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Скачать игру Devil Spire v1.1 - торрент, демо версия игры

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Игру добавил Kusko [2475|32] | 2022-01-20 (обновлено) | Ролевые игры (RPG) (3326) | Просмотров: 10464

Devil Spire v1.1

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от ithiro (2)
• Жанр / Genre: Текстовые, Roguelike (1536); Ролевые игры (RPG) (3326)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Демо версия
• Размер / Size: 76.90 Мб.
• Похожие игры:
- Heretic 2

Devil Spire (бывший Dungeons Of Rhamdon 2) - хардкорный псевдо-3D roguelite action RPG от первого лица, стилизованный под ретро-игры для ПК, разработанный одним парнем и его товарищами, запертыми на карантине. Игра вдохновлена такими классическими проектами, как King's Field и Heretic. Вы просыпаетесь и обнаруживаете себя в таинственном подземелье, в котором нет ничего, кроме лампы, какого-то ветхого оборудования и сильного желания раскрыть секреты этого проклятого места и получить приз наверху. Стоит ли оно всех ужасов, с которыми вы столкнетесь?

Игра обновлена до v1.1. Список изменений внутри новости.

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Игра все еще находится в разработке, но уже включает:
• 24 классов оружия, в том числе стрелковое и метательное, с настоящим парным оружием!
• 48 заклинания плюс 48 чар для снаряжения!
• 10 различных типов подземелий, каждое со своими свойствами, врагами и боссами!
• 4 режима игры, в том числе бесконечный спуск через инвертированное подземелье, режим безумного хаоса и арену с боссами!
• Множество взаимодействующих объектов, таких как ловушки, ящики, колодцы, порталы, карты, колокольчики, таинственные персонажи и, конечно же, сундуки, полные добычи!
• Кнопка пинка!

• W, A, S, D - Движение
• Мышь / Стрелочки - Осмотреться
• Shift - Бежать
• Пробел - Увернуться
• ЛКМ / Ctrl - Атака
• ПКМ / Alt - Защита
• R - Пинок ногой
• Q - Использовать заклинание
• Колесо мышки / Z / X - сменить заклинания
• E, C - Взаимодействовать
• F - Зажигать или погасить лампу
• M - Карта
• Tab - Инвентарь
• 0~9 - Быстрый доступ
• ESC - Меню

• New (somewhat hidden) game modes: Soul and Immortal, both with new endings!
• Soul is similar to Ascent, but you start the run in a dark room with magic crystals that grant you permanent upgrades in exchange for SOULS, the game's meta-currency earned by killing enemies, and previously only used to unlock new game modes.
• Immortal is similar to Descent, but you go back to the village after every death, and resume at the start of the dungeon section you died in (so every 10 floors, right after the one with the merchant). The village's shops also scale with your progression, but you revive with only 1 HP.

Gameplay balacing:
• Adjusted enemies' power scaling per floor/dungeon for each game mode.
• Red Boss Stones now give +3 in a stat instead of just +2.
• The statue's blood offering is halved, the exp gained is increased by 25%, but each subsequent offering drains twice as much blood.
• You can now also interact with a gate's lever to open it, instead of just the gate itself.
• Different types of armor pieces can no longer combine to repair one another.
• The slime now teleports to you if too far away.
• Adjustments and additions to the tip notes.
• You can now unlock locked doors from the inside for free (in case you teleport behind them).
• Added confirmations when randomizing a customized character, and returning to the title screen from the character creation one.
• Hair styles for each race are kept when switching between races in character customization.
• Tutorial messages now change if you're using a controller.
• The demo end stone now sends you back to the title screen.

Visual improvements:
• Hanging skeletons look nicer.
• More stylized sprites for potions, including empty bottles and lamp oil.
• The Use, Combine and Trash slots on the inventory are now more eye-catching and distinct.
• Miniboss enemies are (only visually) smaller.
• Notes no longer "float" at the edge of climbable props.
• Better identification of your character for the game over screen and the endings.
• Unique messages for interacting with different doors.
• Better fadeout from the character creation screen to the actual game.
• The Dice's interact prompt is now "Re-roll" instead of just "Roll".
• Ailments on the inventory are now shown as "Status: [Name] [Duration]s".
• Renamed the Screen Resolution configuration option to Window Size, to better covey its effect.

STEAM-only adjustments:
• Lower number of actions required for the Parries, Dodges, Attack Cancels and Spell Interrupts Steam achievements.
• Combining gold bars or bags no longer counts towards the Item Combines Steam achievement.
• The grass maze dungeon's doors no longer count for the Steam achievement for secret doors.

Bug and crash fixes:
• Fixed the occasional crashes in the flooded temple dungeon, caused by missing textures from the gas trap.
• Fixed the rare crashes when changing floors exactly when an enemy shouts.
• Fixed a crash when drinking potions immediately instead of picking them up, when you already have one in the inventory.
• Fixed a bug where if you go back to the title screen from the game over one, the Powers granted by held boss stones were kept on a new run.
• Fixed a bug that resets the game to the Ascent mode on selecting Retry in the game over screen.

• To avoid issues with lost save data due to errors, saves are now only deleted a minute after loading them.
• Other small fixes and adjustments.

You wake up to find yourself in a mysterious dungeon with nothing but a lamp, some shabby equipment, and a deep want to unearth the secrets of this accursed place and claim the prize at the top. Will it be worth all the horrors you'll face?

Devil Spire is a hardcore first-person pseudo-3D roguelite action RPG dungeon crawler stylized after retro PC games, developed by a single guy and his bros locked in quarantine. Inspired by classics like King's Field and Heretic.

The game is still in development, but already features:
• 16 weapon classes, including ranged and throwing weapons, with real dual wielding!
• 24 spells, plus 48 equipment enchantments!
• 5 different dungeon types, each with their own properties, enemies and bosses!
• 3 game modes, including an infinite descent through an inverted dungeon, and an insane chaos mode!
• Many interactable objects like traps, crates, wells, portals, cards, bells, shady characters and, of course, chests full of loot!
• A kick button!

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Комментарии игроков (1 шт.)

От: Kamazok [23|7] | Дата 2021-01-20 13:54:53

Настоящий дунгеон мастер с плётками и чёрным господином, всё как я люблю.