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Описание игры, торрент, скриншоты, видео

Скачать игру Goetia v1.0u4 / +RUS - торрент, полная версия

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Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2017-02-07 (обновлено) | Я ищу, квесты, приключения (6253) | Просмотров: 7879

Goetia v1.0u4 / +RUS

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Sushee (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Я ищу, квесты, приключения (6253)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Полная версия (установи и играй)
• Размер / Size: 477.26 Мб.

Goetia - приключенческий point'n'click, где Вы, как и в любой другой игре этого жанра, будете искать улики, предметы, выяснять как их использовать или комбинировать, чтобы пройти разные головоломки и т.п. Однако Goetia отличается тем, что Вы играете призраком молодой девушки по имени Abigail, в связи с чем Вы можете летать через потолки, проходить сквозь стены и исследовать всё, что захотите.

Добавлена версия игры с русификатором текста от Prometheus Project v1.0.2 (от 27.10.2016)!

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с 1.0 Update 2 до 1.0 Update 4. Список изменений можно узнать здесь.

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Язык интерфейса: Английский

Минимальные системные требования:
• ОС: Windows 7
• Процессор: intel core 2 DUO 2GHz +, AMD Athlon TMX2 2.2GHz +
• Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
• Видеокарта: Nvidia GeForce GT 705, AMD Radeon R7 240
• Место на диске: 7 GB

The ruins of any village are the silent testament to its final moments. The ruins of Oakmarsh are no different. Their telling silence, the dust blanketing what was once a quiet village near Coventry.

If you walk among the ruins you can easily imagine what it was like. The small black dots of the Luftwaffe getting bigger by the minute. The whistling of the dive bombers approaching on that fateful day of February 1941. And if you touch the charred wood, you can even hear the warning calls and the waves of panic resonating through time.

And then again, maybe you’ll hear nothing at all. Maybe you’ll only feel the weight of the silence, broken only by the wind in the branches of old trees. Maybe you’ll only feel the weight of this unanswered question: could that fateful attack explain what happened here? Is it enough to explain why the whole population fled the village? That’s when you look beyond the village limits, when you look up and see its shape: Blackwood Manor. Behind its gates, the silence of Oakmarsh takes on a different taste. Icy, metallic, faint, swollen with secrets that won’t stand still.

The name of a manor and the family that lived within. A perverted and mad lineage, a clan whose final members devoted their life to mysticism and fanatical experiments. I am Abigail. Abigail Blackwood. Recently risen from the grave, I know nothing about the last 40 years of my family’s history... But obviously somebody is keen on seeing me lift the veil on what happened in Oakmarsh - to what led to the downfall of Blackwood Manor. And it seems like I have no choice in the matter…

Key Features
• A 2D world of Victorian mystery.
• Over 90 rooms to explore.
• Five vast and diverse areas to discover - Blackwood Manor is surrounded by ruins, woods, caves and an abandoned village.
• A progressive-rock and ambient-inspired soundtrack.
• Use your ability to walk through walls in order to reach secret rooms and areas.
• Possess objects like a poltergeist to lift them, use them, combine them, make them float in the air, pile them up… well, you’re a ghost after all, behave like one!
• Solve puzzles in more than one way by discovering hidden rooms and special features, such as new ghostly powers.
• Delve into Blackwood’s story: 40 years have passed, and many things have changed since Abigail’s death.
• Feel free to explore! You can travel through the world of Goetia however you like - and if you get stuck, simply backtrack and explore another area.

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Файл добавил: Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2016-10-30 13:03:11
Версия с русификатором текста от Prometheus Project v1.0.2 (от 27.10.2016). Автор репака: FXP. (v1.2 ENG + v1.0 RU)

Скачать .torrent файл (прямая ссылка): goetia_v10_rus_1.torrent
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Комментарии игроков (1 шт.)

От: VampireI [0|6] | Дата 2016-10-30 10:46:40

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