Описание игры, торрент, скриншоты, видео
Скачать игру Soldat 2D v1.7.0 / Солдат 2D - торрент, полная русская версия | Рейтинг: 9.5 (141) | Баллы: 868 |
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от EnEsCe (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Аркадные шутеры (2227); Сетевые / ХотСит (2297)
• Язык: Русская версия (8044)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Полная версия (установи и играй)
• Размер / Size: 107.84 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 9.5 из 10 (всего голосов: 141)
• Другие части игры:
- Soldat 2 v0.8.39.a [Steam Early Access]
• Похожие игры:
- Half-Life 2D: Codename Gordon v1.0.0.4 RUS
- The New Satan Sam v3.2
- Unreal Flash 2007
- Counter-Strike 2D v0.1.1.9
- Teeworlds v0.6.2
- Cortex Command [Build 33]
- Team Fortress 2D Beta 3
- Liero v1.32b2
- Ur Not A Hero
- Atomic Butcher: Homo Metabolicus
- Splinter Cell 2D v1.2
- Deadswitch 3 v1.6.9
Soldat 2D - отличная реализация многопользовательской стрелялки, вид сбоку. Есть и респауны, выбор оружия, фраги, тонный адреналина и все прочие элементы классических FPS.
Игра обновлена с версии 1.6.8 до 1.7.0. Теперь в HD! Полный список изменений внутри новости.
Вы можете скрыть всю рекламу на сайте. Как?
Soldat 2D — это полностью современный сетевой FPS, но выполненный в виде двумерного скроллера. Проще всего описать игру как «плоский Counter-Strike».
Геймплей Counter-Strike, потеряв лишнее измерение, неожиданно преобразился. Во-первых, человечки умеют шустро прыгать и даже немного летать, так что типичный бой здесь похож на воздушный балет. Во-вторых, и в главных — в этой игре удивительно продуманный баланс оружия. От версии к версии разработчик его поддерживает, не давая процессу отстрела врагов стать чересчур предсказуемым. Вот, к примеру, крупнокалиберная снайперская винтовка Barrett M82 — здешний «слонобой». Бьет она без промаха и наверняка — только вот между нажатием кнопки и выстрелом проходит едва ли не секунда «на изготовку», а на бегу и в прыжке из этой бандуры трудно попасть даже в того самого слона. Не стрельба, а настоящая игра в игре.
«…Через двадцать минут и сто смертей дна у игры все еще не видно. Игрушечные бойцы в игрушечных джунглях послушно следуют законам физики: ловко прыгают, перекатываются и залегают, «слонобой» почему-то не хочет стрелять вовремя, а микроскопические гранаты совершенно не видны в густой траве. Под ногами раздается очередной взрыв, две половинки моего тела шлепаются наземь по всем правилам ragdoll-анимации, голова грустно летит куда-то вдаль…»
Таким же набором недостатков и достоинств обладают почти все «стволы» Soldat 2D. Больше того: не только стрельба, но и прыжки, бег и полеты подчиняются дотошному физическому движку. Именно поэтому так опасны здесь гранаты (а они в сетевой игре сыплются дождем), и так важно легко и правильно двигаться. Результат налицо: схватки получаются разнообразные и непредсказуемые, а хороший игрок превращается в гибкого тактика и записного акробата.
Наконец, третий принципиальный момент. «Несерьезный» внешний вид игры и явная любовь автора к кровище предполагает мясистый Deathmatch… ан нет, самый популярный режим игры — тактически-продвинутый Capture the flag. Именно он сплотил многочисленные игровые кланы, которые относятся к игре в Soldat не менее серьезно, чем любые другие киберспортсмены.
«…С каждой минутой игра открывает все больше мелких нюансов и тонкостей. Пули рикошетят от пологих стен, причем по-разному — в зависимости от оружия. Каждая мало-мальская кочка или ящик (коих здесь предостаточно) служит отличным прикрытием. Вовремя брошенный нож убивает мгновенно — точно так же как и отрада всех doom’ающих людей, бензопила. Скачущее вслед за прицелом поле зрения (то есть скроллинг) удивительно похоже на реальное; оптический прицел позволяет стрелять «за экран», а враг имеет все шансы подкрасться оттуда, куда не смотришь…»
Кроме двух самых популярных режимов, в игре есть: Teammatch (традиционный групповой респаун в стиле CS), Rambo-match (игроки охотятся за волшебным Рэмбо-луком, убивающим с первого выстрела; фраги начисляются только Рэмбо), Hold the flag, Pointmatch, Infiltration. Ко всему прочему, в игре есть и популярный режим realistic mode, где учитывается падения с большой высоты и отдача, а оружие гораздо убойнее. Баланс при этом, конечно, остается на высоте. Для Soldat создана масса модов: мелкая, «игрушечная» графика позволяет с легкостью нарисовать полный набор скинов и вооружения из любой игры, фильма или «взрослого» мода.
