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Скачать игру Alice Toys of Madness v1.1.1 - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

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Игру добавил Kusko [2515|32] | 2024-12-25 (обновлено) | Аркадные шутеры (2241) | Просмотров: 1592

Alice Toys of Madness v1.1.1

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Jekyll Grim Payne (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Аркадные шутеры (2241); Ретро-игры (DOS, Win 9x) (653)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 97.00 Мб.
• Похожие игры:
- American McGee's Alice HD 2020 v1.2.3
- American McGee's Alice / Алиса. Гроза Зазеркалья

Alice Toys of Madness - мод для Doom, который переносит в игру оружие и некоторые геймплейные системы из American McGee's Alice и (в меньшей степени) Alice: Madness Returns.

Игра обновлена до v1.1.1. Список изменений внутри новости.

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Особенности игрока
• 3D-модель для игрока с различными моделями мира для оружия и множеством анимаций
• Двойной прыжок
• Быстрый удар
• Система противоскольжения при приземлении после прыжка, если игрок не нажимает кнопки движения (или нажимает их в направлении, противоположном первоначальному прыжку).

• Вострый нож: Нарежьте врагов на кубики! Бросайте нож, чтобы вонзить его во врагов, а затем вызовите его одним нажатием кнопки.
• Игрушечная лошадка: Сокрушите противников могучими ударами или выполните атаку с падением, используя вторичный огонь. Обратите внимание: чем дольше падение, тем выше урон!
• Игральные карты: Острые снаряды с небольшим самонаведением. Альтернативный огонь выпускает залп таких снарядов с отложенным самонаведением. Идеально подходит для средних и дальних дистанций.
• Звёздочки: Бросайте эти пронзающие снаряды, поражающие гравитацию, с диким остервенением, или бросайте кучу ищущих валетов, которые некоторое время будут безжалостно отскакивать к врагам, но не позволят вам бросать их до тех пор, пока они не вернутся к вам.
• Перцемолка: Это ваш пулемет со вкусом перца. Альтернативный огонь поворачивает рукоятку в другую сторону, превращая ее в импровизированный дробовик!
• Чайная пушка: пускает струйки супергорячего чая, которые взрываются и отравляют врагов, в которых попадает. Не бойтесь перегрева - вы можете выпустить накопившийся пар с помощью альтернативного огня (он также отталкивает врагов!).
• Ледяной жезл: Поток леденящего холода проходит сквозь врагов, замедляя их и превращая в кристаллы льда. Альтернативная атака создает временную ледяную стену, которая защищает вас от атак. Подсказка: как только ледяная стена начнет таять, ударьте по ней первичной атакой, чтобы восстановить ее целостность!
• Бармаглотов жезл: Глаз требует некоторого времени для зарядки, но затем выпускает смертоносный и идеально точный луч, а когда вы прекращаете атаку, он завершает свое целенаправленное разрушение мощной магической ракетой. Вторичная атака имеет больше времени на зарядку, но зато она проливает дождь разрушений на выбранную область.
• Мушкетон: Тссс... БУМ! Это все, что вам теперь нужно. Самое приятное, что оно не может нанести вам урон!
• Быстрый удар: В любой момент Алиса может выполнить это элегантное движение, чтобы нанести урон и оттолкнуть врага.

Уникальные бонусы
• Торт (заменяет сферу неуязвимости): Он заставляет вас расти, превращая удары ногами в затаптывание, а вражеские атаки - в безобидную щекотку.
• Ящик ярости (заменяет "Берсерк"): Регенерация, снижение урона и, самое главное, ярость! Вы будете вынуждены использовать свой нож, но он будет наносить сокрушительный урон.
• Зеркало (заменяет "Невидимость" ака "Пятно"): Настоящая невидимость. Враги не будут знать, где вы находитесь, пока вы не поднимете шум, атакуя, но даже это предупреждение будет лишь временным.

В сборке использована карта Lullaby.

Changes and new features


Minimum ZScript version bumped to 4.12.2. (You shouldn't use 4.12 or 4.12.1 anyway because those versions have bugs.)
Added proper support for the ability to change your player colors in the Player Settings menu (this menu will now also display Alice's portrait instead of Doomguy's sprites). The originally blue sections of Alice's dress will utilize the player color you set.
Melee weapons now feature input buffering. This means that to perform another swing/slash you will no longer have to press the attack button within a specific short window; instead, just make sure you press once to attack, let go, and then press again at any pointer during the animation, and that input will be buffered, and the animation will proceed to the next swing after that. This will make melee combos much easier to perform and controls will feel much more reponsive.

