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Скачать бесплатную игру Sarasaland Adventure v3.1

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Игру добавил Kusko [2475|32] | 2015-09-17 | Платформеры (вид сбоку) (3940) | Просмотров: 3844

Sarasaland Adventure v3.1

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Otabo (2)
• Жанр / Genre: Платформеры (вид сбоку) (3940)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Бесплатная игра
• Размер / Size: 238.10 Мб.
• Другие части игры:
- Sarasaland Adventure 2: The Alien Insurgency
• Похожие игры:
- Super Mario Bros. X v1.3.1
- Super Mario Dynamo
- Super Mario Bros. Crossover v3.1.21
- Super RMN All-Stars

Sarasaland Adventure - популярная модификация Марио на движке Super Mario Bros. X, которая вобрала в себя всё самое "вкусное" - очень много уровней, но они простые, короткие, разнообразные и весёлые.

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Злой король Боузер задумал нехорошее. Его истинные намерения неизвестны, но поговаривают, что он построил что-то глубоко под землей, где он хочет реализовать свои планы. Принцесса Дейзи единственная, кто знает, как помочь Марио. Поэтому Марио отправляется к ней. Но принцесса Персик также хочет помочь ему, а не ждать дома в Грибном Королевстве и отправляется в путешествие вместе с ним. И, может быть, таким образом она отомстит Боузеру, который так много раз похищал её!

Ваша цель собрать более 190 звезд, разбросанных по всему миру Sarasaland. Когда вы соберете 190 звезд, вы сможете бросить вызов Боузеру на последнем уровне.

Story: Sarasaland has been in peace for some time after the alien Tatanga's defeat by the hands of Mario. However, the evil King Bowser has come to Sarasaland to cause major trouble. His true intentions are unknown, but it has been reported that he has built some kind of city deep underground, where he can hatch his plans to torment Sarasaland. Princess Daisy, Sarasaland's princess, contacts the only one who she knows can help: Mario. So he naturally rushes to her aid. But Princess Peach also wants in on some of the action, and so she decides to tag along and help instead of waiting back home at Mushroom Kingdom. And maybe she may get some retribution on Bowser for kidnapping her so many times!

Objective: Travel through the transformed areas of Easton, Birabuto, Muda, Chai and more as Mario and Peach gather 190 stars scattered throughout Sarasaland. When they have all 190 stars, they can find and challenge Bowser in the final level. Secret exits are in some levels; including warp zones and item houses to help out the duo during the journey.

Also, features a two-way warp system, so players can warp around Sarasaland and complete levels in any sort of order they please. You can return to earlier worlds if you find a reverse pipe. There is a reverse warp pipe hidden in each world except for worlds 1 & 8. Likewise, there are warp zones hidden in the first five worlds. At the start of each level is a small room; this room's purpose is to give the player a general idea of what to expect in the level, how it will look, and to inform the player of how many stars he/she has found (sort of like in a hub system). This way, if the player is missing any stars, he/she can check the level's entrance door (or pipe) and see for themselves. The player can exit back to the world map from this small room, or the player can enter the level itself by using the door (or pipe). Warp zones will also allow the player to exit to the world map in case the player decides not to use it.

Later levels are more lengthy and more difficult than other SMBX games, be advised.

The game uses music from various major Mario titles, Mario spinoffs, and a few from other titles, like Kirby series, Sonic series, Crash series, DKC series, and much more. Some are very recognizable, others, not so much. Maybe.

For the record, a perfect game is 190 stars and 101 exits.

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Комментарии игроков (2 шт.)

От: Vajra [83|14] | Дата 2015-09-18 08:15:30


ScrewAttack сказал:

"принцесса Персик"

Это круто, ты не шаришь)
От: ScrewAttack [74|213] | Дата 2015-09-18 06:51:18

"принцесса Персик"
*facepalm*. Пич же, или тодстул. Еще бы Дэйзи назвали Маргариткой (Цветок такой, da).