Soldat 2D is a unique side-view multiplayer action game. It takes the best from games like Liero, Worms, Quake and Counter-Strike and gives you fast action gameplay with tons of blood and flesh.
Soldiers fight against each other on 2D battle arenas using a deadly military arsenal.
Game features:
• Game environment based on real physics rules
• Over 18 weapons available: guns like MP5, Ak-74, M79, M249 Minimi, Barret M82A1, XM214 Minigun
• Multiplayer network game over the Internet or LAN
• Intelligent bots
• 7 game modes (Deathmatch, Pointmatch, Teammatch, Rambomatch, Capture the Flag, Infiltration, Hold the Flag)
• 42 different maps
• Editors: Soldat Map Maker and Interface Maker
• Lobby server and dedicated server for Windows and Linux
• Large community creating mods, maps and tools
- Added new OpenGL renderer that replaces old D3D8 one
- Added error message for opengl initialization failure
- Added interpolation between frames for smooth rendering
- Added high resolution text rendering support
- Added support for higher definition images
- Added support for windowed fullscreen (Fullscreen=2)
- Added Render_Width and Render_Height options to set internal render resolution
- Added Optimize_Textures config which will resize textures depending resolution for lower GPU memory usage
- Added Mipmap_Bias and GL_Finish experimental configs
- Added Low_Power and Sleep configs to have better control over cpu usage vs timing precision
- Added file logging for graphics related stuff
- Added high resolution map textures
- Added 4K UHD objects-gfx
- Added 4K UHD default interface
- Added 4K UHD sceneries
- Added 4K UHD soldier graphics
- Added 4K UHD weapon graphics
- Added 4K UHD medkit, vest kit and grenade kits
- Added overlay.png to interface-gfx which is now used for bonus kit screen effect
- Added setup.sif is missing error message #614
- Added link to credits for inactive developers
- Added patch warn if trying to install over non compatible soldat version
- Added /reloadgraphics command
- Added desktop resolution config setting
- Added windowed fullscreen config option via combobox
- Modified rotated grenade kits 90* clockwise as a temporary fix for incorrect spawning angle
- Modified weapon menu icons based off weapons-gfx until proper HD icons are made
- Modified screenshots to be saved as png instead of bmp
- Modified scale down sprites that exceed size constraints instead of stopping game with an error
- Modified alignment for new default interface elements
- Modified converted images to png
- Modified bonus overlay to use a separate overlay.png image
- Modified default explosions, fire and smoke: slightly better quality + transparency
- Modified weapon icons, weapons-gfx and sparks-gfx: removed green screen, upscaled by 4.5x
- Modified custom interface loading to fallback to default images when they are missing
- Modified resolution setting to use desktop resolution when it's set to 0x0
- Modified map textures and edges to be loaded from png file if available
- Modified screenshots to be taken with internal render resolution instead of final resized one
- Modified soldier head, hands and Mr.T hairstyle graphics are now grayscale for better customization
- Modified skin colors to match new soldier graphics
- Modified removed unused graphics from interface-gfx, objects-gfx, gostek-gfx and weapons-gfx
- Modified map isn't reloaded when restarting same map
- Modified spin direction of knife and cluster grenade when facing left
- Modified gostek rendering code adding tweakable sprite alignment through mod.ini
- Modified reverted to 1.6.8 netcode for client
- Modified updated micro1 interface
- Modified do not show installer welcome page
- Modified patch do not show icon and group icon install option
- Modified switched to Play font
- Modified replaced FontHeightScale config with Font1ScaleX and Font2ScaleX with 125 as default
- Modified removed directx checks
- Modified removed AntiCheat API
- Modified removed Force Software option
- Modified removed none and anisortropic res filters
- Modified removed none and anisortropic texture filter options
- Modified removed backbuffer setting
- Modified disabled bitrate option
- Modified disabled refresh rate option
- Modified disabled antialiasing option
- Modified removed window resize setting
- Modified removed unused adapter config setting
- Modified disabled gamma setting from options
- Fixed frame timing code
- Fixed texture loading error on -dedicated mode
- Fixed incorrect health bar position when it's "vertical"
- Fixed position of vote menu when "scale interface" is disabled
- Fixed alignment of kill console text
- Fixed alignment of version text inside esc ingame menu
- Fixed big texts on bottom covered by bullet time wide screen cut
