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Скачать игру Infested Planet v1.12.1 / + RUS v1.12.1 - торрент, полная русская версия

Рейтинг: 9.7 (19) | Баллы: 225
Игру добавил John2s [11577|1666] | 2018-12-03 (обновлено) | Стратегии (3568) | Просмотров: 55080

Infested Planet v1.12.1 / + RUS v1.12.1

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Rocket Bear Games (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Стратегии (3568)
• Язык: Русская версия (7941)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Полная версия (установи и играй)
• Размер / Size: 64.18 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 9.7 из 10 (всего голосов: 19)

• Другие части игры:
- Attack Of The Paper Zombies v1.2
• Похожие игры:
- Ten Second War v0.32
- Galcon Legends
- Protolife v1.2.2
- Mindustry v.Build 146

Infested Planet - своего рода сиквел к отличной мини-стратегии Attack of the Paper Zombies. Более подробно об отличиях и нововведениях Вы можете почитать в обзоре размещенном внутри новости.

Игра обновлена с версии 1.10.9 до 1.12.1. Список изменений можно посмотреть здесь.

Добавлена РУССКАЯ версия игры!

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Infested Planet - это явный сиквел, а не просто то же самое в иной обложке, к Attack of the Paper Zombies. Изменений очень много. Прежде всего классов солдат теперь не три, а шесть. Попробовал пока не все, но точно могу сказать, что классы очень различаются и всем можно найти применение. Строений теперь тоже шесть, а кроме того появилось шесть видов технологий. Те или иные виды технологий активируются за очки, которые можно добыть, захватив точку или утащив охраняемый контейнер фиолетового цвета. Суть технологий - те или иные апгрейды. Скажем, шестой человек в отряде или регенерация. Кажется на моём ноутбуке игра притормаживает, но и без того партии стали заметно длиннее, чем в приквеле.

В настоящий момент две стоящих рядом вражеских точки захватить очень непросто. Конечно, у игрока теперь больше инструментов, а значит и больше возможных тактик, да только и противник не лыком шит. Некоторые мутации (типа атаки клонов или замены турелей на агрессивных стражей) способны не просто принести кучу проблем, но и вообще свести на нет все предыдущие усилия. Поэтому пока что приходится несколько раз стартовать карту заново, чтобы сгенерировалось такое поле боя, на котором можно было бы попытаться одержать над компьютером верх.

Ещё одним из главных отличий "Infested Planet" от "Attack of the Paper Zombies" является то, что очки всегда можно перевести, поменяв одни апгрейды на другие без штрафов. Не получается взять вражескую позицию? Вместо отряда из двух солдат с автоматом и трёх с дробовиками, делаем отряд из четырёх автоматчиков, одного огнемётчика и ставим им в поддержку мортиру. Враг ощетинился турелями и ульями? Меняем апгрейд автоматической постройки и мини турелей на своих точках на снайпера. В общем, система очень гибкая.

