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Описание игры, скриншоты, видео

Скачать игру KillFunYeah v0.25 - игра на стадии разработки

Рейтинг: 5.8 (4)
Игру добавил John2s [11557|1666] | 2012-04-19 (обновлено) | Платформеры (вид сбоку) (3942) | Просмотров: 19440

KillFunYeah v0.25

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Arctic Anteater (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Платформеры (вид сбоку) (3942); Аркадные шутеры (2201); Сетевые / ХотСит (2290)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 38.44 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 5.8 из 10 (всего голосов: 4)

KillFunYeah - аркадный онлайн-шутер сочетающий в себе хаос, мастерство, и веселье!

Игра обновлена до версии 0.25. Список изменений внутри новости.

Вы можете скрыть всю рекламу на сайте. Как?

WASD - ходить, прыгать, приседать, карабкаться.
E - подбирать оружие/гранаты
Q - бросить гранату
LMB - стрелять
RMB - отражать
Shift+RMB - притягивать

KillFunYeah is an action multiplayer online 2d platform shooter. It’s a combination of chaos, skills and fun.

Alpha v0.25 [2012-04-19]
* Mostly bug fixes.

Alpha v0.24 [2012-04-18]
* Added ability to pick up and build with destructible tiles. Build Mode is enabled with 'C', selecting between tiles is done with 'Z' and 'X' and tiles are placed and destroyed by pressing LMB in Build Mode. Set it up in the host menu in the client software or manually set the MovableTiles/TilePlacementReach variables in ServerSettings.cfg. (Full Version only)
* Added weapon: Musklo (a manly weapon that shoots health-draining flies). Be sure to enable full version items for your server in Host Menu/ServerSettings.cfg. (Full Version only)
* Added two new awards: Construction Award & Survival Award.
* Blood particles created when players are hit are now similar to those used in death effects (sticky!).
* HUD has been revamped and player chat is now in the bottom of the screen. Players can also change their current face in the hud and the face currently selected when sending a chat message will be associated with that message.
* Added team chat.
* Added an image of a skull to the scoreboard that indicates that a player is currently dead (not spawned).
* Time Left is now shown at the scoreboard for games with a time limit.
* Fixed a bug where blood would be created at (0,0)
* Multikill messages now have priority over spree messages.
* No chat message is posted when a new player enters the lobby to keep the chat window more clean.
* Friendly fire setting in the host menu should now work as intended.
* Fixed a bug where death effects would have messed up velocities when a player died climbing.
* Fixed a bug where deflected grenades owned by team mates were the wrong color.
* The sound of a player starting to regenerate health is now heard by other players.
* HUD is no longer being shown at the exit screen.
* Lines in the host menu are now thinner to make room for more settings.
* Suicides and team kills will no longer decrement the team score.
* Weapon animation does no longer reset to the first frame on ammo pickup (unless the player was out of ammo).
* Weapon recoil is now halved while crouching.
* Stomp damage raised from 20 to 35.
* The sound of lightning balls hitting a player should now have correct position.
* Added the option to remap most of the keys used in KFY. An emergency fix of sorts for people with AZERTY-keyboards so it's not changeable in the client yet but can be changed in ClientSettings.cfg.
* Fixed a bug where players could rejoin the team that they were already in.

Alpha v0.23 [2012-04-04]
* Added a launcher and a patcher to make updating the game less of a hassle.
* Fixed a bug where deflect explosions could cause both game servers and clients to crash in TDM.
* Fixed a bug where suicides would show up as team-kills in TDM.

Alpha v0.22 [2012-04-01]
* Mostly bug fixes.

Alpha v0.21 [2012-03-31]
* Various bug fixes.

Alpha v0.20 [2012-03-31]
* New game mode: Team Deathmatch (Full Version only)
* Support for huge maps (998001 tiles!) (Full Version only)
* Player limit raised to 16 (Full Version only)
* Some weapons now show a different (non-zero) animation frame when out of ammo.
* The player hitbox for map interaction is now thinner in order to get through narrow passages easier.
* Fixed a bug where the background gradient surface would not be resized on resolution change in the editor.
* Fixed a bug where players were drawn at incorrect positions.
* Fixed a bug where long player names would crash game servers.
* Fixed a bug where the awards screen would look messed up when an award winning player quit between rounds.