Third-person mode

This is still primarily a 1st-person mod, but there are some updates to 3rd-person camera made in this version. This version offers a new optional 3rd-person camera that can replace the built-in GZDoom's chasecam.

Under the Mod Settings menu, you'll now find a new option: 3rd-person camera mode with 4 options: Standard chasecam (uses the built-in chasecam that comes with GZDoom), Classic (imitates camera from American McGee's Alice), Over the shoulder (an over-the-shoulder camera, slightly more similar to Resident Evil 4, or Alice: Madness Returns) and Custom (you have control over everything).
3rd-person camera is still activated alongside GZDoom's chasecam, so you need to press the chasecam button to activate it.
If 3rd-person camera mode is set to "Custom", you can utilize options under the "Custom camera mode options" section: Distance, Horizontal offset and Vertical offset.
There's also a new input, Swap shoulder button, which swaps the shoulder. It works when you're either using an Over the shoulder camera mode, or a Custom mode with non-zero horizontal offset. Pressing it will flip the camera's horizontal position to the other side.

Expanded 3rd-person animations and models

Each weapon attack now has a unique associated 3rd-person animation. For example, the Vorpal Knife, which has 3 different attack animations in 1st person (left-to-right slash, right-to-left slash and overhead slash) will now show 3 different 3rd-person animations too.
Alice's model will appropriately change in Rage Mode, like it did in American McGee's Alice. This includes both an animation (it'll trigger when interacting with the Rage Box object in the world) and a change in the model and texture (eyes glowing red, horns and spider-like appendages growing on her, left hand turning into a claw).
With Mock Turtle Shell active (the mod's replacement for Radiation Shielding Suit) Mock Turtle's shell model will appear on Alice.

In-world crosshair

There's now a new in-world crosshair that imitates the look of the purple glowing crosshair from American McGee's Alice. It's primarily intended for third person, but you have an option to activate it in first person too. Under Mod Settings, use the "In-world crosshair replaces reticle" option.

This crosshair usually looks like a simple purple dot, but some weapons define unique-looking crosshair, notably the Playing Cards and the Teapot Cannon. Note, there are some known bugs with this crosshair, which are mostly caused by limitations of the available methods to create such a thing in GZDoom.
Movement updates

Platforming and jumping in Doom is difficult because of slippery movement: even when you stop pressing movement keys, the player will slide on the ground due to weird friction. Version 0.9.0 of the mod tried to make jumping and platforming a bit easier by adding a feature where the player's velocity would be quickly negated if you stopped pressing movement keys when landing after a jump. Version 1.0.0 introduces updates to this system:

You now have 10 tics of coyote time! This system is fairly common in platforming games nowadays, but in case you're not familiar with it, here's what it does: when crossing a ledge, instead of immediately falling, you'll essentially walk on air for 10 tics, and you'll be able to jump off it too, which makes it much easier to jump off a ledge precisely.
In 3rd person mode Alice will now have non-slippery movement at all times. You'll be able to change your movement direction instantly (not only after landing, but also during regular movement).
In 1st person, aside from coyote time, you'll move like before: largely it'll feel the same was as in Doom, with one exception: if you land after a jump and you don't press any movement keys, or you try to move backwards, your forward momentum will be almost instantly nullified. This will make jumps a lot more controllable even in 1st person, eliminating the cases where you landed correctly but then slipped off a platform due to weird friction.

New throwable weapon: Jackbomb

Jackbomb from American McGee's Alice is now a part of the mod with one caveat: it's not a full separate weapon, but a simple activateable item that fires a projectile upon activation. In short, it's like a quick grenade. To keep things simple, it only has one attack, where it first sprays flames around and then explodes. (In the original game it also had another attack which was just an explosion, but it has always seemed redundant and somewhat boring in comparison to the flamethrower attack, so I opted not to include it.)