• Improved Scout description to mention that stasis makes enemies invulnerable
• Added a floating message if you try to attack an invulnerable object
• Fixed group binding if a group is destroyed / despawned in ironman
• Added a "welding" visual effect to building structures
• Rarely, if a structure somehow doesn't have a builder, it is possible to assign one
• Added ELITE difficulty mode
• Added message from developer when you beat the campaign
• Changed "Abandon" to "Exit to Menu"
• Fixed some mutations not working properly when attacking an elite alien
• Fixed crash bug with isolating alien elites
• Added a failsafe to reset the sector map in case it fails to load
• Dynamic Campaign Mode - Fight the aliens on a new strategic layer
• 3 New Weapon Classes: Medic, Grenadier and Guardsman
• 3 New Alien Enemies: Vile Tongues, Bombards and Infested Bunkers
• Updated map generator: Aliens wall off parts of the map
• This patch focuses on improving stability within the game. Several crash bugs have been fixed, so the game should behave better.
• Also, audio errors are no longer fatal when starting the game. If there is an audio error, then the game just continues without sound. This is useful if you don't have any audio devices plugged in.
• Minigunners are now stunned for a short while by alien melee
• Fixed typo in Airdrop description
• Capped maximum number of sounds playing at once (hopefully will fix audio crashes)
• Added hidden setting to scale UI for very large monitors
• Marines respawn only at points without aliens on top
• Marines under fire are healed less
• Added horde mode to skirmish
• Made teleport use 2 ammo per marine moved
• Reduced Steel Curtain healing to 10% (from 20%)
• Buffed Overdose to consume less health (35% from 50%)
• Made grenades tech turn off rockets
• Reduced shield projector cost
• Reworked life support and reduced price
• Scouts no longer consume ammo
• Scouts no longer take more damage
• Reduced price of chopper strike tech
• Added restart option to game menu
• Added scrolling using the middle mouse button
• Added "DLC installed" text in main menu, next to current version
• Made reinforcement tech use rally beacon
• Added anti-cheater contermeasures for leaderboards
• Made rally point notice be hidden by the "no idle pointers" option
• Made the option toggle widget on/off states clearer
• Changed price of buffs to be relative to main campaign missions (and not random ones)
• Fixed tip for recycle not to conflict with ironman rules
• Fixed leaderboard names going out of bounds
• Fixed starting mutations not appearing in custom ironman
• Stopped spore mines from interfering with alien building placement
• Fixed typo in overdose description
• Re-added software OpenAL32.dll to fix audio issues
• Solved hives respawning on re-capture in crawler hunt missions
• Added "no hive respawn" rule to custom ironman
• Teleportation disengages crate towing properly now
Major Changes
• Added trading cards
• Fixed a way to get infinite BP by recycling
• Removed metrics
• Fixed a crash at the start of the game
• Fixed crash relating to mimic eggs
Major Changes
• Added horde mode to weekly challenges and campaign
• Added limit to how long officer inspiraton can last
• Added campaign buff for starter medical crate
• Added stop command to keybindings
• Made leaderboard scores update only at end of match (to solve Steam losing top scores)
• Removed prefix periods from game esc menu
• Fixed missing officer buff icon and added medipod buff icon
• Added log messages to asset loading and fonts
• Fixed possible triangulation bug for the map (caused black maps)
• Fixed typos in campaign
Update 18 (v1.0b):
• Added beta profile warning
• Revised a bunch of text
• Tweaked mutation power to make guardian mutation more probable
• Changed patch counter to "Coming Soon"
• Removed texture map compression, due to bugs on AMD cards
Update 17 (v0.99.0):
• Fixed exploit with buying weapons and weapon cooldown
• Added importing profiles to Steam Cloud
• Added vsync to graphics options
• Tweaked campaign dialog button order
• Added ability to skip tutorial missions
• Added text tips to notices
• Fixed notice pointer positioning
• Added options hints
• Added non-linear scaling to audio sliders
• Added graphics optimization through alpha blending and testing
• Fixed chopper UI vanishing with res change
• Fixed grenading marines getting stuck bug
• Fixed bug with assault targeting and movement
Update 16 (v0.84.0):
Major Changes
• Added entity shadows
• Added shadows graphics option
• Prevented some mutations from appearing too early in random maps
• Made growing defense towers more vulnerable to sap damage (for example, siege cannon)
• Reduced silver challenge difficulty
Minor Changes
• Prevented capture alert sound from being repeated quickly
• Optimized retargeting for several entities
• Added ability to hide dialogue UI
• Added text announcement to recaptures
• Revised campaign buff descriptions
• Changed "grab mouse" to "trap mouse" in options
• Tweaked challenge briefing
• Changed leaderboard screen to go to global leaderboard if user is unranked
• Added icon to game window
• Added version number to profiles
• Added ram amount to log
• Fixed mortar firing rockets at immune targets
• Added additional checks to Steam Cloud loads, to prevent crashes
• Improved script robustness for tutorials
• Fixed leaderboards name fetching to reduce chance of [unknown] name
Update 15 (v0.84.0):
Major Changes
• Weekly Challenge mode
• Improved random map generation
• Steam Cloud saves
Minor Changes
• Added a more flashy effect to officer inspiration
• Tweaked Engineering tech to use ammo continuosly
• Added Engineering tech out of ammo warnings
• Increased health of medical pods
• Made mortar more responsive to manual targeting
• Changed Robotics tech armour bonus to a shield
Update 14 (v0.83.0):
Campaign Changes
• Reworked the "Preparations" mission
• Slightly increased the difficulty of "The Return"
• Reworked the "Anabasis" mission
• Updated weapons tutorial to match new UI
Major Changes
• Replaced robot pod with medical pod
• Replaced medic class with officer
• Changed medic hunters mutation to assassins
• Revamped teleporters to act as reinforcement sources
• Revamped mortar to fire rockets at 1 ammo cost
• Revamped grenades tech
• Removed dispersal tech and added robotics tech
• Tweaked costs for regeneration and chopper tech
• Folded dispersion tech station into regeneration tech station (now called Life Support)
• Reworked engineering tech
