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Скачать игру Downpour v1.3 - полная версия

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Игру добавил Elektra [7720|138] | 2015-06-15 (обновлено) | Платформеры (вид сбоку) (3943) | Просмотров: 6838

Downpour v1.3

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Divergent Game Studio (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Платформеры (вид сбоку) (3943)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Полная версия (установи и играй)
• Размер / Size: 160.40 Мб.
• Похожие игры:
- Deadly 30 v1.3
- The Culling Of The Cows v1.0u4

Помогите главному герою и другим уцелевшим выжить в жестоком мире Downpour. Каждый день бесконечным потоком нападают враги, отбивайтесь и обустраивайте базу, единственный оставшийся оплот, и попробуйте выжить сколько сможете.

Игра ОБНОВЛЕНА с v1.2 до v1.3. список изменений внутри новости.

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Язык: Английский.

• Thanks to users F4T4L & RowdyOne I have been able to narrow down performance issues in which there are slow downs when screamers are on the screen and many enemies appear. I've updated the physics and programming of the game heavily so hopefully everyone will have a buttery experience.
• Tweaked the screamers to not be as aggresive. Many players have had issues of them aggressively sticking to the player behind the shield. Now they are more easily shaken off, & dodged.
• Shield is now toggled on and off instead of being held down. Issue of unnecessary strain on hand when constantly pressing down right mouse for shield, and rapidly clicking left mouse to shoot. Long play times this can really add up. Now players will have more focus available to shooting, flying, and dodging with these 2 updates.
• I realize that the tutorial, and game in itself is pretty vague in the intricate mechanics it has. Some players I'd guess are giving up just at the tutorial stage. I totally removed that previous tutorial stage and replaced it with a more in depth version that should explain the games mechanics a lot better.
• I also replaced the unnecessary button combination in the main menu with single button presses. Except with the exception of the reset data as I didn't want that to be easily triggered.
• I've also rid of the need to go through the tutorial stage every time the player dies. Tutorial stage will be accessed strictly from the main menu, and starting/loading a game will have its own button.
• Making it quicker to get into a new session, by allowing the players to press space when transition between main menu, tutorial, and main game I believe will greatly change the feel of the game.

Downpour is a game meant to invoke a feeling of importance even in the smallest decisions. From opening a door to providing electricity to run various machinery that aid you. Even being able to save is a valuable resource. Survivors will die forever if you don’t protect them. Every bullet requires matter (harvested from enermies) to create, giving the player a sense of full responsibility for how well they do in the world.

You and the remaining survivors are suppressed by the endless hordes of enemy that come banging on your door. You and the base you built are the last hope. Survive for as many days as you can.

• Downpour features a full day night cycle.
• Protagonist has an energy organ. If it reaches zero character will die.
• Don't get infected, or else worms will manifest themselves inside you, affecting how you perform.
• If your base doesn't have enough energy, you will not be able to save unless you add more energy.
• Using machines such as the armor repairer, health machine, bullet reloader, opening the door, saving, all use valuable energy providing tough decisions to the player. What will you prioritize.
• If your generator doesn't have energy, your doors will not be able to stay closed.
• Energy is converted using the matter machine in your base.
• Many types of monster will try to get pass your base to attack the village.
• Die and your level decreases. Die enough times and you can get into negative levels.
• Protect the surviving builder bots as they build an antenna to contact back home.
• Full xbox 360 controller support.

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Комментарии игроков (6 шт.)

От: Gluoz [47|6] | Дата 2015-06-15 17:27:35

От: Weeshe [55|133] | Дата 2015-06-15 16:35:08


Pursuer сказал:

А как же оливка вместо ног?

Совсем забыл...
От: Pursuer [71|47] | Дата 2015-06-15 12:27:31


Weeshe сказал:

ГГ - Огурец с яйцом на голове...

А как же оливка вместо ног?
От: ennead [137|34] | Дата 2015-06-15 10:32:19

3й скрин воплощение графена
От: Weeshe [55|133] | Дата 2015-06-15 09:44:20

ГГ - Огурец с яйцом на голове... 10 из 10
От: 4erv [-3|15] | Дата 2014-10-31 12:29:15

Обожаю такие игры! Кто может подобное посоветовать?