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Скачать игру Realms of the Lost Alpha 8 - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

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Игру добавил Kusko [2475|32] | 2024-01-16 (обновлено) | Ролевые игры (RPG) (3325) | Просмотров: 5475

Realms of the Lost Alpha 8

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Aukustus (2)
• Жанр / Genre: Текстовые, Roguelike (1536); Ролевые игры (RPG) (3325)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 30.10 Мб.

Realms of the Lost - трехмерная пошаговая ролевая игра от первого лица, действие которой происходит в космическом хорроре 17 века, от создателя популярного рогалика The Temple of Torment.

Игра обновлена до Alpha 8. Список изменений внутри новости.

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Realms of the Lost - трехмерная пошаговая ролевая игра от первого лица, действие которой происходит в космическом хорроре 17 века.

Релиз представляет собой альфа-версию, в которой есть основные элементы геймплея, но только половина финального подземелья.

Ключевые особенности:
• Пошаговая
• Основанная на сетке
• Процедурное подземелье с созданными вручную специальными локациями
• 8 играбельных класса (Солдат, Наемник, Дуэлянт, Поэт, Мушкетер, Алхимик, Еретик, Монах)
• Меч, колдовство и огнестрельное оружие

Changelog as usual:


! Major
* Minor
- Less than minor


! Two new dungeon sections
! Improved Spell mechanics
! Gambling
! New merchant
! Intoxication

Bug Fixes, Mistakes etc.

! Fixed pressing cast spell UI button repeatedly to cast multiple spells
! Fixed looking action removing colliders from environmental lights permanently instead of temporarily which in turn caused them to hurt sanity if no lantern was equipped
! Fixed Pain Rune not being insertable
* Fixed the pop up text which displays the name of the area entered when entering rapidly different areas
* Thul's Fade message didn't display sanity cost
* Sanity Help entry had outdated information
* Added some guarantees to make sure the camera doesn't get misaligned
- Fixed sewers stairs having wrong map view icon
- Fixed smith area having stairs from a wrong terrain tileset
- Fixed random map generation not utilizing fully the eastern and northern edges of the grid
- Fixed item selector header "Select Item"'s UI art not changing width
- Multiple minor UI fixes


! Added two new dungeon sections: Jail & Dungeons
! Added gambling: Medieval Hazard dice game
* Buffed pool effects


! New skill Occultism which applies bonuses to Heresy spellcasting like weapon skills to melee combat
! New player stat: Penetration; ignores target's Mitigation for its value
! New player stat: Concentration; used to increase spell hit chances instead of Attack Bonus
! Added Intoxication status effect; Increases Mitigation at the cost of Attack Bonus and Spell casting failure chance, has multiple levels, sobering lasts longer depending on intoxication level


! Weapons have a new stat: Penetration Bonus; ignores target's mitigation up to its value and is increased by 1 at reinforcement levels of 3, 6, 9
! Conduits have a new stat: Concentration Bonus; increases spell hit chances and is increased by 1 at reinforcement levels of 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
! New potion: Potion of Beer; can be filled from a beer barrel
! New potion: Potion of Wine; can be filled from a wine barrel
* New suffix for weapons, conduits, and gloves: of Pain; increases all damage
* New suffix for gloves and belts: of Overpower; increases melee damage
* New suffix for gloves and cloaks: of Marksmanship; increases ranged damage
* New suffix for gloves and helms: of Potency; increases spell damage
* New suffix for rings: of Focus; increases concentration
* Affix "of Training" can be applied to boots also
* Rearranged loot progression to accommodate new areas


! Casting heresies increase new Occultism skill
* Adjusted Willpower costs of Heresies to be cheaper mostly
* Buffed most Heresies
* Buffed Aura of Fire
* Removed Dispel Magic for the time being since there are really no use cases yet
! New Merchant: Sells magical equipment
! 7 new enemies & 1 new boss fight
* Enemies have been balanced to take into account the new Penetration stat
* Some XP changes
- Magus renamed to Cultist Mage


! New Injury: Dazed; decreases Concentration
* All Injuries have -2 penalty as their effect


! Three new lore pieces


! Extended Parish boss area to contain a wine storage room with a barrel from which empty potions can be filled with wine
! Extended Smith area to have the new gambler npc and a barrel from which empty potions can be filled with beer

Quality of Life

* Reading a lore item will automatically open the Journal
* Reading a mapping scroll will automatically open the Map
* Unlocking a door with a key will also open it automatically
* NPCs have speech bubbles above them when not talked with yet
* NPCs forgive player for damaging them once


! Dialogue text scrolls letter by letter instead of being revealed instantly, can be changed in the Options if wanted
* Improved the pop up text which displays the name of the area entered
- UI bars no longer have transparent backgrounds


* Improved some linework colors in the sprites


* Changed save format from binary to encrypted json

Realms of the Lost is a 3D first person turn-based roguelike set in 17th century cosmic horror setting.

The release is an alpha which has core gameplay elements in but only half of the final dungeon.

Key features
• Turn-based
• Grid-based
• Procedural dungeon with hand-made special locations
• 8 playable classes (Soldier, Mercenary, Duelist, Poet, Musketeer, Alchemist, Heretic, Monk)
• Sword & Sorcery & Firearms

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Комментарии игроков (6 шт.)

От: Torent [42|7] | Дата 2023-08-27 22:49:17

Пробовал как то в это играть.Вообще не понравилось.Всё какое то упрощённое слишком что ли.Авторы ерундой занимаются.Лучше бы свой The Temple of Torment развивали и дополняли.Крутой рогалик,но когда играешь,ощущение что не доделали.Пачка городов которые на 70% просто пусты и квестов мало.
От: Zolliger [3|13] | Дата 2023-08-27 16:55:52

Не про космос.
От: Andrew_SV_GAD [29|28] | Дата 2023-08-27 00:44:45

RPG - Zero Tolerance?
От: Toguhabac [4|13] | Дата 2022-12-08 16:48:41

Пиксели крупноваты, а так весьма интересный проект в ретро-стиле. Добавить анимации мобам и более сложные комнаты и будет норм.
От: Mariner666 [7|6] | Дата 2022-09-21 18:39:40

Да и трёхмерностью не особо пахнет ))
От: KHAARNE [69|8] | Дата 2022-01-11 23:51:58

"в космическом хорроре 17 века" не похоже на космос )