Alpha v0.19 [2012-03-22]
* Login functionality has been implemented in the client software and the menus have been redesigned a bit.
* Several changes to how maps are handled and drawn which will allow for very large maps later on, among other things.
* Added the ability to have layers of sprites behind the map. Currently there are two ground layers that are aligned with the bottom of the map, tile, scroll at different speeds and have fully customizable graphics (the game server will send out the image files if need be).
* Added the ability to have a second background color for maps. A gradient is formed with these two colors ranging from the top of the map to the bottom.
* Players are now asked if they would like to overwrite files when connecting to a server that is using files that are different than those of the connecting player. Answering no will disconnect the player from the server.
* Raised maximum number of characters in username to 16.
* Raised maximum number of characters in win message to 28.
* Added 2 new songs made by Pдr Carlsson.
* Changed appearance of Billy to reveal more of the player wearing it.
* Besco has once again been nerfed and has had its reload time raised and maximum ammo value lowered.
* Slightly improved effects for explosions.
* Added better culling methods for certain objects.
* The Skillful Murderer award now works as intended.
* Map layers can now be toggled on and off in the editor and the layers button is more intuitive in its appearance.
* Server admins can now change the rate at which player position updates are sent out at. Set to 30 ms by default.
* Fixed a bug where the scoreboard would look strange if an award winning player had left the game prior to the round ending.
* Fixed a bug where the game would freeze for players joining between rounds.
* Fixed a bug where players would fall slowly when going below the bottom of the map.
* Most user input is now activated while viewing the scoreboard.

Alpha v0.18 [2012-03-07]
* Added seven different awards that players can be given at the end of the round.
* Added the ability for server admins to kick players from the scoreboard.
* The name of the next map in the map list is now shown between rounds.
* Removed dimension limit on map sizes but added a limit on the total number of tiles (currently 25600).
* Fixed several bugs that could cause the client and server to crash.
* Splash screen can now be skipped even when music is turned off.
* Lowered sound volume on some songs.
* Toggling music on/off in the menu now works as intended.
* Fixed a bug where particles would interact with non-solid tiles in the middle map layer.
* It is no longer possible to pick up grenades/weapons while typing.
* No more trailing junk characters while viewing the changelog in the client on Linux and Mac OS X.
* Kick/ban commands are now also avaliable in the server app and the duration of a ban can now also be set.

Alpha v0.17 [2012-03-02]
* Linux and Mac OS X builds are now avaliable.
* Weapon added: Magnum (a big gun)
* Grenade added: Deflectonade (exactly what it sounds like)
* Added a new music track for the menu. (made by Pдr Carlsson)
* Added deadly tiles.
* Fixed a bug where the game would sometimes crash on startup.
* Map dimensions are now clamped between 1 and 200 in the editor.
* Map dimensions are now displayed when loading maps in the editor.
* The load menu of the editor is now updated when coming back from editing a map.
* Fixed a bug where the hitbox for Valkondis (mine) would be way off.
* Billy has slightly higher damage and do more reasonable damage to tiles.
* Various changes to the map format and how maps are handled
* Added culling for particle systems to increase performance.
* Added pixel perfect collision detection for blood/gib particles.
* The /suicide command now works as it should.

Alpha v0.16 [2012-02-22]
* Destructible tiles are now actually destructible and flash red when hit (unless destroyed). The health assigned to these tiles is multiplied by 4 (and thus the minimum amount of damage needed to be able to harm a tile is 4).
* Added visuals and audio for reaching certain numbers (3, 5, 10, 20) of consecutive kills.
* Added bullet (and anything else for that matter) proof glass that protects a recently spawned player for 3 seconds. It is removed if a player picks up a weapon/grenade, deflects, attracts or stomps.
* Changed the music tracks that are played between rounds. The new ones are made by Pдr Carlsson.
* Game servers can now have admin passwords assigned to them which can be used by server admins to login (by typing /login [password] in the game chat) and send certain commands to the game server.
* Game servers can now be password protected. (not to be confused with the admin password mentioned above)
* Server administrators can kick and ban people by using the command "/kick [playername] [reason]" and "/ban [playername] [reason]".
* Added a command ("/suicide") to let players who are stuck and such to die and respawn at a valid spawn point. To avoid that this feature us abused, it has a 5 second timer associated with it.
* Fixed a bug where all dead players would see the message "You fell off the map!" when another player did.
* White spaces are no longer allowed in player names.
* Fixed bug where "Warning: Trying to fetch unknown weapon." would be printed repetedly.
* The vector for initial velocity of projectiles now originate from the center of the player.
* Fixed a bug where some variables used when starting a new game would not be loaded from disk properly.
* Particles created on player death will no longer be able to be created inside solid tiles.
* The hitbox for crouching players is now correct.
* A players face will no longer change while typing a chat message using the 1-6 keys.
* Added sounds for when a player tries to attract/deflect but has no sauce.
* Death effects for crouching players should now look more correct.
* Added a new visual effect for when stomping another player.
* Added some new stuff to the game splash screen.
* Players are now notified that they get disconnected from the lobby when initiating a connection attempt.
* Added audio and face change for when a player starts to regenerate health.
* It is no longer possible to grab ladders while crouching under ceilings.
* Valkondis has had its damage lowered.
* The damage and ejection speed of splitters have been increased.
* Deflect explosions now have lower damage.
* Number of besco slugs fired with one shot lowered from 16 to 12.
* Timed grenades have their timer reset when they are deflected.
* Splitter grenades (the small ones) will inherit the deflect charge from the grenade they are ejected from.