• Updated heli-drop tech to give inspiration instead of shield
• Removed minigunner restriction on grenades and rockets
• Dropped the price of marines to 4
• Dropped minimum scout beam cost to 1 ammo
• Decreased guardian health and slightly increased the damage
• Reduced enraged alien damage
• Increased minefield effectiveness vs enraged
• Added infested medical pod to random maps and custom mode
• Added ability to repeat some shortcut commands by holding down the key
Minor Changes
• Made marine weapon show for dead marines
• Added manual mortar targeting
• Added "TEAM" button to select all marines
• Added UI hint arrow when chopper strike is built
• Fixed turrets firing at targets that are too close
• Fixed turret targeting invalid targets
• Tweaked hive immune message
• Assigning marines to tow stuff now prefers marines without crates
• Added DETACHED message floaters to towable crates
• Improved marine AI when shooting at immune targets
Misc and Technical
• Fixed marine targeting dead entities
• Updated campaign mission layout
• Changed loading screen background
• Restored update timer to 2 weeks
• Fixed siege gun text
• Fixed resolution issues on windows with DPI modes enabled
• Added more log messages to resolution switching
• Fixed small lua bug in Memento Mori
• Updated SDL2 version
Added a texture flag that stops caching in memory (for really large textures)
Update 13 (v0.82.0):
Major Changes
• Mine fields explode aliens without marine help
• Mine fields don't use ammo any more
• Increased marine spawning cost by 1
• Helidrop buff: 10 sec of shield (up from 5) and -30% respawn time
• Marines out of battle for a long time don't die from poison
• Made infested marines more vulnerable to siege cannon
• Siege cannon doesn't use ammo any more
• Made all marines more vulnerable to concussion damage (mines + grenades)
• Increased flamer armour
• Made barriers vulnerable to rocket damage
• Made rockets be fired even if barrier is in way
• Completely reworked mimics - no more clones from those aliens
• Mimics are now "Enraged" - fast kamikadze aliens
• Slowed down clones
• Reworked "Contact" mission
• Reworked "Preparations" mission
• Altered "The Return" and "Night and Day" to be easier
• Revamped the way weapon purchase and recycle work (only 1 at a time now)
• Bumped up the infested structure respawn time
• Numerous tweaks to early campaign missions
Small Changes
• Added esc-closing of build menus
• Extended respawn period for infested structures
• Made hive respawning and upgrades take longer
• Made hives not respawn on top of marines
• Made barrier mutation not trigger for vulnerable hives
• Changed guardian colour to be more distinctive
• Added bleed graphics effects to guardians
• Added cheat code to unlock all campaign missions
• Made towers randomly 100% vulnerable to scout and siege
• Made hp circle colours for marines and humans distinct
• Extended shield generator shield duration
• Mortars start firing immediately now after construction
• Increased flamer knockback
• Upped starting BP in "The Return" mission
• Moved some campaign shop items earlier up to tease the player
• Swapped mines and mortars in the campaign
• Fixed crash bug with pathing outside of the map
• Fixed scaling for static mimic aliens
• Fixed audio glitches when shielded marine is under attack
• Fixed loading narratives being cut off on some resolutions
Update 12 (v0.81.0):
• You can now show off your Infested Planet skill to your friends with Steam achievements! For those of you who beat Terminus mode, you now have proof that you did. There are also achievements for beating campaign missions, extra mission goals and beating some mutations.
• When you log into a profile and go to the campaign screen, you should get achievements retroactively for completed missions.
New Campaign Screen
• Several months ago, one of the artists who did the Dawn of War II planetscapes made a new campaign background for Infested Planet. In this patch, I finally had the time to put it into the game.
• The campaign screen has been revamped to be more intuitive and attractive. You can see all of your campaign missions at a glance, their progression and status. As an added bonus, the planet background changes as you play through the campaign.
Small Changes
• Added terminus difficulty raid mode
• Tweaked campaign structure (may break saves!)
• Finished hatchery level skin and applied it to campaign levels
• Added commas to raid mode messages
• Added compatibility mode to graphics (for Intel cards)
• Made spore mines not capture points
• Added check for insufficient desktop bit depth on init
• Added pause if Steam overlay is on
• Added fast capture for last point in "Memento Mori" mission
• Fixed grammar mistake in endgame slideshow
• Fixed typo in monochrome shader
Update 11 (v0.80.0):
• You've been asking for a way to change the keys, or perhaps to view what all of them are. Well, I've been listening and now the options screen has a new, spiffy keybinding menu. You can change the key setup for your profile and decide what the keyboard shortcuts are.
Hatchery Level Graphics
• Infested planet already has caves and jungle map skins, but I wanted to have at least 3 in the final game. The third level skin is "Hatchery" and it will be used for the final levels in the game.
• The hatchery graphics are not 100% complete - I'm going to be prettying them up in the next patch. Meanwhile, I thought that I should give you a peek. Those of you who have reached the last 2 levels will find that they look different now.
• Fixed infested and AI marine shaders (on some video cards)
• Updated credits
• Fixed structures remaining in limbo is their builder is despawned
• Fixed green hive blood spray in the last mission
Update 10 (v0.79.0):
• Added final campaign mission
• Added endgame slideshow epilogue
• Changed Virulence mutation to send clone strike teams; renamed to "Hunters"
• Mutation icons are now different for each mutation
• Took out shield bullet reflection and ai hesitation to shoot at shields
• Added Terminus mode to custom skirmish
• Added malicious mutations mode to custom skirmish settings
• Necrophage mutation now only works on player marines
• Gave fusion shotguns a knockback
• Reworked the way knockback works slightly
• Made special attacks be cancelled if the mutation is disabled
• Made marines in protect mode counter-attack when hurt
• Made it harder to kill bunkers in mission 8 with scouts
• Added script short-circuiting to weapons tutorial
