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Скачать игру FATHOM v0.1.0 r1260 [Alpha] - игра на стадии разработки

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Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2015-01-23 (обновлено) | Тир, FPS, 3D-бродилки (3883) | Просмотров: 7982

FATHOM v0.1.0 r1260 [Alpha]

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от fathomthegame (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Тир, FPS, 3D-бродилки (3883); Стратегии (3612); Сетевые / ХотСит (2299)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 71.82 Мб.

FATHOM - динамичная, подводная, стратегическая, боевая игра, в которой Вам понадобятся быстрые рефлексы, навыки пилотирования и тактическое мышление, чтобы выжить. Сочетая в себе уникальную комбинацию шутера от первого лица и стратегии в реальном времени, FATHOM изначально предназначен для мультиплеерной игры, но также откроет некоторые режимы для одиночных сражений.

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с 0.1.0 r1007 до 0.1.0 r1260. Список изменений внутри.

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Язык интерфейса: Английский
Движок: Unity

+ Unit list is now broken up into groups
* ShopUI will now update properly after research items complete.
* Fixed bug where command rose arrow would be sometimes be skewed.
* SettingsUI can now be viewed in-game with OVR.
* Weapons now fire correctly while freelooking.

+ Added Oculus Rift Support
+ Added new Torpedo Frigate & Pirate Frigate models
+ Added new lobby system to game start/hosting
+ Bombers now fire plasma torpedoes at structures for more damage
+ Various visual improvements to UI
+ Added command line options "-ovr" & "-no-ovr" to toggle Oculus Rift function

+ Added new Minefield model, and MineSweeper unit.
+ Added new Drone mode and Drone Commander creep units.
+ Added new Remora model.
+ Added new Bomber and Interceptor models.
+ Added new Factory model.
+ Added hit marker to HUD, with sound that plays on impact.
+ Added stat tracking, and end-game tally screen that appears post-match.
+ Improved HUD with new depth gauge, compass, and artificial horizon widgets.
+ Improved and completed XBox/Gamepad controls.
+ Added glass cracking/leaking effects to cockpit.
* Improved engine sound.
* Improved/Fixed some visual fx issues.
* Removed 'knit sweaters' on cockpit handle model.
* Lots of balance/cost/time tweaks.
* Added timescaling and rough spectator mode for debugging/screenshots.

+ Added new Minesweeper Frigate unit.
+ Added new Triton DSV.
+ Added new cockpit for Blackshark DSV with damage FX.
+ Added new 3D hud now present in 1st & 3rd person views. Adds compass, depth dial, and artificial horizon widgets.
* XBox/Gamepad controls fully functional.
* Updated Blackshark engine sound.
* Updated mine model.
* Updated repair buoy model.
* Updated many small FX.
* Many balance tweaks.

+ Added damage classes/armor. Bullets -> Fighters, Torpedos -> Capital Ships, Beam -> Structures
+ Added new turrets beam and torpedo.
+ Added new torpedo frigate for anti-cap ship.
+ Improved detail on death messages.
+ Various tweaks to costs and build tree/times to expand on the mid game.
+ Added new factory model, no normal/texture maps yet.
+ Added bobbing effect while DSV is idle.
+ Added sound for structure descents.
+ Added new barrier model and fxs.
+ Fixed a slew of bugs.

+ Added new Destroyer model with new weapons and construction fx.
+ Added stages of damage fX on all capital ships.
+ Added countermeasure launcher to DSVs to avoid homing torpedos.
+ Added water/bubble effects during all structure descents.
+ Added new railgun shot fx (not finished).
+ Added bobbing effect when DSVs are idling.
* Changed some controls around slightly to be more natural, see tutorial.
* Updated wave defense mode to be a little more balanced. Still needs work.
* Updated tutorial texts.
- All beacons are now damageable.

