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Скачать бесплатную игру The Thing II RPG v2.5.3 / The Thing 2 RPG - торрент

Рейтинга пока нет | Баллы: 15
Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2017-05-24 (обновлено) | Ролевые игры (RPG) (3324) | Просмотров: 24645

The Thing II RPG v2.5.3 / The Thing 2 RPG

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Richard2410 (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Я ищу, квесты, приключения (6091); Ролевые игры (RPG) (3324)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Бесплатная игра
• Размер / Size: 351.61 Мб.

Эта игра продолжает историю фильма «Нечто», снятого Джоном Карпентером в 1982 году по научно-фантастической повести Джона Вуда Кэмпбелла-младшего «Кто идёт?».

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с 2.5.2 до 2.5.3. Список изменений внутри.

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Язык интерфейса: Английский

После того, как капитану Блейку удается победить "Нечто", он планирует спасти всех выживших с помощью самолета и покинуть Антарктику. Но не все пошло по плану: самолет потерпел крушение. Так как от капитана не пришел отчет, база Аляски посылает новую спасательную команду, которой Вы и будете управлять. Ваша цель - найти Блейка и сопроводить его до базы. Между прочим, сущность "Нечто" не погибла в тот день...

Version: v2.5.3
Release Date: 23/05/2017

Fixes some of the Issues with the game and adds some features BlackDragon suggested.
I didn't have time to do everything so I just did what I could, I'm working on something else.


- Fixes / Balancing

MacReady's Story wasn't triggering (is now fixed)
Beating Marathon Mode on Normal to Unlock Cheats Crashed the game due to a missing sound file (replaced file)
Fixed a bug with Roberts Sidequest and not being able to enter the Weapons Research Ruins
Starvation mechanic in story mode is able to toggle itself off somehow, have hopefully prevented this
Added a Crafting Staton and some scrap metal to the Bridge of the Ship in Prequel Mode / Natalies Story
Added 2 Extra Torches to Prequel Mode that can be found in the B2 Area to make it more useful
Changed the way the Scientists Entity Journal works, now it will only log enemies encountered
Reduced most 3% SP Regen Items/Skills to 2% to make items more valuable and medics less OP
Grenades now have 100% hit chance instead of 85% (enemies too), can still be evaded/dodged but will no longer miss
Most classes now start with Crouch & Cover abilities
Lowered the Health Curves for all classes but all classes start @ 100 HP (without perks)
Increased the SP Curves for some classes to give them more chance to use skills
Lowered the Amount of HP Healed by the Medics First Aid skills, to encourage less reliance on them
Lowered the Amount healed by the "Tend Wounded" skill as its too easy to rely on it
Trust and Fear effects last a lot longer than before, making it more important to deal with them

- Mechanics & Gameplay

Soldier, Sniper & Scout now have a new ability called "Action Ready"
When used they will get +1 Action and +50% Agility for 2 turns

- Items & Equipment

Energy Drinks have a 50% chance to increase the users Agility by 50% and Evasion by 5% on use
Bloodpacks are now a "Key Item" and no longer restore 30hp on use (your not vampires :P)
Changed the Healing Values, Supply Costs and status removal chances of all the medical items
Too much Food or Meds can make a character Sick, this reduces Healing recieved by 50% and SP Regen by -8%
Too much alcohol can make a character Drunk, this increases DEF & LUK by 50% but reduces AGI & INT by 50%

- Misc

Throw-Items removed from the game (prevents exploit)
Fixed one of the Trinket/Treasure Clues descriptions to be more specific

- Known Bugs

(See Known Bugs.txt)