• Added another way to recycle (through weapon menu) to weapons tutorial
• Combat tutorial now has a "how to spawn marines" section
• Made the marine tab ui expandable
• Added item cost to its title on build menu
• Added exit button to main menu
• Added auto-login for last used profile
• Added fire puffs to burning human buildings
• Restored damage effects to prop structures
• Added blood puff impact to bullets
• Added blood puff velocity to create better aoe death animation
• Added swirling to most fire puffs
Bug Fixes
• Fixed "getting stuck in walls" issue
• Fixed recycle script bug in structures tutorial
• Fixed human path aborting if bumped into something (was breaking clone strike)
• Fixed some high resolution fullscreen ui issues
• Reworked entity shaders to use latest OpenGL standards
• Fixed issues if window size is different than the game asked for
• Made the directional formation move less sensitive
• Revised hive boss god mode
• Added ability to load extra lua scripts; now used for hunters mutation
• Updated ui text for virulence mutation to new hunters text
• Updated ui text for minigun and reinforcements tech
• Made weapon crate give more detailed info notice
• Changed title of shotgun class from "FUSION" to "SHOTGUN"
• Added "marine cost" note to that ui element
• Made mouse grab sensitive to window focus
• Added 4 more mutation spaces to the UI
• Made text fields in main and profile menus clear when first key is pressed
• Added username back to main menu and made the game title slide in
• Disabled profiler in release mode
Update 9:
New Mission - Periapsis
• The campaign is almost complete and here is the next-to-last mission in it. In this one, you get to face off against someone you've seen before.
• For this mission, I was inspired to ask what a MOBA would look like in Infested Planet. Both you and the aliens have 3 bunkers that are pumping out squads of marines and you have to tip the balance in your favour.
• The result is a mission that feels quite different from the other ones. You're not as worried about protecting territory, because the marines can do a decent job of it themselves.
New Random Difficulty - Terminus
• Some of you have asked for modes more difficult than The Abyss. I think that's rather insane, but who am I to argue?
• I've been working on some AI for the final mission of the campaign. Normally the mutations are picked randomly. Well, I wrote something to have the aliens look at your build and pick the most evil mutations that exist for that build.
• It's horrible, scary and unfair. When I plugged this mode into Abyss mode, I was able to complete half the map before the aliens stomped me. Yup, it's hard.
• For those of you who think Abyss is a walk in the park, try the new Terminus difficulty. It's available after finishing Abyss or in the skirmish mode browser.
Minigunner Buff
• Most of the time I hear you talk about minigunners, you say that they're underpowered. I had a bit of think and I think that they could use a buff.
• The first buff is that their shield allows them to survive even longer now - up to 75 seconds from 40.
• The other change is that I changed the "BLAST" damage type to go through shields. This includes minigun bullets, the second part of the helicoper salvo and rockets.
• This means that all of the things above can punch through the reflective shields. No more minigunners and clone minigunners standing there for half a minute shooting each other. This also means that you can nuke the clone minigunners with rockets if you have to.
Other Changes
• Lowered alien mine radius
• Added temporary shield to marines heli-dropped by "Reinforcements" tech
• Expanded mutation UI to handle more mutations
• Fixed objective typo in convoy mission
• Changed ammo belts not to be dropped or picked up by AI marines
• Made blast damage (rockets, minigun and helistrike) pierce shields
• Upped the resilience of minigun shields
• Fixed some human navigation bugs
• Reworked scripted marine god mode to be more reliable
• Blocked all tech effects for AI marines
• Changed marine assault mode behaviour (optimization)
• Changed prop building damage resistance (since it can be a target now)
• Fixed audio issue with lots of barriers being killed
Update 8:
New Mission - Tension
• Remember how I said the last mission was the most scripting I ever did for Infested Planet? Well, Tension blows that out of the water.
• This mission involves you and the aliens fighting over a pile of crates (remember the convoy mission?). I spent a lot of time programming the alien strike teams so that they would know what to do with the crates. They have to react to unexpected events, like you stealing a crate that the aliens were aiming for. I also added a new AI mode to marines that allow them to escort crate carriers.
• The result is a tug of war between you and the alien team. You have to stop them from stealing your crates and tow your crates back to the base at the same time. Try the new mission out and see how you like it.
Other Changes
• Since we are getting close to the end of the campaign, I went through the mission rewards and added some of the later technologies to the campaign missions. Previously, the only way to get them was to play the random missions, but now you'll unlock them if you finish the scripted missions as well.
Update 7:
New Mission - Anabasis
• After the dramatic events of Memento Mori, you get to see both the Sarge and the Doctor on the battlefield in this mission.
• Both of them have teams present on the map, doing their own thing. It's up to you to make sure that the aliens don't eat the characters.
• This mission has been possibly the hardest to script so far, with a lot of custom code to get the AI teams to behave. Try it out and let me know what you think.
Other Changes
• New Icon for "Reinforcements" tech
• A bunch of work on another mission that wasn't finished enough to put in the patch
Update 6:
New Mission - Memento Mori
• I'm very pleased with the newest addition to the campaign - the "Memento Mori" mission. How long can you hold out against the alien advance? Play this mission and find out.
• A lot of players have asked for a survival-style mission. This mission adds something close to it, in scripted form. The experience from making and balancing it will help me to create a random survival mode, if I ever get to it.
• A big thing has been finding a balance between the aliens steamrolling the player, and the marines getting a chance to counterattack. I'm pretty happy with the way it works in the new mission - dead hives drop BP crates!