Jackbomb pickups spawn randomly next to other ammo pickups. Under the hood there's an algorithm that prevents Jackbomb pickups from spawning too close to each other, so even if many ammo pickups appear in the same place, they won't have many Jackbomb pickups next to them. They will be spread by distance.
You can carry up to 15 Jackbombs, and they have a separate indicator in the HUD. There's also a separate button to use them, which you can configure in the Mod Settings menu.
In contrast to usable items in Heretic or Hexen, for example, Jackbombs have a delay between uses. That delay is represented in the HUD by a grey background appearing behind the Jackbomb icon.
Jackbomb has one attack: after landing on the ground, Jack will pop out of the box and start spraying flames around itself. After a few turns, it explodes, spawning one final ring of flame. Note, the flames can't hurt you (in constrat to how this weapon works in the original game), but the explosion can, so use it with care. Flames don't deal too much damage, but they apply a DoT effect on most monsters, and they can sometimes force their pain animation, so this weapon is more of a support tool for crowd control than a fully-fledge damage dealer.

AWICVKNF Vorpal Knife

Added input buffering for easier combos (see General) both for Knife and Claw (Rage Box mode) attacks.
Added an extra fail-safe for recalling the knife: if the knife was recalled but doesn't return to Alice for over 6 seconds, it'll be put into her hand forcefully, wherever it was.

AWICHHRS Hobby Horse

Hobby Horse received significant buffs and upgrades to how it feels to use. Previously it felt underwhelming compared to the faster Vorpal Knife, so now it features easier combo-ing, stun capabilities and optionally charged swings.

Added input buffering for easier combos (see General). Note, input buffering won't work if you press altfire twice in a row to avoid awkward cases of performing double jumping attacks. Any other combo (multiple primary attacks, or going primary→secondary or secondary→primary any number of times) will be buffered normally.
The Hobby Horse can now stun enemies. Stun chance is based on the enemy's current health (beginning at 100% with 300 health or below, and capping at 30% at 2000 health or above), and stun duration is based on how many hits you perform in succession (not necessarily on the same enemy), between 12 tics starting at 1st hit, and capping at 35 tics at the 8th hit.
When performing each swing you now have an option to hold the attack button instead of tapping: if you do that, the swing can be charged. Charging the swing adds up to 20 bonus damage (if you hold for 18 tics or more) and increases stun duration for up to 12 extra tics.
While performing the jumping attack (secondary), you will not collide with monsters (or other players). This will help avoid awkward moments where you end up on top of another monster after a jumping attack. Now you will instead fly through them until you hit the floor. If after the attack you end up inside a monster/player, you will still not collide with them until your collision boxes stop overlapping. (This is done so that you don't end up stuck inside a monster after a jumping attack).
Attack ranged increased from 70 to 80.
Base damage reduced from 50 to 40 for left/right swings, and from 65 to 60 for overhead swing. This is to balance the fact that you can stun with it and also charge swings for extra damage.


Increased damage dealt by secondary-mode Jacks: 17 → 20 per hit
Previously, if the alternative attack was fired at an enemy nearby and the Jacks hit the enemy before they hit a floor, they wouldn't consider it a target until they've bounced off geometry at least once. This is now changed, and throwing Jacks in alt mode into an enemy will immediately register the enemy as the Jacks' target, so they'll proceed to damage and bounce off it as usual.

AWICPPGR Pepper Grinder

It was generally in a good place but it received some changes to its secondary attack (pepper spray).

Secondary attack:
Damage per projectile is now 10 base damage + random bonus damage between 0 and 10.
Projectiles can now pierce enemies, but the damage of each projectile is reduced on each pierce. Whenever a projectile hits a victim, its base damage value (which is 10 by default) is reduced. The amount of reduction depends on the actor's max health. The minimum reduction is 50% (for actors who have 100 or less base health), and the maximum is 100% (for actors who have 500 health or more). This means that, for example, a single projectile can pierce through 2 zombiemen (dealing 10 + bonus damage to the first one and 5 + bonus damage to the second one). If after the hit the base damage becomes 0 or less, the projectile immediately dies, otherwise it'll be allowed to fly through the actor and potentially damage another one.
Note that bonus damage does not get reduced: it's always between 0 and 10. BUT if base damage is 0, the projectile disappears, so it's not possible for it to deal bonus damage without being able to deal base damage.
These projectiles will no longer linger visually if they can't actually deal any damage: if the projectile has become harmless, it immediately disappears. If you can still see it flying, that means it's still able to deal some damage.