- Fixed bad flag initialization code
- Fixed invalid array index access
- Fixed animations initialized to wrong index
- Fixed alpha value outsite allowed value for sparks
- Fixed zero index access for bot ai
- Fixed error message when choosing an uninitialized custom color from color dialog
- Fixed ping dot ignoring its coordinates
- Fixed parachute so it doesn't break in half after being dropped
- Fixed missing Adapter setting in soldat.ini breaks config
- Fixed patch installer cannot be applied manually
- Fixed spawn "teleport" when map takes too long to load
- Fixed DrawText scaling issues
- Fixed parachute rope alignment
- Fixed weapon aim jerkiness
- Fixed soldat blocks installation directory #641
- Fixed free fonts after closing soldat normally
- Modified command /votemap to show the message "cannot vote" when applicable
- Modified vote results to happen immediately if the required percentage is achieved
- Modified voice taunt menu key to also hide the menu
- Modified translations to not print empty lines in the chat console
- Modified freecam to not have the camera shake when heavy weapons are fired
- Modified the chat's nickname Tab-completion to cycle through names
- Modified the chat's nickname Tab-completion can be used without even typing anything, or with a substring in the middle of the nick
- Fixed health bar shows empty if health health exceeds limit #491
- Fixed ban on bots in singleplayer mode should return a kick message
- Fixed chat message displayed above the wrong player #417
- Fixed Player ID for team 0 displayed incorrectly #205
- Fixed the chat's nickname Tab-completion can complete a nickname mid-sentence
- Fixed knife colliding against position where someone had died #390
- Fixed some keys couldn't be assigned to the scroll wheel
- Fixed asymmetry in walking down slopes depending on facing direction and movement direction
- Fixed the character vibrating when standing still on flat polygons, which would trigger MovementAcc
- Fixed previous song playback on start being out of bounds
- Fixed the LAW's startup delay to be a bit less unreliable
- Fixed scoreboard not shown at the end of a demo playback when the map changed
- Fixed freecam key could be held down to make the cursor jerky
- Fixed rolling to quicker and less awkwardly transition into crouching
- Fixed throwing the flag could be difficult when close to polygons #166
- Fixed some possible memory leaks
- Fixed unable to get a ban reason in case of HWID ban #143
- Fixed server's possible cheating vote kicks no longer permanently ban players #246
- Fixed vote kick turning into a permanent ban #478
- Fixed kicking player when vote percentage is above 100% #522
- Fixed vote exploitable by leaving the game #204
Soldat 1.6.7 changelog:
- Added new background polygon types: "Background" and "Background Transition"
- Added visualization of the player's MovementAcc by scaling the cursor
- Modified the lobby's player count column to not include bots
- Modified bullets to now take into account the weapons' BulletPush when pushing objects (flags, kits, loose guns)
- Modified removed TeamSpeak 2 support
- Modified vertical jumps by making it easier to do smaller jumps by letting go early
- Modified pressing Jump quickly followed by a direction should side jump you if the vertical jump hadn't yet begun
- Modified side jump speed to be the fastest when facing the direction you're moving in #170
- Modified behavior when changing movement direction to hopefully not mess up advanced moves possible in 1.6.5, yet behave consistently in both directions
- Modified the two spent Desert Eagle shells to be ejected with different velocities
- Modified the player's current MovementAcc to be more intuitive to predict
- Modified spectator and demo view to hide the inactive parts of the interface
- Modified demo playback to allow freecam by default
- Modified decreased the freecam deadzone again to make the sudden speed jump less abrupt #277
- Modified accumulated bink and selfbink to get diminishing returns faster, making it harder to reach ridiculous amounts
- Modified cursor scaling from inaccuracy effects to grow faster between smaller values, and slower between higher values
- Modified BulletSpread to have less effect when crouched and moving, and even less when proned and moving
- Modified player looking direction to be sent to the server more frequently
- Modified cursor to be visible during game pause #460
- Fixed bullets could only push one object (flags, kits, loose guns) at once
- Fixed bullets could push an object (flags, kits, loose guns) multiple times in an instant, giving huge push
- Fixed HTF incorrectly used some INF flag messages (referring to the Objective instead of the Yellow Flag)