Other Changes
• "Foundations" mission will ask you to recycle marines now. People were getting stuck on that, since the script didn't know about the new marine spawning .
• Radial bars now fade to show gradations of progress and HP.
Update 5:
New Mission - The Return
• The campaign has been extended with a new mission - "The Return" - where you face off against an old enemy. You have some help from your army buddies, but you'll have to rescue them first.
This mission steps up the difficulty a bit, by introducing the Guardian mutations to the scripted campaign. You're going to have to figure out how to deal with them.
New Technology - Heli-Drops
• In the last update the "Reinforcements" tech was made obsolete by the ability to spawn as many marines as you like. In this update, Reinforcements has been completely reworked.
• When you build the tech station, helicopters will ferry your respawning marines to the front lines. Instead of having to walk from your territory, they'll be dropped right into battle. This can be incredibly useful if your team is being killed quickly and needs fast reinforcements. You can keep up the pressure on the guardian hives and stop them from regenerating.
• The price for this useful tech is 5 BP and an ammo cost every time a helicoper drops off marines. This means that you can't fight a rolling battle forever - eventually you'll run out of resources.
Update 4:
• Added campaign payment dialog and failed mission payments
• Added unlimited marine spawning and UI for it
• Added raid mode to custom maps
• Added presets to custom game mode
• Increased maximum build points to 999
• Added a new hive tower layout, radially clumped instead of mixed
• Made engineering reduce damage by 4x to buildings (and increase shield projector duration by 2)
• Made guardians less likely to flee with more regeneration trips
• Removed guardian scout-detecting ability
• Made guardians more vulnerable to sap damage
• Made guardians more vulnerable to blast damage
• Changed Calcification mutation to spawn barriers along swarm paths
• Added Reflection mutation that makes barriers reflect bullets
• Changed brutes to spawn barriers on death instead of bullet reflect
• Tweaked respawning to prefer proximity to main team
• Made double-click attack move an option
• Fixed crash with custom mode if there are initial mutations with an empty queue
• Removed Wild Mutation
• Fixed crash with Abyss raid missions
• Fixed typo for Crow's Neck mission
• Fixed skirmish and custom mode UI reaction to video mode switches
• Fixed text entry on non QWERTY keyboards
• Fixed bug with Burrowing Hive in Raid missions
• Fixed music switching in custom mode menu
• Made GL 2.1 an optional requirement
• Fixed email address validation
• Disabled window icon, since it stopped working with SDL2
• Fixed inplace button response to mouse in/out events when disabled
• Deleted SDLMain.m - not needed in SDL2
• Did some research into multiplayer prospects (it's still hard)
• Added ability to specify mutation pre-requisites
• Fixed lua CallFunction issue
• Added ability to drop shadow on text
• Added shadow to some UI text
• Added CSV exporter to metrics
• Changed event sort order for sharing server report
• Reduced the number of indexes for event table
• Added remote_api access point to sharing server (for bulk loader)
• Switched to SDL2 for OSX
• OSX compile fixes
Update 3:
• Custom game mode - Tweak everything (in Skirmish menu)
• Added foundation for possible future online map sharing
• Resolution changes are now instant
• Added update timer and notification signup
• Made announcements speed up if there are a lot of them
• Increased marine radius
• Made mines vulnerable to SAP damage, but also resistant
• Added mouse-wheel scrolling to options and campaign
• Added mouse grabbing option
• Fixed out-of-bounds bug in pathing, if the path is trivial
• Overhauled campaign research descriptions
• Fixed centering bug with research widget
• Added update timer and notification signup.
• Switched to SDL2.
• Updated entity arranger to filter infested structure placement more flexibly.
• Added fatal error message boxes.
• Added more error messages on init failure.
• Added init checks for OpenGL version 3.0.
• Reworked mutation system to randomize on level start, to tie mutations to level seed.
• Added ability to load debug constants.
• Added player UUIDs.
• Added Metrics.
• Changed double-tap group focus to use global timer, not world timer.
• Added guard code to Hive Spawner Effect (to prevent spawns outside of the map).
Update 2:
• Finished first pass on "Preparations" mission (NEW CAMPAIGN MISSION).
• Added new random game mode: Raids.
• Replaced pathfinding code (expect some new bugs); this will allow large entities to move around the game map, if I ever make them.
• Double-tapping group # centers view on the group.
• Added failsafes in video mode initialization; fall back on windowed mode if can't init.
• Centered game window in desktop.
• Prevented damage to boss hive before the script expects it.
• Fixed snipers doing damage to shielded entities.
• Tweaked description for sniper.
• Fixed path colour for chained marine orders.
• Fixed graphical glithch (that looks like picture-in-picture).
• Hopefully fixed a common crash dealing with entity handles.
• Hopefully fixed issues with old Catalyst drivers.
• Tweaked hive's IMMUNE message again (to only appear when laser has no effect).
• Changed "Command Cancelled" to be a white message.
• Added info message for group binding.
• Tweaked human path termination (when colliding with objects) to only work for buildings.
• Fixed toggle button border eating clicks.
• Replaced polygon boolean ops code.
• Updated debug missions to new map init format.
• Added prop building blueprint graphic.
• Tweaked guardian tower replacement so it works even when towers don't respawn.
• Changed all random levels to LUA.
• Refactored VectorMap out of GameWorld header.
• Added private impl to CGameWorld.
• Added more safety buffer for path short-circuiting for humans.
• Added Framebuffer object for future use.
• Switched pathfinding to delunay-triangulation based paths.
• Reworked all drawArray calls into shader draw calls.
• Added RC file for windows version info.
Update 1:
• Turned off map compression - should fix corrupt map drawing.
• Fix for text not being drawn on old Catalyst drivers.
• Changed sound to address Creative sound card crashes.
• Various other small fixes.