Will now spawn as a secondary replacement for SSG, Rocket Launcher and Plasma Rifle pools. This means, it'll replace the SSG if you already have the Jacks; the Rocket Launcher if you already have the Teapot Cannon; the Plasma Rifle if you already have the Eyestaff. (Previously, the Ice Wand was a primary replacement for the Plasma Rifle pool only.)
Ice walls spawned by the alternative attack will now also shield you from splash damage such as explosions.


Generally, the Eyestaff received very significant buffs with reduced ammo consumption, increased beam damage, faster alt attack charge rate. It still features fairly high ammo consumption rate, but you will now be able to get way more value for the resource you spend, and the alt attack will be much easier to control. Also, the beam attack is now much easier to pull off due to shorter charge time, but to balance that out, it's no longer guaranteed to fire a projectile once you stop channeling the beam. Instead, it'll only fire a projectile once you've been channeling the beam long enough.

Beam (primary attack):
Pre-fire charge time reduced from 30 to 12 tics.
Once you stop firing the beam, the Eyestaff will no longer always fire a projectile. Instead, the projectile will only be fired if you've been channeling the beam for 3 whole seconds. Note, if the projectile wasn't fired, the associated long animation won't play as well, allowing you to fire the beam again very quickly.
If you stop firing the beam, the accumulated charge will decay gradually instead of being fully cleared immediately. This will allow firing the beam in short burst much more easily. Note, the accumulated charge will still be cleared if you've been channeling the beam long enough to charge and fire a projectile afterwards.
Attack rate increased from once per 2 tics to once every tic.
Damage per tic increased from 4.5 to 7.
Significantly increased the beam's stunlock potential.
Primary-mode projectile (fired once you stop firing the beam):
Normalized direct hit damage: 40*1d8 → 100
Will no longer deal any damage to the player who shot it. This means you can safely stop firing the beam without worrying about damaging yourself with the sometimes unavoidable projectile that follows it.

Secondary attack:
The aiming indicator used by the alternative attack now features a clock-like animation that reflects the level of charge. When reaching full charge, the aiming circle features an additional animation (where the circle is briefly projected upward) to better highlight you've reached max charge.
Charge rate increased x3 (from 1 per 3 tics to 1 every tic)
Maximum charge value increased: 40 → 42
Ammo consumption reduced from 2 per every charge tic to ~1.25 per charge tic. Full charge will now consume 52 Malice energy points (was 80).
Reduced the amount of time between the moment the charge has ended and when projectiles start raining down to 30 tics (less than a second). Combined with increased charge rate and projectile spawn rate, this significantly improves control over where and when the projectiles will hit.
Reduced the duration of the animation where visual projectiles spawn around you (before the actual meteor shower begins) x2.
Secondary-mode projectiles (fired from the sky):
Will now deal only 25% of splash damage to the player who fired the attack (meaning, you can usually stand under the meteor shower and not die).
Projectiles will now be fired at monsters in the aim area instead of at random. Note, they are only aimed at enemies initially but don't continue homing after they were fired.
Decreased projectile direct hit damage: 100 → 15.
Decreased projectile explosion damage: 80 → 30.

AWICBBUS Bluderbuss

It will be much easier to find, and it'll also be more powerful than before.

Bluderbuss will now always spawn as a replacement for the BFG9000. (Previously, it would only appear if you already had found the Eyestaff before, which required finding two BFG9000 spawns in one playthrough, or two Plasma Rifle spawns and a BFG9000 spawn in one playthrough).
Ammo consumption per shot decreased: 100 → 60 (total number of shots with full mana increased from 3 to 5).
Direct hit damage normalized: 80 * 1d8 → 300.
Explosion damage increased: 512 → 1024 (explosion radius remains unchanged at 512).

Bug fixes

Pickup sprites will no longer appear stretched/squished based on the current level's pixelratio.
Growth Cake powerup:
Fixed subsequent powerup pickups not refreshing the current powerup's duration.
Fixed incorrect/inconsistent attack height when using the powerup.
Fixed some sprite layers flickering or being incorrectly scaled while using the powerup.
Adjusted weapon sprite positions while using the powerup, so that they don't look too misaligned compared to the point where projectiles come out of.
Camera textures (used by the Ice Wand reflection effect and the first-person Looking-Glass Mirror powerup animation) will now properly change the camera height when using the Growth Cake.
Fixed Magic Rose not providing any armor on pickup.
Fixed subsequent Looking-Glass Mirror powerup pickups not refreshing the current one's duration.