- Fixed finishing a roll animation while airborne and with the crouch key still pressed, you would air-squat awkwardly and not be able to throw grenades
- Fixed ctrl+tab and ctrl+shift+tab active tab highlighting issue #451
- Fixed an animation glitch when holding Jump while a backflip animation ends
- Fixed players with bink weapons couldn't bink themselves
- Fixed explosives could bink team mates #398
- Fixed bink didn't work in non-team based game modes
- Fixed team mates could bink each other with explosives even though FriendlyFire was off
- Fixed the player's current MovementAcc being erratic when the player was transitioning between animations and grounded/in-air
- Fixed sniper scope cooldown could be bypassed by triggering an overriding animation
- Fixed camera jumping back and forth between the cursor and the map's center when looking outside map bounds
- Fixed camera not resetting to center when joining a new game
- Fixed freecam camera wasn't completely still when the cursor was inside the center deadzone #277
- Fixed camera not resetting to center when viewing above map bounds
- Fixed empty server_info setting in servers soldat.ini makes client display weird chars in F1 menu
- Fixed team menu keyboard input blocked if opening it using the cursor #428
- Fixed pressing an unmapped number when selecting a team causes no team to be joined and the menu disappears #388
- Fixed unable to toggle the weapon menu when carrying less than two weapons #181
- Fixed custom values of MovementAcc and BulletSpread didn't show differences properly in the weapon selection menu
- Fixed flags in CTF and INF game modes weren't using their flag texture
- Fixed clients' keys would act slightly "sticky" in online games, not resetting the controls every tick
- Fixed server didn't notify players about all key events from other players
- Fixed flag was thrown in a direction that was at least 16 milliseconds old #132
- Fixed side jump speed was slightly lower when facing right #170
- Fixed reloading Spas-12 when gun is empty now waits for fire interval delay to finish first #161 #365
- Fixed no longer able to simultaneously fire and reload Spas-12 while prone #474
- Fixed /victory sound only plays once at the end of a round in survival DM/RM #291
- Fixed cannot delete server with two pipe chars from favorites
- Fixed players that needed to download the upcoming map spawned using the previous map's spawn points, as well as seeing other glitches #239
- Fixed players that needed to download the upcoming map would be disconnected before seeing the final scoreboard
- Fixed incorrectly spawning with/without a parachute after going outside map bounds
- Fixed readonly.txt didn't do what it advertised #279
- Fixed readonly.txt didn't contain an updated list of maps and sceneries #95
- Added the ability to roll out of prone when on ground
- Added scale interface option to config
- Modified made self-bink halve accumulation rate anytime when crouched or proned, and not only when staying still
- Modified the unprone animation to be "slippery" so you don't lose momentum when touching ground with it
- Modified decreased the freecam movement deadzone so the sudden speed change won't be as abrupt
- Modified jumping and side-jumping out the unprone animation to be quicker and smoother
- Modified the unprone animation to only take half as long
- Fixed pressing both [ left ] and [ right ] movement keys should move you in the first direction pressed #380
- Fixed incompatible test and release versions are visible when requesting lobby
- Fixed your own player name being displayed below you when your cursor is at the edge of the screen
- Fixed pressing multiple conflicting keys (reload, throw grenade, throw weapon, change weapon) should only perform the latest key pressed
- Fixed players appearing to be in a prone position when they weren't #326
- Fixed player's momentum often vanishing when coming out of a roll #369
- Fixed proning and unproning would interrupt the Spas' reload #379
- Fixed unproning would interrupt the weapon throwing animation
- Fixed unproning would interrupt the knife throwing animation #307
- Fixed proning and unproning would interrupt the weapon switching animation #317
- Fixed faster weapon switching glitch when pressing both [change weapon] and [throw weapon] keys
- Fixed camera for spectators moved to top-left on map change #31 #373
- Fixed spectator camera still trying to follow kicked player #33
- Fixed spectator camera still trying to follow player that switched to spectator #34
- Fixed spectator camera defaulting to top-left in single player
- Fixed spectator camera defaulting to top-left when looking outside map bounds
- Fixed freecam didn't move smoothly in widescreen #277
