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Скачать игру Virgo vs The Zodiac v0.1.7 - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

Рейтинга пока нет | Баллы: 10
Игру добавил Kusko [2475|32] | 2017-09-23 (обновлено) | Ролевые игры (RPG) (3325) | Просмотров: 3969

Virgo vs The Zodiac v0.1.7

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от moonana (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Ролевые игры (RPG) (3325)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 99.44 Мб.

Virgo vs The Zodiac - научно-фантастическая/фэнтезийная JRPG. В игре есть традиционный пошаговый бой с твистами: осторожность, сопротивление и своевременность ваших действий, а также попытка предсказать действия ваших врагов, помогут в стремлении Девы вернуть Золотой Век, период покоя, равенства и баланса. В этой галактике, где каждое действие означает реакцию, вы будете играть Девой - Святой Королевой или так называемой Ужасной Королевой, принося хаос в Царство Зодиака и оставляя на своем пути след звездной пыли в войне против Еретиков.

Версия игры обновлена с v0.1.6 до v0.1.7. Список изменений внутри новости.

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В целом, это космическая JRPG, в которой вы играете злодеем.

• Now damage calculations are made differently: Ambition, Patience and Versatility no longer passively reduce Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable damage respectivelly.
• Passive Damage reduction

>To not turn Quality attributes completely useless for builds that don't use a certain Quality's offensive abilities, new roles for primary stats have been added:
• Ambition now slightly increases the damage of all Purge abilities
• Versatility increases the damage of Counter-Attacks
• Patience increases all Weapon base attacks

This will ensure no Quality is useless in the long run, to avoid harming players who decided to change main-quality roles midgame.

• Some enemies have been completely rebalanced according to feedback and observation.
• Capricorn should no longer OHKO Virgo if her health is full. That wasn't intended in the first place and now it should now be fixed.
• Ashigarus won't heal while breaking your guard anymore. They're already annoying enough to do that. The battle against the two of them in the Engine room should be more manageable now.
• Deneb Algedi won't attack while stunned anymore.
• Claudios still hate you the most
• Enemy damage variations should be slightly smaller, to provide more stable results and avoid unwanted damage spikes on certain occasions.

Changes have been made to several other areas of the game and are cited below:
• Increased the damage dealt by [Smite], so that it justifies its' Purity cost.
• Increased base [Reckoning] damage.
• Increased damage dealt by the [Triangular Riposte] (Heresy Protector's Counter-attack) slightly.
• Decreased maximum Tachi damage; improved its' timing window.
• Decreased base heal for the Aged Hoplon.
• Decreased the damage from Critical Hits all around. Enemies who crit shouldn't deal more than 70% bonus damage.

• Adjusted all tutorials and Daily Horoscopes to reflect the changes done to the basic stat system.
• Fixed some issues with Portraits flashing when a character turns around mid-conversation.
• Fixed the Shopkeeper's dialogue section not opening the store automatically once you sell them a Parcel.
• Fixed the infinite Heresy Count on Cookies at the Database Center. You may only increase your Heresy Count once if you eat cookies.
• Fixed the long delay before issuing a Shield command and the Guard effect actually showing up.
• Fixed the disappearing base for Star Memories inside the Supernova.

• Added new animations for some Cardinal skills.
• Added Weather effects to outdoor maps.
• Added a purchaseable Mutable Ribbon at the Engine Vendor. This Ribbon grants the use of [Silverlight], a skill that reduces the accuracy of a foe.
• Reduced the price for several vendor items
• Added a new skill to Pig Ears: [Frontier], which reduces Cardinal damage for a few turns.
• Added a new prompt in the Database Center once Musashi isn't sleeping by the entrance to the Garden anymore (after you collect the Blueprints)
• Added a new interaction with the noisy Ambitious Cart at the Storage 1 if the player posesses a [Soap].
• Added new options on the menu for Difficulty, Fullscreen, and added a few optional Window Skins. (Thanks Sumrndmdde!)
• Added a new Dynamite drop from the second group of Saboteurs at the Storage 2. This should make the 'blow up that door' puzzle less cryptic.
• Added a sound effect to the computers in the Storage 2 when they're activated for the same puzzle.

• Removed the randomization on stats gained through level up. Unlucky players won't be forever gimped by bad design choices now!
• Lucky players will find that their stats are a bit lower on later levels. All enemies were adjusted with this change in mind.
• Removed some battle item drops from certain locations, especially in the Storage 1 and 2.
• Removed the huge desk in front of the blind Salarygoat at the Storage 1.

• Changed the rewards received from the thirsty Salarygoat at the Reception. Players will receive an extra stat point for the Quality chosen.
• Changed text to reflect that Pisces' Halberd isn't used as a weapon by Virgo at the Supernova.
• Changed how the Rank Up functions as a whole. Destiny, Cycle and Cuteness won't increase per rank (but their values on equipment have been increased).
• New help text after a Rank Up will show both previous and new Stat values.
• Changed the layout of the Storage - now the Storage 2 room is completely optional, players may chose to speedrun straight to the engines after the first Storage.
• Added a new reward for cleaning the Storage 2, a Scepter weapon complete with a new combo skill [Betelgeuse].

Items Renamed

For the sake of consistency with later developed items, some equipment changed names. These are:
• Tachi -> Tachi of Binding (all '... of Binding' suffix on items should have them grant Exorcism)
• Rusty Hoplon -> Aged Hoplon ('Rusty' prefix is now exclusive to +Poison chance items)

These changes are meant to address the upcoming Crafting System and how items will be made through it.

Visual Changes were made to:
• Capricorn Battle Sprite
• Ashigaru Battle Sprite
• Storage 2 computer puzzle tiles
• Vendor desks
• Updated Battle HUD with new Face graphics

Virgo vs The Zodiac is a sci-fi/fantasy JRPG coming to PC. The game features traditional turn based combat with a twist: Guarding, countering and timing your actions carefully as well as trying to predict your enemies moves will greatly help on Virgo's twisted cosmic quest to bring back the Golden Age, a period of peace, symmetry and balance. In this galaxy where every action means a reaction, you'll play as Virgo, the Holy Queen, or so-called Dreadful Queen, bringing mayhem to the Zodiac Realms and leaving on your way a trail of stardust in Virgo's rage against the Heretics.

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