Command a team of 5 elite soldiers against an alien horde of 100,000. Surrounded on all sides, you must outmaneuver and outsmart the enemy.

The enemy is closing in around you. Your soldiers are being flanked and the perimeter is slowly collapsing under a vicious alien assault. Robotic turrets will not last much longer. Just a little more and the bugs will swarm into your unprotected base. What are your orders?

You order your soldiers to fall back to a defensive chokepoint and rebuild your defenses. Sacrifice the forward squads to gain some extra time. Gather your team while equipping them with flamethrowers and laser guns. Start building a siege cannon for fire support. Then, while the aliens are busy, flank their main hives to destroy and capture them.

You have just pulled off a tactical victory - but there's no time to rest.

The aliens are constantly mutating. One moment your shotguns are ripping through the horde, the next the aliens grow hard, bullet-proof armour. You must adapt as well. Equip your team with stealth suits, miniguns, grenade launchers - your commands will decide the battle's outcome.

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Ссылки временно недоступны, скоро появятся...

Файл добавил: John2s [11577|1666] | 2018-12-03 18:45:26
РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ (Любительский перевод от ZoG Forum Team)
Скачать .torrent файл (прямая ссылка): infested_planet_v1121_rus_1.torrent
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Если ты нашёл "мёртвую" ссылку - дави значок [X] рядом с ней и ссылка в ближайшее время будет перезалита.

Дополнительные файлы для игры

Если ты нашел новую версию игры Infested Planet v1.12.1 / + RUS v1.12.1, либо русификатор к ней, патч, левелпак или мод - сообщи об этом редактору новости, он добавит сюда доп. файл.
Отправка личных сообщений доступна только после регистрации.

Комментарии игроков (53 шт.)

От: zhukkoroed [2|12] | Дата 2023-10-04 11:44:42

Играю много лет, так и не надоела. Отличные реиграбельность, баланс, минимализм и атмосфера.
От: AspidWild [3|11] | Дата 2020-03-02 22:12:10

На Zoneofgames уже давно есть другой русификатор от 14.05.2019
Перевод полный (основная игра и DLC1 + DLC2).
Проверил лично на портативной GoG версии с установленными tricksters arsenal и planetary campaign.
От: onasan [11|16] | Дата 2018-12-03 17:18:17

"Если ты нашел новую версию игры Infested Planet v1.12.1, либо русификатор к ней, патч, левелпак или мод - сообщи об этом редактору новости, он добавит сюда доп. файл."

А как "сообщить редактору новости"? В комментарии, типа как щас? Ну, сообщаю - на ЗОГе есть русификатор к версии 1.12.1 [Steam/GOG]: https://www.zoneofgames.ru/games/infested_planet/files/5857.html
Русифицированна сама игра и один ДЛС (еженедельные схватки) - проверял на ГОГ версии с ДЛСами.
От: Dmitry2705 [45|46] | Дата 2018-06-24 22:13:29

Скачал и поиграл, геймплей сильно понравился, поэтому купил в стим вместе с дополнениями.
Вдруг кому пригодится:
Если захотите перенести сейвы с пиратки на лицензию, то перекиньте файл profile1.xml из сейва в
Steamuserdata*Тут ID вашего аккаунта*204530remote
Но учтите, что перенос с версии здесь (тут есть DLC Trickster's Arsenal) на версию без дополнений стима сотрет (возможно, просто не считает) прогресс из дополнения.