- Fixed player names weren't centered in spectator mode
- Fixed off-screen teammate names weren't positioned correctly
- Fixed player indicator visible in the map's top-left corner when you're spectating
- Fixed OSX servers are displayed as Windows servers in Servers List
- Fixed team mates could be binked under some circumstances #398
- Fixed cannot join spectator team through ESC menu on Windows servers #408
- Fixed controls momentarily locking when throwing knife in online games #383
- Fixed knife throw while airborne would make it impossible to do a subsequent backflip in online games #314
- Fixed grenades couldn't be thrown when inside "only team player collides" polygons #123
- Fixed grenades couldn't be thrown when inside "flagger collides", "non-flagger collides" and "flag collides" polygons
- Fixed momentum being lost or not being able to immediately sidejump as a roll or backflip animation ends
- Fixed momentum being lost or not being able to immediately sidejump as an unprone animation ends
- Fixed not being able to immediately sidejump out of crouch
- Added workaround for black window in fullscreen mode on Windows 8 and later
- Modified Scale_Interface=0 in soldat.ini can now also be used by unregistered players #338
- Modified Scale_Interface to be enabled by default
- Modified piercing kill shots' exit speed changed from 90% to 75%
- Fixed flags and kits becoming black in windowed mode when tabbing out of the game and back in
- Fixed cant see through bullet collide polygon in realistic #348
- Fixed range errors caused by too small admin and remote ip arrays in client server
- Fixed scaling of crosshair and player indicator even though Scale_Interface=0 was set #336
- Fixed missing bonus power-up countdown texts #351
- Fixed wrong player getting hit by bullet when players are standing close to each other
- Fixed hit detection issue immediately after a bullet pierces
- Fixed big event messages weren't size-adjusted for resolutions other than 4:3 #174
- Fixed player and flag positions on the minimap were slightly off #221
- Fixed access violations caused by parachutes #340
- Fixed 24th character in player name being cut off #140
- Fixed controls momentarily locking when throwing knife #287
- Fixed esc menu 1,2,3,4 shortcuts work while writing kick vote message #349
- Fixed !,@,#,$ (keys on 1,2,3,4) work with esc menu
- Fixed the escape menu's team selection hotkey not working in non-team based modes #366
- Fixed the escape menu's team selection hotkey instantly assigning you to Delta Team in TDM
* GAME VERSION 1.6.4 *
- Added BulletSpread WM attribute which controls bullet/pellet spread on Deagles and Spas, and base inaccuracy on other weapons
- Added Checks for Movement packets being out of order to smooth out movement of players
- Added FiltersBox position changes depending on the window size
- Added FormatFloat to script functions which fixes bug #15
- Added Join Game tab controls resize/reposition horizontally
- Added Join Game tab controls resize/reposition vertically
- Added Push WM attribute which together with a bullet's velocity on impact decides how much it pushes the target
- Added copy soldat:// link when clicking Game Server IP: label on Join game tab
- Added drawing rows in alternating colors for Serverslist
- Added flagger collides, non-flagger collides and flag collides polygon types
- Added keyboard shortcuts (1, 2, 3, 4) for the escape menu
- Added nondefault gamemode names are drawn with gray color in Serverslist
- Added options for kill sort to OldScoreBoard: 2 for old style and 3 for new style
- Added wait time for bullet and explosion push to avoid eating #234
- Added numbers to exit menu
- Added InheritedVelocity WM attribute which controls how much of the player's velocity the projectile inherits
- Modified Chainsaw to deal damage in a line all along its blade instead of just at the tip
- Modified Desert Eagles' and Spas' networking by re-creating the same pseudo-random pellet spread on all machines #260
- Modified WM loading to better support partial modding
- Modified WM loading with unparsable values gives helpful error messages
- Modified accumulating bink & self-bink to get diminishing returns as they reach higher values proportional to their configured value
- Modified adding broken bots gives helpful error messages
- Modified autodemo to record everything
- Modified bink to stack instead of resetting when being hit
- Modified bots can also do idle animations
- Modified bullet collision checks to scale their granularity proportionally with the bullet's current speed
- Modified bullets to not get a damage penalty after they pierce a body
- Modified chainsaw is able to fire and reload while rolling, backflipping and changing weapons