Alpha v0.15 [2012-02-17]
* Chat box is now properly cleared when re-entering the lobby.
* It is no longer possible to enter an empty name in player setup.
* Resolution will be set to 800x600 if an invalid resolution is specified in ClientSettings.cfg.
* Max Players will be set to 1 or 8 if a value outside of that range is specified in ClientSettings.cfg.
* If no name is found in ClientSettings.cfg on game start, name will be set to "NoName".
* It should no longer be possible to be stood up by weapon recoil or explosions while crouching below tiles.
* Full game servers should no longer time out from the lobby.
* The correct number of players should now be sent to clients in lobby when a game server is (re-)registered.
* Names will no longer be rejected by game servers but rather changed to become valid.
* An option to hide empty and/or full game servers is now avaliable in the lobby.
* Fixed a bug where the YES button in the quit dialog could be pressed repeatedly.
* Double clicking on game servers in lobby now works as indended.
* Added a simple splash screen.

Alpha v0.14 [2012-02-16]
* The communication between the game servers and the lobby server is now more stable.
* Cooldown (500 ms) on deflects now works.
* Fixed some problems with deflect explosions.
* Fixed a bug where grenade velocities would be clamped too low.
* Slightly increased blast radius of deflect explosions.
* Fixed a bug where the incorrect cartoon image would be displayed when returning to main menu from the lobby.
* Time is now displayed correctly in the lobby.
* Tileset data received over the network is now being loaded properly.
* The hitbox for the largest lightning gun projectile has been made a bit smaller.

Alpha v0.13 [2012-02-15]
* Deflect charge should now work as intended with grenades.
* Players can now connect to a game server by double clicking on it in the lobby.
* Lowered the minimum time between connection attempts.
* Improved collision detection for grenades.
* All particle systems (such as the stomp trail) bound to a player are now properly destroyed on player death.
* Dead stompers can no longer do any harm.
* Explosions can no longer make players reach speeds high enough to go through walls.
* Grenades are now affected by explosions.
* Added the option to snap the mouse cursor to the game area when playing in windowed mode. On by default. See the Settings menu.
* It is no longer possible to enter the lobby while trying to connect to a game.
* All grenade have had their blast force and damage increased.
* Various improvements of the lobby system, including the ability to chat with other players in the lobby, direct notification of servers starting and closing, and much more frequent updates to the list of game servers.
* Valkondis is no longer attractable and has had its hit box shortened so that it can be placed close to walls without acting strange.
* Fixed a bug where players were unable to stomp when standing too close to a wall.
* Weapon hotspot for Billy lowered while climbing ceilings.
* Players can now fire continuously while typing.
* It is no longer possible to fire weapons, attract or deflect between rounds.
* Damage of Billy Rockets lowered.
* Besco Slugs are now slightly larger and slower.
* Fixed a bug where horizontal velocity of a player was not reset when hitting a wall at low speeds.
* Explonades are now slightly more heavy and are thrown with increased force.
* Player stats are now hard coded (used to be loaded from ServerSettings.cfg).
* Death effects should not look a bit better.
* Trying to start the game with an invalid player skins in /UserData/Skins will no longer give a cryptic assertation exit but rather just print an error message.
* Added 500ms cooldown to deflect
* When a splitter detonates the small grenades are now ejected at smaller angles than before.
* Multikill messages!
* Added an effect (visual+audio) to make it more clear when you kill someone.
* Fixed a bug where player could respawn instantaneously by holding 'E' while dying.
* Player skins are now drawn on top of an opaque rectangle to prevent players from creating skins that make the body of the player invisible.
* Added an about screen containing the KFY changelog as well as the game credits.
* Slightly toned down the fragment shader used to draw the lobby so it can run better (at all) on some low end cards.
* Scaled down some text on the scoreboard to be able to fit names of the maximum length (currently 12 characters).
* Fixed a bug where the vertical velocity of Billy Rockets would be clamped way too low.
* Grenades and projectiles drawn on top of the players.
* Player should not be able to be seen briefly on their death pos before respawning anymore.
* Fixed bug where player could click on a button of a menu when it was off the screen.