Dmitry2705 подумал несколько минут и добавил:

Dmitry2705 сказал:

Steamuserdata*Тут ID вашего аккаунта*204530remote

Почему то слешы стерлись,
Steam userdata *Тут ID вашего аккаунта* 204530 remote

Dmitry2705 думал несколько часов и добавил:

Вообщем, вместо пробелов слеш.
От: sanyanight [1|7] | Дата 2018-05-11 11:25:48

Играл года два назад, была очень хороша. Без тактики и удачи не пройти.
От: __RED__ [30|35] | Дата 2017-02-10 12:53:24

Очень качественная игра. Особенно нравится, что баланс выверен практически до идеала. Нет ненужных классов, как у игрока, так и у монстров. Да и ситуаций, когда захватил пол-карты и дальше просто добиваешь остатки врага исключены, потому что с каждой потерей враг усиливается.
Это держит в тонусе.
От: nikita101 [0|2] | Дата 2016-10-28 13:51:20

От: Piroknight [52|154] | Дата 2016-10-23 16:22:35

Довольно хорошая игра, временами простовата, но в целом напрячься пару раз заставит. Вроде бы всё в ней на месте, графика, музыка, игровая механика, но мне всё время чего-то не хватало. Так что 9/10.
От: SegaMegaDriver [16|17] | Дата 2016-10-23 15:11:46

А как в кампанию играть? (которая с длс) ДЛС тут не включен?
От: Vanya48 [7|15] | Дата 2016-10-23 14:22:03

Скачал,прошел,лежит на столе с двумя не пройденными уровнями... ну как так то, даже руки не доходят до пройти её

а так игрушка 9/10 так как, если бы она так не надоедала из за некоторых уровней где очень очень очень много пришельцев которые до качались до "танков" которых убить как то нереально.
От: Grelok [37|10] | Дата 2016-10-18 18:50:29

Скачал, попробовал. Честно говоря, первые уровни смутили, проходил вполне без проблем на последней сложности (те, что после обучения идут) прошел 4, и решил, что готов к чему-то большему. Вернулся в меню и нажал "Weekly Challenge" - сразу нажал "Gold". К слову, ничего особо нового не увидел, за исключением открытия всех и всего. Первые 4 улья захватил без проблем, а потом с меня начался литься пот и я все-таки, понял, что я не умею играть. кое-как еле-еле забрал пятый улей, и я не то что бы начал его терять, я его удерживал, пока у меня в самом краю карты не влепился с орбиты другой улей, где у меня все было зачищено и никого не было. Я потерял базу, потом еще одну и, вообщем, мои же копии и жуки-турелеспавнеры меня разбили в конец. Игра хороша, но в этот момент я просто не знал что мне делать. PS разобрался со всеми постройками и бонусами, прежде чем начать захват ульев и толком мне это не помогло. Игра заслуживает 10/10.
От: MeteorGames [0|1] | Дата 2016-10-18 16:19:21

Норм игруха
От: tamarago [5|3] | Дата 2016-10-17 05:46:11

Бешеная динамика и балансный баланс ™ - не дадут заскучать ни на секунду))
От: Hardsun [54|28] | Дата 2015-08-01 16:07:06

Отличная быстрая стратегия. Куча апгрейдов и вариантов развития боя (впрочем, и у врага тоже) - не дадут заскучать.
От: Nakrenen [141|19] | Дата 2015-04-17 08:27:05

Игра вполне нормально работает на планшетах, но управление, не оптимизированное для сенсорных экранов, удручает. Приходится мучиться с долгим нажатием.
От: Kitles [-2|32] | Дата 2014-10-24 20:33:39

По графе видно была старая игра
От: TaurusGames [17|0] | Дата 2014-10-24 20:29:59

Необычная игрушка, необычный опыт. Клево!)
От: Blitzkrieg [135|11] | Дата 2014-10-12 16:14:09

Не ожидал, не ожидал. И даже на большую дорогу (в стим) вышла. Впрочем, я не уверен, что она там будет долго обновляться.

Blitzkrieg думал несколько дней и добавил:

Честно признаться, я многого от этой игры не ждал. Сел поиграть вечерком, так, чисто для ознакомления. Едва заставил себя отлипнуть от экрана только под полночь. В игре интересная тактическая задумка, притом неплохо реализованная. Реально интересно сидеть и управлять отрядом, призванным искоренить инопланетян.
Особенно огоньку добавляют мутации - реально не знаешь, по какой ветке они пойдут и как соберутся. То есть, например, идет целая сеть мутаций на постройки, и вуаля - уничтожить улей почти нереально. Но тут сложности только добавляют азарт, заставляют идти дальше, чтобы потом, после того, как последняя точка станет вашей, сказать: "да, я сделал это".
От: Rajen11 [3|64] | Дата 2014-05-02 19:37:02