- Modified chainsaw to only shake screen when you're hitting flesh
- Modified client and server to use packet rate adjusting based on current player count by default
- Modified client is also able to create Dummy bots with a "Dummy=1" attribute
- Modified client-server sync method for bullets to be a bit more accurate
- Modified cursor is now centered properly when cursor.bmp is another size than 16x16 (still needs to be in power-of-two)
- Modified disabled HotTrack functionaly for Serverslist (selecting of servers when on hover)
- Modified disabled screen shaking in freecam and demo mode
- Modified holding the grenade key to only throw one grenade in order to reduce accidents #180
- Modified inaccuracy effects to spread out more evenly instead of choosing "set paths"
- Modified minimum time required to hold the grenade key before it being thrown increased by about 7% to reduce accidents
- Modified moved FiltersBox so that it has enough space to the left and top
- Modified reduced wait time when requesting servers list
- Modified removed "This option will be available after registering" label from graphics tab in config.exe
- Modified removed lobby blacklisting support
- Modified removed resolution restriction for unregistered players
- Modified renamed Mp3List ini setting to MusicList
- Modified renamed mp3 folder to music folder
- Modified renamed mp3list.txt to musiclist.txt
- Modified screenshot and demo names are now YYYY-MM-DD_HH-NN-SS_MAPNAME_TYPE
- Modified self-bink to also work on semi autos #261
- Modified self-bink to be applied on 2nd bullet fired instead of on the 4th
- Modified spent bullet shells have a slight randomness in their velocity
- Modified spent bullet shells inherit the velocity of the player when fired
- Modified team collider polygon types do not longer collide with flaggers #192
- Modified texts and positions of the Alt+F3 connection info
- Modified thrown weapons inherit the player's velocity
- Modified thrown weapons to be thrown in the direction you look
- Modified allowed both bink/self-bink and moveacc to be applied
- Modified updated intro demo
- Fixed Alpha and Bravo flags not being placed symmetrically (flipped alpha flag)
- Fixed Chat-Flood ban lasts 5 min, says 20 #244
- Fixed DirectX Graphics error when using Soldat Clicker #201
- Fixed FireInterval values being shown as ten times too high in the weapon menu when a custom WM is used
- Fixed I/O 103 Error when logs folder is missing and file logging is enabled #240
- Fixed Invisible player bug
- Fixed Lobby server connections stay open after requesting server list #254
- Fixed Lost Team packet error
- Fixed PacketRate_Adjusting=1 not adjusting much at all and making you lag worse for everyone
- Fixed RayCast returns false if both the start and end points are inside a polygon #119
- Fixed Soldat "crash" if playback device is missing and registered
- Fixed Soldat fails to display interface images when starting the game with a mod #198
- Fixed Spas always firing its first pellet straight
- Fixed StartUpTime bypass by keeping the fire button held down during reload #264
- Fixed StartUpTime bypass from the roll, weapon change and melee animations #264
- Fixed access violation if playback device is missing and not registered
- Fixed being able to throw weapon while in the weapon switching animation #129
- Fixed bug #49 with caps not being showed in the scoreboard
- Fixed bullet collision checks assumed the bullet's speed was the same as that of the equipped weapon
- Fixed bullet push now behaves correctly in the vertical direction
- Fixed bullets not hitting player if another spawning player is close
- Fixed bullets not necessarily pushing ragdolls in the bullets' direction
- Fixed bullets piercing bodies even though their speed was tiny
- Fixed cigar animation flooding server
- Fixed crosshair not centered when binked
- Fixed crosshair not resized correctly while binked and using sniper line
- Fixed crosshair not resized while binked when aiming on teammates or enemies
- Fixed cursor is resized smoothly when binked while using sniper line
- Fixed entered player name resetting to Major when left-trim was needed #208
- Fixed error sound when starting demos with enter #271
- Fixed firing animation firing in a wonky direction for some values of FireIntarval
- Fixed flag not being thrown in the direction you aim at #176
- Fixed grenades sometimes being thrown in wrong direction due to ongoing animations
- Fixed idle animation sometimes stop occurring
- Fixed idle animations locking movement controls #206
- Fixed massive self-bink after reload
- Fixed missing Flagthrow ini key shouldn't be assigned to G but to Jump+Crouch
- Fixed missing Installer additional tasks icon text