Alpha v0.12 [2012-02-11]
* Implemented a lobby system to find internet games, including simple sorting of game servers and a way of finding your friends (or enemies :)).
* Player names with >12 characters and win messages with >22 characters are no longer possible.

Alpha v0.11 [2012-02-07]
* Added a new kind of particle effects to make player death more visually entertaining.
* Added a sound effect for player death.
* Fixed a bug where positive x-components of velocities would be clamped to a smaller value than negative ones.
* Player movement will now slow down only when the player is not actively moving (with A or D), making it possible to run faster using weapon recoil.
* Corrected the sound played when Lightning Balls hit walls.
* Added visual and auditory indications for when Besco slugs hit walls.
* The "Spawn All" check box in the editor should now be working as intended.
* Background color of a level is now loaded correctly on map change.
* Overhaul of the interface of the editor software to make it more visually pleasing and easier to work with.
* New values for server settings.
* Projectiles are now being hidden by default when a wall collision is detected locally.
* Deflect charge is now slightly more visually apparent.
* Grenades are now affected by deflect and attract.
* Fixed where player could invoke deflect/attract between rounds.
* Fixed a bug where only the first 7 skins loaded would be displayed in the player setup screen.
* Some changes to the scoreboard to make it more visually pleasing.
* Fixed where no skin would be selected when the last used skin had been removed since the last launch of the game client.
* Changed how skins are handled. Skins of remote players live only in main memory now and are never saved to disk.
* The winner of the round now have its "Win Message" displayed between rounds.
* The same message (belonging to the killing player) is also displayed to a killed player, unless the player killed itself.
* Fixed a bug where a player would still be crouching on respawn if its died while crouching.
* FPS and other debug info is now only shown if debug mode is enabled (see ClientSettings.cfg).
* Added a 2 second delay before a player is able to respawn after death.
* All projectiles and grenades are now sent to a joining player.
* Valkondis (a mine) implemented.
* Stomp can only be invoked when >32 pixels (2 tiles) above ground.
* Trying out a way of intepolating player positions. Toggle with F2. (on by default)
* Rearranged the order in which different things are drawn.
* Besco slugs are now slower and do 4 damage (was 2).
* Billy tweaked. Less blast damage and radius.
* Added the KFY logo to the main menu.
* Small splitters are now heavier and ejected with an increased speed.
* Input is no longer processed by the console module while a GUI textbox control has focus.
* A server can no longer be started from the client if no maps are in the map list.

Alpha v0.10 [2012-01-30]
* Score- and time limit must now be non-zero when starting a server from the client software (they will be clamped to 1 if not set or set to zero)
* Fixed a crash where message boxes couldn't be displayed in the editor.
* The client can now handle maps of an arbitrary size, as they are now split up into 1024x1024 pixel textures, as opposed to one single texture for the entire map.
Map size handled by the client is still currently limited by the amount of avaliable VRAM, but if using very big maps seems very attractive,
this could later be fixed by swapping textures to main memory. There are however other problems with really big maps
(such as having to send a lot of map data to clients between rounds).
Map sizes in the editor are still limited by the maximum texture size of the GPU used for now.
* "sticky" particle systems (blood) removed for now because of various issues with them, but they may be back in future releases.
* Players now start with 50 Awesome Sauce points.
* HP regeneration is now three times as fast.
* Name of local player is no longer displayed in game.
* Player stats changed.
* Setting max players is now implemented in the server software.
* Fixed a bug where the client would stop responding when joining a newly started server.
* Music now plays between rounds.
* Map Shuffle is now implemented in the server software.
* WASD movement is now disabled while typing in edit boxes in the editor.
* Object are now placed on a grid in the editor by default (different grids for different objects). Hold shift to place freely.
* Players now look in the direction of the mouse cursor.
* Maximum fall speed increased, and thus also the speed of stomps.
* It should no longer be possible to go through walls after being hit by a powerful explosion.
* Players bounce against walls only if having a speed higher than the maximum run speed.
* Besco now has slightly more recoil.
* Billy has been tweaked (weapon hotspot moved upwards, projectile hotspot moved to middle, air resistance, heavier projectiles, increased initial velocity etc)
* Map is now scrolled more smoothly in the client software.
* Lightning Gun implemented.
* Trail effect for stomp now aligned correctly height-wise.
* Deflects are now active for 333 ms.
* Deflect charge more visually apparent on projectiles.
* Grenades are now thrown with a fixed velocity.
* Explonade timer changed from 3 to 2 seconds.
* Splitter (grenade) implemented.
* Markers for sound- and music volume now have correct positions in the settings menu.
* Billy Rockets now explode at a more correct position when colliding with the map.
* Music tracks can now be specified in maps and these should be handled correcly by all of the applications.