Version: v2.5.2
Release Date: 29/09/16



- Fixes / Balancing

Fixed a passability setting with stairwell rails
Fixed "Japanese Outpost" level in survival mode (floor 13) there was some missing drops
Fixed "Ship Bridge" Level in survival mode (floor 14) there was some missing crates
Added Extra Save Points during the Puzzle Section in Pierce's Story
Fixed a Graphical Glitch in Thing Mode
Aim Assist & Fear Effect Application in battle fixed
Fixed an exploit where you could obtain "Dog Attack" as a weapon
Fixed the Animation for Bonesaw skill
Fixed some wrong text for other skills such as Fearless Aura being called as Rally in battle
Fixed an oversight where certain characters from Prequel Mode who "burstout" still remain in the F3 Area
Fixed the issue where the Prequel Mode Timer still appears when you start a NewGame+
Fixed an enemy soldier using Avery's face in Original Mode
Reduced Crate Enemy Spawn Chance; is now a 1 in 10 chance of Enemy_Crate
Edited (lowered) Infection Rates to Balance increased enemy strength;
-Small Things (around 2% chance)
-Medium Things (around 4% chance)
-Large Things (around 6% chance)
Fixed an issue on Roberts Sidequest where you couldn't access the Research Ruins
Fixed issue of Starvation always turning itself off and not working properly in Story Mode
Adjusted Difficulty settings;
-Easy Enemies are now at 40% Strength (down from 60%)
-Normal Enemies are now at 80% Strength (down from 90%)
-Swedish Enemies remain at 120% Strength
Updated Difficulty descriptions to help players decide
Added a warning about Swedish mode being difficult; please stop complaining about it

- Mechanics & Gameplay

- Items & Equipment
- Misc

Updated some of Harding's Voice Acting in Prequel Mode

Version: v2.5.1
Release Date: 25/04/16



- Fixes / Balancing

Fixed an exploint in the Prequel Mode Final Battle
Easy Difficulty now reduces enemy values by about 40% (Was 70~75%)
Norm. Difficulty now reduces enemy values by about 10% (Was 0%)
Hard Difficulty now increases enemy values by about 20% (Was 25~30%)

- Mechanics & Gameplay

Added "Aim Assist" Setting to increase noobs accruacy by 15%
-Does not penalize you

Version: v2.5
Release Date: 23/04/16

*Tweaks, Fixes and Balancing to the Core game introducing some new skills, abilities and items
*A "Shake Up" of the Spectre enemies introducing new types and balancing them to be more fair
*A New Friendly Spectre Squad introduced to Prequel Mode via "Transmissions" you hear
*Extra Items, Rewards and NPC's introduced to Prequel Mode with supported Voice Acting


- Fixes / Balancing

Fixed Bashford not Appearing in Thing Mode Scene
Disabled Starvation in Prequel Mode "Bridge" Area (Both Safe & Assault Variants)
Added a Save Station to Prequel Mode "Male Wash Room" Area
Fixed Prequel Mode Crate Drops so when "SMG" is rolled it will drop HG ammo instead of MG
Improved "Research", "Survival" and "Scavenger" Skills to give more desirable boosts
Improved "Ghost Stim" and "Recovery Stim" to balance the risk/reward a little
Balanced Spectre and Spectre Elite to be more fair
Changed Jose Radio calls from 7.5 minutes to 10 minutes to spread out events and stop spam
"Walker" Things have been given the ability 'Rage' which gives them a chance to go Berserk
Increased Starvation Timer to 18 (easy) 15 (normal) 12 (swedish) minutes
Infection rates have been increased by +1% for all enemies
Iron Strikes Skill is OP Lowered Chance to Stun from 50 to 20%
Added SP cost for Engineer to use "Petrol Bomb"
40mm Incendiary Rounds were classed as "Explosives" they are now set to "Flame" element
Reduced the Chances of Stun and other ailments for ALL skills; Chances are a lot lower for more risk/reward
STUN status is OP so I have reduced its chance to happen
Added "Skip Intro" for Prquel Mode to skip the long ass cutscene intro for returning players
Crafting Crate added to Facility Survival
Added a Random Trait Gainer to Facility Survvial every time you beat 5 floors and return to the hub
Extended some status ailments to last after battles have ended
Flareguns and Melee Weapons should now come with a random mod
Made Starvation/Fever notice less annoying (Now has minor notice instead of text popup)
Fixed Fever happening during main story cutscenes, hopefully this should stop constant fever
Fixed tutorial issue with save stations
Fixed tutorial map with weird background

