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Описание игры, торрент, скриншоты, видео

Скачать игру A Girls Fabric Face v1.1.0 - торрент, полная версия

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Игру добавил John2s [11642|1666] | 2017-04-08 | Хорроры (1800) | Просмотров: 4454

A Girls Fabric Face v1.1.0

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Turnvex (8) и Stanislaw Truchowski (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Тир, FPS, 3D-бродилки (3880); Хорроры (1800)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Полная версия (установи и играй)
• Размер / Size: 258.89 Мб.

A Girls Fabric Face - атмосферный инди-хоррор, где в роли девушки по имени Анна вы будете исследовать заброшенный дом, в котором были зверски убиты три девушки!

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Вы окажетесь в роли молодой девушки по имени Анна, которая по прибытии в старый заброшенный дом устанавливает две камеры и начинает исследовать дом, чтобы надеяться собрать какие-либо данные, которые могут оказаться важными.

A brutal murder has taken place in an old home located in SattleWen. Three girls have been brutally murdered in the home, and police call it “The most violent crime to ever happen in this city”. Young Anna, aged 16 is intrigued by what has happened, and has decided to investigate the house. Upon arriving at the old abandoned premises, Anna sets up two cameras, and begins to investigate the home to hopefully gather any data that may prove of some importance. Unfortunately, nothing quite seemed right. After learning about the terrifying things that have been going on this whole time, Anna determines that nothing was as it has appeared to be. In the end, a horrible truth is revealed, and an important decision must be made. What is really going on with the case known as “The girls with the fabric face”?

Based on many suggestions and complaints, here are the major differences with this game in comparison to Minds Eyes:
- Added Achievements (9 in total)
- Substantially reduced wandering
- Substantially increased player interaction
- 4 different endings
- Greater performance, visuals, and overall gameplay
- A very immersive environment that will keep you wondering
- A few secrets to the game & a wonderful little Easter egg :)

** Please note that this game is to be played during a ONE time sitting. The game cannot be saved. The estimated gameplay time is 30 – 45min, and roughly 2+ hours to achieve all endings, and solve all puzzles, thus achieving all achievements. Best of luck! Feel free to email me if you have any questions or concerns.

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Release by Christsnatcher

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Комментарии игроков (1 шт.)

От: HuKTo_He_y3HaeT [3|0] | Дата 2018-05-25 18:58:34

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