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Скачать игру MegaMan Battle Network - Chrono X v5.0.1 - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

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Игру добавил Kusko [2487|32] | 2021-02-02 (обновлено) | Ролевые игры (RPG) (3352) | Просмотров: 4725

MegaMan Battle Network - Chrono X v5.0.1

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от MegaDudes Team (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Ретро-игры (DOS, Win 9x) (641); Ролевые игры (RPG) (3352)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 37.70 Мб.
• Похожие игры:
- Megaman Zero 1-4
- Megaman: Powered Up REMIX
- MegaMan Unlimited v1.3.0 / MegaMan Unlimited v1.2.1 Speed Runner Version
- Prototype 13 v2.0

MegaMan Battle Network - Chrono X - ролевая игра в мире Мега Мена! Лан и друзья считают, что они сейчас живут в идеальном месте, тихом и спокойном. Но в глубоко внутри, Лан хочет пережить ещё раз дни, когда он побеждал преступников и спасал жизни... Скоро его тайная мечта станет явью.

Игра обновлена до v5.0.1. Список изменений внутри новости.

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Много лет назад, зверем была развязана война по сети. Этого зверя, в конечном счете, победили не кто иные, как дуэт Lan и Megaman.

Таинственный группа под названием "Red Infinity" хочет воскресить зверя. Его члены собираются части "Z" по всему миру. В это время изкомпьютеров Sci лаборатории похищают старый документ... Что может быть в этом старом файле, который захотели заполучить "Red Infinity"? Что части "Z" должны сделать со зверем? Что это навигация украсть Megaman, нанося вред его на месте битвы? Что всё это значит?

В следующей версии разработчики планируют добавить мультиплеер.

Hey, guys! Winds here providing you with a status update on Demo 5. So, as you can gather from our previous website updates, and from the screenshots posted to our social media accounts, we have been taking the time to fix up nearly everything in the game. From fixing the first dungeon, to making sure there are lots of new BattleChips to find, to putting in a hidden boss (wink, wink), we’re trying to make sure that Demo 5 is the strongest piece of content we’ve released thus far. We’ve been fixing and fine tuning many aspects of the game…

And one of them is the music. Now, while the team was generally happy with Demo 4’s tracks, we did notice that not everyone (or at least a really high percentage of our users) shared our opinion. And it did hurt the enjoyment of some of our fans. So, we decided to take it upon ourselves to redo the music with a new style of sound, in the hopes it’ll be received better. Up until a few months ago, we didn’t forsee this getting in the way of Demo 5’s release, so we wanted to keep it as a surprise, but as it turns out, our beloved team member and musician <u><b>Soulred12</b></u>, got his law career started. Yes, he was training to be a lawyer for quite a few years and we’re pleased to see it paying off for him.

However, working in the law field isn’t a simple 9-5 job. A typical work day may exceed even 12 hours, and that means SoulRed12 would have no time left over to work with us. As such, we decided to just let him manage the website and participate in events. Naturally, we had to seek out another musician, and so I present our new musician… MaxieDaMan.

Naturally switching to a new musician presents a new musical style. This unfortunately means that Demo 5 needs to have <em>all</em> of it’s tracks redone. However, as you all are aware the holiday season is upon us now and we have agreed for him to have off for the holidays, as it is a time to spend with your family. This being said, music and bug testing are the two major things keeping us back at this point.

It's been a year since the Cybeasts threatened the peace of the world. Lan and his friends think life can't be better living in a quiet, peaceful net society. Deep inside, Lan wants to relive the days of defeating net criminals, and saving lives... Soon he will get his wish, because a dark secret is about to threaten the planet.

Many years ago, a beast was unleashed upon the Net. This beast was eventually defeated by none other than the duo of Lan and MegaMan.

A mysterious group named "Red Infinity" wants to resurrect the beast. Its members are gathering "Z Parts" from around the world. While Lan is at Sci Lab one day, a mysterious navi attacks and steals an old document from Sci Lab's computers... What could be in this old file that Red Infinity would want? What do the "Z Parts" have to do with the beast? What did this navi steal from MegaMan, crippling him at the scene of the battle? Stay tuned for more updates from MegaMan Battle Network - Chrono X to find out!

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Комментарии игроков (1 шт.)

От: Fransuelo [2|5] | Дата 2016-02-03 13:24:21

тупая мегамэн вообще не нравится создатели наверно не подумали а будет ли эта игра мегамэном сделаю ли какуюто ******

Fransuelo очень долго думал и добавил:

и я ваще не понял как зайти в бой