- Mechanics & Gameplay

Added the "Blitz" Skill for SMG's (Enemy too) Allows x2 multi attack to all enemies on screen
Added the "Ruptured Armor" Status Effect which reduces enemy armor by 30% and increases gun damage on them
Armor Piercing, High Caliber, Slug shells, MARS & AM Ammo all have a chance to "Rupture Armor"
Equipped some enemies with "CS Gas" Grenades which May Stun, Disorient and Blind twice as long and May cause fever
New Enemy: Spectre ODIN added, Orange Spectre that Packs a Spas Shotgun and Grenades
New Enemy: Spectre ASIN added, Black Spectre that Carries a L96A1 Sniper Rifle and SwordSpectre Variant Added: Spectre (Normal, Blue) with Dual SIG Handguns
Spectre Variant Added: Spectre (Elite, Red) with HK33 Assault Rifle
Spectre Variant Added: Spectre (Elite, Red) with Dual SMG's
Spectre Variant Added: Spectre (ODIN, Orange) with Magnum & Riot Shield Combo!
Spectre Variant Added: Spectre (ASIN, Black) with SMG and Sword
New Enemy: "Alpha" (Boss) Added, A special Red Spectre as part of the new Prequel Mode subplot.
New Enemy: Seeker, A mutation of the normal spectre. The most common mutation. Basic abilities.
New Enemy: Riler, A mutation of the Elite Spectre. Tough and can "call" more mutants to battle.
New Enemy: Bulwark, A mutation of the ODIN spectre. Strong, Defesnive, Aggressive and rages out.
New Enemy: Ghost, A mutation of the ASIN spectre. Weak but Evasive and Lethal.
New Enemy: Banshee, ?????
Added 10 New NPC's to Prequel Mode with additional missions and content
Added a new special spectre enemy sub-boss
Added 4 new mutated-thing enemies that appear in Prequel Mode
Dogs have a medical aid skill so they can carry medical aid to allies in battle at an SP cost
Dogs have a Resupply skill so they can carry supplies to allies in battle to restore some SP
New Status: "Tracer Rounds"; A unit with this has a -15% penalty to evade all damage making them easier to hit
Enemies with Assault Rifles or LMG's now have Tracer Rounds loaded to their weapons
Added "Fear Effect" Difficulty Modifier (Units can be "worse" in the dark, being more prone to fear, slower in combat and overall less accurate)
Gen Inc have now deployed MLNR mobile sentry units to support ground forces (Story Mode Only)
New Enemy: MLNR Urban, This mobile sentry uses an SMG and deploys flash and CS gas grenades for crowd control
New Enemy: MLNR Assault, A tougher sentry using assault weapons, deploys explosive and CS gas grenades
New Enemy: MLNR Heavy, A literal tank with an LMG; deploys explosives and CS gas grenades
New Enemy: MLNR Hellfire, An anti-viral sentry with a flamethrower, Incendiary & Nitrogen Grenades

- Items & Equipment

Added "Mac-10" SMG to the Game; Special Variant added too
Added "Ventilator" Mask to the game
Added "Vibroblade" Melee Weapon to the Game; Special Variant added too
Added "Power Armor" Armor Vest to the game (Relic)
New Mod for SMG: "MG Ammo"; Allows an SMG to use Machinegun ammo (+15% DMG Boost)
New Mod for SMG/ARF/BRF/LMG: "Tracer Rounds"; Applies Tracer Rounds Status on ranged attacks
New Mod "Hair Trigger" for various weapons; Gives a 10% chance for an extra action in battle

- Misc

Added extra voices to Prequel Mode to support the new characters and content
Additional scene added to Story Mode as part of an exisiting side mission, connects Prequel and Story Modes slightly

- Known Bugs

"v2.4.2" ~ Bugfixes Round 2

Version: v2.4.2
Release Date: 21/12/15


- Fixes / Balancing
Fixed 2 old descriptions in the "Field Guide"
Fixed a minor mistake with the Tutorial
Fixed Enemy SMG x2 Attack Animation to display correct animation
Fixed Facility Survival Mode Freeze bug/exploit
Fixed Walker/Diaz intro-scene so it will trigger if your already in the room
Fixed a weird issue with the torch/flare in Avery's Story
Fixed a NewGame+ reward description
Fixed problem in Story Mode Field Base Assaults where an enemy from wave 2 didn't show causing you to get stuck
MAY have fixed the "caught a fever" bug on the main menu selection screen
- Mechanics & Gameplay
- Items & Equipment
- Misc
- Known Bugs(See Known Bugs.txt)
"v2.4.1" ~ Bugfixes

Version: v2.4.1
Release Date: 14/12/15


- Fixes / Balancing

Story Mode NPC "Perry" wanted a sledgehammer but game registered Spike Maul as condition.
Is now fixed so that it registers Sledgehammer as condition for recruitment.
SMG Burst Fire (x2) played 2 animation instead of 1. This is now fixed.
On completion of "Thing Mode" the in-game menu was disabled making the game unplayable.
This has been fixed in v2.4.1, for version 2.4 just play the tutorial to fix the issue.