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Дополнительные файлы для игры

Если ты нашел новую версию игры KillFunYeah v0.25, либо русификатор к ней, патч, левелпак или мод - сообщи об этом редактору новости, он добавит сюда доп. файл.
Отправка личных сообщений доступна только после регистрации.

Комментарии игроков (15 шт.)

От: GRomPES [10|80] | Дата 2012-05-20 15:01:21

Самая фиговая игра в которую я когда либо играл. Точнее не играл, так как в неё нельзя залогиниться. Да я регался, но в самой игре при вводе пароля нельзя вводить буквы. Да я менял раскладку клавиатуры но это нечего не давало. Ctrl+V не пашет. В пароль можно вводить только цифры и знаки, но при регистрации ругаются если пароль состоит только из цифр, а уж если и знаки использовать, то вообще говорит что это под запретом о_О
От: Sposhock [0|3] | Дата 2012-05-03 15:08:09

"А Teeworlds фигня я играл не понравилось все какие-то задроты меня убивают даже шагу не могу сделать."
"У тебя синдром врожденной косорукости, вот и все..."
Согласен, за три секунды нагибать не научишься - надо года три для полного професионализма играть
И то на инстагибе
От: Sorokonogka [54|23] | Дата 2012-04-24 02:30:48


Sorokonogka думал несколько часов и добавил:

"А Teeworlds фигня я играл не понравилось все какие-то задроты меня убивают даже шагу не могу сделать."
У тебя синдром врожденной косорукости, вот и все...
От: Trakar [-6|0] | Дата 2012-04-22 22:29:17

мне Soldat 2d нравится больше там тоже можно убивать хватать флаги + там оружий больше да и ещё паркуром можно заниматься на специальных картах сальтухами.А Teeworlds фигня я играл не понравилось все какие-то задроты меня убивают даже шагу не могу сделать.
От: Treychik [42|57] | Дата 2012-04-22 15:28:54

простите, ошибся со сравнением :) - там не Solider, а Soldat 2D :)
От: chirok202 [33|22] | Дата 2012-04-20 16:19:37

не оч игра((
От: Treychik [42|57] | Дата 2012-04-20 01:12:14

что фигнёй страдать? - в таком жанре уже давно существуют отличные игры:
-TeeWorlds с похожей графикой, даже лучше,вроде
-Solider - с более серьёздной графикой и системой...
От: -sas- [0|3] | Дата 2012-03-17 22:25:33

От: parcour_99 [81|99] | Дата 2012-03-13 21:33:39

Игра действительно багнутая.. Выкидывает часто. Вердикт рано выдвигать.
От: Norble2 [166|60] | Дата 2012-03-13 19:49:38

заходим на 123
От: ssa [169|95] | Дата 2012-03-13 09:13:55

Игра хорошая,но тут можно оффлайн поиграть с ботами ?
От: Den-Argon [8|5] | Дата 2012-03-12 23:51:27

Поддерживаю Jastin598, файл не находит на Летитбит

Den-Argon подумал несколько минут и добавил:

скорее даже не находит бесплатный вариант скачивания файла БЕЗ установки их менеджера-установок
От: Ueee [4|3] | Дата 2012-03-12 18:06:03

Название заинтересовало.
Опробую на досуге.
От: nikivarvar [501|111] | Дата 2012-03-12 17:53:26

Вылетает при подключении в комнату, в лобби мало серверов

nikivarvar подумал несколько минут и добавил:

Сыграл, большие лаги, через минуту игры вылетело.
От: jastin598 [7|2] | Дата 2012-03-12 16:03:30

Игруха не оч Тянет как тот же Teewords или Soldat

jastin598 думал несколько часов и добавил:

Перезалейте на ЛетБит не находит файл в конце