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Скачать игру Lost For Swords v1.33 - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

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Игру добавил Kusko [2475|32] | 2024-05-10 (обновлено) | Текстовые, Roguelike (1535) | Просмотров: 5432

Lost For Swords v1.33

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от MaxBytes (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Текстовые, Roguelike (1535); Спорт, настольные, карты (919)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 42.80 Мб.

Lost For Swords - пошаговая карточная игра в стиле roguelike с уникальным поворотом! Управляйте своим героем, нажимая на карты, чтобы экипировать оружие и доспехи, собирать добычу и сражаться с монстрами подземелья. Но будьте осторожны! Каждый предмет снаряжения, который вы подбираете, вы можете использовать только один раз! Планируйте заранее, как вы потратите свои ресурсы. Достаточно ли сильны ваши карты? Сможете ли вы добраться до следующего этажа подземелья?

Игра обновлена до v1.33. Список изменений внутри новости.

Вы можете скрыть всю рекламу на сайте. Как?

Ваши карты снаряжения и карты подземелья перемешиваются вместе и выкладываются на доску, каждый раз создавая уникальное испытание!

Между этажами подземелья вы можете улучшать свое снаряжение, чтобы собрать самую сильную колоду. Сможете ли вы найти синергию между картами?

Here are the details:
• between rooms, you’re given the option to pick the next room layout to go to, with differing amounts of monsters and loot
• Rogue rework: updated mechanics (push), new mechanics (stealth), new and updated cards. See below for details
• push rework: pushed cards continue to push the cards they bump into
• boss rework: reduce the size of the initial monster deck, but boss adds new monsters to the deck after each phase
• teleport rework: teleportation is now an explicit counter on hero that determines how often hero can still teleport to empy spots on the board
• additional difficulty (+5): increased vendor prices
• reduced boss difficulty: decreased boss attack and monster amount
• disallow upgrading of some starter deck cards: Rusty Sword, Broken Shield, Leather Cap
• Healer shows up in some mezzanine rooms, offering healing in exchange for emeralds
• switched effects of Poison The Well and Everlasting Poison
• reworked Bagoas Belt: adds potions of poison to deck now
• reworked Shield Slam
• reworked Pocket Wormhole
• reworked Shadow Presence
• removed Reactive Armor
• removed Defensive Dagger
• buffed Poison Cloud
• nerfed scaling of Lance
• nerfed scaling of Mjölnir
• increased healing of Large HP Potion from 6 to 9
• when attacking with regular speed weapon, and target dies before attack hits, the attack is now cancelled
• preview of card that will be drawn when hovering over replaceable cards
• improved rendering of equipped trinkets: more space, unobstructed trinket counters
• show indicator for teleportable locations
• map shows highest unlocked difficulty for each tower
• improved visuals when hero takes damage beyond defense: armor is hit first, then HP
• fix: moving off pressed card on board after click/tap does not trigger a selection

New Cards:
• Concealed Rapier
• Stealth Dagger
• Cap Of Healing
• Plague Doctor Cape
• Stealth Cloak
• Tripwires
• Tear Of Nyx
• Ninjutsu Pendant
• Stealth Potion
• I-Barrel
• Push Wall
• Secret Tunnel

Lost For Swords is a turn-based roguelike card game with a unique twist!

Guide your hero by clicking on cards to equip weapons and armor, collect loot and fight the monsters of the dungeon.

But watch out! Every piece of equipment you pick up, you can only use once! Plan ahead how you spend your resources. Are your cards strong enough? Can you make it to the next dungeon floor?

Your equipment cards and the cards of the dungeon are shuffled together and placed on the board, creating a unique challenge every time!

Between dungeon floors, you can upgrade your equipment to build the strongest deck possible. Can you find synergies between the cards?

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Комментарии игроков (0 шт.)

От: gay_developer [2|9] | Дата 2021-08-14 00:14:00