- Mechanics & Gameplay
- Items & Equipment
- Misc
- Known Bugs (See Known Bugs.txt)
"v2.4" ~ DLC, Updates & Second Public Release [2 years later...]

Version: v2.4
Release Date: 11/12/2015

*Massive Weapon rehaul in the game, completely re-done attachments as Equippable Mods
*Tweaks, Fixes and Edits to the Game with the adition of some small features
*DLC Pack Story I: Includes a New Outpost that you can work alongside building
up a reputation with them and helping them survive against overwhelming odds.
*DLC Pack Pierce: Fills in some missing parts of the story where Blake and Pierce
seperate. Introduces a New Stealth Minigame and has several small rewards.
*DLC Pack Thing Mode: A short story of stealth based puzzles/levels
Tells the Tale of Subject #21 and fills in missing parts of the initial story.
Tale crosses over with Avery/Pierce Stories and a few familiar faces ;)
*DLC Pack Prequel Mode: Tells the tale of the events aboard a research ship. They
find someThing in the ice and this turns out to be an ellaborate Gen Inc scheme.
You will be up against very overwhelming odds in a 6-8 hour story. This takes place
before Original Mode and features extra artwork and unique content.
*Tutorial Redux: A remastered version of the tutorial for both new and returning
players, It helps better explain some of the game mechanics.
*DLC Pack Story II: Introduces several new areas and an alternate path for the new
community (Introduced in DLC Pack Story I). Extra gameplay content for Story Mode (Tasks etc)
*New Facility Survival: 25 floors based on ingame levels. Every 5 floors unlocks a new Weapon.
*DLC Pack Story III "MacReady": Introduces MacReady as a random encounter. You can learn
about what happened to him after Outpost #31, Change the outcome of those events and
recruit him and any other companions he may have met to your team after returning to
US Outpost #31 for some unfinished business.
*Online Guide: An online guide and walkthrough to help with the game. Linked from the game
menu and will be updated post release. It's a reference for anyone struggling.


- Fixes / Balancing

Fixed a Problem w/ Blakes Story Side Quests (Thanks to Cody Ball)
Changed the Formula for almost EVERY Skill in the game (Balancing Attempt)
TNT and Rocket Launchers now act like the 40mm HE Round (Targets All Enemies)
Changed ATK (Attack) to DMG (Damage)
Altered all the Status Ailments to make them lower (both positive and negative)
Altered the End_Battle Script, Removed the "quotes" window, was annoying
Updated the Game Modes (Especially Drops) for the New Equip/Weapon System
Fixed a bug where summoned units were counted as infected units
Edited the Cheats & the Cheat System, See Guide for unlockables
Edited the Character Creation, New Skinsets now available
Fixed "Medical Journal" calling the "Throw Items" Scene
Edited some of the bosses values, they now have better resistance to Stun, Poison, Frozen etc.
(Some are immune to certain status but most are adjusted to lower success rates)
Fixed a bunch of 'crummy plot holes & spelling errors' (Original Mode)
Fixed a problem with Pierces DLC, Enemies not moving
Fixed some bugs in Original Mode
Made the bosses in the game harder with additional attacks
Readjusted and rebalanced enemies, made them more of a challenge
Fixed Rifle Ammo in Crafting/Empty Mags Not Updating QTY correctly
Fixed a bunch of 'crummy plot holes & spelling errors' (Story Mode)
Powered up Some Story Mode Characters Slightly
Enemies now have a fair Critical Chance (was 2% now 4% on Normal) (Easy -4 / Hard +4)
Lowered Medic Revive Chance from 40% to 33% (Sorry about that... mwahahahaha!)
Increased Cost of Healing Skills by 2 each (To counter balance Medic usage)
Altered Stims a bit
Changed Energy Drink and Soda Items, Soda recovers 15 SP and Energy Drink recovers 40%
Antibiotic Kit no longer cures Infection, Its now the superior version of anti-venom.
Enemy Infection Chance is slightly increased by 1-2% depending on skills BE WARNED.
Reduced Pickup Chance of Items for Draws/Desks Office Areas by 10%
Fixed (Male) Keyes Sidequest which now gives scrap metal x3 instead of deleted object
Medics/Doctors now start with First Aid I
Made Enemies faster, stronger and generally harder (Things)
Altered Enemy Status Infliction rates (Some higher, some lower)
In some battles I have given enemy groups more friends :P
Altered Class Base and Growth Stats to make gameplay different
Adjusted AGI for everything should effect combat giving enemies a slight edge
Lowered Unit HP and SP to make game harder
Reduced SP cost of skills and skill effects last longer so you get more for your cost now
Changed Medical Item Values
Altered in game items/skills and stats several times to counter balance lower values in game
Removed "Crappy" AI setting effects
Fixed Fear effects & Trust Issues and made units refuse to give up weapons if high lv mistrust/fear
Removed Sentry Guns from the Game
Changed Enemy Spawning, Removed Modern Algebra Spawn Script, Ergo Potential Bugfixes
Crate-Thing chance lowered from 1/5 chance to 1/8 chance

