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Скачать игру The Secrets Of Nilhorn v0.2 [Pre-Alpha] - игра на стадии разработки

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Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2016-04-17 (обновлено) | Текстовые, Roguelike (1513) | Просмотров: 2230

The Secrets Of Nilhorn v0.2 [Pre-Alpha]

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Black Ship Studio (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Текстовые, Roguelike (1513)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 24.03 Мб.

Небольшой рогалик про трех братьев, которым нужно найти лекарство для своей матери. Им предстоит отправиться в опасное путешествие к горе Nilhorn, где таинственные друиды хранят секреты живой воды.

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с 0.1 до 0.2. Список изменений внутри.

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Язык интерфейса: Английский

Pre-Alpha v0.2:
First and the biggest feature is new character class. For now We call it Archer but it can be change in next versions. In this build Archer can use bows and crossbows. This feature required big changes in the code but for now we can add more weapon types in easier way than before. Archer game play is more dynamic than Knight but this character is more fragile thank heavily armored knight.

Crossbow for archer class

With Archer as we already said new weapons types. Bows and crossbows works in the same way but we think add some penalties to attack speed with crossbows. If you played with this version give some feedback to us so we can consider this change. For now in game we implement 10 range weapons.

New range weapons for Ranger

Another new feature is message system. We implement it because there is no console in the game. Message system which is implemented currently in the game works with armor, golden chests, pickup consumables and so on. We also plan to implement messages on weapon pickup but this need more work in order to implement new ui elements.

Message system

The biggest new feature which we start to implement is dynamic light. For now we implement this in that way we don't have ray casting. We also think to implements to draw only tiles in light radius.

Lighting system

We also extend and fix some functionalities in the game:

Armor mechanics was fixed and now works like d4 roll. Dice faces is how big is current armor eg max armor is 4 and you roll 0.25 and total armor in this situation is 4 * 0.25 = 1;
We make gui components and implement main menu animation, also in game gui was implemented;
Nice feature which is also implements is one global statistics save. On this moment we track: win loose ration, overall game time, killed enemies. This file content can be displayed when player press “Player Stats” Button in main menu;
Weapon mechanics was change in that way we display interaction message which is required to pick up weapon. This action indicator will also display when player character is near chest and golden chest.
At the end as always we leave you some gameplay trailer with new features. If you like our game please leave a comment and spread the word about The Secrets Of Nilhorn. If you have some suggestion and opinion also please leave comment. Thanks one again !!!

Plot: A small roguelike game about three brothers who must find the cure for mother illness. For that they must go on the dangerous adventure to the mount Nilhorn where misterious druids keep the secrets of Living Water. Development
State: Game is currently under development. So far we make random map generators, renderers, AI, etc. Now we focus on adding new content and gameplay features. If new features comes up we immediately post about that.

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