Описание игры, торрент, скриншоты, видео
Скачать игру Tavern Master v0.8.2 - торрент, игра на стадии разработки | Рейтинга пока нет | Баллы: 3 |
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Untitled Studio (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Стратегии (3628); Тайм менеджмент, тайкуны (1014); Симуляторы (1035)
• Язык: Русская версия (8096)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 278.20 Мб.
Tavern Master - симулятор средневековой таверны. Вы начинаете с очень маленькой комнаты, пары скамеек и столов и постепенно поднимаетесь до огромной успешной таверны с кухней, комнатами для гостей, группой преданных сотрудников и многим другим!
На русском языке.
Игра обновлена до v0.8.2. Список изменений внутри новости.
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Спроектируйте и постройте свою средневековую таверну!
Постройте таверну с нуля, как вы это себе представляете! Это может быть стильное место, предназначенное для обслуживания королей, или ресторан, специализирующийся на отличной еде. Оптимизируйте расположение сидений, чтобы ваши сотрудники работали как можно быстрее, обновляйте и расширяйте свой бизнес, чтобы привлечь ещё больше посетителей и расширить своё дело, включив в него гостиницу, оружейный магазин и, возможно, даже средневековую службу доставки еды!
Для того, чтобы ваши клиенты были довольны, вам необходимо всегда иметь достаточно еды и напитков, квалифицированный персонал, отличные украшения и надлежащее освещение. Совместите всё это со своим воображением, ваша таверна станет лучшей в королевстве!
Staff stats
Biggest new update is the introduction of many more stats for staff. Each stat has a certain amount of points you can assign to it and it's your decision on which thing you want to focus when leveling up an employee. You can have a fast waitress carrying small amount of drinks or a slower one able to carry more.
Waitress stats:
• Walking speed while empty handed
• Walking speed while carrying
• Walking speed while climbing stairs
• Maximum number of drinks that can be carried
• Tip bonus
Bartender stats:
• Walking speed while empty handed
• Walking speed while carrying
• Drink pouring speed
• Maximum number of drinks that can be carried
Chef stats:
• Walking speed
• Skill for preparing desserts
• Skill for preparing main courses
• Skill for preparing soups
Besides stats there is a bit more control over employees. You can tell them which floor to serve so it doesn't happen that bartender from second floor serves guests on first floor and ignores guests on second floor. You can also assign priority to tasks waitress does instead of just having on/off toggles. If a task has high priority it will be done before all medium priority tasks.
Usability improvements
I got a lot of feedback that it is hard to move furniture around, specifically when you try to move multiple things at once since that was not possible. Now, you will have support to move furniture in a same way you move icons on a desktop. You can drag to select multiple props with a selection rectangle or you can hold control and click on multiple props to select or deselect them. Check out the gif below showcasing this feature!
There is a new floor tile now!
I've started working on implementing winter which will last for a certain amount of days. During winter customers will require heating besides lights so if there is no heating close to the table, no one will sit there. There will also be a new bar serving hot drinks like tea, mulled wine or warm milk.
Tavern Master is all about managing your medieval tavern. You start with a very small room, couple of benches and tables and build your way up to a huge successful tavern with a kitchen, rooms for guests, group of loyal staff and much more!
Design and build your own medieval tavern!
Build a tavern from the ground up in any way you imagine it! It can be a classy place meant to serve kings or a restaurant which specializes in great food.
Optimize your seating arrangement to allow your staff to be as fast as possible, upgrade and expand to attract even more patrons and spread your business to include a hotel, a weapon shop and maybe even a medieval food delivery service!
In order to keep your customers happy you will need to have enough food and drinks at all times, efficient staff, great decorations and proper lights. Combine all of that with your imagination and your tavern might be the best in the kingdom!
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