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Скачать игру Ruzar - The Life Stone v1.13 - полная версия | Рейтинг: 10.0 (1) |
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Hammer Glass Studio (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Ролевые игры (RPG) (3402)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Полная версия (установи и играй)
• Размер / Size: 332.78 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 10.0 из 10 (всего голосов: 1)
• Похожие игры:
- Legend of Grimrock v1.3.7 / +RUS
Ruzar - The Life Stone - dungeon crawler, в котором игрок отправится в опасные подземелья на поиски загадочного Камня Жизни. Сможете ли Вы там выжить и добраться до таинственного артефакта?
Игра ОБНОВЛЕНА с v1.11 до v1.13. Список изменений внутри новости.
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Язык: Английский.
• adding a new translation (spanish).
• 1 New Map
• 9 new challenge arenas (new layouts).
• XP reward for each challenge that is completed.
• A random loot when you complete your challenge.
• Your name in the leaderboard :)
• Fixed Achievement for Collector
• Fixed Achievement for Explorer
• Fixed a rare issue when you reload the game and spawn under the floor.
• "Quest Complete" message when you collect items have been fixed. Sometimes you could get the message without collecting all the items.
• Fixed an issue in one secret of the Cave level where you couldn't loot the item.
• At the end of the ranger path you now spawn at the correct location
• The mana staff doesn't continue to regenerate your mana when you switch your staff for another weapon.
• We added a new slot for the ranged weapons. Many of you requested the ability to have a way to quickly equip a bow / crossbow during combat. Now you can equip a bow / crossbow and another weapon. You will still need to switch between all three of them (default is "x") in order to select the one you want to use (weapon1, weapon2, magic).
• The creature speed has been increased only in hard and insane difficulty. Some of you thought the game was too easy. So now all creatures in these two modes are faster (insane is a little bit faster than hard).
• Reloading the game upon death doesn't penalize your amount of hp anymore. Now that the game reloads automatically, there is no need to have the malus on your HP.
• You can now double click on the spells to equip / unequip them. No need to click on the memorize / remove button if you don't want to.
• Skill Precision for the Ranger is now changed. Now the skill reduces the armor of the creature when you use ranged weapons.
• German version is now available. PLEASE, if you see any issue, let us know.
• The Save games from the old versions (EA) are not copied over the new path now. Saved games in the Cloud from EA were causing issue with some EA users.
• Save Games now have the correct spent time value in the save game info.
• Gold loot has been reduced.
• Fixed some minor streaming issues.
• Fixed some glitches in different levels.
• The Quest Complete message is now working if you have items in your storage.
• The Keskan Queen is now fixed. Sometimes the creature was unspawned if you were not looking for her right after talking to the soul.
• Level 45 armors are now counted for the Heavy Armor Kit achievement.
• Sometimes the creature could die twice in a row. This is now fixed.
• Fixed an audio issue with male and female character sound when switching the game from male to female and vice versa.
• One Sanctuary Level 2 trap game play has changed. There was a potential blocker.
• Poison secondary effect is now displayed properly if you have multiple poison effects playing.
• Mana staff now regenerates mana points. Depending of the strength of the staff, the regeneration is faster. The Transfuge spells cost have been increased.
• Fixed an issue with being able to click through the UI when opening the inventory with the character picture.
• Fixed loot behavior when your inventory is almost full.
• Fixed an issue where you couldn't damage a creature on top of a pit in melee.
• Fixed some typos.
• Fixed map and inventory issue when you had the UI opened and loading another level.
• Fixed a movement issue when you were closing the map or the inventory while moving.
• Updated the bestiary for the Roaming Skeletons quest.
• Fixed French Typo
• Fixed German / Russian Language (language is not available yet, but at least there is no bug of localisation).
• Fixed Multi spells mana points cost.
• Fixed Staff dmg boost with spells (the dmg was increasing all the time)
• Audio Volume in the Option Menu is now saved when you quit.
• Scrolls weight have been lowered.
• You can now add 30 notes per level.
• Having the complete Leather Armor Set will unlock the achievement.
