Описание игры, торрент, скриншоты, видео
Скачать игру MMO Simulator Online v1.81d - торрент, игра на стадии разработки | Рейтинга пока нет |
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Dippyy (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Аркады (3045); Сетевые / ХотСит (2300); Ролевые игры (RPG) (3395)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 36.40 Мб.
MMO Simulator - игра, которая стремится передать весь колорит MMO, при этом сводя игровые системы к их абсолютным основам.
Игра обновлена до v1.81d. Список изменений внутри новости.
Вы можете скрыть всю рекламу на сайте. Как?
• Зарабатывайте все более редкие и мощные предметы!
• Праздничные события!
• Гринд!
• Онлайн-таблица лидеров!
• Оффлайн-прогрессия!
• Квесты!
• Мини-игры!
• Непрекращающийся гринд!
• Боссы с гарантированной наградой и редкими трофеями!
• Найдите редких питомцев с уникальными эффектами!
• Зарабатывайте ресурсы, чтобы улучшить свой город!
• Зарабатывайте все более редкие инструменты, чтобы ускорить сбор ресурсов!
• Редкие лошади с уникальными эффектами!
• Ещё больше гринда!
Для игры в MMO Simulator требуется подключение к интернету.
Если вы уже играли в MMO Simulator до этого обновления, то при открытии игры вы найдете инструкции по переносу существующих сохранений.
Хотя эта версия игры считается релизом "1.0", разработчик продолжит обновлять игру, и вот короткий список того, что вскоре появится:
• Глобальные боссы
• PVP-бои питомцев
• Больше квестов
Дискорд сервер игры.
Version 1.8 comin' in a little early in preparation for some housekeeping!
Version 1.8 is dropping today (5 hours from the posting of this devlog), this breaks the usual update window by a few days, (early update, yay!).
The main reason for this, is that some essential server maintenance will be happening during the normal update time, so I'm dropping this update early so I can focus on the server work on the weekend.
MMO Simulator will be going offline at 6:00am on Saturday October 5th UTC time.
I expect the servers to be down for roughly 2 hours.
Patchnotes below
Major Feature Updates:
• The game now remembers your last location! Now, when you log into MMO Simulator, you'll automatically be placed into the location that you were in when you last logged out. Your offline loot will correspond to this location, which means that if you log out in a Dungeon, you can earn Dungeon Gear while offline. (provided you have enough Dungeon Keys)
Minor Feature Updates:
• The Steed Menu has seen an overhaul, I'd love to know what you think of it
• Added Multi-log protection. This should prevent players from accidentally overriding their saves by leaving the app open on their phone for an extended period while also playing on another device
• The Loot Log will now continue auto-scrolling even while expanded. Manually scrolling while in this mode will now pause the auto-scroll until the Loot Log is closed again.
• The info button in the map window now flashes when changes tabs to indicate that it now conveys different information.
• Last week's secret collectible now triggers a notification
• Tweaked the time-out for save requests, which should help if the game gets stuck saving for any reason.
• Fixed a typo in the goblin bio
• If your town has no name, certain pet bios will no longer show a blank space where your town name should be
• A whole lot of backend work including anti-cheat, extra security for the server and for your save data
• Tweaked the Mythical Tool drop rates to be 1/340 for all areas that Mythical Tools can drop from (Void and upwards)
• Removed the maximum bet amount from Bones (This may get re-visited, consider this a trial run)
• Pedro has once again found another place to hide
Bug Fixes:
• Fixed a bug that caused ascending to not work if player has 100% completion
• Hopefully fixed a bug that caused the pet quick menu to not open (again)
• Fixed a bug that caused the Christmas Wheel to be active during Halloween
• Fixed a bug that caused certain Ascension gifts to not correctly unlock
Experience the thrills and clicks of a Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game without the needless fluff!
MMO Simulator is an idle/incremental game that aims to capture the grind of an MMO, while boiling the game systems down to their absolute barebones.
• Earn increasingly rare and powerful gear!
• PC or Android!
• Cloud-based and cross-platform!
• Holiday Events!
• Grind!
• Online leaderboards!
• Offline progression!
• Quests!
• Minigames!
• Keep grinding!
• Bosses with guaranteed rewards and rare trophies!
• Find rare pets with unique effects!
• Earn resources to upgrade your town!
• Earn increasingly rare tools to speed up resource gathering!
• Rare Steeds with unique effects!
• Grind some more!
MMO Simulator requires an internet connection play.
If you had previously played MMO Simulator before this update, you will find instructions to migrate your existing save when you open the game.
While this is considered a "1.0" release, I will continue to update the game, here's a sneak peek at what's coming down the pipeline:
• Global community bosses
• PVP pet battling
• More Quests
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