Описание игры, торрент, скриншоты, видео
Скачать игру StarLust v0.1.5а - торрент, игра на стадии разработки | Рейтинг: 10.0 (2) |
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Unicorn Productions (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Стратегии (3614); Песочницы (Sandbox-игры) (1337)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 23.59 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 10.0 из 10 (всего голосов: 2)
StarLust - космическая инди-стратегия в реальном времени, которая отличается возможностью постройки своих собственных кораблей. Создайте и настройте свой флот и сражайтесь в случайно сгенерированных солнечных системах.
Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с 0.1.3а до 0.1.5а. Список изменений внутри.
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Язык интерфейса: Английский
Движок: Unity
Настраиваемые корабли!
Постройте любого юнита, который будет подходить под ваш стиль игры. Создайте свой флот и вооружите его каким хотите оружием. Измените стиль кораблей, выбирая цвет внешний вид.
Случайно сгенерированные солнечные системы
Сражайтесь за контроль над крупными, случайно созданными солнечными системами. Захватывайте планеты и стройте структуры для улучшения вашей экономики. Стройте массивные космические базы для защиты своих планет и для создания флотов. Не все планеты равны, поэтому запланируйте свое господство соответственно!
Звездные базы
Защищайте свой мир с помощью массивных структур. Кроме того они дадут прирост вашей экономике. Улучшайте их, чтобы заполнить ваши потребности! Нужно больше денег или популяции? Нужно больше защиты? Хотите строить больше кораблей? Все возможно с помощью улучшения базы!
Bug Fixes and New Content
Here's a quick rundown of the major bug fixes:
Fixed planet structures not showing up on the GUI making it difficult to tell what structures were built and impossible for the player to delete
Fixed issue where if a player was quick enough they could build infinite planet structures and break/crash the game
Fixed issue where the player's queued items on the planet would not clear after loosing the planet. This would allow starbases or structures to still appear on the planet after loosing it
Fixed repair bay only reaching half of the gravity well
The Sun
New suns have been added in and will randomly generate with the rest of the solar system. They change the lighting of the level and look way cooler than before! The sun will also now damage you when you fly into it so be careful! Here are what the new suns look like:
New Bigger Scale!
The general scale of the game has been expanded. The solar systems that generate are now double in size and so are the planets. The starbases and ships have remained the same size but their ranges and speeds have scaled up. Ships now have more usable range in general and frigates have been made much more useful!
There are some smaller adjustments and other bug fixes so the game should work a little better now. Hosting is still sometimes difficult and we still highly recommend you forward your ports if you're going to host a match! (5127 and 5130 tcp and udp)
- Missiles now obey sight and radar restrictions like all other objects
- Radar icons added for missiles now that they follow sight/radar restrictions
- Planet building slots now show on all planets not just ones player owns
- When zoomed out far enough all units turn to radar icons
- Playable on Mac computers
- Can now destroy Starbase expansions and planet structures to build new ones
- Ships now have priority targeting to target the largest threat within weapons range
- Server can now be restarted without having to exit game
- Can now issue attack orders by right clicking on enemy radar icon
- Now all transitions back to main menu are animated
- Can not play conquest with one player (dev mode still allows to play with one player)
- Starbases radar and sight ranges now update upon upgrading
- Flak cannon blast can no longer be seen through fog of war
- Fixed a crash when quitting a match
- Fixed drag selection and control key combinations
- Fixed bug where you could not delete planet or moon structures in queue with starbase also in queue
- Fixed several bugs when player quits game
- Game will now check for players that have lost connection and deal with their assets accordingly
- Fixed but where you could deploy more than 20 ships
- Fixed fixed planet health calculations
- Added 2 more build slots on the Asteroid Planet
- Added 2 more build slots to the Regolith Planet
- Adjusted cost of several Planets/moons
- Changed name of Basic and Heavy Defensive platforms to Anti-Missile Platforms
- Adjusted stats of several Federal Manufacturies ships
- Added new Damage Control Center hardpoint, will add a boost to any ships health
- Added new Repair Arm hardpoint, will slowly repair the ship, even while in combat
- Added Auto Cannon hardpoint, quick firing, light damage weapon
- Orion Frigate parts added in
- Orion Destroyer parts added in
- Added Annihilation victory condition (requires all enemy ships to be destroyed, not just structures and planets)
- New Ocean type planet
- Added in game chat
- Added system overview sidebar
- Added warning system when planets and starbases are being attacked
- Added total income to your credit display
- Fixed problem where missiles would immediately explode when launch from starbases
- Did performance increase with FoW and radar logic
- Made "Attempting to Connect" prompt appear in server lobby
- Adjusted size of ship parts in Ship Designer to make them easier to select and more visible
- Player symbols now randomize upon entering lobby
- Chat added to lobby
- Repair station expansion added
- Version number enforcement
- Added explosions on planet structures
- Added in descriptions for planets
- Player battle color assignment logic
- Fixed issue where ships would stop attacking an object once off camera
- Cleaned up visual display of decimal numbers
- Few performance tweaks
- Fixed issue with ships not showing up properly and fog of war not revealing properly
- Fixed Federal Cruiser Loyalty Class engines light not in correct position
- Readjusted colonization costs to reflect planet worth
- Federal Frigate Scout Engines increased in cost 80 and increased to 1 population
- Starbases can now be given attack orders
- Slowed down Brute and Nuke missiles slightly
- Missiles now survive for 10 seconds as they track targets
StarLust is a space-based RTS that features ships you build yourself! Build and customize your own fleet and fight in randomly generated solar systems.
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