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Скачать игру Quick Horrors v0.4.0 [Prototype] - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

Рейтинг: 5.0 (1)
Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2016-11-07 (обновлено) | Хорроры (1803) | Просмотров: 3487

Quick Horrors v0.4.0 [Prototype]

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от maugryph (2)
• Жанр / Genre: Тир, FPS, 3D-бродилки (3881); Хорроры (1803)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 134.28 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 5.0 из 10 (всего голосов: 1)

Quick Horrors - инди хоррор от первого лица с агрессивным монстром, который охотится на Вас в случайно сгенерированных подземельях. По сравнению с многими другими survival хоррорами, Quick Horrors имеет более быстрый темп игры, а также Вы не беззащитны. Вы можете кидать в монстра кинжалы, но их достаточно сложно найти.

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с 0.2.0 до 0.4.0. Список изменений внутри.

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Язык интерфейса: Английский
Движок: Unity 5

Quick Horrors -Ver 0.4.0 released!
New Trailer. Graphics overhaul, 'Survival Mode' near completion.

Version 0.2.0 released - Monster difficulty balanced, and 3 new rooms added

Hello everyone :) After a hard crash and a windows installation, I finally had some time to work on Quick Horrors.

With this update my main goal was to make the monster more balanced when attacking the player. I wanted to make sure that everyone can beat the first level and that the difficulty would slowly step up as the player progressed throughout the game

Let me know if the game is easier, too easy, or still too hard. A average play through should take about a half hour to an hour. Let me how long it took you to complete or what stopped your from completing it so I can determine if I need to adjust it some more. Thank you :)

Here is what has been added or changed in this update

Three rooms have been added. The total amount of rooms is now 43. All of them are still in the prototype phase and will be polished out in the future.

Changed the monster’s behavior. Made her less aggressive and spawn father away, giving the player more time to plan their escape and also prevents the player from running into the monster when she first spawns.

Removed some annoying effects and made the remaining ones less persistent.

Monster now rarely spawns in succession and now has a better cool-down algorithm.

Due to the monster spawning less, I made the daggers spawn less to counterbalance the difficulty.

Monster can only attempt one ‘jump scare’ on each level and it must be after the first couple levels.

Reduced the levels from 7 to 4 but made the remaining 4 levels a 1/3 bigger

Increased spawn duration and movement speed for the monster

Redid the atmos lighting in each level

Made the final level darker where the flashlight is actually useful

I plan on updating Quick Horrors on a fortnightly basis. Sadly I won’t get all the features I was planning done by the time Halloween shows up but, it is what it is.

Here are my plans for the next few releases:

Death animations of the monster attacking the player instead of the red game over screen

Get the total rooms up to 50

make the menu ui more interesting that just flat buttons

adjust the room gen algorithm to do less room repeats in the level (It seems to be obsessed with the vase prison room)

get some of the rooms from proto phase to finished phase. Will upload concept art .

make a better monster design. Will upload concept art.

decide if I’m going to merge the survival mode with the permadeath mode and only allow saving for the campaign.

make an ‘endless’ mode available after the player has completed the game.

VR mode

Get the R trigger on the Xbox controller to actually do something.

Ver 0.1.1 uploaded - Changes to the title screen, small graphical fixes

Hello :) I’ve uploaded a new build.

This version has a new title screen using the key concept art. I’ve changed the title of the game to "Quick Horrors" because in the future there will be more then one monster in the game. I made earlier and fixed a small graphical error in one of the rooms. Nothing too important . If you downloaded the previous build, there is not enough change to warrant a download.

I plan to work on the game on Sunday. I will add dd some more rooms and if I have time, an easier first floor.

I plan on doing either weekly or bi-weekly builds, and will be adding new content in the future.

I’m very encouraged with the feedback I’ve received from players
and look forward to making this game even better.

Quick Horrors is a first person evasion game with an aggressive monster that hunts you down in randomly generated dungeons. Compared to many survival horror games, the game is played at a faster pace and you’re not defenseless. Throw daggers at the monster to stop her attacks but keep in mind that daggers are very hard to come by.

If you like this game, have any suggestions on how to improve the game, or bug reports, please send them to me via [email protected]. If you like to support the development of this game and encourage me to continue development, please consider donating some money via paypal to [email protected].

Controls: Mouse and Keyboard--------------------------------
WASD keys - move forward, left, down, and right
Mouse – look around.
Left Shift – hold shift key to run. The player can only run so far before she will get exhausted and need recover for a few seconds.
Space - Jump.
Left mouse button – Shoot a dagger if you have one in your procession. Your hand will show on the screen and the number of daggers in your inventory will show on the left.

Controls: Xbox 360/One Controller--------------------------------
Left Stick - move forward, left, down, and right
Right Stick – look around.
X,Y,Left or right bumper – hold shift key to run. The player can only run so far before she will get exhausted and will need recover for a few seconds.
A or B - Jump.
Left or Right Bumper (RB)– Shoot a dagger if you have one in your procession. Your hand will show on the screen and the number of daggers in your inventory will show on the left.

Esc: Exit to Menu
Alt+F4: Quit Game

The goal of the game is to get to the exit of each floor. Currently there are 7 floors total. A monster is in constant pursuit so you must pay constant attention to your surroundings. After level three you will be awarded one dagger per floor. You can hold a max of 5 at a time. The game features some roguelike elements including a permadeath option and randomly generated environments.

Current Features:-----------------------------------
40 rooms with variations
One extremely pissed monster.
Normal mode and Permadeath mode.
Xbox360 controller support
*A faster paced survival horror experience, more that just a waking simulator. The game has more of an arcade feel to it.

To do list:--------------------------------------------
I have made 40 different rooms so far. If I can get funding in the future, it would be increased to a 100+ with a hand-made campaign.
More monsters.
VR support
More Traps.
More ways for the monsters to attack the player.
A better transition between floors
Online leaderboards for permadeath mode.
A better ending then just text.
A better menu.
A options menu to tweek control sensitivity.
*Arcade mode: you have unlimited daggers but monsters are relentless and attack you at all angles.

Tips (Spoilers)-----------------------------------------
Each floor is randomly generated but is rather liner, if you get disoriented make sure not to go up any stairway, that is the wrong direction. Also make note of the ‘wrong way’ signs in some rooms.
Conserve your daggers, use them only when you are outflanked or backed in a corner by the monster.
Conserve your stamina when running, if the monster attacks you when you’re exhausted, you will most likely die.
If you see red anywhere, that means that the monster is attacking you! Run or fight!
Run away from the monster, you can also attempt to run past here but it is tricky, especially on later floors when she becomes much faster and aggressive.

System Requirements :
OS: Windows XP SP2+, Mac OS X 10.8+, Ubuntu 12.04+, Android 2.1+ or higher
Graphics card: DX9 (shader model 2.0) capabilities; generally everything made since 2004 should work. If Android: ARMv7 (Cortex) CPU with NEON support or Atom CPU; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.
At least 2gb of ram.
200mb of hdd space.
Sound Card with headphones is recommended

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Комментарии игроков (1 шт.)

От: Honk [36|0] | Дата 2016-11-07 17:22:55

Умер минут через пять, так и не увидев ничего, чтобы меня испугало, по совершенно непонятной мне причине, но перед смертью визжал как женщина)
Ну и оптимизация у игры, понятное дело, хромает на две ноги.
Хотя, думаю, любителям ужастиков может и понравится, есть в игре что-то такое.

Honk подумал несколько минут и добавил:

На всякий случай добавлю, что визжал не я, а мой персонаж, а то можно не правильно истолковать написанное.