Fixed weapon sprite issues where the sprite would be incorrectly positioned/rotated when quickly switching from one animation to another (this could be previously observed, for example, by swinging the Vorpal Knife and then immediately switching to the Pepper Grinder).
Fixed certain cases when a looped sound emitted by a weapon (such as Eyestaff or Pepper Grinder) would persist if the weapon was deselected or suddenly removed (such as by player dying, dropping the weapon, or the weapon being taken away by scripts0.
Fixed primary-mode Jacks being able to pierce through actors with the DONTRIP flag, and playing sound effects constantly when trying to pierce them. (Secondary-mode Jacks can still pierce any actor, since this is a core part of their mechanic.)
Fixed collision and bouncing issues with the secondary attack. Jacks will no longer occasionally clip through geometry, and also won't try to fly towards enemies behind walls. If there's no line of sight between a jack and an enemy it's targeting, it'll bounce off a surface as usual.
Fixed secondary-mode Jacks having issues with ripping through some actors.
Ice Wand:
Fixed ice walls (alt attack) being movable by splash damage. They're now completely stationary, as intended.
Fixed some monsters still producing a death sound when frozen solid.
Fixed misaligned Eyestaff beam direction.
Fixed swing attack (Knife, Hobby Horse) and quick kick not activating shootable switches.
Fixed a bug where the Vorpal Knife would hang in the air after being stuck in an enemy who died and disappeared (such as Lost Souls). Now the Knife will fall to the ground in this case (unless it gets recalled before that happens, of course).
Fixed a bug where saving a game and loading that save while a Vorpal Knife or Playing Cards were stuck in a double-sided moving wall would detach them from that wall. (For example, a Vorpal Knife stuck in a door or elevator would stop moving with that door/elevator after loading a safe; this is now fixed.)


Hobby Horse - secondary attack:
Performing alt attack on the ground will momentarily push away nearby shootable actors as long as they aren't boss monsters and don't have bDontThrust.
Throw velocity is calculated as player's velocity at the moment of jump * factor, where the factor is a value between 0.9 (if the enemy's mass is 100) and 0.5 (if the enemy's mass is 1000), but not clamped to these values.
The swing movement of the horse when performing the jump now deals damage, like a regular swing attack, except it doesn't stun or push enemies it hits (so it doesn't interfere with the jump attack itself), and doesn't produce wall impact sounds if it hits geometry. This swing will deal 10 damage in the main swing phase and then 50 damage in the falling phase.
Blunderbuss buffs:
Ammo consumption per shot reduced from 60 to 50 (6 shots in total instead of 5)
Explosion damage buffed from 1024 to 1200
The no-falloff damage distance increased from 256 to 320 (explosion will deal full damage within this distance)
Revised ammo spawning rules:
Cell ammo can now be replaced either with green or purple mana (previously was always purple). New chances are: Cell - 50% green, 50% purple; Cell Pack - 30% green, 70% purple.
Both Clip and Shell can still be replaced by yellow or green mana, but the chances are now different. Clip - 80% yellow, 20% green; Shell - yellow 40%, green 60%; Clip Box - yellow 20%, green 80%; Shell Box - yellow 60%, green 40%.
If mana is dropped by an enemy rather than spawned in the world, it'll always be a small version of the mana pickup, and enemies will never drop two mana pickups at once.
If one ammo pickup is replaced with two mana pickups (most mana types have a chance of that happening), they will be much more likely to be both small pickups.
Improved non-English-letter glyphs in the fonts.
The health/armor numbers on the HUD are now much bigger and better placed.

New features

All weapon pickups now have a pulsing brightness effect to make them more visible.
Under the hood, a new system for displaying debug information was added. Curious players may find it under the Debug submenu in Alice: Toys of Madness settings.

Bug fixes

Fixed an issue during Hobby Horse's alt attack that caused the red trails to disappear under Alice.
Fixed Eyestaff's beam appearing incorectly positioned during the first frame of its attack.
Fixed Alice's 3rd-person model animation issues when holding/charging Hobby Horse's swings.
Fixed Vorpal Knife hits producing sparks from bleeding monsters. They will now properly appear only when hitting geometry and non-bleeding but shootable actors.
Fixed some issues with melee attack sounds.
Fixed dust devils produced when Alice moves not having the NOTIMEFREEZE flag.
Fixed missing localizations.