- Fixed normal mode weapons being used for comparisons in weapon selection menu in realistic mode when WM is changed #262
- Fixed not allowed weapon spam
- Fixed not being able to move while proned and reloading #188
- Fixed number keys not working in weapon menu on map start if weapon menu is disabled #270
- Fixed piercing bullets not hitting other players in the same tick
- Fixed players and dropped weapons warp inside team collide polygons #191
- Fixed players randomly rejoining server #85
- Fixed possible hit detection issue for Desert Eagles due to server slightly misrepresenting one bullet's horizontal speed
- Fixed possible to throw grenades through thin walls #163
- Fixed second Desert Eagle bullet not synchronized properly between clients
- Fixed self-bink being applied on the bullet that caused it
- Fixed shots not firing in the direction of the crosshair due to ongoing animations #210
- Fixed shots ricocheting or not firing when head is in ceiling #186
- Fixed some hit detection issues due to bullets from certain angles being able to slink through and miss every hitbox
- Fixed some sound popping under heavy CPU load
- Fixed some weapons not expelling a clip on reload
- Fixed weapons firing with FireInterval <= 5 not immediately propagating their status to the server #141
- Fixed while playing CTF scoreboard is not showing each team players number #20
- Fixed your secondary weapon not getting updated stats after /loadwep command
- Fixed demo music keeps playing when intro couldn't be opened
- Fixed start game tab active while join game tab is visible when demo opening failed
- Fixed smoother cursor movement on higher resolutions
- Fixed mouse cursor not resizing with higher resolutions
- Fixed mouse cursor prevented from completely reaching the screen edge
- Fixed player indicator not being centered and scaled at higher resolutions
- Fixed objects like flags, kits and loose weapons flying in almost random directions or accumulating huge speeds when hit by bullets
- Fixed power knife throwing glitch
- Fixed flags to less likely get stuck in polygons
- Fixed power flag throwing glitch
- Fixed flag throwing to more accurately transfer the player's velocity
- Fixed a death sfx was played when it shouldn't #284
- Fixed pressing shift+7 to enter a command on some keyboards layouts would also select a weapon if the weapon menu was shown #243
- Fixed M79, LAW and Flame Arrow played grenade explosion sfx when hitting a collider #153
- Fixed game mode names are not linked to the translations in server filtering options
- Fixed scope not zooming as much horizontally with wider screen resolutions #165
- Fixed partially how initiating prone resets the throw weapon animation #268
- Fixed recording demo line goes over other lines in F1 menu
- Fixed winning team result line goes over other lines in F1 menu
- Fixed bullets fired immediately after grenade boosting not registering
- Fixed untranslated bonus-name strings next to bonus timer #321
- Added missing translations in Soldat.exe
- Added missing translations in soldat config #105, #173
- Added clicking "default: 23073" changes the port field to 23073
- Added 'Change team' menu for non-team based modes
- Added changing team when joining as spectator
- Added auto reload spas when possible support to bots
- Added checks for common injection dlls
- Added Soldat tries to disable injection dlls
- Added Ukrainian installation language
- Added error message with missing textures
- Added Greek language to soldat
- Added missing translation in soldat config #173
- Added new map ctf_Crucifix
- Modified clicking "Cancel" makes progress bar invisible
- Modified spectator teamchat is not possible in all game modes
- Modified requesting game on Join Game tab to be faster
- Modified volume controls to scale decibels exponentially #75
- Modified Anti-Cheat directory is now %APPDATA%RoamingSoldatanti-cheat
- Modified changed position of some labels and controls on start tab to begin at same y pos
- Modified removed unused sceneries
- Modified removed ugly custom interface which was added by accident
- Modified weapon balance for normal and realistic mode
- Modified updated config dialog to work with longer text
- Modified improved options tab position and size of controls
- Modified Admin can only be kicked by Anti-Cheat and from console
- Modified default hint on the flag throwing button to show jump and crouch keys
- Fixed non transparent dot on flag.bmp and noflag.bmp #171
- Fixed throwing knife while standing on weapon throws the just picked up weapon #130
- Fixed cursor isn't clipped to window when playing #147
- Fixed hint message for ForceBG gets assigned to caption
- Fixed missing translations and small labels in Soldat.exe #104