+ New improved model for BlackShark DSV
+ Improved fancier targeting box.
+ Added arrow-to-target arrow on HUD when target is out of view.
+ Improved grabber sounds.
+ Version & revision now shown on main menu.
* Fixed broken sandbox mode link
* Fixed bug in shop/tutorial when clicking wrong item.
* Targetting for items no longer requires mesh renders.
* Can no longer bring up chat in tutorial.

+ Deployables now purchasable at Factory.
+ Improved autogun and general weapon FX.
+ Improvements to vehicle controls.
+ Added RSS feed to main menu.
+ Capital factories now show what's being built on platform. No more descending units.
+ Added target and grabber on dashboard screens, needs more icons.
+ Added a one unit command option on V key.
- Removed purchasable kamikaze.
- Max players reduced to 4 for now.
* Improved capital ship behavior so an entire group will try and get a shot off on a target.
* New DSV hangar mechanic, research/buy DSV, then fly through garage to change.
* Shop buying has changed. Queueing is free, buy is only for top queue item. (Like SupCom2)
* Large amount of bug fixes and balance tweaks, pricing, time, etc.

* Extractor & RogueFrigate can now be targetted correctly.
* Depth charges should now explode properly.
* Turrets should now behave properly.
+ Command Rose now snaps to the intended command.
+ Improved tutorial, sped up build times.
+ Simplified Extractor collider to avoid AI confusion.
+ Units now descend from Factories.
+ Improved Surface Relay spawn points.
+ Command Rig now has 15% more health.

* Command Rigs now spawn at their assigned spawn point, as soon as a player connects.
* Tighten up controls and defaulted to Descent style motion.
+ Tutorial revamped. Added hooks for Sandbox Mode.

+ First person view with cockpit added.
+ SO much stuff, need to go back and update this.

- Targeting system added, (default: Q)
- Revamped unit command system, added "form on me", "guard position", "engage enemy", "attack my target" commands.
- Commands work now by pressing f1-f4 to select group, and then pressing f1-f4 again to select a command.
- Added leash distance to units in guarding, when they have no target, they'll return to their guard position, and not wander off.
- Added skybox and light fading as depth increases on openwater.
- Increased network updates dramatically, will have to moniter performance and network flooding.
- Added Settings->Input UI to adjust mouse sensitivity and invert Y axis.
- Removed select DSV from escape menu.

- Interceptor shot damage decreased.
- Bomber torpedo damage increased.
- AutoClaimer and Turret have now been merged into a single deployable.
- Improved Collector behaviors to be more efficient with large clusters of metal.
- Unclaimed metal will now disappear after 5 minutes of being unclaimed.
- All DSVs and units no longer collide with friendly barriers.
- Capital ships will no longer maneuver to attack a single small craft.
- Extractors increase the size of their metal-per-5 infusions over time. Full blue bar is 20metal/5sec, empty is 5metal/5sec.

FATHOM is a fast paced submarine strategic combat game where you’ll need quick reflexes, piloting skills, sound strategies, and tactical leadership to survive. Bringing a unique combination of First-Person-Shooter (FPS) and Real-Time-Strategy (RTS), FATHOM is primarily a multi-player game, but will initially offer some game modes that can be played offline, and ultimately hopes to expand into a truly immersive single player experience. Take control of a Deep Submergence Vehicle (DSV) and prepare for battle. Use beacons to call down structures from the sea surface and layout your base of operations to begin your campaign. Construct units and command your fleet into the heart of your enemy’s base! Set up blockades of deployable turrets and mines to defend strategic locations from your enemies. Call to the planet surface for depth charge bombardments or bring huge capital ships to bear in an all-out epic war beneath the waves!

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Комментарии игроков (2 шт.)

От: MJRS [0|2] | Дата 2015-01-24 11:22:46

чем-то напоминает sub culture.
От: ZOXIN [28|65] | Дата 2015-01-23 20:21:04

Выглядит интересненько, хотя я где-то это уже видел. Так сколько лет это уже в альфе? У разработчика на сайте данные еще с августа 2014...