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Скачать игру Mitosis - демо версия игры

Рейтинга пока нет | Баллы: 8
Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2016-03-01 | Стратегии (3612) | Просмотров: 5847


• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от info (1) и 5d_games (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Стратегии (3612)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Демо версия
• Размер / Size: 95.26 Мб.

В Mitosis Вы станете настоящим микробиологом и будете заниматься выращиванием клеток. С помощью изменения окружающей среды Вы следите за поведением клеток, их выживанием и мутацией.

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Язык интерфейса: Английский
Движок: Unity 5

The game about evolution and natural selection

Evolution at your fingertips
Mitosis is your evolutionary sandbox

Real evolutionary processes
Mitosis brings machine leraning into an exciting strategy game

The simulation is based on evolutiionary algorithims which are normally used to solve complex problems. In this scale a worlds first for a game.
Due to our technology the evolution in mitosis is real evolution, no creationism or scripted progress.

Invented by world-class scientists
learn about basic principles that drives nature

experience the power of chance
Play through the campaign or set up your own experiements.

In Mitosis you can become a microbiologist and use different tools to grow a cell population and manipulate its environment. Through manipulation of the environment the conditions of survival change thus the cells have to adapt to their new surrounding. Unlike from similar games you cannot change the cells genome directly but only influence the chances of survival for certain random mutations. This is what evolution is about in reality: Totally random mutation and natural selection.

If you want to grow a heat resistant population you cannot just buy heat resistance as a kind of item and add it to your cells. Instead tiny random mutations will happen after every proliferation so that every cell is slightly different from the others. Thereby some will evolve higher heat resistance by themselves. If you use your tools to increase temperature those cells with higher heat resistance will survive more easily and prevail over time.

There are many more factors than temperature in the game and you have a lot of options to steer the probability of survival for very special cells. Don’t forget: You have to be careful and filter slowly otherwise your population will die.

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Комментарии игроков (2 шт.)

От: OlehIvanyk12345 [-1|0] | Дата 2017-08-30 21:22:48

как скачать игру с етого тупого сайта?
От: GangDon [1|2] | Дата 2016-03-01 15:21:17

Золотая чаша золотаая