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Скачать бесплатную игру Sky Titans v1.0b - торрент | Рейтинга пока нет | Баллы: 5 |
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Allllo (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Тир, FPS, 3D-бродилки (3900); Сетевые / ХотСит (2305)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Бесплатная игра
• Размер / Size: 127.39 Мб.
Sky Titans - уникальный футуристический шутер от первого лица, где гравитация вашего персонажа зависит от вашего поворота. В игре есть одиночная кампания, мультиплеерный режим и кооперативные миссии.
Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с Demo 1.95 до ПОЛНОЙ 1.0b. Список изменений внутри.
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Язык интерфейса: Английский
W/A/S/D - движение
ЛКМ - стрелять
ПКМ - приблизить
R - перезарядка
E - рукопашный бой
Shift - специальный прыжок
Пробел - обычный прыжок
V - активировать киллстрики
Tab - статичтика
G,H - гранаты
1,2,3,4, колесико - смена оружия
Hey folks! So finally, the 1.0 version arrived! Sadly it has not reached the status I wanted it to be, but I just had the urge to release something in order to let you know that I´m still working on it. It´s been a long time since I posted anything. Sky Titans is having a big overhaul. I´m constantly working on it to have a more stable version with every release. To keep things short I´ll just list the changes:
• The first mission, the Prolog is now available and playable
• New and more voices!
• More story pieces
• Overworked A.I.
• Better graphic
• Better music
• More stable!
• New maps!
• Better UI
• Better balancing
• Better Network Code
• LAN-Mode
• Serverlists (now actually working!)
• Better music So all in all nothing really new (except for maybe some new maps), but instead a big overhaul and polishing.
Version 1.95:
Hey Folks! Sadly I couldn´t implement all features I wanted, because I had to finish everything before the deadline for the 15th IGF. So in this version you get the first Chapter of the story, which will give you an insight to the plot. I added a new Gamemode for the multiplayer called "CRASHSIDE" which is similar to Crysis 2´s crashside mode. I´ll upload a video soon! Besides that you can learn the gameplay mechanic of Sky Titans in the Tutorial, which i highly recommend to play first! I really hope you like it! You may ask why it took that long and what i´ve done until now. Well the multiplayer code basis was very inefficient so i used the time in summerbreak to recode the whole mulitplayer code. The story mode was something i had done last month. And there are a lot of things i coulnd´t implement because of time pressure. But i hope you´ll like it anyway!
Version 1.9:
This version contains some new elements! So the biggest feature is the botmode. You need to select "Singleplayer" in the menu. In this mode you fight against waves of bots! You collect points by killing them. Points will be uploaded to a scoreboard! This way you can enjoy this game even without internet connection. I´ll hopefully introduce the Storymode in version 2.0! However the Multiplayer got some bugfixes, a better weaponbalance and mapvoting! Yes, mapvoting! This leads to new maps of course! So now there are 4 maps to fight each other. You always have the choise between 2 maps. Besides that there is now music to make your battles more epic! The tracks are placeholders at the moment but will be changed later.
The game is about the 4 major space federations who want to get a new found element called Trytorinium, which can only be found on several planets in the Unknown sectors. The federations use the newest technology including the new Gravity-Boots. This Gravity-Boots allow you to walk on every surface. You can walk around edges, on walls, on the top of the room and so on.
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