• Fixed the note text not displaying the correct information in the Temple Level 3.
• Fixed "experts" and attack rate skills
• Added a letter for the weapons to indicate their category (Dagger, Sword, Hammer, etc.)
• Fixed the inverted Wall in the Temple.
• Fixed Stone behavior. Now if you stand on a grate, the stone won't try to attack you with the spikes but will move toward you.
• Earth spells should behave properly on all grates.
• Fixed typo for Antidote.
• Maps now follow your save games. You won't lose your map information when you travel in different locations.
• Bonus from items and spells are now correctly updating the items. Bonuses from spells are also in green in the player's inventory to help see the difference.
• Quests now gives the correct reward in NG+
• Added Czech Language
• The quest for the sample is now fixed.
• The Solid key issue has been fixed. If you managed to reach the Temple lvl3 without collecting all loots, you might have two bags in some of the sections. We updated the loot, but if you saved a previous version, then the loot will be duplicated (safer than deleting your game). If you managed to already open the door (to reach the puzzle with the 4 levers), this fix is not for you.
• In the Caves Lvl1, you could be stuck if you fall in the traps in one of the Mage section. This has been fixed (teleport + falling outside of the world).
• Now when you cast the spell Return Home, you can cast other spells when you reload your level (all spells were disabled).
• Now the spell Return Home is available at the level 10.
• The spell Show Secret is now available at the level 15.
• Stone arrow spell cool down has been lowered.
• Changed spell description for the lightning spells.
• Added a duration description for a few spells.
• Now the spells that you can use to buff your equipement have the proper timing (the duration in the spell panel is also correct now).
• The regeneration spells have been tweaked.
• There was an issue with the potions in the inventory (half of the UI was disappearing). This is now fixed.
• We added the poison potions in the store (there was only the healing and the mana potion).
• Fixed the prices for the potions in the merchant store.
• The "+" icon to let you know you have points to spend in your character is now removed when you press "esc" and have no more points to spend.
• Damages are now rounded correctly (no more decimal).
• We added a dark stone in the Cave lvl1. The respawn is fast and you need to destroy the stone if you don't want to see enemies again :)
• Now in NG+, the player receives more XP than before.
• In Insane, the difficulty has been lowered, but the damages done by the creature are still high.
• Some skeletons had a block ability, it has been removed as they don't have shields.
• The floating stones don't block anymore.
• The bestiary requirements to unlock the creatures have been lowered.
• This version fixes the teleport issues in the Sanctuary Level 3 (if you jump in the holes without closing the traps). This situation could lead to a blocker.
• Now the player can move while looking at the map.
• The player can also move while looking at the inventory.
• The map has now thicker and darker borders.
• Keys weight have been lowered.
• Some quests were not visually setup correctly, this is now fixed.
• When you want to add a note, the title has now the auto focus.
• Fixed some typos in French and English
• Now the name and the picture appear correctly when you create a game for the first time
• We couldn't turn using the keypad before, it has been fixed.
• Fixed some typos in French.
• If you saved on a floor trap, you respawned below it.
• The roaming skeleton quest spawns all the skeletons now.
• Fixed the cursor when you fall through a trap with your cursor on a lever
• We extended the area in the secret room (where the trap bug was happening) next to the door, so even if the trap is opened you can access the chest.
• The lever in the secret area was not properly updating the trap mechanism (even on reload)
Ruzar - The Life Stone is a dungeon crawler RPG game in which you play an adventurer who needs to discover the powerful Life Stone. Do you have the skills to survive in the deadliest dungeons of the Mountain of Ruz and recover the legendary artefact?
Key Features:
• Explore the Mountains of Ruz to discover the Life Stone through the numerous dungeons, hidden secrets and deadly creatures.
• Customize your character with more than 50+ skills and spells.
• Storage Chamber that help store your items
• Binding Stones to help you travel between the different levels
• Fire Camp to help you survive in the dungeons
• Buy, sell your items or grind creatures to find loots.
• Accomplish quests to uncover the mystery of Ruz.
• A nice twist to the classic dungeon crawling game with one single character you can customize and evolve up to the level 50.
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