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Скачать игру The Wizard's Lair v208 - игра на стадии разработки

Рейтинг: 10.0 (1)
Игру добавил Elektra [7720|138] | 2014-11-09 (обновлено) | Текстовые, Roguelike (1547) | Просмотров: 10818

The Wizard's Lair v208

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Devlin (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Текстовые, Roguelike (1547)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 1.42 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 10.0 из 10 (всего голосов: 1)

• Похожие игры:
- Voyage to Farland v2.2.8
- UnReal World RPG v3.40b1
- Claustrophobia: The Downward Struggle [Steam Early Access] Alpha v1.1.1
- ADOM v3.3.4.1 (Ancient Domains Of Mystery)
- Inaria v1.3
- 1Quest v1.04.002

The Wizard's Lair - рогалик в стиле фэнтези с большим количеством монстров, ловушек, мощным оружием и различными секретами на игровых уровнях.

Игра ОБНОВЛЕНА с v206 до v207. Список изменений внутри новости.

Вы можете скрыть всю рекламу на сайте. Как?

Системные требования:
CPU - 1.60GHz Atom or better equivalent.
RAM - 512MB minimum.
Graphics card - Anything in the last 5 years that has OpenGL support.
Storage - At least 5MB of free HDD space.

• The game is now free! do enjoy, but please consider donating via devlin.itch.io/wizardslair if you downloaded it from Desura.
• Added smooth movement between tiles ingame and an option to enable/disable as desired.
• Adjusted the rate of movement to accomodate the smooth movement.
• Rebalanced a boss to not require the RNGods to praise you with perfect good luck.
• Rebalanced drops (*again*) to make the better items less common.
• Decreased number of items that drop on each floor to account for item rebalance
• Tweaked some of the script a little, reworded a few things to make better sense.
• FIXED kills from spell scrolls not triggering scripts (thanks Alex Sheppard for catching that!)
• FIXED some Lore Book glitches
• FIXED a bug where clearing the scores could clear your game progress and the "clear progress" option didn't work.
• FIXED a bug in maze generation where the game could crash.
• FIXED a bug in rare drop generation, where it would completely reset your stats because it tried to generate you as an item.
• FIXED a crash bug related to starvation
• FIXED the joystick bug causing poor performance properly this time.
• FIXED an ATI/AMD specific bug related to screenshot saving and "alpha halos" in gameplay screenshots.
• Drastically changed decoration system - allows for destruction of dungeon floors
• Added wall shading to the world to make it prettier and to give better contrast between wall and floor.
• Added option to toggle wall shadows.
• Made Zoo smaller to make it possible to complete, and made it less likely to appear in a game.
• Made Displacer Zone equally as likely to appear in a game as Zoo
• Revamped weapons and armour, added elemental damage and resistances.
• New scroll: [Big Bang] causes a big explosion damaging enemies and destroying walls.
• New scroll: [Rage of the Gods] deals holy damage to enemies.
• New scroll: [Blizzard] scroll deals ice damage to enemies.
• Changed scroll: [Blaze] is now called [Firestorm], and deals fire damage.
• Changed scroll: [Death] has been increased to two tiles range.
• Modified the Effect of [Chance] and [Old Quest Log] to trigger unique fixed effects if certain conditions are met.
• [Old Quest Log] now has additional clues.
• Explosion traps now damage enemies and destroy all walls adjacent to them.
• New Trap: Fire traps deal fire damage based on DLvl.
• New Trap: Ice traps deal ice damage based on DLvl.
• Tweaked Sanctum a little for balance.
• Rebalanced drops(again).
• Added the Lore Book, the first five enemies are visible(with basic info), beat the game to unlock the rest!
• Made Enter confirm name on character creation screen.

The Wizard's Lair is a roguelike with roots in the Classics and Mystery Dungeon series of roguelikes - procedurally generated levels, many monsters and traps, powerful weapons and secrets to find on your quest to destroy the Wizard of Anarkhis!

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Комментарии игроков (3 шт.)

От: DarthNihilus [17|21] | Дата 2014-11-22 12:05:47

автор игры конечно молодец, но мог бы сделать её более быстрореагирующей. Инвентарь ограничен писец-писец. Ненавижу такое.
От: Snawk [-1|0] | Дата 2014-11-09 17:08:58

А вот это с виду хороший рогалик, может даже обзор засниму когда руки дойдут
От: erG0 [13|27] | Дата 2013-12-04 16:11:32

В текущей версии (206) присутствует весьма гадкий баг:
Если использовать свиток с боевым заклинанием (Death, Blaze, Chance...), стоя возле двери, то дверь превратится в непроходимый и неразрушаемый "null tile".


erG0 подумал несколько секунд и добавил:

ссылка не спам. честно

erG0 очень долго думал и добавил:

если кому интересно, я только что проверил версию 207 - баг всё еще присутствует.
не используйте боевые спеллы возле дверей.