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Описание игры, торрент, скриншоты, видео

Скачать игру Rogue Agents v0.1.1 [Season 1] - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

Рейтинга пока нет
Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2017-07-02 | Аркадные шутеры (2201) | Просмотров: 6369

Rogue Agents v0.1.1 [Season 1]

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от LAI MASSIVE (7)
• Жанр / Genre: Аркадные шутеры (2201); Тир, FPS, 3D-бродилки (3815); Сетевые / ХотСит (2290)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 476.28 Мб.

Rogue Agents - мультиплеерный шутер от третьего лица с кастомизацией персонажа, пятью разными классами (Medic, Recon, Engineer, Heavy и Assault), несколькими игровыми режимами, включая Deathmatch и кооператив, и другими особенностями.

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Язык интерфейса: Английский
Движок: Unity 5

Welcome to Rogue Agents, a Third person Cover based shooter. Bring in your friends and join the battle to become the best player of the Season and with each new season, you will get the opportunity to pull off your skills and make your way to the top of the Leader board by earning XPs!

Rogue Agents is a multiplayer Third person cover based shooter that aims to bring a authentic experience to players in various environments. To make things interesting we made each Season based on a game.Each season comes with a new map based on that game. To start off with Season 1 we chose Uncharted, the beautiful city of Madagascar to show off our game's best! Playing the game will let you earn Achievements that will be stored in your Gamejolt Account to show off. Along with Leader boards and Achievements we are also planning on preparing for more events such as "Best Looking Character" , "Best Looking Team" , "Best Player" and more.

Game Modes
From Team Deathmatch,Coop to Secure the Area and Heist , RogueAgents tries to bring every mode with the dedicated Seasons.We also added a Course Mode for you to practice your skills.

Class Selections
Select between 5 classes Medic , Recon , Engineer , Heavy and Assault. Each Class has a Unique Skill Equipment and weapons. The Medic has a Vector SMG and can drop Medkits, while Heavy has a Machine gun and can drop AmmoKits. The Engineer is equipped with a Shotgun and can set Trip Mines around the map to surprise the enemies with an explosion. The Recon is equipped with a powerful scoped sniper and can throw Smoke Grenades to hide in plain sight. The Assault is equipped with an AK74 and can throw Frag Grenades to eliminate enemies in groups! Select the class that suits your Play-Style and head on with against others.

Character Customization
Customize your character to your liking, Each Season bringing in more customization content to the table.Select between numbers of colors/tops/bottoms/face , to make your character look however you want! Each weapon has 5 skins to choose from, with more skins coming every season

We planned so much ahead for this game, and we are very excited to present it to you when they are ready. We would also love to give a look at the Seasons Schedule

Season 1 - Uncharted - Released
Season 2 - The Division - 23rd Nov '17
Season 3 - Rainbow Six Siege - 23rd Jan '18
Season 4 - Payday - 23rd Mar'18
Season 5 - CSGO - 23rd July '18

System Requirement
OS Win7/8/10
Processor Core i3
GPU Nvidia GT720

Learning from our Past we have tried our best to full fill everything that yous guys wanted in our past games and made it work properly!

A Message from LAI Massive
Rogue Agents is created with a customized version of "The Division Kit" which is a In-House Production of LAI Massive.It is a advanced Third Person Cover based shooter mechanic that follows the control systems based on The Division.The Division kit can be ordered personally for your project. To Order email : [email protected]

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Комментарии игроков (3 шт.)

От: P-KarNYA [5|7] | Дата 2017-07-26 12:08:08

Чтобы узнать "token", который просит игра, нужно зайти на Game Jolt, нажать на свой профиль и во вкладке "Game Token" будет написано: Current Game Token *ваш токен"
А вообще, игра пока сырая. Боты пока больно имбовые, а на серверах никто не играет :
От: karpov4565 [3|0] | Дата 2017-07-05 17:01:54

покупать игру
От: Spoilt21 [7|0] | Дата 2017-07-04 20:47:48

Окей, зашел в игру и надо ввести логин и какой-то токен, в общем не пускает дальше... Что делать?