-Mechanics & Gameplay

Started Construction of a Friendly Outpost in Story Mode you can work with
Added Some New Characters to the Game Database
Added Some New Boss Enemies to the Game Database
EDITED ALL the game weapons and entry values
Removed Weapon Modding Mechanic, turned "attachments" into equippable MODS
(They are now like armor pieces, selected in the Equip Scene)
Found a nice little Snippet that alters EXPerience in the game
Rank 25 now requires 22,252 Experience (Based on the Captain getting 20,000 ish in Story Mode without any XP Boost)
Edited ALL the Crowbar-Crates in the game, Sometimes they have a surprise inside
Jeep Enemy now in game databse, intended to be a boss battle / miniboss
Jeep now appears @ Airstrip in Original Mode IF New Game+ File
Jeep now appears @ Airstrip in Story Mode IF New Game+ File
Researchers now have a chance to burstout when killed, Fuck you.
"Iron Mode" Available to NewGame+ File
Enemies in Ironmode gain extra veterancy (they are stronger variants)
Bosses in Ironmode are Always really hardcore (Omega Variants)
Added 20 ID Cards to the Game that are part of a collectable rewards side mission
Added Thing Mode to the Game, Introduces Subject #21 and Thing NPC Allies
Created New Skillsets for Thing Mode NPCs
Added More NPC's to the Story Mode Field Base with Sidequests
HIT Rate, EVA Rate and CRI Rate now appear in the Equip Menu Status Bar
Adjusted in game timer, customized it (utilized Galv Script)
Flares can now "run out" when your using them
Added Cold Exposure to the game which inflicts Fever Status
Added 'Fever' to the game, some enemies may inflict but can also gain from cold exposure
Added 'Starvation' to the game, through periodic time passage, people will become weak with hunger
Added a New Ingame Menu Interface which will hopefully be easier to navigate
Theres a new menu that comes up after the game preloader which gives a list of all the modes
"Tape" saving is now an option (like Ink Ribbons from Resident Evil)
'Blake's Notebook' is now a new key item added to Story Mode. Blake gives this to you when
you find him. It contains an account of previous events (original mode) and will store information
and concept art as you find 'Research Notes' in Story Mode. Compeletion of other game modes will also
unlock additional concept art and information in the Notebook.
The US Captain enemy now has a variety of new skills which will help buff his troops
In combat human units may attmept to enter cover to buff their defence
Some units may even gain special 'traits' or 'veterancy' to make them more powerful
In combat certain powerful thing creatures may "present a threat" making them dominant in battle
These units may gain special 'traits' to make them more powerful pack leaders
In combat your units may 'react' to taking damage and decide to buff themselves if they know certain skills
*An example of this would be a soldier with the cover skill going into cover when he is shot at by gunfire if he has enough SP to do so
Created Enemy Ambushes and Surprise Events
Surprise Events trigger enemies to spawn in the area, there is a chance to encoutner them in certain areas.
Ambushes are events that may occur at random but are sometimes scripted, this is where enemy waves assault you without rest
New Traits and skills have been added that are autolearned at ranks 5, 10, 15 and 20
Enemies have more access to grenades and their own skills
Basic enemy soldiers have been given more variety in equipment
The varied enemies appear in random groups/order in battle
Implemented "Jet Defender" Minigame...
MacReady's Story DLC Implemented into Story Mode as a random encounter via Quintel's Outpost

-Items & Equipment

Changed EVERY single weapon entry in the game (changed stats too)
*This has also forced me to go through entire game changing every entry :( (Worth it?)
Added a Bunch of New Armors and Relics to the Game
Added the Attachments (As Equippable Armor)
Added more items, equipment and crafting options into the game
Rebalanced Equipment to make it more useful and changed some accessories to "head" slot items
Added more backpacks and outfits to the game
Added some new medical items and stims to the game
Reorganized Crafting and added new options and variety
Added Bullpup Rifles to the Game and new weapons