New features

Added faint steam particles raising above the Ice Wand in first person

Bug fixes

Fixed Teapot Cannon in-world aiming indicator triggering teleporters (causing teleport fog to spawn and teleport sound to play)
Fixed the reflection in the ice crystal of the Ice Wand first-person sprites catching parts of the player model, causing odd visuals
Fixed a minor mistake in MENUDEF that triggered a console warning (without any negative consequences)
Some minor internal code cleanup


Coyote time no longer negates gravity. You can jump off air but you can't walk on it. This will prevent awkward floaty movement next to small ledges (especially stairs).

New features

These new features are aimed to be complete by v1.1.0, so while they are present in v1.0.1, they are subject to change by the next release.

Added configurable shadow under Alice. The shadow can be fully 3D or a simple blob (adjustable in Mod Settings). The intention with it is to serve as a simple marker of the spot above which you are located, like in classic platformer games.
Added dust devils spawned at Alice's feet while she's moving on the ground.
The scale of the Eyestaff beam will now slightly jitter to match the jittering of the weapon itself, making the look of the beam a little more dynamic

Bug fixes

Fixed cases where dealing damage to a voodoo dolls could cause a VM abort
Fixed Eyestaff beam not appearing at all if the attack hit a sky or horizon
Fixed a minor oversight where receiving a Rage powerup directly (e.g. through cheats), in contrast to getting it from the Rage Box world object, would not fully switch Alice's model to Rage version

Play as Alice and lay waste to the demons! Features unique weapons, some unique items, entirely custom sprites, and some familiar 3D models and sounds.

Player features
• 3D model for the player with different world-models for weapons and multiple animations
• Double jump
• Quick kick
• Anti-slip system when landing after a jump if the player is not pressing movement buttons (or pressing them in the opposite direction of the original jump).

• Vorpal Knife: Slice and dice, go snicker-snack! Throw the knife to stick it into enemies, then recall it at a press of a button.
• Hobby Horse: Crush your opponents with mighty blows, or perform a plunging attack with secondary fire. Note, the plunge, the higher the damage!
• Playing Cards: Sharp projectiles with mild homing capabilities. Secondary fire launches a volley of them with delayed homing. Perfect for medium and long range.
• Jacks: Throw these piercing gravity-affected projectiles with wild abandon, or throw a bunch of seeking jacks that will mercilessly bounce toward enemies for a time but will lock you out of throwing more until they return to you.
• Pepper Grinder: This is your pepper-flavored chaingun. Secondary fire turns the handle the other way, turning it into a makeshift shotgun!
• Teapot Cannon: Launch blobs of super-hot tea that explode and poison enemies they hit. Don't be afraid of overheating—you can let out the accumulated steam with secondary fire (it also pushes enemies away!)
• Ice Wand: The stream of freezing cold passes through enemies, slowing them down and eventually turning them into ice crystals. Secondary attack creates a temporary ice wall that shields you from attacks. Hint: once the ice wall starts to melt, hit it with primary attack to restore its integrity!
• Jabberwock's Eye Staff: The eye needs a bit of time to charge up, but then lets out a deadly and perfectly precise beam, and once you stop attacking, it finishes its focused destruction with a powerful magic missile. Secondary attack has a longer charge time, but it'll rain destruction over the selected area.
• Bluderbuss: Tsss... BOOM! That's all you need to now. The neat thing is, it can't damage you!
• Quick kick: At any time Alice can perform this elegant move to deal damage and push threats away.

Unique powerups
• The Cake (replaces Invulnerability Sphere): It makes you grow, turning kicks into stomps, and enemy attacks into harmless tickling.
• Rage Box (replaces Berserk): Regeneration, reduced damage, and, most importantly RAGE! You will be locked to using your knife, but it will deal devastating damage.
• Looking-Glass Mirror (replaces Invisibility aka Blursphere): A true invisibility. Enemies won't know where you are—until you make some noise by attacking, that is, but even that alert will be only temporary.

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Если ты нашёл "мёртвую" ссылку - дави значок [X] рядом с ней и ссылка в ближайшее время будет перезалита.

Дополнительные файлы для игры

Если ты нашел новую версию игры Alice Toys of Madness v1.1.1, либо русификатор к ней, патч, левелпак или мод - сообщи об этом редактору новости, он добавит сюда доп. файл.
Отправка личных сообщений доступна только после регистрации.

Комментарии игроков (0 шт.)

От: gay_developer [9|9] | Дата 2021-08-14 00:14:09