От: Levan4ik [1|12] | Дата 2014-03-19 16:33:06

Добавьте в описание обзор хага пожалуйста
От: StealthR [3|0] | Дата 2014-03-09 01:57:55

Oh really? В интернете существует куча сервисов, которые помогают качать файлы с ФО, найти нормальные сложновато, но вполне решаемо.
А игра да, хороша, не бомба, но геймплей затягивает, как первый раз увидел, тогда еще 0.86-87 версию, просидел до глубокой ночи с 6 вечера... Правда реиграбельность быстро теряется, когда все откроешь и прокачаешь, после 5-6 миссий скучновато становится.
От: Arosta [0|1] | Дата 2014-02-28 21:49:39

Игра конечно бомба, но скачать её не представляется возможность!
От: yan141 [251|196] | Дата 2014-02-26 14:22:24

игра бомба!!!
От: Shel [6|11] | Дата 2014-01-21 20:43:03

Жаль что автор не стал развивать тему с зомбями) Хотя их сейчас развелось и так не мало!
Infested Planet тоже маленький инди шедевр)
От: Arosta [0|1] | Дата 2013-12-11 20:01:29

Я хочу сыграть в эту игру, но не могу скачать с этих файлообменников. Может кто запилит на другие файлообменники?

Arosta думал несколько дней и добавил:

От: Dragon19971 [34|28] | Дата 2013-11-27 11:30:05

лучше на депозит, от туда скачать можно быстро... классный файлообменик из тех которые выкладывают
От: Fireball14 [29|21] | Дата 2013-11-24 23:40:11

Отличная игра, никаких частых багов/лагов, гем плей затягивает. И хоть оно так не выглядит, а игра требует мозгов и правильного подбора стратегии.
От: Arosta [0|1] | Дата 2013-11-24 16:44:32

Запилите на TurboBit пожалуйста
От: CryNomad [5|37] | Дата 2013-11-24 01:54:50

Клевая игруха) Советую поиграть!!
От: Anton1_1 [28|21] | Дата 2013-11-11 16:44:26

Афигеть! Как там можно сжать файл, что он весил 40 мб вместо 210мб?!!!
От: MPS [21|4] | Дата 2013-11-11 16:37:04

Очень интересная игра, стоит внимания. Правда когда целый город отстраиваешь, FPS-ы "Вычислительной машины" начинают постепенно проседать Но ощущений от игры это не портит.
От: Anton1_1 [28|21] | Дата 2013-11-11 16:07:00

Люблю подобного рода игры
От: Stranno1999 [6|5] | Дата 2013-11-05 08:48:58


Ra-Said сказал:

медицинских людей

О мой Бог
От: Elektra [7720|138] | Дата 2013-11-05 08:36:04

Группа: Редактор

Ra-Said сказал:

Кстати, музыка там есть. Описание наврало.

Последний абзац о личных ощущениях убран, в том числе и мнение о музыке
От: Ra-Said [256|98] | Дата 2013-11-05 08:29:18

Ну, поиграл. Напишу об ощущениях:
Это не Бумажные Зомби. Разве что затея. Функционально - это иная игра. Порадовал большой, огрооомный набор различных тактик, с помощью которых можно проложить путь к победе. Будем бомбардировать? Не вопрос: пара миномётов и вперёд. Быстрый решительный штурм? Несколько огнемётов и медицинских людей сделают это на раз-два.
А самое милое - это то, что от этих тактик можно очень быстро переходить: снайпером расстрелял башни вокруг гнезда, тут же превратился в огнемёт и побежал сжигать их, пока не оклемались :D
В общем, положения только хорошие. На все выходные эта игруля меня захватила и не отпускает до сих пор.
Кстати, музыка там есть. Описание наврало. Но в остальном - я согласен.
Это 10/10.
От: Sequestor [28|9] | Дата 2013-11-04 05:05:29

Когда игру проходишь, вроде бы как, открывается новый режим сложности, специально был сделан в последнем обновлении для тех, кому слишком легко, попробуйте)
От: Arhangel_Heart [31|13] | Дата 2013-11-03 10:57:47

Attack Of The Paper Zombies была одной из любимых игр, надеюсь эта не подведет... =)

Arhangel_Heart думал несколько часов и добавил:

Классная игра. Правда, как мне показалось, намного легче. Народ, никто не поможет? Знает ли кто редактор карт для этой игры, или для приквела Attack Of The Paper Zombies?
От: PsyhIII [24|22] | Дата 2013-11-02 11:16:45

Спасибо что обновили!
От: zaebali_neregat [0|0] | Дата 2013-08-22 15:15:03

Дайте плз нормальную ссылку или ссылку на другой обменник. Тут докачивает до 99% и выдает ошибку. Антивирусы и все что может мешать закачке вырублено.
От: Satirikon [27|25] | Дата 2013-08-22 01:14:03

Может она и однообразная но на работу я из за неё опоздал)))