Описание игры, торрент, скриншоты, видео
Скачать игру Apex Rush v1.2 / + Apex Rush Night Thunder v1.2 - торрент, игра на стадии разработки | Рейтинга пока нет |
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Hazardous (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Техника на колесах, гонки (1211)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 857.50 Мб.
Apex Rush - гоночная игра в стиле Trackmania и трюковых гонок GTA Online с режимом на время, быстрыми трюковыми прыжками, препятствиями и многим другим!
Игра обновлена до v1.2. Список изменений внутри новости.
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Доступны две различные версии игры:
Apex Rush Day - дневная версия игры с солнечной погодой.
Apex Rush Night Thunder - ночная версия игры с громом/молнией и дождем.
Apex Rush сделана в Unreal Engine 5.1
Не ожидайте, что будет легко, проехать трассу должно быть немного сложно.
Пока что поддерживается только управление с клавиатуры, мы постараемся решить проблему неработающего контроллера.
Физический движок, используемый для транспортного компонента, всё ещё находится в бета-версии (Chaos Vehicle), и может иметь некоторые незначительные ошибки!
General Improvements:
-Car handling has been tweaked, rise and fall rate of the wheels as well as the cornering stiffness. This will make steering easier both at high and low speeds.
-There's a new checkpoint before the loop section, which was added upon players request to make the map slightly easier to complete.
-You can now play using a controller! Same functions available as keyboard, and you can view these new controller binds in the main & pause menu. If there are issues with getting the controller to work, simply add the game to your Steam library and it will work perfectly.
-Foliage has been toned down and I cleared away 20,000 grass meshes to help with performance. These were barely visible to the player and not something players interact with that much.
-There's new settings in the graphic settings, that allows you to lower the reflection quality, as well as the effect quality. The effect quality takes into consideration a bunch of factors in the level and can help a lot if you have a lower end pc and experienced lag with the previous versions. You can now also save your graphic settings and they will stay the same upon loading the game up after being closed.
-There’s also an optimal quality button you can press which will load the best settings for your PC.
-Tire skid decals have been added to a few corners of the track for visual details.
Bug Fixes:
-Upon respawning before crossing the starting line you would teleport into the water, this has now been fixed and will spawn you back to the track.
-There's now a respawn layer to the water, that teleports the car to the last crossed checkpoint.
-The first person camera being stuck after respawning when failing the loop has been fixed and now puts you back in third person.
Apex Rush is my first game and a time attack track racing game featuring high speed stunt jumps, obstacles and more! It's also my first game I've ever made and published, so let me know what you think! As the game is still in development and only meant as a fun side project, there's currently only one map to set your time, but I'm planning on making more in the future.
2 видео, для переключения плейлиста - используйте кнопку меню слева:Ссылки для скачивания игры
Скачать Apex Rush v1.2 (857.50 Мб.):
Дневная версия игры с солнечной погодой
Apex Rush Night Thunder v1.2 (870.70 Мб.):
Скачать .torrent файл (прямая ссылка): apex_rush_night_thunder_v12_2.torrent
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