- Fixed problems with Soldat Servers having a "|" in their name #131
- Fixed error for some ppl with hardwareids
- Fixed Volume in intro too doesn't respect settings #66
- Fixed F9 doesn't minimize soldat to tray #145
- Fixed Lobby request - List index out of bounds (4) bug #54
- Fixed Multiple too long identical ingame player names #146
- Fixed issue caused by monsoonix.com expiring #152
- Fixed Deaths count bug in Survival mode when joining spectator team and then non-spectator team #73
- Fixed clicking on download button in Updatepopup makes Soldat inaccessible #100
- Fixed Soldat alt+tab bug
- Fixed Updatepopup not visible when alt tabbing out and then back into Soldat in fullscreen mode
- Fixed Updatepopup window too large in fullscreen mode #101
- Fixed window not centered on screen with 768x480 and 854x480 resolutions
- Fixed Alt + R sometimes triggers a weapon reload #72
- Fixed AntiSpy chat didn't work for all input methods
- Fixed window controls don't adapt to larger window resolutions on exit tab
- Fixed wrong tab active when map cannot be loaded in offline game
- Fixed Spas reloads itself even when player doesn't click "reload" button #149
- Fixed volume level too loud after install #74
- Fixed wrong dialog background colors in controls
- Fixed Titlebar button font didn't change color on active and inactive window
- Fixed delay before window text is visible when starting Soldat
- Fixed access violation on missing textures in gostek-gfx
anny folder
- Fixed too many bots error message in non team mode when adding too many team players
- Fixed JoinDefault23073Label OnClick event was missing
- Fixed trying to load files from wrong folder before loading them from the correct folder
- Fixed issues with too long translated labels
- Fixed issues with labels get smaller and multiline while text would fit in single line
- Fixed scoreboard doesn't draw bot icon for spectator bots
- Fixed non team players in team game modes are drawn wrong in new scoreboard
- Fixed Index out of bounds error on map change
- Fixed spas reload bug
- Fixed weapon stats hits counter doesn't work
- Fixed too small interface in fullscreen for certain resolutions
- Fixed Missing translations and small labels
- Added when spectating followed player dot is white in the Minimap
- Added font texture error logging
- Modified increased jet multiplier on maps to account for the loss of jets due to a previous bug fix
- Modified do not create unnecessary file C:logwmemory.bin on startup
- Fixed DX8 can't be initialized bug with 640x480 fullscreen
- Fixed custom resolution shows 640x480 always when config is opened
- Fixed window resize resizing by the wrong dimension
- Fixed wrong highlighted tab after starting Soldat with -demo
- Fixed Soldat.exe icon issue
- Fixed Chinese text when minimized Soldat from fullscreen
- Fixed stationary gun bullet hits added to currently held weapon's hit count
- Fixed only having one usable secondary selected gives you another weapon as secondary
- Fixed pressing F2 and then F1 shows both weapon and player stats at the same time
- Fixed Soldat doesn't start when a dll is missing in system32 folder
- Fixed A tooltip changes for the prone-key assignation button
- Fixed config.exe still shows 1.6.0rc2 as productversion
- Fixed Running Soldat.exe -mod -demo options causes 'invalid integer' error
- Fixed Querying for local games will give stacking error-messages
- Fixed Spas Reload button not working when you press it while you can't shoot (shooting delay)
- Fixed chainsaw making sounds when shooting stationary gun
- Fixed passwords longer than 15 characters not working
- Fixed jets being wasted in single player when pausing the game by opening the ESC-menu
- Fixed Camera location jumps to top left corner when there are no playing players after joining spectator team
- Fixed following enemies when dead
- Fixed Throwing a nade and keeping the button pressed, makes shooting with any weapon spread-less
- Fixed knife not being able to throw right after spawn
- Fixed Access Violation on start of Soldat when rendering or loading Bank Gothic Light BT font is broken
Именно подобные игры для настоящих мужиков, для геймеров состажем. Тут есть всё - и реальная графика старой школы, тонны адреналина и ураганный геймплей. Именно эти черты отличают подобные бесплатные игры для мальчиков онлайн от других подделок. Это вам не цветочки поливать - это реальный бой.
Ссылки для скачивания игры
Скачать Soldat 2D v1.7.0 (107.84 Мб.):
Servers (15.90 Мб.):
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Editors (3.76 Мб.):
Ссылок на самом деле больше (всего 2), видно их будет только после регистрации на сайте.
Tools (0.67 Мб.):
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