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Скачать игру Sinarun v1.5.3 [Steam Early Access] - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

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Игру добавил Elektra [7720|138] | 2016-08-03 (обновлено) | Тир, FPS, 3D-бродилки (3804) | Просмотров: 6395

Sinarun v1.5.3 [Steam Early Access]

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Princesseuh (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Тир, FPS, 3D-бродилки (3804)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 55.65 Мб.
• Похожие игры:
- Grip
- Infinity Runner v1.0u12
- Last Knight: Rogue Rider Edition v2.09u3

SinaRun - минималистический 3D-платформер от независимого разработчика Princesseuh. Цель в игре одна - установить лучшее время.

Игра ОБНОВЛЕНА с v1.5.2. до v1.5.3.. Список изменений внутри новости.

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Язык: Английский.

• Все подробности здесь.
• Все подробности здесь.
• Все подробности здесь.
General Changes
• ADDED Steam Achievements! I plan on adding more over the time when I can considering right now the game lack some systems to make 'advanced' achievements work. Also the current icons are low-quality but I'll be getting higher quality ones in the days to come hopefully. Depending on the artists availability
• ADDED a Status bar that show various info in game. Currently doesn't show as much as I would like it to. More info will be added in future updates!
• ADDED a little box of infos when selecting Levels. It show the level difficulty, your best local time, the dev time and various tags that relate to the levels. Blast Tendency for instance has the 'Sea of Platforms' tag where Unusual Downtown has the 'Slides' tag. This should help players find a level that suit them. Levels can have multiple tags aswell
• ADDED more precision to the sensibility setting. The lowest it can be is now 0.05 and it work by 0.05 increments (similar to CS:GO). The highest is still 10
• ADDED a button to apply custom FPS cap without having to click 'Back'
• CHANGE Enabled the 'View Full Leaderboard' button in the leaderboards. It open the Steam leaderboards page in your browser
• CHANGE Changed volume default value for new install to be 0.4 instead of 0.5. There hasn't been any complaints about default sound volume but I felt like it was too high
UI Visual Changes
• CHANGE Made buttons that are not clickable (also known as texts) a bit lighter so it's easier to see they are not clickable. This is for labels and stuff. Not deactivated buttons
• CHANGE Updated spacing in the settings menu to better separate things. The video settings is starting to get a little bit crowded with the new buttons and stuff so I'll see what I can do there in the next update
Map Changes
• CHANGE Updated developer time on Golden Opportunity
• FIXED Updated spawn height in Unusual Downtown, Blast Tendency, Elevated Highground, Wanderer Hideout, Sweet Sweet Celestial, Golden Opportunity, Slick Talk, Inner Synergy, White Roads (Classic) and Blue Collums (Classic) to be closer to the ground.
• This last change should fix a lot of issues people were having with starting levels. Specially in levels such as Elevated Highground and Wanderer Hideout people were often having trouble doing the first jump because they were actually airborne when starting.
• Please note that this doesn't mean the 'intended' spawn height is close to the ground. There's still possibilities for maps where you start airborne
Bug Fixes
• FIXED the scrollbar in the resolution settings not being placed correctly
• FIXED UI overlaying itself in multiplayer on Blue Horse
• FIXED a few errors in the Spanish translation (Thanks Rafa!)
• FIXED missing texts in the French translation (Thanks myself!)
• FIXED more untranslated texts in all translations
• FIXED Clear Input on Reset being enabled by default on new installations
• FIXED Anti-Aliasing and Shadow Distance not saving correctly on some systems (If you changed these settings before you'll have to change them again)
• FIXED various crashes or soft-locks related to leaderboards and lobbies creation
• FIXED various crashes related to corrupted settings. This is somewhat temporary as the saving system will completely change at some point
• FIXED the password input not being full width (For real this time hopefully!)
• FIXED the 'Join Game' button in the Steam UI not working on games that can be joined (Passworded or generally non-joinable lobbies can't be joined with this still)
• FIXED invites not working for joinable games in some cases and behaving weirdly (No more forced joining things). Still doesn't work on passworded lobbies and on clients that couldn't/didn't join the Steam Lobby. More work toward will be done at some point
• ADDED: Added Spanish translation by community member Rafa! Thanks to him.
• FIXED: Fixed the menu disappearing in multiplayer if while selecting a level using the 'Change Server Parameters' menu the player pressed back enough that it looped off or pressed the button too many times in a very quick succession
• FIXED: Updated Polish translation for all the text introduced in the 1.4.2 update
• FIXED: Fixed the 'No Scores Founds' not being translated. Also changed it to 'Loading...'
• FIXED: Fixed not being able to see the new Classic leaderboards in the menu
• FIXED: Fixed the main menu not being affected by visual settings
• FIXED: Enabled word-wrapping for the main menu (sentences too long will now be on two lines instead of either cutting off or taking too much spaces )
• FIXED: Normalized anti-aliasing behavior across levels. As always if you're not a fan of FXAA simply disable 'Post-Antialiasing' in the settings
• ADDED: Enabled Leaderboards on Blue Horse
• CHANGED: Changed lighting angle a little in Blue Horse to prevent the level being obscured too much
• FIXED: Fixed FoV sliders in game not working
• FIXED: Fixed the walk button not indicating correctly to which key it was binded
• FIXED: Fixed walk button not binding correctly in the main menu (worked in game)
• FIXED: Fixed being able to play while the menu was on if the player quitted during the animation
Смотреть здесь.

The goal? Simply make the best time! What will make you different from others players is not the cheap ability you’ll get on the playground. It’s how good you’ll be at optimizing jumps, turns and general route-finding. The race is 100% pure.

The game is designed to be Easy to Play, Hard to Master. You should be able to pick-up the game and play it correctly after some try. Thing is how many ‘try’ will you need to be the best?

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Комментарии игроков (1 шт.)

От: Voxel_Dragon [9|1] | Дата 2015-10-29 14:03:21

Почему-то кажется, что эта игра похожа на серию "Armed with wings". Кстати, "Крылатого" было бы хорошо сделать трёхмерным от первого лица.