Deleted a lot of the old entries in the database to make way for the weapon rehaul.
If you see "##Deleted Object" this is an object that was removed from the database, please report it
Removed some Game Files "Shouldnt" be a problem, they were unused Tiles
Edited Enemy Drops
Randomized Shops in Story Mode a little
Added a Secret Easter Egg / tape recording for NewGame+
Added the New NPC's for the Story Mode DLC
Added the New Enemy Variants for the Story Mode DLC
With the New Story DLC there are over 35 additional Side-Missions
Pierce has a new Story Side Mission if you complete his DLC story
Added new custom skinsets for Story Mode, can be unlocked in game
Changed the units available in the extra skinsets section.
Replaced KredEx Passive Skill system with NeonBlack PassiveState
Added the Pilot and the Spitter to the Game
The In Game light effects are slightly improved
Updated Save Menu
Survival Mode removed from game, well dumped on the test map if anyone wants to play it
The Battle System remembers your last used commands now to make it easier to rinse and repeat
To compensate for Headphone users and to balance agaisnt the Ship VA Audio:
I have reduced in-game audio where I can by about 10 ~ 20%
Added option to disable voice acting in Prequel Mode

-Known Bugs

Added Fix for Flashlight Glitch
Fixed "Distress Signal" Glitch
Heavily Reduced/Fixed In Game Lag caused by KredEx Script
Updated Known Bugs.txt
Fixed Fast_Travel Exploitation
(See Known Bugs.txt)

"v1.0" ~ The Initial Public Release

Version: v1.0
Release Date: 28/11/2013

The Games Full Release both Regular and Lite Builds


- Fixes / Balancing

Fixed a little reward exploit from Marathon Mode
Fixed the Height of the Storeroom in Original Mode to fit new specs
Attempted to Fix some Text cut offs from the game (theres loads)

-Mechanics & Gameplay

-Items & Equipment


Added a System Requirements.txt file to help users a little bit.

-Known Bugs

(See Known Bugs.txt)

This game follows the story of what happens after the John Carpenter 1982 movie adaptation of the John W. Campbell JR Novel "Who Goes There?". The original game borrows heavily on the story from the 2002 video game and the current sequel expands further on the plot after Captain Blake defeats the Thing entity. After the death of Whitley and the destruction of Gen Inc property; Captain J.F.Blake boards a rescue plane and leaves Antarctica. Complications arise and the aircraft malfunctions and crashes. With no report from Blake the Alaska base sends in a new rescue team of which you the player take control. Your task is to find Captain Blake and escort him back to Alaska. However the thing entity did not die with Whitley on that day...

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Комментарии игроков (10 шт.)

От: Zaj14 [0|0] | Дата 2016-02-28 08:25:19

Где можно скачать ету
часть бесплатно
От: 0PiXeL1 [19|6] | Дата 2015-12-14 23:24:08

По поводу Карантина, как там пройти начало, когда нужно обследовать тело пришельца, нигде подсказки не нашёл, даже по форуму разраба ползал, там писали многие про это, а потом "ааа, ясно, прошёл", а как хз. Что-то я не догоняю.
От: KHAARNE [69|8] | Дата 2015-12-12 16:48:53


ennead сказал:

Играл в текстовый квест по мотивам книги "Кто идёт?". "Карантин" называется.

это не книга, а повесть. РПГ мейкер это печально. Обожаю эту вселенную придется играть)
От: Hentaioni [4|2] | Дата 2013-12-04 15:48:23

Советую все же в официальную первую часть поиграть.
От: ennead [137|34] | Дата 2013-11-29 17:10:41


PRO100_CTAC сказал:

Играл в текстовый квест по мотивам книги "Кто идёт?". "Карантин" называется.

Чувак, спасибо за наводку, я лучше как раз в нее и поиграю
От: PRO100_CTAC [9|21] | Дата 2013-11-29 15:55:25

Играл в текстовый квест по мотивам книги "Кто идёт?". "Карантин" называется.
От: GARMONIYA [1|9] | Дата 2013-11-29 15:12:29

От: Bori3 [7|10] | Дата 2013-11-29 13:25:21


Adam_Newell сказал:

RPG maker?

Он самый
От: logotip5000 [5|3] | Дата 2013-11-29 11:58:24

а есть русская версия?
От: Adam_Newell [2|1] | Дата 2013-11-29 11:01:37

RPG maker?