT1AA lay-down coaster trains (for import only).
• Change: [#7248] Small mini-maps are now centred in the map window.
• Change: [#20240] Heavy snow and blizzards now make guests buy and use umbrellas.
• Change: [#21214] Wacky Worlds and Time Twister’s scenario names now match their park names.
• Change: [#21991] UI themes JSON now use colour names and a translucency bool, instead of a number (old themes still work).
• Change: [#22057] Reorder Time Twister’s scenarios and adjust their difficulty classification.
• Change: [#22196] Make track nagivation buttons holdable.
• Fix: [#13234] Vehicle weight sometimes wrong after using Remove All Guests cheat.
• Fix: [#13294] Map corners are cut off in some directions (original bug).
• Fix: [#14630] Non-ASCII thousands and decimal separators not processed correctly.
• Fix: [#21496] Some RCT1 scenery is hidden after saving and reloading.
• Fix: [#21974] No reason specified when attempting to place benches, lamps, or bins on path with no unconnected edges (original bug).
• Fix: [#21987] [Plugin] API cannot handle negative removal prices.
• Fix: [#22008] Uninverted Lay-down roller coaster uses the wrong support type.
• Fix: [#22012] [Plugin] Images on ImgButton widgets cannot be updated.
• Fix: [#22121] Some news items in the “Recent Messages” window have the wrong text colour.
• Fix: [#22152] [Plugin] Negative signed integers are truncated.
• Fix: [#22161] Using arrow keys in textboxes crashes the game.
• Fix: [#22174] Cheats are reset when starting a server.
• Fix: [objects#323] Incorrect wall boundaries on large WW/TT scenery objects.
• Fix: [objects#331] Incorrect hover car capacity string.
• Fix: [objects#334] Incorrect school bus capacity string.
• Fix: [objects#337] Swan Boats use an incorrect third remap colour (original bug).
• Feature: [#11512] Coloured usernames by group on multiplayer servers.
• Feature: [#21734] Park admittance price can now be set via text input.
• Feature: [#21957] [Plugin] Expose whether the game is paused to the plugin API.
• Improved: [#21728] “Fix all rides” cheat now also works if a mechanic is already fixing the ride.
• Improved: [#21769] Expose “animation is backwards” wall property in Tile Inspector.
• Improved: [#21855] Add a separator between “Load Game” and “Save Game”, to avoid accidental overwriting.
• Change: [#21715] [Plugin] Remove access to the internal `owner` property. Note: `ownership` is still accessible.
• Change: [#21855] Cheats menu dropdown no longer requires dragging.
• Change: [#21866] Hide the FPS Counter when the top toolbar/widgets have been toggled off.
• Change: [#21950] Construction and removal buttons can now be held down for repeated placement.
• Fix: [#866] Boat Hire boats get stuck entering track (original bug).
• Fix: [#10701] No reason specified when placing door over unsuitable track.
• Fix: [#18723, #21870] Attempting to demolish a flat ride in pause mode allows you to place multiple copies.
• Fix: [#19559] Custom rides with long descriptions extend into lower widgets.
• Fix: [#21696] Fullscreen window option not correctly applied on macOS.
• Fix: [#21749] Crash when loading park bigger than current limits.
• Fix: [#21787] Map generator heightmap should respect increased height limits.
• Fix: [#21829] When creating a new scenario, the default name contains formatting codes.
• Fix: [#21937] Build errors with the ORIGINAL_RATINGS flag.
• Fix: [objects#324] Cannot build Colosseum inside a turn or helix.
• Fix: [objects#325] Sloped castle walls are vertically offset by one pixel (original bug).

OpenRCT2 is an open-source re-implementation of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 (RCT2), expanding the game with new features, fixing bugs and raising game limits. The gameplay revolves around building and maintaining an amusement park containing attractions, shops and facilities. The player must try to make a profit and maintain a good park reputation whilst keeping the guests happy. OpenRCT2 allows for both scenario and sandbox play. Scenarios require the player to complete a certain objective in a set time limit whilst sandbox allows the player to build a more flexible park with optionally no restrictions or finance.

OpenRCT2 features many changes compared to the original RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 game. A few of the many changes are listed here:
• User Interface theming.
• Increased limits.
• Fast-forwarding gameplay.
• Multiplayer support.
• Multilingual. Improved translations.
• OpenGL hardware rendering.
• Various fixes and improvements for bugs in the original game.
• Native support for Linux and macOS.
• Added hacks and cheats.
• Auto-saving and giant screenshots.
• Performance improvements.

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Дополнительные файлы для игры

Если ты нашел новую версию игры OpenRCT2 v0.4.11, либо русификатор к ней, патч, левелпак или мод - сообщи об этом редактору новости, он добавит сюда доп. файл.
Отправка личных сообщений доступна только после регистрации.

Комментарии игроков (3 шт.)

От: ThreshNT [9|10] | Дата 2023-04-01 15:13:08

в своё время провёл куча времени в ней так же как opentrasporttycon, для слабеньких пк самое то а если что по новей конечно лучше поиграть аналоги Planet Coaster и Cities Skylines
От: umritetvari [6|17] | Дата 2023-03-28 20:37:01

Старая тема когда ставишь билеты копеечные и как попрёт толпа быстро меняешь цену на сотку выше ещё работает?
От: gay_developer [3|9] | Дата 2021-08-14 00:13:57
